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Messages - Windwalker.

To increase the frequency of your vibrations I suggest you do this every time you go to bed but especially upon each awakening from sleep. The key is "hovering" at the sleep/wake line. Again, especially upon waking from sleep through out the night. You can do this every night without binaural beats. Use beats when you have the time but practice every night even without beats. Good luck!
Did you try to move around?
Whoa! U surely put much work into that and I will check it out. I am curious if you have ever encountered any black robed/hooded beings in the ob and/or physical state? Thanks!
I have very similar experiences without using Monroes recordings or focuses. Very similar. When you have those snippet dreams and then snap back- yes it is when you are close to sleep. I like your idea of constructing a homemade tape. What i dont like about Monroes hemisync is that they only last for 30 minutes and then Monroe tells you to "wake up." I dont wanna wake up! I wanna project!  I wish I had a recording for like 2 hours of only Monroes hemisync with his guided meditation without him telling you to wake up. Anyway-what I would suggest is that you use your homemade tape during a wake back to bed method. Get up around 4am or wake up naturally after a dream. Then splash water on your face and read a book about projecting for about half an hour. Then go to your lazy boy or comfortable chair and play your homemade tape. You are getting close to that sleep/wake line but then snapping back prematurely. If you do the wbtb method you will induce the state much quicker with your homemade tape. If you are getting visuals during the day from a wide awake state you will get them much easier after your brain has been in REM. I have been wanting to do this myself because I believe the wbtb would be great for me if modified slightly. The problem is once I awake after a dream I am to lazy to see it through! Also-I wouldn't concern yourself so much with what focus you are or are not in. Projecting can get cluttered up by adding unnecessary labels because in truth it is you simply "hovering" at the "sleep/wake" line but remaining conscious and fully aware as you do so. That of course is your choice. You are "right there." Good luck.
I loved the explorer tapes. Especially Rosie McKnight! I would be interested although I cant have obes on demand. I have them....,,simply not on demand as you imply. I think your idea could be great with some tweeking. It would be difficult to get in that theta brainwave state on demand without at least meditation. I will be interested to see how this developes. Also.....what is "EIC?" Thanks!
Quote from: Volgerle on August 20, 2019, 15:11:30
This statement seems a little contradictory since you then actually state what you deny before. It's a little confusing. Please clarify, thank you.

Yes of course this very 'subjective experience' you mention is called F2 and you 'modify' or even 'create' it entirely by your beliefs or 'thoughts', mostly subconsciously if you are not lucid / in dreamstate. That is what we call F2 according to Kepple.

The question of the OP also was with regard to Kepple's descriptions of F2/dreamscapes and while he does not use the word 'thought-responsive' he at least says it is constructed by your beliefs, I think he also means mostly subconscious beliefs and creations since we are in the 'dreamworld' then.

Do you call the 'dreamworld' (F2) now not 'the non-physical' anymore? Because that is what you stated before iirc. It surprises me a little. I thought you meant the nonphysical includes thoughts and dreams (to which I would agree).

Other experiencers and authors (probably Leland and Ziewe) used the word 'thought responsive' indeed for these 'dreamy' areas, if I remember correctly. I find it quite adequate and not wrong.

Yes you are right that many or even most realities (F3) do not show this 'malleable'-trait and you cannot change anything there because the scapes and environments there are based on 'collective thought', this is true. But this was said here already and also by Kepple.

However, in some F3 areas you can create/modify individually and consciously - in some cases. Many projectors report these cases. If you create something "in the astral" (F2 or F3) or are "shapeshifting" this is also 'thought responsiveness' imv (works to some degree also in F3 areas). It does not matter if you consciously or subconsciously create because both kinds of thoughts are meant.

So in dreams (F2) you could also create subconsciously the persons, deceased or living ones. This what was this thread is about. I see 'dead' people and living ones from my current life quite often in dreams. It is also possible that you are 'visited' or have a telepathic connection and this is represented. Oftentimes deceased people appear with meaningful and even verifyable informative messages, so this would be another possibilty I would not rule out per se, although the act of self-creation for some (emotional) purpose seems more likely to me in dreams (F2).

For convenience I copy Kepple's F2 description entirely below.

