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Messages - Quiet_Storm

Hey guys.

I think you might wanna check this out:

It's a website on the Federal Vampire and Zombie Association functioning frmo 1869-1975. And maybe now also but they are covering it up? Interesting site though.
Well I think we've hit common ground. and I agree with you totally.
Well, I mostly agree with this part : "be good to yourself, the environment and other people, and don't infringe on anyone's right to life, liberty and property if they're not infringing on yours." except for the "be good to everything" just because one's 'good' may be another's 'bad' and it can get subjective.  But, if you always do what you think is right for you and know that you are responsible for it no higher being can fault you for that.

Then of course, my states of mind usually change and this is just IMO now until I consider another truth...
Hey Palehorse.

Look up moral relativism, you might like it.
I saw that. There was other reports of mysterious clouds over northeastern US a couple days ago as well.

As for Oazaki's plan not going exactly as predicted, well, that's just the way it has been going. 2004 still seems like the year, but he has failed in the other predictions. But again, the plan was tied to 2004, and so it is *supposed* to occur in 2004.

Here's something about the weather you were talking about Adam: Australia Faces Future Weather Blitz

Wonder what you can do eh? There is something called 'cloud busting' that I have successfully tried, and have been good at, for the small clouds I have busted. Go to and you can find some techniques on how to build a cloud buster as well as bust clouds with your own 2 eyes as I've done. And I'm sure some kind of 'prayer' of intention to the universe/nature/all that is as it works through you (it always does) can do something as well. ;)

and more news! :)

To The Conspiracy
Theory Born: clip "The purpose of the armed struggle is to establish a Jewish state in all the territory that will be captured, from the River Euphrates [in Iraq] to the Egyptian River [Nile]."

Secretary of State Powell Resigns

Bush Chooses Rice to Replace Powell

New U.S.-Mexico-Canada security plan
would virtually eliminate national borders

Quote'Tis much better to use what the system has to offer to your benefit. Take care of your biological needs without investing too much of yourself in it, and use your accumulated resources to oppose the system from within, while simultaneously building the future of your choice for yourself and others.

QuoteThe challenge then, is to find the thin line between accessibility and intellectual integrity without dumbing down the material so much that it puts us right back where we started.

That is great! Thanks for the inspiration, I was thinking along the same lines myself.

My aunt's family are like the flanders.. oh boy Im going to see them for thanksgiving!
Nice thread, I was thinking the same things. I know some like minded people on the internet from the internet. I just moved to this area, so I don't have much of a social background here BUT I know alot of people at a karate dojo in my area (one of them is my freind, and thinks like me) so I will building that up social ground/status, as hard as that may be as I'm not even in a public school anymore, just couped up in a house for school. When I get my car, and start meeting people spontaneously... I'll be 'grouping' myself into some kind of place, and status that I can use to cause an effect that reflects what I want to happen....

Now, the next step is.. getting that car, so I can even be deemed 'cool' and a job so I can be deemed 'a man' so that I even have a right and responsibility to take for what I know, and then onwards. Step by step though, but what can I do, time seperates.

and of course, I'll be planning, and thinking more as I do.
QuoteThat's some interesting stuff to think about too, though. In the past I almost started a thread listing all the stuff in my music collection that refers or is themed after a lot of the stuff we talk about here... there's quite a lot of it. Maybe I still will when I have time.

That's funny, I've noticed that too...


So that shows Kerry might be doing something.

I may not be posting as much as I used to because... well I get the feeling people are seeing this as "whining" when really, I've just been trying to honestly "wake people up" before this "transition" oazaki was talking about and all. I saw the faults (and otherwise) of that. And to tell the truth, I'm thinking of entering a more effective 'arena'. I'll be spending alot of time(w/e time may be needed) to build myself up to some kind of 'proper' financial situation like money, 'status', and getting resources needed (cuz right now I don't have any of that excrement, I'm just going to an online school right now (oh I know what fun I have placed myself on to!) or w/e to build some kind of small community, or social grouping, of the ideals I think should be set in place, reguardless of what Oazaki thinks, because right now, I just can't see Oazaki's stuff coming true without me doing something. I can't just sit back and wait for Oazaki. I am in the zhedhi order and I'm supposed to be some kind of a senator!? And even if I wasn't in the zhedhi order I still have a duty and purpose to stop what I don't think is right in my life, and work to remove whatever I don't want to be, because I am responsible for my own. If Oazaki's plan was not meant to work, then he would just be inspiration. I know alot, and I can't just let it stay inside me I have to take responsibility for what I know, just as I think everyone else should have done. SO until then if you don't see that much anymore, you'll know why. I'll be planning, and I'll be planning some more and taking action.

I will of course though, post when I feel like it, because I do beleive SOME are reading this, perhaps not like they used to though because so much time has gone and.. nothing.

but w/e, I may not have covered everything and "oh well" if not.
Hey Palehorse,

Thanks for the honest support, I couldn't have said it better myself.

