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Messages - bitsmart

I was reading Godel, Escher, Bach recently, specifically the dialogue with the pushing liquid and popping tonic. I remembered VR projection from Astral Dynamics and I wondered if anyone has tried a VR projection into one of Escher's impossible worlds, like Up and Down or Convex and Concave?
Welcome to Psychic and Paranormal! / PPSD
July 25, 2002, 22:08:58
I was walking through Borders bookstore the other day, and much to my surprise I saw a copy of PPSD sitting on the shelf. What surprised me was the speed with which it reached that shelf. I was a little bit apprehensive at first when I heard more about the content of the book on this forum, but I decided to buy it. I figure if I can accept that there are negatively-oriented ETs, then I can accept that there are negatively oriented spirits -- two sides of the same coin. Therefore, I decided that it would be good to educate myself if this is indeed the reality.

I haven't had a chance to start it, as I've been on vacation and forgot it at home, but I'll comment when I digest it.

All the best...

bitsmart -
information illumination - -
OK, I've been doing energy work and attempting projections for about 15 months now. Over that time, I've made corrections to my practices (like including relaxation and trance) as I realized I had kind of half-done them. I'm good at stilling the mind reaching a full trance, and my energy skills are the strongest of everything. I see flashes of imagery/hypnogogia. What's wrong here? Why haven't I had a conscious exit yet? I'm even keeping a dream journal to strengthen my memory download skills.

I wouldn't normally think much of this, but it sounds like so many people on the board are accomplishing conscious exits and remembering them without nearly as much work as myself. It's getting a bit frustrating. I enjoy the benefits and results of meditation/trance/energy work, but I can't believe that I haven't 'suceeded' yet. What's going on?

bitsmart -
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Welcome to Metaphysics! / Awesome website!
June 06, 2002, 01:01:36
OK y'all, I hope you're ready for this. Before my discovery of this site a few days ago, I never really bothered to investigate Edgar Cayce too much. I really didn't know very much about him, to be honest. Now, I've been researching this whole Ascension/Dimensional Shift thing for about a month now, and I'm pretty much adjusted to the main ideas now. However, this site is VERY convincing, and holds a few surprises too. Check out this link and tell me what you think, and even if you can't believe everything there, the site is still a great resource for info about a lot of subjects.

More importantly, the webmaster states that he has learned that all of life can be broken down to one simple choice: the choice to serve others, or to serve self. To serve others is to strive to become one with the creator, whereas service to self creates disharmony and seperatedness. This idea is nothing new to me, and I really like it, but after reading the website this principle took on new, profound meaning to me.

Besides that, get ready, because it's a very exciting time to be alive. No matter what happens, what 'disasters' come to pass, everything will work itself out in the end.

Love and light be with you,

bitsmart -
information illumination - -
Welcome to Metaphysics! / Reality check!
May 30, 2002, 23:58:30
Since I've been trying to see what is not immediately apparent in the world around me, and since I've been reading The Holographic Universe, the world has literally taken a 'cardboard cutout' look to it. When I stand in the middle of the street and look into the distance, it looks like a 3D video game, like imitating three dimensions. Has anyone else experienced this? No, I'm not high, I got completely sober a few months ago.

I keep expecting to see a wall fall down and see guys drinking coffee and eating donuts behind it, like in The Truman Show (metaphorically speaking, I think.) This is the best analogy I can come up with. I've been reading a lot of quantum physics/mechanics recently, and the idea that the universe is holographic makes sense. The crazy thing is, when you read this idea, and try to fit it into your map of reality, reality as you percieve it disintegrates a little bit more. Is it just me? Am I going nuts? I sure hope so, cuz then I get thorazine. Mmm...thorazine...

bitsmart -
information illumination - -
I just recieved my copy of Disclosure by Dr. Steven Greer. Greer is the head of CSETI (Center For The Study Of Extraterrestrial Intelligence) and the Disclosure Project (// I cannot believe what I'm reading in this book, but the information comes to me as no surprise. Basically, this book will divide people into two groups: those who believe that extraterrestrials have come to earth, and that the government has been covering it up, and those who are so firmly skeptical that no amount of evidence short of a disk landing on their front lawn will convince them otherwise. There will no longer be a gradient of people in between; after this book, you either believe or you don't, end of story.

