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Messages - Alix

I forgot to add - you don't have to do anything to make me love you.  I always did.  And I always will.

My best,
Clandestino wrote:
According to Bob Monroe in "far journeys", Love is a energy form. It is a crop that is harvested regularly by our creator, who refines the energy and uses it for some purpose

Yes, I read that.  But did you also continue to read about those advanced souls who were enthusiastically and wholeheartedly working towards the development of this energy?  Monroe may have received the information through his own psychological filter as a milking of the cow, but it may also have represented the active participation and consent of the "cow".  Who do you know ever complains about things that move them to feel love, either received or given?  Real love is most certainly an energy and always has positive effects.

Bomohwk1 wrote:
I am 100% sure that love is a feeling. Love is an energy? I will bet the entire universe that it is not the true essence of love.......The Great intellect FEELs lonely and imagine companies of others. IT imagines the highest feeling from the companies which is LOVE. The whole universe is created (including the 'energy') from the mind of the great intellect/god.

Feelings/emotions are energy.  In physics, a force that produces an action is an energy.  If your feeling results in some form of action, it must have been an energy form that produced it  The Great intellect you mentioned cannot feel lonely because everything is contained within it.  There is nothing existing outside of it.  It REALLY is all!.  That is hard for us to encompass because we are isolated entities.  We cannot give anything to the Great intillect, it already has it.  The only thing we have is free will.  We can choose to oppose our natural state of being, or we can strive to reunite with it.  The only thing we are capable of giving to the Great intellect is love.  Which, of course, we already had in the first place.  And, of course, is what we are all working towards regaining.  We just got disconnected with our unity.  Loving God is loving yourself.  It is loving all creation.  Creation is ourselves and God in all its wonderful, infinite diversity.  

Bomohwk1 wrote:
Love yourself and you will be loved.
This saying say that if u REALLY know yourself and appreciate your existence in this universe, then, you understand who u are and u come to know GOD and love GOD and you LOVE everyone as the magnificient creation of GOD. This stems of loving yourself. (which effectively means love God and its creation). And this is completely different from unconditional love which shows the lack of knowledge of self.

Yes, yes and yes.  Except the last part.  "Unconditional love shows the lack of knowledge of self"?  I think that one must first have a very deep knowledge of self, then unconditional love flows naturally afterwards.  If you know your own workings very well, you will have the understanding and compassion to realize how others behave.  How can you judge someone when you know perfectly well that you have made so many mistakes yourself?  Wouldn't you wish to have some "being" that knew you so well, they could follow your life path and understand how you got to where you are now?  Wouldn't you want them to understand and acknowledge that, deep down, you are a good person who is just struggling along and trying to do the best you can?  Is it possible for you to look at another person in the same way, even if you haven't been able to follow his life path?  Just give him the benefit of the doubt.  There but for the grace of God go I.  I love you and there is nothing that you can possibly do that will change my opinion about you (but please try to get your act together, for your own sake....)

Hello again Bomohwk1,
(I do love the way you inspire such introspective discussions on this board!)
I always wonder why people use the phrase..unconditional love. For example, parents love their off-springs unconditionally? For love to exist, the parents have to ACCEPT that XXX are their off-springs.Here you see there is a CONDOTION. Then again, we should LOVE everyone unconditionally. Again, you have to ACCEPT that the persons are the creation of god and there are divine sparks in everyone. See, another condition. The phase 'unconditional love' really contradicts itself. Just like the phrase 'holy war' where people are killed.
It is just my humble opnion.

I am a parent and my children often drive me up the wall. I have mentioned here and I have told my children before in their tearful apologies that there is nothing that they could possibly do that would stop me from loving them.  Yes, they are my offspring, but one child is easier to love than the other.  It would not make any difference even if they were adopted.  It took some working at, but I learned to love others in the same way.  I do ACCEPT all children as my children and all people I meet as my brothers.  This is not easy to do.  You really have to work hard, but it becomes a habit after a while.  You just have to look beyond their actions and look at their motivations and particular circumstances.  We really are all in this together.   Divine sparks apart, people really do respond when you take an interest in them and take the time to find out who they really are.  

Best regards,

Hello neg removal5,

I think that lifestyle change is an important "part" of the neg removal process.  If you are doing things in your life that attract negs, even if you successfully remove them by some method, they will be attracted to you again if you don't remove the conditions that attracted them to you in the first place.  I think the whole neg thing is quite complicated.  There are many reasons why people have them attached.  It can be because you have negative thoughts of a certain kind which attract those particular entities.  It can be because your life is devoted to informing others about their existance which causes them to try to thwart your efforts because their very existance is threatened.  It can be because of karmic reactions to a previous life.  There are so many possible causes that it becomes too difficult and often counter productive to try to find out the why of it all.  

However, there is always the great strength of personal empowerment when you manage to do some kind of deep personal introspection to discover any possible link inside your psyke that may allow these negs to attach.  If you can dig deep and root out anything inside yourself that could possibly be an attraction, I think that this would severely restrict the power the neg would have over you.  

This is probably the lifestyle change that Julia was talking about.  Don't allow yourself to think, feel or do things that will attract something you are actually trying to get rid of.

I think it is a very emotional kind of response people have when they talk about any kind of victimization.  Something bad is happening to me and that somebody else is responsible.  This is a very disempowering response.  Yes, it is bad, but I can be responsible (respond) in a positive way that will turn this thing around.  Whether it results in forcing me to re-examining my life, pulling me out of my apathy, pushing me into fighting for something worthwhile, or even just having empathy and understanding for others that are going through the same thing.  Whatever kind of response a neg attack gets, it is always a shakeup.  

I only wish that the answers would come a little easier.  Most people are left wondering where the hell they should go, what they should do and what they should try.  I think an internal examination is as good a start as any.  After that, you know where you're coming from and can go on from there.

All the best,
This link will take you to a website that deals with spiritual and physical healing.  There is much information there about different methods of healing available.  There is also a self-help section.  After you browse the site, you may also buy books on healing if you choose.  Choa-Kok-Sui comes highly recommended by healers themselves.  Please give it a try.

All the best,