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Messages - Nayru

I don't know if it's me going crazy or not, that's why I'm creating this topic. I also have no idea where I should post this, so I just dumped it here. Feel free to move this topic.

Is it me, or is my psisig changing? I know this is not possible unless one is a Telepathic Shifter and as far as I know I'm not. I've been noticing this for quite awhile; it aren't big changes, but I still notice them, especially when I post posts. I was wondering if there's somebody here who noticed the same, or not, and/or is willing to keep an eye on my posts just to see if I'm right or not. I would really appreciate that; I'm getting kind of sick of it.

Thanks for your time.
This thread is to clarify why I have been so impatient with the what Shadowndancer calls 'immature liars club' (thus, 'dbzers') lately, if anyone cares. I feel I owe some people here an apology.

When I first came to this board, I saw this very rare combination of psions and tradchi-ers (the serious kind of Chi-practicers) and the less serious; the what people call 'dbzers' (the radki-ers). I saw no fights and no arguements between the two, or barely. The 'dbzer-level-of-stupidity' was not that 'high': Most threads were actually worth reading and discussing. I registered, hoping I could help people, get helped myself when I needed it, meet nice people, learn new things, have discussions, etc.

I came here almost everyday. Until I noticed an increase of worthless and pathetic threads in the forum that is now called 'Energy forum'. Threads that are not worth my time, threads that have absolutely no point, threads that are not worth discussing, no; can't BE discussed, threads containing questions that have been asked 1001 times before, and more crap like that. You probably all have noticed that I am mostly to be found in the Energyforum. This is simply because I want to try and help people, people who have started on the wrong place, with wrong persons and the wrong information; people that are usually flamed on boards when they ask their questions. They can't do anything about it, they have just been malinformed. Unfortunately, few of the Psionic/TradChicommunity seems to realize this. Instead of trying to help, they flame.

I usually am very, very patient. I am trying to actually mean something to other people around, and this takes a lot of time. A lot, although the results are not always satisfying - make that rarely. I do not teach, I think I'm not advanced/experienced enough to teach people, I've been only doing Psionics for somewhat more than one year, and besides, teaching is a lot of work, and for now I better use that time with my own development and training.

Awhile ago, something popped, cracked in my mind. I couldn't stand the useless discussions I've been having with the what people call 'dbzers', discussions I've been having for one year, day after day, night after night, on MSN, AOL, ICQ, on boards, PM's, IRC, you name it. You 'dbzers' are so.. Ignorant, and a lot are arrogant. You're ruining your life. I am convinced that deep down, all of you know that most of what you claim to be able to do, is not true. But you're denying that to yourself, you're lying to yourself and to the rest of the world, and continuing to live in your self-created dreamworld. In a dreamworld where only one rule counts: the gain of power and might: the desire to be able to kill, hurt or destroy without physically touching somebody/something, the feeling of need of personal gain in everything you do. It's a dreamworld that desillusionates you from the truth, the real truth, from the beauty of Energymanipulation, from the ideas behind it. Once you will be ripped away from that dreamworld, ripped out of it, and all of a sudden, taken back to the truth. And if you're not, you have lost everything that is worth living for. If you deny the truth, you deny yourself. You're forgetting one thing and that is that Energymanipulation is all based on being one with your spirit, mind, with your surroundings, with everything. Energymanipulation is not just 'drawing in Chi and using it for a kamehemahe', it's something far more deep than that. I can't possibly explain what it is, and even if I could I wouldn't do that: That's something everyone should discover and experience themselves.

I hope some of you guys here, and everyone reading this, will now understand why I am trying so hard to talk some sense in them. I do not have any excuse for this 'mind-crack-thingy', so I just apologize to everyone I have insulted with my words. This apology namely goes to Neo. I'm sorry.