Veccolo: I'd like to add also that he DID admit he was wrong fully on that last prediction about october, but he said he gave his best at it. He gave an honest reason too, which was that he had done the prediction a couple months ago and that it was based on the psychic energies permeateing the earth at that time. Things probably changed since then.

all the other predictions, well, you know the 'excuses' he gave but it's all in 2004.

Veccolo, I am quite glad you are still here, because I thought Oazaki shouldn't have messed with you for reasons that Palehorse described. But I'm suprised you haven't mentioned that I AM is resting, whether for cardiac arrest or the fight with Oazaki, or a little bit of both. TBH, I don't think still that is enough to prove Oazaki is who he says he is because of the openness of possibilties. I'm kind of in the middle right now of beleiving him and not, maybe with Palehorse. I'm also trying to know if Oazaki is who he is. No matter what tho, it has been all the time that both perspectives to me are right, for their own time and personal perspective...

BirdmanKalki: Interesting opinion on love. I think it's quite right. I'd like to quote something from an email oazaki sent me on love, which I asked him about because I wasn't sure how one could love something and yet still have other inclinations toward it.

"As for love, the thing to realise is that you can love something,
which basically means accept it unconditionally, AND ALSO have other
emotions / inclinations in relation to it.  such as for example the
belief that it must be destroyed or redefined or changed.  Best way to
get this one is to think of a parent who does truly love her child but
nevertheless still scolds it for walking on the cliff edge.  You see,
you do have to love and accept all unconditionally as part of the
mystical path.  But that does mean that you are blind to the faults
and errors of that which you love and accept.  You recognise them and,
if necessary, work to remove them."

That pretty much sums that up.
w/e jenadots. I'm not here to change your opinion. TO each his/her own opinion, enjoy it.

You dont like what I post ok then, that is fine, but I'm just letting people think w/e they want. I post the evidence, and the news and I let them choose for themselves.  You don't want to see the evidence, ok, I can't make you, what the hell?

and in no way did I say I was fearful of all this.

also, what if statements or ideas do not mean that is what I beleive will inviolably happen jena...

I just state what I feel, jot down some ideas.
LOS ANGELES, November 9, 2004 - At 7:50 PM two armored tanks showed up at an anti-war protest in front of the federal building in Westwood. The tanks circled the block twice, the second time parking themselves in the street and directly in front of the area where most of the protesters were gathered. Enraged, some of the people attempted to block the tanks, but police quickly cleared the street. The people continued to protest the presence of the tanks, but about ten minutes the tanks drove off. It is unclear as to why the tanks were deployed to this location. Uploaded here is video from the event.
I didn't say Americans were being turned into nazi's. I think though that this situation is very similar to what went on then in germany, in the 1930's and as explained in that artile. Even though and I still do sometimes, I don't like what Bush does. I don't think, he views his life as all that bad, and that he has fun, and his life is no less than an adventure/quest to seek w/e he desires. The re-election does have it's purpose and it should be recognized for what it is and hey I think some can learn more about themselves through their reactions towards his presidency.  But that is of course for the time being. The president stole the election, and that's that. Votes are supposed to count right? It's part of democracy. 49% of America might still not like the presidency.

Bush is Bush, I accept what is going on, on one end, and no the other I have other inclinations toward him, because I think, I can catch certain glimpses of understanding toward his situation, to get a 3rd eye view of it. Some like greed and lust, and I guess I can understand that, I've been there before. But that doesn't mean I can't have my own emotions toward the things which I think I could have been done better for the purpose of whatever I want to do, especially if for justice, and if in another system of government. The democracy, and the set of martial laws that were dictated that were dictated to be implemented by the presidents after him in case of 'major' emergency or anarchy or w/e are kind of opressing and limiting, but I do accept it for it's purpose. It may just be that an 'all volunteer army' really means that, and anything like UN 'peacecorps' troops or other allied armies can join for the purpose of fulfilling one of 'gods' will. Being taken to a prisoner camp is avoidable even when in case of where martial law has been in place. I'd probably just have to keep cool, and do the right thing, and that's just probably stay in the house so that I don't get shot because I was taken as a terrorist or perhaps I CAN get out, but I'd just have to get out of their way and not get all crazy with them and convict them for something which may or may not be true, or somthing else which they may not like and provoke them to do something to me which I don't like. There might be that chance, that some of the security, could do w/e they want, like in the Abu Gharaib prison, but I think that all has to do with being at the right place at the right time, because not all will be that way I think.

I had a dream the other nite, of a bunch of elites getting into a gun fight and killing each other, and the cops in the area watching knew what was going on, and just let it happen. The cops didn't do anything to me, they cared for the citizens, and if anything, they saw the good in w/e that was occuring, perhaps they didn't like Bush either. And I also didn't do anything stupid.

SO I think that all has to do with just how one handles that kind of fascism. Not to flip out and stuff or be too resistant because if anything god punishes when one steps out of line, for whatever that line may be defined by that moment's nature may be. That of course does certainly not mean that one can't defend what they are, what they stand for, and their lives if and when in danger. That's all in nature's purpose. And I think you should already know that....

