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Messages - Inner~Peace

hey Nickis danky dank, I hope this helps a little, and remember EVERYTHING said here is essentially about a subjective experience, and based on how we each THINK things are, not KNOW.
Quote from: NickisDank on October 31, 2010, 21:24:55
And are false awakenings you projecting correctly, it's just close minded individuals think they happen just due to lucid dreaming?

My take is that a false awakening is just like any other dream, though your subconscious has you in your room/house or wherever, so that you think you've actually woken up. Like PR (personalreality, if he doesn't mind being called that  :-P) said,essentially projecting/phasing or whatever you want to call it is a dream, and a dream is projecting, only unaware of it. It all comes down to level of consciousness. For example, a regular dream could be, very crudely, compared to sleepwalking or something on the physical, where your subconscious is running everything. 

Also, there is no way to project incorrectly, it's all a matter of finding the combination that works for you, whether entering from a dream or a conscious exit, whichever gets you better results and which you feel comfortable with. 

I say snoop around the site a bit, look through some old threads if you're not sure what to search for and read what interests you. This forum is jam packed with great info. 

PS. Xanth's a very smart hombre, I'm sure he'll be able to answer your questions better than I can.

Great news Grey!
Quote from: personalreality on October 13, 2010, 21:21:06
i like the way you journal your experiences.
I do too, very professional looking  :-P
Quote from: Xanth on September 02, 2010, 08:50:28
Think about that for a second.

Can you remember any of your dreams where you've felt "tired" or "exhausted" in them?
I certainly can not remember a single dream where I ever felt "tired" or "sleepy".

What does this tell me?  Well, it tells me that being "tired" isn't a non-physical thing.  It's a physical thing.
It tells me that we sleep so our "physical body" can rest, not for the benefit of our non-physical consciousness.  :)

I feel that keeping consciously aware while you fall asleep is definitely something that you can learn.  This also means that "time" of day shouldn't really matter regarding keeping yourself consciously aware, as being "tired" is, literally, all just in your head... your physical head, that is. :)

This might just apply to me, so I dunno... in any case, it's something to think about. 

  That's a good point Xanth, and I'm not saying it can't be done, not at all.  I just personally find that I lose consciousness much easier at night than in the morning.  I think it would take more discipline to learn.

Quote from: iamkuljuarenot on September 02, 2010, 17:48:32
Today at around 11:30 a.m. i woke up for a few minutes and then tried to go back to sleep and came as close to an OBE as i ever had.  i recognized myself falling asleep again, and all of a sudden i got these intense crazy vibrations that were soooo loud, i remained calm, it sounded like a jet engine in my room, but just like when an engine runs out of gas it sputters and stops.  thats exactly what the vibrations did, i guess maybe i got a little too excited because i never experienced the intensity of this kind of vibrations before.

Grats man, keep it up   :wink: 

The time IS a factor simply because it would generally be much harder to keep consciousness at night (in my opinion) , when you're so used to drifting off too sleep and are usually drained.  I like to practice as I fall asleep too, like personalreality, though that's more to familiarize myself with that state than to actually attempt projection.
Everything in the physical is made of energy, this we know.  As far as energy always meaning consciousness, I personally don't think so in all objects.  However I also think that consciousness couldn't exist without energy, though whether it is consisted of energy who can say. 
I think that all living things, including plants, have consciousness, but have never really suspect inanimate objects to hold such.  But then we have collective consciousness to think of.

So, basically, I have no idea  :-P   buuuuut I think the answer is in the "gray area", so to speak.
Quote from: CFTraveler on March 25, 2010, 18:04:40
Youzas.  Well, I would never ask you to use your body to know if you're ready, because this would focus your attention on your body, which is the opposite of what you want when you're in deep trance.

I'd hafta agree.  I've ruined numerous attempts by being too eager and thinking "O..maybe i can move now!!" drawing my attention back to the physical.
Haha, I thought that sounded a little fishy.  :?
This could be interesting, though one wouldn't have to go "back" to when the card was there.  I would be more interested on seeing how long the card or object exists in the RTZ and experiment with focusing on it different amounts to see how much of an affect you could have on the permanency of the object.  Just my thoughts.