With love,

P.S. If I actually managed to insult anyone with this thread, that was not my intention at all, and I also apologize for any insults this thread may contain.
Welcome to Astral Chat! / My 201th post. :D
October 06, 2003, 16:03:44
Well, congratulations Astralpulse. :D I usually don't stay longer than 50 posts max on a board, so this certainly is an exception. Know what that means? It means that this board rules. [:D]
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Psivamps? Any?
August 20, 2003, 14:23:25
I have no idea where to post this question.. So.. Sorry if this is the wrong forum. Are there any psivampires around? :)
Welcome to Psychic and Paranormal! / Shields.
August 20, 2003, 14:17:28
Please share your best programmed shields and other defensive constructs here. ^.^" Again, the little Zelda-fan is just curious.. ^.^
Welcome to Metaphysics! / Empathy.
August 16, 2003, 16:41:34
Any natural empaths around? I'm just being curious.. I would love to hear some experiences of other empaths, and if they see it as a 'gift' or a 'curse'. :)
Simple question, out of pure curiosity: is there anybody here into Light Working?
I had just one OBE in my entire life. It was awhile ago, and I didn't expect it all. I was meditating, for once, quite deep, which I usually don't since I'm not very fond of meditation, and suddenly.. bang, out of body. I saw myself sitting on my bed. I could look around, but I was so shocked (I knew what it was, figure you, but still I was so shocked I couldn't think clearly) that I thought of only one thing: 'Go back to body! NOW!'. I learned that you can go back to your body by simply thinking about it and wanting to go back, although according to the articles I learned this from, it was for Astral Projection, but still it worked. I instantly got out of meditative status, and when I was recovered from the shock.. well, all sort of questions popped up. Questions I can finally ask here.

With Astral Projection, you get out of your body.. I can't Asral Project, but I have read that you can hang around in 'this' world, or go to the astral plane. Whatever you do: you're out of your body. When is being out of your body an OBE and when Astral Projection? What is the difference between the two? I suppose you can't go to the Astral plane when having an OBE, but that doesn't make sense to me. Also, Astral Projection can be controlled, so, you can AP whenever you want. Is this also the same with OBE's?
When do OBE's occur, is there something that triggers them, like emotions, or goes it 'at random'?

Thank you for your time and help. ^.^
Welcome to Metaphysics! / Uninentional Psivamp?
February 16, 2004, 14:18:12
Some people say - and I believe that - that some persons are not able of creating enough energy themselves and have therefore to take energy from others. Such a person is obviously called a psivamp. :P Not knowing that you're a psivamp does not mean you don't need energy. So, you'll feed subconsiously from others.

Learning to control it is however quite necessary to prevent harming others. Not being able to control it means that you cannot decide how much you take from somebody and in what way. Controlling it means that you can feed from more persons at the time meaning that those persons will hardly notice.

A Telepathic Shifter is basically someone who is able of changing his/her psisignature. :)
I've known I had this strange skill with emotions as long as I can remember, and using it as well. I used it to find out if my mother was in a good mood to ask her a favor, for example. But it was only two years ago when I discoverd what it was called and that I of course was not the only one having it. :)

I've done nothing to grew the skill.. Back then, I could fully control Empathy. I could decide whether I wanted to receive emotions or not, I even remember I could filter out bad emotions and let the good ones through and vice versa. Those things all belong to the past. This last year, my Empathy has become stronger and stronger every day. It grew so fast out of my control that I did not know what to do. Then it stopped growing, and I then started to less or more control it again. Then suddenly it became stronger and stronger again and once more, I lost my grip on it. Even now, it is still getting stronger, and I don't know why. I really don't know.