With the ET/UFO matter, the people in charge are so concerned about disclosure that they resort to even violent methods to keep people quiet. People have disappeared, 'commited suicide', had their families threatened, etc. This along with a clever disinformation effort (abductions, mutilations, sightings, plausible deniability, and straight out lies) keep the issue under control. They can easily off someone who starts to talk too much.

But what happens when over 400 witnesses tell someone their stories, willing to testify to Congress that they are telling the truth? People with high-ranking government, military, aerospace, technology, and related job positions, people with highly reputable careers? This happened, and it's called the Disclosure Project. You can't make 400 people disappear, and to say these respected authorities are all lying would be ludicrous. For those who believe, I'll give you some FACTS from this book:

FACT: In 1947, in Roswell, New Mexico, an extraterrestrial craft crashed in the desert and was recovered by the military.

FACT: We have reverse-engineered their technology and put it to use in covert 'black projects'. Billions of dollars of taxpayer and privately-invested money have paid for incredible technology, like free energy and antigravity, that has been available to humans for at least 50 years. Yet we have seen none of it.

FACT: A compartmentalized section of the military-industrial complex did a good job of keeping this secret by any means necessary, including murder.

FACT: Most world leaders had no knowledge of this information until Dr. Greer and select witnesses briefed them. A select few of the military, government, and industrial personnel really knew what was going on, and the whole should not be held accountable for the actions of these few.

FACT: We have targeted and brought down extraterrestrial craft using the very technology we 'stole' from them. In essence, people outside of the law, the checks and balances, and the public opinion have declared interstellar war; so far, no being has retaliated, but time is short.

While a lot of this initially worried me when I read it, I remembered to trust in the divine plan, and Dr. Greer is making an amazing effort for disclosure right now. This effort is only focused on the truth, no more, no less. Last year, the project held a National Press Club conference, which you can watch on the website. This thing is for real. These are exciting times to be living on Planet Earth.

Thoughts anyone?

bitsmart -
information illumination - -
I think it would really be cool to see a category called 'Consciousness.' I am a consciousness hacker and have learned a great deal others may be interested in. I guess this could go in General MP or Integral Psych, though. I believe that space is not the final frontier, I believe that mind is, because Hermetic philosophy states that 'All is mind.'

Just my .02.

bitsmart -
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Perhaps we could define the purpose of life and the meaning of life seperately as well as integrally.

I believe the purpose of life is to experience and develop as a soul, which becomes part of higher and higher spirit until it becomes part of the Creator, like some great cosmic-energetic Rube Goldberg machine.

I believe the meaning of life more complex, yet extremely simple. For now I'll just say it's something like a firecracker detonated for the Creator's amusement.

Integrally, the purpose and the meaning? Foobar.

Why worry? It's probably so beyond anyone's comprehension that it's silly to ask repeatedly and repeatedly get answers like...foobar.

bitsmart -
information illumination - -
I've been attempting conscious exits for some time now, and have not succeeded yet (that I can remember.) The other day I conjured up a new technique sort of like ROPE. I imagine a giant puppet 'paddle' above me, with strings attached to my 7 primary energy centers, both hands and both feet. A giant hand is pulling on the paddle with gentle but constant pressure. If some part of your body needs more of a pull than others, the paddle can be 'tipped' to compensate. So far, I still haven't succeeded but I just thought of this a couple days ago; in other words, it's brand new.

