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Messages - JustLikeThePill

Pains and itches? Maybe you should see a doctor lol.

All of this stuff is so weird to me, and it seems like there are really no rules, so it's possible that the two of us are exiting our physical bodies and shifting into astral bodies without any sensation of doing so. For me, it feels like I'm going inward rather than outward. If I was "projecting", it feels like i'm "projecting" into an "inner space" instead of outside my physical body. I have a hard time calling what's happening to me "projecting" because to me that means exiting... but maybe I'm exiting inwards? I don't know.

It's all very exciting :) I really feel like prozac held me back.... I'd REALLY like some input on the whole prozac/wellbutrin thing, and how Wellbutrin affects REM. More or less, this started when I quit prozac and started Wellbutrin. It may have happened a little bit before, I am TERRIBLE with time. To me, something that happened four years ago feels like it happened siz months ago. Something that happened a week ago feels like it happened three months ago. I'm worse with time than I am directions hehe.
Nope, I feel like I'm in the same body, just without the physical limits of how far it can contort and stretch. My body feels different (Best I can explain it is I feel drugged, sorry lol), but I never have any sensation of leaving it. Except like that one time I mentioned.
And last night There was flashing red and white alternating light and some noise that went along with it, the normal body dissociation (but I wouldn't call it projection... I didn't float up or anything lol. ) almost orgasmic sexual feeling (Don't ask me why that happened, but it was intense and I dunno what's up with that, either).

I heard deep whispering, I have no idea what it said. I got that spooky presence feeling and said something like " That's just my dweller!" or something like that lol, and it went away more or less. I also heard LOUD Piano/keyboard music. Like there was a piano player in my room lol.

I did the "pulsing" thing where I would slip in and out of this state.... and the physical feeling that went along with going in and out (I wish I could describe it!) And of course, once I tried to do anything, or even think about just observing and not doing anything, I started to exit this whole "process" and return to normal. Argh. I tried to lay there and "do it", but I couldn't. It happens spontaneously and never when I want it to happen.

It feels REALLY good... like I'm on some dissociative drug like Dextromethorphan or something lol. Like floating in water and having the tide pull me while my body is stretched out like Gumby. I've only had that intense sexual feeling last night, though. Awkward to talk about but honesty is the best policy, right? lol
I wish I could say I have a lot of experience :P The idea of being a natural projector is appealing lol. If only any natural talent had manifested it's self when I purposely try lol. Do you know what might have started this stuff happening without me trying anything lately? Any ideas?

Today is happened again. Just a few hours ago when I was trying to take a nap. Then I saw a "porthole" in the blackness... a hypnagogic image, and within it it was like a video and to me it looked like someone videotaping a kitchen with a camcorder lol, but a little closely so I couldn't tell it was a kitchen at first. I tried to focus on it to make it larger, or to "phase" into it or whatever, and poof. Gone. Every time I try to do anything other than observe, I "snap out of it". If I think about observing, I also snap out of it. C'est la vie I guess.

I used to daydream a lot as a kid you know. A lot. I could hold onto a very vivid and realistic scenario and really "see" it in my head for a very long time whenever I would daydream. Now I can't really make a mental construct. I can't hold onto an image in my head, not even a simple image like a simple two-dimentional shapes (like a red square or something) I see it and then poof, it's gone. Rarely do I daydream... I stopped daydreaming when I started prozac, I think. Or it may have been just because I was growing up, and taking prozac was a coincidence. I stopped taking prozac and switched to Wellbutrin a few months ago. Wellbutrin has a side effect of CRAZY weird and vivid dreams. You know the dreams you get when you eat like pork or something before bed? I get those every single night since starting Wellbutrin. I enjoy it, it's all very nonsensical and crazy and vivid :) I wonder if the drugs have anything to do with anything. I always felt very emotionally anesthetized on Prozac, and I'm much more emotional (in a good way) on Wellbutrin. I could never cry over a sad movie on Prozac, for example. I was almost always neutral and when I would feel a strong emotion, it wasn't as strong as it should have been. After prozac withdrawal I'm doing great. Maybe prozac suppressed something, and wellbutrin at worst got rid of that blockade when I switched, or at best enhances something. There were studies done, IIRC, that found that Wellbutrin shortened REM latency and increased time spent in REM sleep.

I had AD years ago but it disappeared. Lol, I didn't lose it, it just disappeared. I think someone at school probably picked it up or stole it. I need to buy it again.