But that's ok, I don't want to control it anymore. I've found that acceptance is way more important than the ability to control it. When I first lost control, I also lost acceptance. Denying something makes everything twice as worse, so it was about the stupidiest thing I could do. Yet I could not help it, and it took very long before I accepted it again. In fact, I started hating it so much, and once my shieldingattempt went kinda wrong and I created.. a block, whatever you want to call it. It was then I started to realize what Empathy meant to me, and it was then I accepted it once more. :)

So, how about you? ^_^
Welcome to Metaphysics! / Seeing the future a curse?
February 06, 2004, 14:54:49
That's very interesting.. Perhaps it's not entirely fair to say he's lucky. Like every skill, it has it's pro's and con's. I can imagine how frustrating it is to get such a vision about somebody nearly getting murdered, and I also can see how you feel if you try to help, but nobody listens.. I do not see the future, I more like 'feel' it.. It's quite hard to explain. And I don't feel these complex things you can 'predict'. I've somewhere read that precognition comes in many forms. Everbody has precognative dreams but most people cannot remember them, and some remember them, indeed, in the form of a deja-vu. I have never met a person who had so many accurate precognitive experiences. My sister is quite skilled at it as well, she regards it more as a curse than a gift though..
Please explain me since when Empathy has been a Kinesis. As far as I'm aware, Kinesis means something close to Movement, and I do not really see the connection between movements and emotions.

I'm a natural Empath. Empathy is not useless. Empathy can be dirty, Empathy can be hated though loved at the same time. Empathy can make your life living hell, yet at the same time make you feel endlessly happy.

Lickerish, I find it strange you need to touch people in order to receive their emotions. Try practising it without touching each other, I'm sure that will prove very useful. :)
Welcome to Metaphysics! / Ohterkin
February 05, 2004, 14:00:15
Volcomstone, if you visit Otherkincommunities you'll find yourself wrong there. People believing they are Otherkin have a strong bond with each other, because they feel they're not alone on that. Unlike 'black' and 'white' people, they do not fight because they believe someone is of another 'race', but share friendship. That's what I really like about that theory. It's just all peace and friendship, not war and hate. But then we should wonder: do they believe they're Otherkin because of the loneliness they feel, and therefore seek their peace in the Otherkintheory?
Welcome to Metaphysics! / Ohterkin
February 03, 2004, 03:14:58
Otherkin is a theory, not a proven fact. :) I have been doing quite some research on the topic out of curiosity, and have found a lot of contradicting information, from which I conclude that, as usual, not everything you read about it is to be trusted.

From what I read, the races you mentioned is just a tiny bit of what according to the Otherkintheory exists. I will share the general idea of what I found with you guys here, it's quite an interesting subject, whether you believe in it or not.

The Otherkintheory says that souls are reincarnated. It says that certain creatures from other worlds/dimensions/planes are reborn on Earth in a human body. The Otherkintheory generally also states that such incarned souls sometimes show physical signs as well. An Elf, for instance, can have physically pointed ears. As the Otherkin is not naturally part of this world, they say that Otherkin feel very lonely, and not one with the rest. I also read that Otherkin are usually supposed to have natural abilities in Magic/Psionics.

I do not feel like going into discussion on the Demon-subject, but as many others I believe that - assuming the Otherkintheory is true - Psychic Vampires and Demons are one and the same. I assume that with Humans, you mean people with not an incarnated soul from an other world/plane/whatever. Otherkintheorybelievers call them mundanes, I believe.

I'm not too sure if I believe this theory, there's so much false information that I don't know what to believe. However, I believe some of it _could_ be true. It doesn't sound at all impossible to me, not like Kamehamahe's do. ;)

I once asked here if there were any Psisvamps - Psychic Vampires - around. Kurin Majin, you must know that even a lot of non-believers of the Otherkintheory believe Psivamps exists. They say that they have a disfunction in the energysystem, which has as consequence that the person in question cannot create enough energy, and sometimes not at all. Because of that, Psivamps need to feed in order to stay alive, to say it very basically.

Besides of that I found that there's a lot of Psivamp/Were hate on the net. There actually are 'vampirehunters'. Some of them know perfectly well what they're hunting (humans, dammit!), others are insane and believe they're hunting undead creatures with pointed teeth and a strong dislike for garlic. Whether they actually kill humans of who they believe are 'psivamps' is unclear to me (I sincerely hope they don't) but it's the idea in general that makes me feel sick, whether psivamps exists or not.