I of course, could be wrong as hell tho...  :shock:

edit: thought you could be interested, this article is related: What´s Up on Planet Earth? Part II: The Election

This is interesting:Law to introduce GOD above the US Supreme Court
The "Constitution Restoration Act of 2004"

...the [Bushies] in Washington are pushing a law through Congress that would "acknowledge God as the sovereign source of law, liberty [and] government" in the United States. What´s more, it would forbid all legal challenges to government officials who use the power of the state to enforce their own view of "God´s sovereign authority." Any judge who dared even hear such a challenge could be removed from office.
The "Constitution Restoration Act of 2004" is no joke; it was introduced last month by some of the Bush Regime´s most powerful Congressional sycophants. If enacted, it will effectively transform the American republic into a theocracy, where the arbitrary dictates of a "higher power" -- as interpreted by a judge, policeman, bureaucrat or president -- can override the rule of law.

trying to reach the 4rth page?
Evidence Mounts That The Vote Was Hacked
by Thom Hartmann

America 2004 is Germany 1930
Yea alex grey is a cool.
OUTRAGE IN OHIO -- Angry residents storm State House


Hey Cacodemon,

I just got the tool album called Lateralus. Wouldn't ya know there is a track on here called Faaip De Oiad that has a clip of a guy exposing area 51, the same exact interview from Coast to Coast some years ago, that I even mentioned in the Year 2004 prediction, and made a connection with the NSA and their depopulation tactics....

Tool rox!! :twisted:
Thanks for pointing that out Cacodemon. I haven't heard from Oazaki, by email or w/e for some time, but I think as Cacodemon said, things are not going exactly as Oazaki predicted, though still I think his works are all set to happen in this year as that was the 'plan'.

Things have progressed up to this point, as you may be aware, in it's own time and there is more if one might want to take note of, like the links I gather and more. Here are some new ones to name some:

Evidence OBL DIED IN December of 2001!

Read this and you will never believe mainstream "News" again

Kerry Won(!)(?)

Citizen Grand Jury Indicts Feds over Sept. 11 Attacks

Terrorists In The Voting Booths

Poll Worker Photographed In Election Fraud

Bush & Kerry - a scripted and staged drama - completely phony, both worked together

The Skull & Bones Brothers Tag Team

Fixed - The Stealing Of Another Election

Voting Without Auditing - Are We Insane?

Rockefellers choose US Presidents...since 1876.

There were/are people protesting the fraudulous election also:

Portlanders protest Bush victory

Local Protests Make News, Disrupt Traffic

Protests breaks out in VT

Now watch the world ´vote´ against you

Are You Pleased With The Outcome Of The Presidential Election?


And here are 2 articles which I fully read but I thought might be of interest to at least one reading this:



That all pretty much covers a lot! So enjoy, while you can...

Global monitors find faults: FL Voting Procedures Fall Short

An Election Spoiled Rotten

Kerry Almost Doubles Bush´s Recount Funds

Electronic voting machines malfunctioning in every state they are in use

Electronic Voting Machine Woes Reported: Disproportionate number of Democrats reporting problems

Indymedia Election Coverage: Voter Machine Hacking?

"It All Comes Down to Ohio, That State That the Head of Diebold Promised to Deliver for Bush"

ACLU Sues Over Late Absentee Ballots


November 02, 2004

"If a government cannot prove the honesty and accuracy of the election
by which they claim authority, the people are neither morally nor legally obligated to obey that government´s dictates or to pay its bills."

***** Bush Challenges Voting Law *****

Welcome to the Fourth Reich...

discussion, with more links:
Here´s the tail-end of a larger article written by John Dean, former White House counsel.

The Coming Post-Election Chaos:
A Storm Warning of Things to Come If the Vote Is as Close as Expected

The Nightmare Scenario: An Election Up in the Air For Months

It may be days or weeks, if not months, before we know the final results of this presidential election. And given the Republican control of the government, if Karl Rove is on the losing side, it could be years: He will take every issue (if he is losing) to its ultimate appeal in every state he can.

The cost of such litigation will be great - with the capital of citizens´ trust in their government, and its election processes, sinking along with the nation´s (if not the world´s) financial markets, which loathe uncertainty. After Bush v. Gore, is there any doubt how the high Court would resolve another round? This time, though, the Court, too, will pay more dearly. With persuasive power as its only source of authority, the Court´s power will diminish as the American people´s cynicism skyrockets.

It does not seem to trouble either Rove or Bush that they are moving us toward a Twenty-first Century civil war -- and that, once again, Southern conservatism is at its core. Only a miracle, it strikes me, can prevent this election from descending into post-election chaos. But given the alternatives, a miracle is what I am hoping for.

The Coming Scalar Terrorism
Frightening New Tom Bearden Document

1Annunaki: The Movie

A long article, expressing the authors views of what's going on:

Evil Seed: Bush and Kerry are Related to Dracula (Vlad the Impaler)