Welcome to News and Media! / Re: Weirdness in Norway
December 22, 2009, 13:50:15
Haha  :lol:  Gotta love PBS.   
Yup- CFTs got it  :-)   Since you are focusing yourself to where there is no physical matter, there is no real space (or time, but that's a whole different thread  :-P).  As long as you find the transition that works to get ya where you wanna go. 
Welcome to Healing discussions! / Healing eyesight?
December 17, 2009, 15:21:56
Sorry if this has been discussed before, but I didn't find it when I searched.  I was thinking today, would it be possible to correct vision, over time through meditation, using any sort of healing energy?  I played around with Qigong for a while but don't know much about this stuff  :|    Boy would it be nice not to worry about glasses ever again  :lol:

All comments appreciated

Welcome to News and Media! / Re: Weirdness in Norway
December 15, 2009, 21:58:34
Hmm...I personally don't believe for a second that they were rockets, however I'm with Stookie in that we can't for sure say it wasn't, for sure say it was, or for sure say anything right now  :lol:   Whether missile malfunction or vortex, it's definitely puurrtty  :-o
Sorry if this isn't my place but it almost sounds to me as if these issues should be resolved on the physical, Scorpio.   But then again, I think that if two people are meant to be together here, it will happen.  If you both want to be happy together, sit down and have a good ole fashion "talk"  :-D  Cover the real issues where they originate, in the physical.   Just my 2 cents all.  Interested on hearing how this goes for you though, best of luck.

I'm still working on getting in touch with mine better.  I think it's all about learning to sort of feel the difference between a guess or random thought, and message from the higher-self. 
Quote from: kurtykurt42 on December 15, 2009, 20:34:00
I have found that my astral body (sub-conscious/higher self) is quite a bit different from my conscious (etheric) mind.

Yea, I've heard of people who say their subconscious have a different personality almost, like sarcastic for example  :-P

 I've heard of this kind of experience, and I'm sure everybody has had some experience with them.  Sometimes you just know something and can't explain why.  It is, or so I've read, you getting in touch with your subconscious, which has access to anything anytime anywhere, basically.  There is a really interesting chapter about it in Robert Peterson's book .  Its chapter 10 - The Small Still Voice Within.

If you want you can train yourself to listen to the voice more often, which I think is why often our first instinct is right, but we always second guess it.  Hope this helps ya :-)

Welcome to Members Introductions! / Re: Byebye
December 14, 2009, 14:19:15
See ya around Tiny. I wish you all the best on the rest of your journey.  Don't let the feds bust ya   :wink:

 :-D haha    I read it and though I can't speak from personal experience I have heard of this method before, and its originally the method I started trying to project with, until I got technique ADD.  :roll:   It sounds like it would work fine.  The way I understand it it's not so much what method as much as dedicating time and practice, while finding which works for you.
Quote from: Stillwater on December 04, 2009, 06:10:49

If the internet succumbs to government regulation, the most direct path open to most people to all kinds of free and unadulterated knowledge will be lost. We could then only know things we could learn from sources that others determined for us, such as books or articles which were chosen to be published and stocked in stores and libraries.

People do not truly appreciate the staggering importance of these facts, or there would be massive push for a "freedom of information" ammendment relating to such things as the internet in the US.

I think a more important reason is that mainstream science does not currently accept these experiences as feature of the world and human experience, and feels no obligation to deal with explaining it. If there was diligent scientific study and the results and discussions were publicized, people would jump on the subject with great interest.

Totally agreed Stillwater, I knew virtually nothing about OBEs and always threw them out instantly, thinking the person claiming the experience to be mistaken about what happened to them.  I consider myself lucky for simply not going through this entire life without stumbling across, and giving serious thought to this.  Couldn't have happened without the good ole interwebs :lol:

As mainstream science...hmm.  I think we are mostly exposed to validating experiments for things we are wanted to believe, for the most part.  Unless a person takes the time to look on the net,  they have to rely on stumbling upon anything that says OBEs aren't made up or simply dreams.

And thanks Steel Hawk for the links :-D
ah genius!  Can't believe I never thought of that :lol:   I'll hafta give it a try thnx

hey everybody, I been creepin these forums trying to get my activation e-mail for months!  Feels good to finally get it  :-D   Just wanted to say hi and that I appreciate all the time that's gone into these forums.  Haven't had a conscious OBE yet but I gotta say seeing all the posts and time people put into this forum is much help.

peace all