Let me know if this works well for anyone. =)

Love and Peace,

bitsmart -
information illumination - -
I just stumbled onto this integral philosophy as being an established field, but I've been theorizing about a blueprint for consciousness now for some time. It's difficult to integrate the common principles, but it's doable, even for a 20-year-old Gemini like myself. I'm trying to write a paper about my integral philosophy, but every day as I search the 'Net for more information (information illumination) my belief structure changes like the wind.

Here are the core elements I'm basing my work on, in case anyone wants to research themselves. The trick to doing something like this is to simplify, simplify, simplify. It can be broken down enough to create a foundation. Once my belief structure balances out, I shall resume integration...

The 8-Circuit Model of Consciousness
The DNA-RNA dialogue
Electromagnetic energy
Sound, colors, geometry, numbers
Language, as in 'a universal language'
Thinking in concepts
Hermetic Philosophy
The computer/calulator model
Multidimensional/multi-faceted concepts
God/universal consciousness

Does your brain hurt yet?

bitsmart -
information illumination - -

Edited by - bitsmart on 29 March 2002  05:45:49
Welcome to Metaphysics! / 12/23/2012
March 15, 2002, 01:25:01
I feel I must inquire about this, what do others think about the Mayan Calender and December 23rd, 2012?

Dimethyltryptamine, in essence, is a drug, but it's also a neurotransmitter. Unline most entheogens, DMT is found naturally in the brain, as it is produced by the pineal gland. The trip one experiences literally transcends all other drug experiences. It's the holy grail.

Obviously, it's risky and only for the most experienced psychonauts. See for more info.
Welcome to Integral Philosophy! / Opening Up
March 20, 2003, 06:19:56
Yeah, but Tim Leary's the man. He was a psychology professor at Harvard, so he's not just some dingbat trying to get rich off selling videotapes. Is it good lateralus? I've never heard of that video, only all the books he's written like Infopsychology.

Does it involve the 8-Circuit Model?
I feel compelled to respond to this thread. If you're worried about the outcome, please don't be. A few months ago I felt the same way, so I distanced myself from my usual sources of information and focused on other things. The result has been a kind of detached outlook on everything. It comes with the laziness, apathy, and general 'lost' feeling others have described, but it's worth it for the peace of mind.

Humans will not be allowed to destroy themselves on a large scale, because it's a violation of free will. The higher spiritual forces that watch over us are doing what they're allowed and nothing more. That means the details of the coming years are up to us...easy or hard, it's our choice.

It is the nature of the universe to maintain balance. Right now, we're seeing an abundance of negative activity. What does that tell us? That soon there must be a rebalancing, an increase in the positive and a decrease in the negative.

The scenario I'm betting on is really irrelevant, because none of us really knows for sure. My scenario makes me feel good, no matter how bad it gets before the positive change. I encourage you to find one that makes you feel good too, because fear and worry will only make life more difficult. Have faith in the divine plan and let it go.

I hope this helps someone.

Peace -

- Drew
I similarly could not bring myself to join the military, not only for my firm belief in non-violence, but also due to the fact that basic training is meant to break you down and reprogram you, and this I believe is inhumane. However, I have great respect for the people that protect us, and I don't feel that joining the military necessarily incurs karmic debt or contradicts any pacifism/nonviolence you may believe in.

You said you originally joined because it seemed to be the best thing for your future. If this no longer applies, then it may be time to re-evaluate your motivations. But I see no dishonor in staying in or deciding to leave, either way. The most important thing I think for you to do is to do some serious inner questioning and listening to your heart. Anything outside of you cannot help you in making the right decision, real truth comes from the self. Best of luck!

bitsmart -
information illumination - -
Welcome to Metaphysics! / End Times?....
December 21, 2002, 09:49:49
Perhaps I could offer an alternative...