I wiki'd Dweller on the Threshold and that's interesting. I don't believe in reincarnation, but it's interesting that I've really been trying to change personality flaws lately. Namely trying to not be so judgmental and presumptuous of the beliefs of others (kind of like if someone tells me they're Christian, I automatically assume they're homophobic republicans. The irony is I'm a gay Christian lmao... Have a bible thumping-grandmother and assumed she was Republican.. until I found out she voted for Hillary Clinton. Shocking!). I've been trying to be a nicer person in general, not that I was ever a mean person lol. We could ALL be nicer. I've seriously been working on that.. Not judging others by income/clothes/lifestyle choices/typical teenage stuff (i'm 18.. so nothing unusual here). Really trying to not judge and presume if I expect not to be, but this started before I ever started working on that. It's not malevolent per se....  It's like it's smiling or happy, but negative. Like it's mischievous or wants to scare me but not actually hurt me, for kicks. I dunno..... really interesting. I have never gotten the impression that it wanted to do me any harm, and I know nothing can hurt me physically anyway. The best analogy I can think of is that it strikes me as manic or something... psychotic, but not in a necessarily bad way but still frightening. Of course frightening things could just be good things that are misunderstood. Salvia REALY taught me that, in a huge way. It was so intense and meaningful, it took a year for me to be ready to do some inner-exploration with it again (and I still haven't!). Definately a spiritual tool and not recreational at all.  This is the first I've heard of this concept and it doesn't happen every time, and it only started relatively recently... I dunno. It's very interesting. I am glad that the whole process of "slipping into" the state of consciousness doesn't excite me and make my heart race anymore. It feels very fluid. I should mention i don't ever get vibrations. I've only gotten vibrations once or twice while trying to AP years ago. It was... unexpectedly intense.

This normally happens when I'm on my back, but also when I sleep on my side. I've been having strange dreams where for short periods of time I'm aware that I'm dreaming, but to be honest I don't know if that's a fuzzy lucid dream or if I just dreamt that I was aware I was dreaming. I'm never in a fully-immersed 360 degree environment like waking life. It's always ike everything is in front and to the sides of me, with nothing in back. Like a movie. I dunno if I'm having fuzzy lucid dreams or dreaming I'm having a lucid dream. Weird.
I wouldn't call them "projections" would I? Maybe the one time I was floating but that hasn't happened since. What does "with dweller" mean?  I want any opinions, whatever they are :P

Other day this weird thing happened where I was "strobing" in and out off the weird dreamy paralysis... I mean it's like you literally feel like you're "slipping under" or something. I'd come out of it,  go back into it, over and over. The whole time this weird african-sounding chant was going through my head. I heard it but I didn't intend to hear it, nor do I remember what it said but it was constant. Weird lmao.

The big mystery is why :P
wow! No one knows?
Hey guys. Haven't been into this stuff for a long time, but within the past few months (I want to say three) something is up lol. Often, while going to sleep and not attempting to do anything (except fall asleep lol), I'll have sleep paralysis and I'll be dragged in one direction or another. I was raised up halfway once (like my torso, but not my legs). If you've ever had Salvia Divinorum, it feels just like that. Like someone is pulling you one direction or another. I'll feel Like I'm being pulled backwards on my stomach (and it actually feels really pleasant lol, like my muscles are being stretched and it feels great!). It's continuous. Imagine being tied to a car and being pulled to your stomach (but it's not scary lol), it's like there's a treadmill under me and there's nothing to fall off of. It's a continuous pull, so I hope you guys understand what I mean.  Other times I'll feel like something is pulling me off of the bed on one direction towards the floor, and that's less than pleasant but I'm getting used to it. I used to get some anxiety (not fear) by this, and my heart would race, but now I take it as it comes. I do experience some strange things, like viewing things/setting (night before last I saw a man. A formless man, like I saw him without SEEING him, but I did see him. Makes no sense lol. I got a negative vibe from that :( ) but I can't interact with them or move around. I should note that I haven't used drugs or alcohol since like, last December.

I used to be into AP for a while and had very minimal success with hours and hours of nightly attempts, and now I've got something going on and I'm not trying at all lol. I'm fully conscious (I could be more lucid, but I'm conscious) and I've seen settings/places but just havn't "phased" into them yet. It seems like when I try to do anything, other than go with the flow, I snap out of it. It's actually interesting. As I lay there I can feel snapping out of it (but still having that drugged out half-asleep feeling) and snapping back into it. Fully paralyzed.