I am with you Volgerie 100% on this one. Great explanation!
Wow. You are right there. You seem to experience vibrations a lot which is a great sign. My only advice is the next time you feel vibrations then IMMEDIATELY and fearlessly RELAX! So engrain those two things in your mind. Relax without fear and the only thought should be your exit technique. After a few vibrations where you fearlessly relax it becomes easier and easier and your only focus should be "getting out" with whatever technique works for you. I would advise that you simply "stand up" the next time you fearlessly experience vibes. Good luck! You are in for quite the adventure.
I agree with Xanth. How can we know for sure if something is 100% objective? Comprehending subjectivity vs. objectivity involves much speculation so how can one be certain of anything? Anyway.....I have interacted with a deceased friend in an obe and the the only aspect that made me question his "reality" is that he didnt look like he did in the physical along with  a few questions I asked him. He actually thought I was dead and had no idea I was oob.  If he were "only a projection of mind" then why didnt he resemble what my memories are of him? Wouldnt my mind projection correlate with my memories? Who knows man.
Did you eventually fall back to sleep after the multiple phases? You should maybe consider writing down your experience after you awaken from it. I have my ipad on my nightstand to record each occasion and/or anomaly. Also-I have laid in bed in that "theta zone" where you go in and out from an obe and then back into the energy sensations of the theta zone. Memory is very difficult, sans the last obe you had. You can kiss goodbye any memory of the first or second obe in these situations except maybe snippets. Good luck!
No offense taken bro but I made it clear in previous posts that yes the tape worked immediately-first night-for me. I am just not entirely sure if that can be attributed to the tape or not because I have also listened for a couple days with zero results. The first day I listened I had obes that night. But maybe I would have any ways or maybe it was just my “hopes” and thoughts of the tape working that inspired the obes. The only sure fire technique that inspires frequency of events is focusing on the sleep wake line.....for me. Yet I will revisit the tape and see what happens. I had a mind blowing experience last night. A very long one with a false awakening. I am astonished how great some peoples memory are after their obe because mine isnt near as great as theirs. I find that I am always excited and end up running around and delving into maybe to many things. I need to focus on 1 intent at a time. Anyway....thanks again for the heads up. When I can give it time I will surely let you know if the tape works same day again. I will wait until I am in a dry spell. On that note, how is it working for you? Have you tried comparing using the tape vs. not using the tape lately? What does your evidence show?
I havent listen to the tape in awhile but thanks for reminding me. I have found that certain techniques burn out after awhile so it is best to revisit them later. My every nite technique continues to be simply focusing on the sleep/wake line at each awakening during the night and as I fall asleep. I will go 2-3 weeks tops with zero activity and then have 1-2 weeks of almost nightly activity. It changes. Two years ago it was like clockwork. 3-4 events per week. Then it petered out. The longest I have gone with zero activity has been like 23 days. Then I think "excrement.....its gone".......then boom Ill have like 4 events in a row. I did a simple technique: As I doze off to sleep: "100.....I now experience vibrations that segue to an obe...99.....repeat phrase.....98.....repeat phrase......97.....etc. That worked for five nites in a row and then it petered out to nothing so I stopped the technique. Maybe it was just coincidence? Maybe I would have had five events anyway without the phrase? Regardless.....I continue to have obes by switching up techniques but mostly by focusing on the sleep/wake line. Latr!
Quote from: Lumaza on July 04, 2019, 23:03:39
Luffy, for some reason, you seem to be neglecting your "Internal Clock". Perhaps that's what is being taught to right now. You can't rely on "tech" itself to project.

Common sense would tell me that if I wanted to awaken during the night, I would do something to interrupt my sleep pattern. That something is as easy as drinking a good amount of water or eating a heavy snack before you go to bed. That will fill your bladder or in case of the snack, force your digestive system into action. A full bladder with force you to awaken long enough to empty it, which in turn gives you a chance to AP. Your body will already be well relaxed at that point, so will your mind. You can then implement any of the AP techniques that you wish to use. There are a number of them to be found here in this Sub Forum. Just pick the one you feel comfortable with and have at it.

I don't awaken to a alarm clock at all anymore. I program my mind with intent before I go to sleep. Many times I will awaken a few minutes before my chosen time. At first, I used a alarm clock as a back up though. But like with anything else with this practice and other goal in "life" itself in general, you can learn to achieve it. Practice, Patience and Perseverance are the keys to success with any goal you wish to achieve.