Throughout history horrible scenarios have been flaunted speaking of 'The End.' Organized religion has promised salvation from the end in return for loyal faith, weekly visits to church, etc., and it's worked pretty well. People feared this, and fear is a powerful enough emotion for control. Just look at the mainstream media today, running fear-based news. People are glued to the TV set, just as people were glued to the church pews for centuries. As long as an establishment continues to provide a service (salvation, or the latest breaking news) people will continue to subscribe to that service.

Brothers and sisters, the Universe is infinite and eternal. Nothing ends, it just changes. As fallenangel said, man has always feared death, and this end of the world thing is a projection of that fear onto a larger scale. There IS life after death. When you get the death card in a Tarot reading, it symbolizes change. Destruction is a form of creation. You knock down a building and make a new one. Think about the birth process. There's lots of blood and pain, and it looks and sound awful. But the result is a beautiful new baby boy or girl. Any major change requires a period of cleansing, clearing the way for the new, labor pains.

In the present world, people are questioning things they used to believe without question. There's so much uncertainty, so they're searching, frantically grasping for anything that will give them a little more understanding of what's going on. The Weekly World News has played off people's fears for years, every year promising the end and never delivering. Anything to sell a newspaper, which isn't news. Now we see the same people who did or would have believed the Weekly World News and other supermarket tabloids turning to the Internet, and what do they find? Channelers, researchers, radio shows like Jeff Rense and Art Bell, New Age bookstores, a whole subculture with a broad range of stuff people can cling to as part of their new worldview. It's completely out of control, unlike the days of church-going when you knew what you were getting.

Read Robert Bruce's The Catch Basket Concept and then think about some of this sensational stuff that thousands of people have been duped into believing without question. REAL TRUTH COMES FROM WITHIN. If you look outside yourself for the truth, you will never find it. If you come across something that you think might be true, meditate on it, see if it resonates with you, apply the catch basket concept to it, but don't just believe it because it sounds sensational, or you might as well be in the checkout line buying the Weekly World News.

As far as The Bible and Revelation goes, I believe the Bible contains information that was intended to control through fear more than be consistent with the truth, not to mention it's very symbolic and not to be taken literally. I'll state once again that Apocalypse means 'lifting of the veil' and Armageddon means 'the revealing.' These words are not negative in meaning, but negative in connotation as the result of dogmatic beliefs and control through fear. The movie named Armageddon, for example, is about an asteroid about to smash into Earth. Connotation-wise, the title makes sense, but meaning-wise, 'the revealing' doesn't have much to do with an asteroid impact. For a different perspective on The Bible's Book of Revelation, I refer you to

Now for 'Judgement Day.' I believe we have a loving God, not a vengeful and judgemental one. We're God's children, not criminals on trial. I offer a possible explanation for the REAL meaning of judgement day. An account of a Near Death Experience described a visit to an afterlife realm, whereupon the individual was shown their entire life from birth to death in a very rapid sequence, but it was slow enough not only for this individual to see what was going on, but also to feel what they and those they affected felt, etc. In other words, it was the high-level communication Robert talks about in AD, where it appeared to go by quickly but everything was digested and understood. The purpose of this, the individual believed, was to decide how well this life was handled, work out the karma, etc. and plan for the next a sense, lovingly and objectively judging the job you did in this life, just as you would judge the job you did making a school project. If you did a poor job, you're not going to hell, you just need to do better next time, live up to your potential.

I'm trying to dispel some of these myths for people so that they're not afraid, because we are nearing a time when fear could spell trouble for you. I urge to to find a model of reality that negates fear, makes it a moot point. I fear nothing anymore because I understand a few basic principles about life and the universe, but I had to come to this understanding myself. I wish I could just hand it to others and ease their pain, but I can't because beliefs are a tricky thing.

Humans have done some nasty things, but we've also done great and beautiful things. Our current practices in greed, power-mongering, deception, murder, the dark side of humanity is indeed depressing, unless you look at the bigger picture. Negativity is required for positivity, two polar opposites keeping each other in balance. Now there appears to be an abundance of negativity in this world right now, and if the way of the universe is to maintain balance, what does that tell you to expect soon? A rebalancing, a decrease in negativity and an increase in positivity. Remember that cleansing I discussed before, the labor pains? Well the negativity has to reach a peak before this can occur, so things will get worse before they get better.