Anyway, the ones who are interested, check
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Happy 2004!
December 31, 2003, 18:34:51
Happy newyear!! *hugs and kisses random people* [:X]
Lol, I did not say we didn't NEED to be happy, I said that even without being happy we exist. It's not that because we're unhappy we suddenly vanish into Non Existance. :P
Welcome to Metaphysics! / discrimination
December 08, 2003, 13:42:45
I am not calling you a liar but I do not believe your friend owns the Necronomicon. There are, if I remember correctly, only 4 left. I've been dying to get my hands on books such as the Necronomicon, did so much research to find the location of such forbidden books, actually found some of them (no, I will not share), but I shaked that desire off for certain reasons. As a matter of fact I really hope for your friend he does not own the book. I don't think anyone can handle the information in such books, and I'm positive that's one of the reasons the book has been banished.

Talking about the Necronomicon, I found a site the other day, by accident, talking about the Necronomicon. They claimed the rituals mentioned on the site are in the Necronomicon itself. I do not believe that but whether that's true or not, that really are sick rituals. I'm sure they don't even know what the signs used in it means. I finally come to understand why people hate 'black magick', while 'black' magick itself is not bad..

Perhaps you're right, Blackbird. It's the image that counts.. Perhaps 'psychics' will be bullied.
Welcome to Metaphysics! / discrimination
December 07, 2003, 15:12:00
No, I don't think we would be bullied. Or, not really. Perhaps by the Christians, and I mean the ones that thinks of this as evil. But no, not by the world itself. Plenty of research would be done, and everything energyrelated will be added to our way of living. I'm sure about that. I really hope this stuff will not become widly known in the world.. I love freedom and is this world, there is no freedom. There never has been freedom. We are always limited by something; be it by our ethics or by the Law itself, we are always limited and therefore, the what we call 'freedom' does not exist. Psionics is my escape; in Psionics there are no real laws. For example, I could bonk up my school with help of some Empaths, by emitting the worst emotions existing. We will not be punished for it. I could kill someone right this instant (of course I will not), without being punished for it by the law. Psionics means total freedom to me. No, not might, Freedom.
If Psionics and everything energyrelated would become widly known, new laws would be created, a special Psionic Unit will be patrouilling the streets for any Bad Psionic Activity, blabla. Bye bye freedom. -.-
I disagree, bomohwkl. Even when one is unhappy, one exists. The fact that we need it is of no influence on existance.

Btw, welcome, The Agent, I hope you'll enjoy your stay here. Nice theory, though I disagree on some parts. I love philosophy.

3)"Non-existence" by it's very definition "does not exist" so there is no such thing as non-existence, existence exists because there is nothing else.

Lol, I thought about that this morning. It's like 'Nothing' and 'Everything'. Nothing, by definition, is something that Is Not. Everything, by defintion, is Everything That Exists. But, there's no Everything without a Nothing. But how can there be Nothing if Nothing simply Is Not (thus, does not Exist?)?
By the Yin Yang theory, everything has its opposite. Thus, without Existance, there would be no Non-Existance. Without Non-Existance, there would be no Existance. It's quite hard to solve this mystery by using definition. Instead, use the meaning of it. How would we know what Existance is or contains if there would be no Non-Existance? How would we know what Everything is, if there would be no Nothing? How could we possibly understand both Existance and Everything without knowing it's opposite? It does not matter we cannot reach the opposite (We cannot; since Nothing and Non-Existance by definition means It Is Not and Does not Exist, we cannot reach it), the only thing that does matter is that we understand what it IS; it matters that we KNOW it.

Since we KNOW it, Non-Existance and Nothing most certainly exist. After all, how could we know something that Is Not?

I really, really love philosophy. I know you can counter-agrue on that, but I'm also sure I could counter-argue your counter-arguements. Philosophy itself is endless too, without responses available for the human mind. We simply are too stupid to understand such matters.