Instead of drinking a bunch of water so as to awaken him at night to pee, how about Luffy maybe taking a shitload of exLax before bed? Thoughts?
Quote from: luffy28 on July 01, 2019, 16:35:51
I'm practicing the practical quest on obe4u's sister site called project Elijah. I wanted to know I tried to set the practical alarm from my phone and it didn't awaken me at all. I'm trying to play two alarms at once with the 2nd alarm being 20 minutes ahead of the first one. These are the notes I made. Is the timing right? The points for the first alarm (like 1:00 meaning one hour) are the cue points in the practical alarm that are supposed to awaken the user. Any help / advice?








practical alarm 2 times

example 1:07

set the 2nd alarm at 20 mins each one beyond regular alarm / regular alarm starts a 1:07 - 21:07







You said the alarm "didnt wake me up." All you need to do is turn up the volume a little bit so it does wake you up. And remember: you dont want the alarm to blow you out of bed because it is so loud. You want the alarm to gently rouse you to waking consciousness. Just enough to know you are awake. If you awake to much you have missed your window.
I wasnt aware there was terminology for sleep patterns and I had a similar idea. I plan to purchase a home "float tank" in the future and I plan on doing different, shorter sleep pattern tests inside the float tank. I was thinking of doing like 3-4 hour long naps inside the float tank to see how that would affect obe activity etc. Otherwise.....I would use the tank for every day meditation purposes. Thanks!
I would love to see the notes you took when you accessed the records Luff! Could ya post them please?
What happens when you dont take your clozaril? Ive had friends thru the years who were on those type psyche meds. They can definitely interfere with your practice!
I believe your Mom has been set free of the disease which her brain caused her to suffer given her consciousness is no longer encumbered by a physical brain. I am curious if she was on a benzodiazepine like valium xanax or klonopin etc? Drs. prescribe these like candy to the elderly and the side effects are the same your mom suffered.
Quote from: luffy28 on May 06, 2019, 20:30:54
I think Raduga officially has a timer like yours.

This is it

It has silence. I don't know if it's an alarm with noise. Someone else online said it was a ramp timer (which I only know a little about what it is i'd be nice if someone could tell me exactly what a ramp timer is).


Forget all about the name "ramp timer" luffy. It is only an alarm to wake you up. Have you ever set an alarm to wake up early in the morning to go to work or whatever? It is the same thing. It is an alarm to wake you up. But the key is you don't want to actually fully wake up. You don't want the alarm to wake you up so you are wide awake. You only want the alarm to awaken you a little bit. Have you ever woke up in the morning and you still feel sleepy and groggy when you first wake up? That grogginess is what you want to focus on. You want to become even MORE groggy BUT remain awake instead of falling back to sleep. So you want an alarm to only slightly wake you up so you are not fully awake. And you want to set this alarm when you are actively in REM sleep so when you slightly wake up you are waking up from your dream state. Do you understand this or not? What dont you understand?
I dont believe reality consists of reward and punishment nor good and evil. There is no duality. All is only good unless you or someone else creates otherwise. Yet the nature of reality is all good.
Ur at TMI right now EV? Does TMI purposefully keep you tired so you are constantly on the fringe of theta brainwaves? What classes did you take? I definitely wanna check it out some day.
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Re: If you were...
April 20, 2019, 17:38:08
Why does this species kill? Especially its own kind. I believe that would be foreign to many ets.
I created a 4.5 hr alarm that is having great results luff. Record silence for 90 minutes then add a quick "beep" or whatever alarm sound you want. Do that in three 90 minute intervals so it will equal a total of 4.5 hours. I did it in 90 minite intervals because that is when the brain cycles to REM. So each rem cycle you will have a brief alarm slightly jar you awake....hopefully into the obe state. Good luck!
Quote from: Xanth on January 15, 2018, 15:59:56
And while you wait for your answers... Love.  Just Love.  :)
The world can never have enough Love.

What is "love."
Quote from: ForrestDean on March 02, 2019, 02:06:10
Yep, definitely.  There's at least one other LD, AP, OBE forum that's still VERY active and has been for many years.

Which one(s) do you refer?