I'll reiterate, the universe is infinite and eternal, so there's no such thing as an End, just a constant change. Being in the moment, being non-judgemental, being forgiving, being loving of yourself and others, just being, presents the power of the now, the power of infinity and eternity. Humanity isn't due for extinction, we're just due for a major change. Mother Earth isn't due for extinction, she's just due for a major change. The death card has been placed, and the one getting the tarot reading isn't running for the door screaming, but rather smiling because they know the change is near, and knowing that it's near excites them. Yes folks, it's a very exciting time to be alive right now. Things are reaching a climax, accelerating exponentially. Change is good, and change is the only constant. Feel free to latch onto any scenario you want, be it doom-and-gloom, ascension-like, ET invasion-like, whatever you want, but ABOVE ALL just be ready for anything, and trust in the Divine Plan.

Over and out.


P.S. *Whew!*

bitsmart -
information illumination - -
Welcome to Spiritual Evolution! / Life
December 21, 2002, 08:38:46
If I were looking inside myself and asking who I really was, I would be the act and experience of looking inside myself and asking who I really am, just as right now I am the act and experience of writing this.

bitsmart -
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Qui-Gon, old buddy! Remember me? Heh heh...

Get The Holographic Universe by Michael Talbot, look it up on Amazon. This book is essential for reality hacking.

bitsmart -
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Perhaps channeled was the wrong word, how does this sound: A man named Levi transcribed the book from the Akashic Records.

Anyway, the Bible is channeled material, so to say not to trust channeled material is a contradiction.

You don't have to believe it, you don't even have to read it, but don't discount it just like that because it's "channeled". I did a poor job of introducing the book, but I had to say something, not just "Hey there's a really book on Jesus called the Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ, you should really read it." This is nothing like all the "channeled material" you'll find in the New Age world, so if that's what came to mind when you heard the word "channeled," I assure you this is very different.

bitsmart -
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I believe every natural entheogen (peyote, marijuana, etc.) has a spirit to it, a personality if you will. I've never tried salvia, despite wanting to, and I'm curious, is salvia spiritual? What's her personality like? Truthful? Humorous? Enigmatic? Blunt? I've read trip reports, but it's hard to discern this from reading experiences.

bitsmart -
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Wow, what a fascinating topic. I was raised with out religious beliefs imposed on me, which I heartily thank my parents for. I was left to make my own decisions, which I did. For so many years, I shyed away from the whole Christian thing, because it sounded so far-fetched to me and there was some concepts I didn't like.

Then a friend brought me to a Unity church. I won't go into the Unity movement here, you can research it yourself, but they do use the bible as their basis for spirituality. I happened to go on a day when they had sermon on this book, 'The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ.' The title comes from the astrological Age of Aquarius, supposedly starting very soon. Jesus heralded in the start of the Age of Pisces. Pisces means fish, like the fishy-looking symbol for Christians. This book is basically Jesus's teachings as geared towards the Aquarian age. I'm probably doing a poor job of explaining and describing this book, so I'll let you do your own research, though I'm surprised noone's mentioned it on this thread yet, so I'll try to explain what this book did for me.

First off, it dispelled some myths and helped me get comfortable with Jesus. I still don't buy a lot of what's written in the bible, but I no longer wholly discount Christianity. Second, this book really helped me to understand Jesus's teachings, not people's interpretations of his teachings.

This book was supposedly channeled from the Akashic Records by a man named Levi. It talks about so many things that were left out elsewhere about Jesus, including those missing 18 years, where according to this book, he DID go study with tibetans, yogis, the mystery schools of Egypt, in Greece, etc.