5) since there is no cause or pretext for existence, existence (or energy) is infinite, there is no end to existence, it is the fabric of reality, we have therefore, always existed, in one form or another.

I again must disagree. I believe everything has it's end. How do we know so sure that Energy cannot be destroyed? We can manipulate it, we can deform it and reform it, we can make it do our will. I'm sure it can be destroyed. Perhaps not by the weak hands of us humans, but I'm certain it can be destroyed. Everything can be destroyed, and since everything is made out of Energy, why would it not be possible to destroy that of which everything exists?

You also forget something. You keep your mind focused on us, humans. We have not always existed, though Time has. Time is the original creator of this all, whether you believe in God or not, that is simply true. If there would be no Time, nothing could progress. It is not us that has always existed, it is Time. We are not the source of Existance, Time is. Time created us.

Again, welcome. ^.^
*raises hand* I have done Telekinesis, but quit doing it. I have succeed and moved objects, simple objects, I'm no Telekinetic, like pencils and the like.

A lot of skeptics say it's the wind. I moved an object against the wind in.

Such things are hard to be proven if you're not standing next to the person who's about to prove it to you. Besides, Psions do Psionics because they like it, not to prove it's real to others. If you want to find out the truth, then do some research. Start at, that's the most reliable Psionic site around. Their board is down, but at will be able to help you out with your questions. They also will have articles up soon, so it's worth to check it out.

The how.. Well, that's a nifty one. No-one reallys knows the 'how', only theories. One of them being what you said:
My only explanation is that its some kind of electromagnetic force or impulse.

In which I disagree. The second one being that the mind sends out 'waves' so to speak, which is btw true (Telepathic Broadcast is based on that), and that moves the object. I disagree with that as well.
The how in any way is not important, or, that's what I think. Psipog got some scientific explanations on different aspects of Psionics, I'm sure you'll be interested in reading that.

Nothing can be 'mastered', one can always improve. How long it takes depends on the person. I moved my first object in perhaps 3 week (a pencil), while others can do that in one week or half a year. Heavy things are indeed harder to move than light things.

I can redirect you to a Telekinetic, who has been practising for years. His name is Not Important and he should be at Psipog. Since the boards are down, I suggest you try the chat.

Good luck on your quest for truth. ;)
I'm pretty sure that guy makes his tests so hard that even the best Psions would have a hard time with it. Such as precognition on 100 cards, and have max. 1 incorrect. Or lifting something heavy in the air, like a chair, and then make it spin and go from left to right it while it's floating in the air with Telekinesis. He will ask to 'read his mind', wanting exact wordings of what he's thinking. He will ask to remote view to his house in Chine, asking you what's in that little box located on the fifth desk from left (of course, there will be no box). Or something. And he will finally finish the test by asking to throw a fireball. Or by asking you to fly around. Or whatever X-Men-like.

I'm pretty sure he knows that everything Psionic is possible, but not to a degree of what he asks. Btw, I just made that all up, I've never done that test and will never do it either, but I'm pretty sure that test will be like that.

I really think he's a pathetic idiot.
I agree with you.. But at the same time disagree (eh?).

I agree when you say:
Nobody living in a "perfect world" would realise how "perfect" it really is. I think they would be more bored than optimistic about their "utopia."

I also agree when you say:
Variety of feelings makes the feelings defined, and thus useful, and thus completing the spices and mixture and overall DRAMA that is life.

But I disagree when you say:
Which is also exactly why I question psionics, ki, and all of those things. If there is no enemy, then why do it at all? For fun? The fun wouldn't last.