So yeah. What's up with the sudden change? I've been without any sort of "activity" since my last visit here in Feb. of 2007 (but honestly thought it was longer than that, but that's what my last post before this said).  What's up with this recent development? I'd like to take advantage of what's happening if I can. It just seems like every time I try to, I ruin it. I can't help but get an overall negative feel whenever I'm able to "see".

I guess I should mention on one occasion I felt like I was in two places at once. I was laying down looking up at myself, and also looking down on  myself from about a foot or two away. I didn't literally see myself (but I DID literally see myself. Does this make ANY sense at all?) and I felt as if I was fully in both places at once. Pretty weird.
What IS 3d blackness? I've seen it look 3d but I dunno if that's just a placebo. or maybe my definition of 3d isn't the same as everyone else's And I always feel like i'm watching it from behind my eyelids, not like i'm in it or can go into it. and what exactly does sharpening awareness mean?

I've been practicing this nightly. I do it lying on my back. I have a hard time not getting excited and when I do get excited breathing becomes hard and my pulse shoots up and I can feel my pulse all over my body like my blood is boiling lol.

I've been trying to just accept what I'm doing as it is and enjoy it, instead of trying to make it something it's not (like APing, i've been trying not to force it)

Should I sort of try to squeeze or push my astral body out of my physical one? and how on earth do I do that?

"You maintain passive focused awareness, things happen and rather than reacting to them (in this case falling into the scenarios) you maintain this 'watching' awareness. You simply watch and accept rather than actively engaging.
Practicing meditation daily (just 10-15 minutes will do) will help in this a lot."

Just how do I meditate? I really don't know what to do.

And also, is it OK to say a mantra or something? And when I listen to binaural music can I repeat the sound in my inner monologue (like if you listen to techno, your voice in your head goes bum bum bum along with the music) and can I sync the scenarios I imagine up with the beat of Boxed Nirvana II? Or is this a bad idea and will keep my more alert than I should be ?

I'd also like to say i've been taking prozac for a while and I feel that is has really screwed my creativity. I used to daydream ALL the time and now I hardly ever do. I took it for depression and now i'm weaning myself off. In about a month or two i'll be prozac-free. Do you think being off of prozac will help me?

It's interesting that while I was on prozac I really didn't care about AP, and not that i'm off I'm back into and am experiencing more emotions and stuff. Probably just a coincidence.

Sorry for all of my dumb questions but you have been a HUGE help!
I also forgot to add that it felt as if my body was fluid and like I was moving/twisting/contorting when I wasn't toward the end of my experience.

I have a big problem that I start to get lost in images in my head and scenarios (and I think that's what I'm supposed to be doing) but then i'm snapped back to the "real world". How do I overcome this? And how do you notice something (like the swirling imagery for example or the strange space distortions) without paying attention to it and focusing on it?

For example, when I type something or notice something I say the words as I type or if I notice a tree or something I think "hey there's a tree!" with the voice in my head (no I don't hear voices lol).

It's just very hard to make your "internal voice" or "internal monologue" or whatever you want to call it shut up. It's very hard to stop thinking lol.

Ok, so lets assume that I can get to the place where I was at last night. What next?

I appreciate your help, and thanks!
I have a few questions. Can you still move when you are in a trance/ focus 10 (what's the difference?) I think I am in a trance but I can move if I wanted.

Last night I was listening to Boxed Nirvana II and I went into a "trance" where I felt numb and I felt like the room was HUGE and my senses were dulled and it felt like I was in my own little world.It felt like there was the real world and then my little cocoon outside of it. Once I entered into that state my mind immediately quieted and all the the chitter chatter that I usually try to make be quiet went away.

Then a little while after that, I felt like I had gained 500 pounds and felt as if my body was very dense and about twice the size it normally is, as if I was morbidly obese or something. This feeling reminds me of something I used to feel as a child but I can't remember ever experiencing it. It just feels SO familiar. My body got even more numb. I felt very heavy and dense and big. I was still inside my little "cocoon"

This whole time I felt as if I was high on dissociative  like nitrous or DXM. Once I literally saw a maintain range in the upper left of my vision and there was an orange aurora (not aura) poring out from behind it. What's this?

And is hypnagogic imagery also when the blackness swirls and rotates with different colors like white and yellow and such? Or is that something different? Is H. imagery only like REAL pictures?

I think I felt very very weak vibrations, or it may have been a placebo.

I want to get familiar with this "area"/"state" I was in before I go to the next step, but what is the next step?