GET THIS BOOK if you are or ever were interested in Jesus and his teachings. I'm not a convert, as I'm not really part of any religion, but I'm assimilating Jesus into my spiritual practice and beliefs as a result of this book.

As far as other supposed records of Jesus's life and teachings, I think a lot was lost in translation, and a lot was edited out or changed for purposes of control. I don't mean to offend anyone and I respect people's beliefs, but dogmatic beliefs and organized religion, in my eyes, are more about control than spirituality. I won't say more than this, because this is a very touchy subject. My parents told me never to argue about two things, religion and politics, so I'm simply stating my opinion.

If you've read The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ, I'd like to hear your opinion on it.

bitsmart -
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As I understand it, the three basic foundational languages for the universe are light, sound, and geometry. During meditation, I see the patterns you guys are talking about, the fractal designs. I'd bet that this is what inspires the mandala designs the Tibetan Monks create. After reading some posts on Astral Phasing (I've been away from this board for some time) I'm going to experiment more with this, maybe get some answers to those questions noone else could help me with.

bitsmart -
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Welcome to Metaphysics! / I CAN'T WAIT UNTIL 2004!!!
December 08, 2002, 21:42:04
Originally posted by auraseer:
I really think you guys should check this out: .

I don't trust most of the stuff on that site.

bitsmart -
information illumination - -
Welcome to Metaphysics! / I CAN'T WAIT UNTIL 2004!!!
December 07, 2002, 09:09:30
Bitsmart's back.

Man, I'm sorry I was away from this forum for so long, I missed a lot, but keeping up with a forum is hard work. I believe it was my original post about the site that started this whole 'doom-monger' rant. Also back in that post I didn't really explain my views very well. I'm finally back participating in this forum when I can, and I felt my first task should be clearing this up.

I consider myself to be a very rational, left-brained person. I've been a bookworm all my life, and computers came very naturally, plus, I used to be an atheist because all that spiritual/religious mumbo jumbo was non-sensical.

Then I started to percieve things differently, slowly but surely. I grew curious at first, and began doing research on psychic abilities and such. Then my life started to get more weird, and I desperately searched for a model of reality that made sense, that would ground me. I read about quantum physics, the multi-dimesional universe, Unified Field Theory, integral philosophy, eastern religion, metaprogramming and brain circuits, the healing properties of sound (I write electronic music), dreams, OBE, psychic phenomena, UFOs and aliens, conspiracy theories, the list goes on. I'm currently suffering from information overload; in other words, I know all this really interesting stuff, so much I don't know what to do with it, I just KNOW IT. Period.

I still had the basic questions that everyone has...why am I here, what's it all about, how's it gonna end, etc., and then I stumbled upon the Mayan Calendar and Terence McKenna's timewave.

Now I draw a big dividing line between doom-and-gloom scenarios and ascension-type scenarios, first off. I don't like Nostradamus because he's too negative. We're not gonna blow ourselves to smithereens, I'm sure of that much. I don't believe that it's gonna be a Rapture, specific only to Christians or other people of a certain faith, or that it will play out exactly as it is written in Revelation. Prophecy is imperfect, because a prophecy is based on probability, not pre-written fate. Probablity being based on variables, even chaos, that can change over time, the outcome is subject to misalignment with the prophecised scenario.

Then there's disinformation, people who falsify or recieve false information and it becomes belief, usually because it's really wild and sensational. I believe this Planet X/asteroid/meteor scenario is one such disinformation ploy meant to distract and confuse people.

All the way I've tried to use good judgement and do enough research on any one topic that I could make an educated decision whether to believe something or not. I feel that I need some beliefs which can't be proven, because I can't stand living in a world based on input from the five senses any more. I have to acknowledge and explore what is more hidden behind the curtain. So when this ascension bit came up, along with a very detailed explanation for why and how, I suddenly felt the pressure start to lift on all the BIG questions everyone ponders about life and the nature of reality.