No, I don't disagree because of the example, since many here by now know that I love psionics.
No, I disagree because of the idea behind it. I like soccer. I like playing with the ball, alone, in my backyard. But I have no opponent, noone plays with me. But I do not care, I like it the way it is and I still, after 14 years, like to play soccer all by myself.
That little sentence of yours, no offence, sounds like a child really hoping he would get in some kind of cool adventure he once saw in a movie or read in a book. I love reading and I always had such hopes up as a kid. As a matter of fact, I had some kind of 'adventure' people think are only possible in books and stuff. In fact, it was something psionic. An enemy, yes. I will not tell what happened, only the person in question and I know what happened and I wish to keep it like that. But I assure you that it was no fun. Absolutely not. I ruined an entire year of my life because of it. As I said, as a kid I hoped that such things would happen.. But I never imagined things could get so dangerous.
After awhile I grew a bit more mature and gave up on those hopes, and I saw the real face of life. Since then I never wanted anything like that happen, I didn't wish for it, I loved Psionics for what it was, for the fun I had with constructbuilding, etc. That little experience of mine did change a lot of my view on psionics, but not, not in a positive way. In fact I did not find Psionics fun when that happened, not at all, I even considered to quit with it. That experience did not make me realize how fun Psionics is, no, on the contrary.

Negativity is not always a boost for positivity, in fact it can kill every bit of positivity. That experience I had made me consider to entirely quit practising the thing I love to do, namely Psionics. I can give you more non-psionic related examples. As a kid I had a friend who badly betrayed me. Ever since I never trusted anyone fully, and each time I saw some betray someone I got wild of anger. My friend betraying me was a bad thing, negativity, but it did not boost positivity. It did not show me how good friendship is. It killed every friendship I had back then. That's not something I call positivity.

The purpose of life.. I think that's different for everyone. Each person sets a purpose somewhere in the beginning of his/her life. Like wanting to be a policeofficer, or to be in the military, wanting to become the greatest pianist ever, even greater than Mozart or Beethoven, or perhaps a wish to become a teacher, or the wish to own a big compagny like microsoft. I have set my purpose too though I will not share it.. That is way too personal.
I am terrible sorry to hear this. I'll try everything that's in my power to help. I suggest to ask some decent Remote Viewers, I'm sure there are a ton out there who are willing to help and perhaps give you an accurate location. I will try to Remote View, but I'm not good at it. And I don't know much about the US, which means I will not be able to give you names of places if, and I repeat IF I succeed. Most I can do is use Empathy, to see if she's emotional allright and to Send her some emotions that will perhaps get her hopes up and make her feel less bad. I will also be asking some Telepaths to help out and I happen to know a Remote Viewer, I see if they can help too. I also feel she's alive, but I never really tried to Psionically find out if someone's alive or not.. So please do not believe me instantly if I say this.

Take care.
Welcome to Dreams! / lucid dream at age 6
November 24, 2003, 03:28:20
I'm pretty sure you STILL have a fascination for woman's breasts, unless you're homosexual. [:D] (and I DON'T want to hear the answer. [:P])

I had my first lucid dream around that age too. I was scared to death. I mean, the first thought that crossed my mind was 'Since when are dreams to be controlled?' It was a weird dream.. I was in some kind of funny area with showers and some guys were there, very irritating guys. When I noticed I could control the dream, I ran to the showers, for some reason or another, and forced myself to wake up, as scared as I was. It was my first and my last lucid dream I can remember - until last week, where another lucid dream occured. Unfortunately I could only control it for some moments, then for some reason or another, the dream slipped out of my control and turned into a nightmare (very frustrating :P).
Lucid dreams and forced OBE's are obviously my 'weak points'. How much I try and practice doesn't matter, I only had two lucid dreams I can remember in my entire life and only one forced OBE without being asleep - it happenend during meditation, I usually don't meditate, I'm not very fond of it. Suddenly I stood by my desk, watching myself meditating. I was so shocked and at that point I remembered how to get back in my body (they say you just have to think about your body, which apparently worked), which I did immediatly. I really regret I did that, but it was due to the shock.
I'm a self-thaught typist. I'm not too sure with what you mean with 'touch typist', I reckon you mean what Dutch call 'typing blindly'. In that case: I'm a 'touch typist'. ^.^

I do not know how fast I type though, but my dad always tells me it's quite fast.