I tried to focus on AP island, too. I can't quite remember but I might have stopped because that's when my second "trance" started.

I appreciate your help and answers because all of this terminology has vague definitions for me :(
I downloaded a 20 minute mp3 that says 4.0 htz low theta and I had it on a loop and went to sleep.

When I woke up, I was paralyzed and I was at a stage where I could have started slipping into my head (Phasing, right?) but for some reason got scared and screwed it up :( I know there's nothing to be afraid of, but I just got a foreboding feeling that tonight's not the night I should do it. Ahh, oh well.

Visualizing AP island helped me get into a trance really early, but for some reason I have difficulty doing anything lying on my back where it's most comfortable. I guess because I sleep on my stomach sprawled out like a lizard lol.

Any tips? I've been working on energy development, too. Seriously It's like I had a block until I either A started posting here again or B started listening to that track lol.

I've been working on that "Am I dreaming?" thing during the day, too, to hopefully wake up and have a lucid dream while i'm dreaming.

I stopped this stuff for awhile I guess out of frustration, but when I'm into it I feel happier, like i'm connected or something lol, I dunno.
Lol, It's very cool but I can never do it on purpose lol.

I kind of got out of spirituality and I was happier when I did this kind of stuff ^_^ It's fascinating!

I used to AP, and but lately it's like... i'm stuck lol. I get into a trance (I think, I can move if I choose to but it's weird) And I get swirling patterns behind my eyelids... and I try to think and to just go with it but it's like i'm snapped back to lucidity and that's not what I'm trying to do. I'm trying to just.. get lost lol. I don't know how to say it lol.

Sometimes I'm almost asleep and things get swirly and fuzzy and then it's liked i'm sucked into the scene I was seeing and then I can move around and such). Is that "Phasing"?

It feels good to be back! If only I could get over my "block"!

I should also note that my mom said my grandfather was born with a "Veil" whatever that is, and we both see stuff like almost daily out of the corner of our eyes. Like shadows and "animals" and lights and stuff. Lol, I act and feel perfectly fine and always have so I don't think I have a mental problem. I've always seen this stuff ever since I was a kid. I'm not saying I have some gift or anything cuz I don't, it's just interesting I think.
after reading astral dynamics, it turns out that i have never had an OBE, just WILD's. i have, however, seperated from my body.

when i am lucid dreaming, i realize that i am lucid dreaming, but its like i forget that things are't real. like in my dream i went along with things as if they were real, even though i knew they weren't.

like for example,in my most recent ld, i saw people outside my window in my room, so i went down the hall to get my dad because i thought they were going to rob us or something. its like i thought it was real life.

after the dream was over, i could see my room through my eye lids . it was like night-vision goggles, except in color. also, in that same dream, i was having sleep paralysis and i was stuck to my bed. i could feel my astral body undulating about me, it felt like i my body was making a waving motion (like the ocean waves) obove my body. what's up with that?

can anyone help me auctually get to the astral plane? no techs. really work for me at all.
I was working on developing my third eye last night, and I hurt myself! I was getting a really painful pressure last night, so i stopped. I've had that headache all day. I've also been seeing little sparks and flashes of color at random. also, I'll get random pictures that have nothing to do with what I'm thinking. I'll just close my eyes or blink and BOOM! theres a picture that I didn't even think about. Whats up with that? did I hurt myself? before last night, I was just feeling a mild pressure on the areas of the chakras i've been working on, and now my head hurts quite a bit.

thanks in advance,
Ok, i have heard that sleep deprivation helps with OBE SO i did a little experiment.

I was listening to holosyn music while doing this.

I thought sleeping pills would help my BODY go to sleep, they didn't.

I took 2 generic sleeping pills from the drugstore. I just fell asleep suddenly and i remember nothing.

i did that twice more, not day after day, and the same thing happened.

Next, i stayed up untill i couln't hold my head up. so i tried to AP. After awhile i was started my a scream, or a noise or SOMETHING. I got vibrations finally. Then i fell asleep.

i did that 2 more times, and similar results happened, and each time i fell asleep. next time i'll focus on my breath.