The Mayan Calendar points to the winter solstice of 2012 for the beginning of a new age according to the calendar system, an age of roughly 26,000 years. This falls roughly around the beginning of the so-called Age of Aquarius of western astrology. And Terence McKenna found a fractal timewave of Earth's history buried in the King Wen sequence of the I-Ching, with the end pointing to--yup, Dec. 2012.

Pause for a moment while I reiterate some things. I'm a very rational, sensible person, not prone to flights of fancy. All this far-out stuff makes sense in my mind because my paradigm, my views on reality have changed radically so many times in the past few years as a result of all this research. Here I had two seperate completely unrelated systems pointing to the same date for the end of one world and the beginning of another. I was convinced SOMETHING was happening, but what?

Then I found Forget David's bit about Edgar Cayce for a minute and focus on his writing...seamlessly blending science with spirituality. It's hard for me to believe that this shift is so close too, but when I really look at the world I live in, things are accelerating towards some kind of climax, and the rate of acceleration is increasing exponentially. The 20th century illustrates this with so many advances of such magnitude that used to take hundreds, even thousands of years.

I'm aware that people say the "world will end" every year, and I ignore most of this stuff. The millenium was just ripe for the picking, big deal. 2012 is different for me because, taking into account the science/spirit grounded explanation of why and how makes sense in my reality fact, it fits like the final puzzle piece. Of course, I don't know exactly what's going to happen, but I know changes are coming, and it's going to be a gradual crescendo to this final point, at which time the world as we know it will end. Not doom-and-gloom, but an evolutionary leap.

Nowadays, I've basically solved all the theological/philosophical questions I needed answered through my research and building a working model of reality. Some questions just sorta became less important, some solve themselves. I constantly question my sanity. My waking life feels more like a dream all the time, and my dreams feel progressively more real. I'm not afraid of anything anymore. The WORST thing that could happen to me is that I could die and go onto the afterlife, but it would have been part of my master plan (loose destiny, as I call it.) So I play the game of life happily, carefree, and try to help others who are wrapped up in the illusions that abound in this density of existence. I try to stay away from negative influences, such as conspiracy theories/extraterrestrial-UFO coverup, because it has kind of become a moot point for me.

Just for the record, apocalypse means "lifting of the veil" and armageddon means "the revealing." Dogmatic beliefs associated these terms with doom and gloom, which is negative, which I try to stay away from. At some point in this rant, you may have asked if the info I recieved was disinformation. Well, it's totally possible, but I'm pretty convinced while remaining grounded in reasoning. Watch out for disinformation, question the motivation, be ready for anything, have faith in the divine plan, learn your lessons, and remember that this is all a game.

What I said in the earlier post about "life being broken down into the choice to serve others or yourself" was poorly communicated/simplified. What I meant to say was, that the lesson to be learned in this density of existence is to serve others, and as all are one, serving yourself through others. Each density level holds a different overall lesson for spiritual evolution that one must learn before they're ready for the next level. The service to others lesson is especially hard to learn on Earth right now living in America, simply because of our consumerist culture.

OK, I don't think I have the energy to continue so I'll wrap it up. I know most of this is very specific, and I don't expect everyone to believe it, but it might interest some on this board, or at the very least provoke thought. I learned the hard way that trying to change someone's beliefs isn't worth the effort, so I repect others as I'd like to be respected. I could be totally wrong, and I'm definitely not completely right, but I felt compelled to clarify. And, I'm done.


bitsmart -
information illumination - -
I'm with you Monica, it's all an endlessly complexifying fractal explosion, and God divided into many parts (entities) is experiencing the universe in new and exciting ways, and evolving spiritually. There's definitely a point, but not really any point in worrying about it. God has a sense of humor, and the Universe is one big joke. We're all missing the punchline, so instead of trying and trying to get it, just laugh. Heh." border=0>

bitsmart -
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