I think that sleep deprivation is a great way to AP on the weekend. Its like your etheric body is desperate to seperate to replentish its energy, which makes OBEing ALOT easier.

i'll try it agian tonight and let you guys know how it goes!
i've been practicing silencing my mind during the day, and in fact i was extremely successful today, i had few thought all day. Its really hard to break out of the habit of thinking and repeating what everyone says in my mind. Anyway, i was wondering if getting good at this will help when you try to OBE, since you try to eliminate stray thoughts. Also, the only way i can seem to do this for a while is to pay attention to my breath. I know that its best not to pay attention to your breath/body while trying to OBE (or so i'm told), so is it ok to pay attention to breath in the day while silencing my mind?

thanks in advance.
heres something interesting! i think i obed! did i?

this all started with me "waking up" inside my sleep, like you think about something and then your swept with vibes (btw, i was making myself have sensations by making everything below my waist feel weird, i hope you know what i'm talking about) and i thought about a redneck house several times and i felt the bives sweep over me in waves. heres what happened previously.
i listened to awakened minds for almost 48 minutes, i stopped because when i try too hard my eyes strain. i rolled over and i thought maybe i'll get lucky and have a lucid dream. i dont know what happened next (i went to sleep, or atleast i became oblivious to every thing and dont remember)i "woke" up and found myself on what i though was was living room (but it was very dark and it was different ( i remember really tall lamps in the middle of the living room) and i remember to get away from your body ASAP, lol, i forgot that i wasn't near my bed, but i forgot that anyway. then everything got blurry (be the way, i couldn't feel gravity as i was getting up)  i could tell i was moving but in REALLY slow mo. i remember thinking that if someone was watching me while this was happening, they couldn't tell i was moving even though i was. NEXT, it switched to what i think was my parents room and i was in their bid (thats pretty weird) but the room was different. NEXT i was in my own bed and i thought i was still obeing, but i was just back at c1.

i've been trying everynight for the past 2 weeks or so. it might be "phasing"?
has anyone ever used Salvia Splendens? i'm going to try it tonight, i've researched it and apparently beneficial. i'll tell you guys what happens!
all my life i have been told about god ect ect, and i have investigated other religions, so i'm not just going along with the crowd. I read about the higher focus levels and the BST and now i'm starting to question the bible and God. I am saved, so no matter what i know i wont go to hell now, but i dont want to use that as like, "well if i start believing something entirely different, then i've still got jesus so i wont go to hell" oh well attitude, you know? i mean god said accept Christ and you'll be saved and go to heaven ect ect, but acording to all the literature, people who follow beliefs like that end up "traps" on "islands" in the bst. that doesn't sound fun. And when they "ascend" they go to f27, whats up with that? i'm starting to doubt my own religion and its REALLY getting me worried.

seriously its scaring me. please help if you can.
i got my awakened mind disc today. almost immediatly i became extremely relaxed and felt warm inside and my limbs were heavy. i started seeing flashing like a strobe light, i've never had that before, although i didn't get vibes and i didn't feel like i was seperating.

also, my mom disturbed me after an hour of using the disc, i had no reccolection of what happened after a certian point, like time wasn't there, but i guess i wasn't aware enough to notice the transition. Was that no time/forgetting a focus level? i remember something about a focus level with no time but all it said was "no time"

thanks for any help!
You know how you tend to do things in dreams that you do often? like if you ask yourself if your awake every half-hour or so, you'll tend to ask yourself in your dream? well i think in last nights dream i tried to ap (it wasn't a lucid dream). It didn't work for me in my dream lmao. pretty sad.

Also i woke up in the middle of the night and tried to ap, i saw a grid/countour lines. it was pretty strange... I have some questions, if you guys dont mind answering.

What is "phasing"?

What is the focus level (if it is a focus level) when you see the swirling/moving colors?

How do i know when to try and "get out"? i've felt like i was sitting up in class and in bed once (i fell asleep in class when this happened. i could fell all the vibrations, it was very strange because i dotn remember what i was seeing, it was like a dream or something) and when it happened to be in bed, i just felt like i was sitting up without trying, rather something was making me sit up. One i also experianced completely floating above my body, and the direction i was laying was changing. i also imagened i was in different beds. So do i try to get out when  i feel like i'm floating? which is the best method to get out?

Do any of you guys feel like you ever "get loose" in your physical body? what does that mean?

sorry for so many questions lol! i hope you guys can answer them for me.

i ordered mine a couple of days ago. how long will it take before my first obe? a couple of weeks? months?

iw as up in the mountains over the weekend, and a tried to ap. its like i fell asleep or SOMETHING (i didn't remember what happened) and then i regained.. conciousness and the bed was like, jumping up in down! i could even "hear" it. way weird man! i could nell because it felt like the bed was making my legs jump.

what was THIS?