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Messages - punkyou

I quit smoking today and decided to take a nap, one of the effects of quiting is loss of energy.  Anyway....I have gotten to be an expert on vibrations and relaxation, but could never seem to manage leaving my body. It just wouldn't happen!   Today I was the most relaxed ever and the vibrations were so strong, I thought my head would pop from all the ringing. What's interesting is that I decided to open my eyes and I saw the most incredible light show, wow!  it was like sparks were shooting off of my body and I was looking through an old glass window.  Then I closed my eyes and felt my body float around the room a little bit, and after that I was in this dream state, or so I think.  It was very difficult to tell...because it seemed so real, but when I awoke it seemed difficult to tell... Some jerk knocked on my door and poof it was over.

What do you think?
You have to be kidding, right?
Originally posted by Tayesin

Hi All,
I had the most interesting experiences yesterday and last night so I decided to share them with you.  It is a bit long but interesting anyway.  So here goes........

Monday 29 September 2003.

Approximately 5 to @ 6 pm.(AEST)

   While online I got a tightening sensation that signifies to me some sort of presence or communication.  I tried to block it with a screening method but it only dulled and did not stop completely.   So I opened to it and asked to be shown who or what was attempting to communicate with me,  at first I could see the eyes of a typical alien,  who said,  "We are ready to work with you now,  you must project to us in order to meet."   I agreed that I would do it that night and expected the communication feeling to end, but it did not.   Again I opened to see who was there and saw a man about 45 to 50 with dark hair who said,  "Why are you interferring with what I am doing?"   I answered,  " I am only trying to help those who have asked for help."   He then said,  "You will lose,  you're going down."   Then he too left,  I felt he was the man responsible for some of the psychic attacks that some forum members are having.   The feeling of contact did not end there either,  so someone else was in touch with me at some level.   I did not have the freedom to pursue it any further as my daughter required my attention at the same time.

   Today, 30th September I received a private message form a member of the Astral Pulse Forum who wanted to know if I had helped him to get out of body.  I read the message and he said, "Sunday sep28 night (technically monday) around 3am eastern time.   I met an entity that claimed to be you. It gave me lots of energy,  helped me get out of body, and showed me some things that would be very hard to describe. I dont remember either of us having any form.   We were more spread out. If that was you, can we do it again?   It was more like sharing energy than you giving it to me.   I produced the most energy I've produced in many months and gave some to you and whoever else was around. If that was you."

   This seemed to answer the question of who else was in contact with me at that time, as I had checked on the world clock to see what time it would have been here and it was within the time-frame that I felt the communications happening.  

   So now back to the previous night..... I waited for the night when I would be able to give my full attention to the first contactee.  At 9:15 pm my time,  I sat and began to prepare to journey out and see what the Alien wanted from me.   One of my Guides came and said,  "We do not have time for that,  we are late already.   Just project your awareness,  let's go."   I did as he suggested and was soon approaching the largest 'ship' I have ever seen,  it was massive,  about the size of the first ships depicted in the movie "Independence Day".

   I wanted to check it out but had no time for frivolities !   My guide led me in and the first thing I noticed was a human male dressed in a uniform who bowed to us.  I questioned why a human was aboard this ship and was told,  "This is a Federation Ship,  there are all kinds on-board."   We quickly moved on to something I would describe as an elevator,  and entered it while my Guide said he would wait for me to return.   The elevator rose at phenomenal speed and very quickly came to a stop,  the door(s) opened and there waiting for me was a tall,  pale-grey Alien who telepathically said,  "Come with me,  we are ready for you now."   And he led me to what looked like a normal office type board room,  with oval table and chairs all around it.   One other being was waiting and he refused to speak with me,  I got the feeling from him that he was not particularly friendly to us humans.

   I waited just a couple of seconds and then heard my name called,  and noted also that it is not the name I have in my current life.  One wall of the room slid open to reveal a huge auditorium sized room,  circular in shape,  with seating around the outside and what appeared to be a gigantic round table in the middle.   I heard,  "Please take your seat",  and immediately knew what seat was mine,  I could see it clearly,  as if I had sat there many times before.   I made my way around the circle to my seat and calmly sat while waiting for the meeting to start.   It was extremely quiet, except for my thoughts.  I was reminded to screen my thoughts as it was like I was yelling out in the room !!  I tried to do so,  while the meeting started.

   A being from a race that I had seen once during my first kundalini awakening stood up and approached the table at the same time that an approximately thirty foot diameter hologram of Earth appeared above the table.   What took my attention was the thousands of red dots all over the globe.   The being who had stood up began to communicate to the gathering,  explaining that the red dots indicated where the underground/undersea bases existed for the Reptilian's.   And that their plans for processing the human inhabitants was well advanced.   This meeting was to find a way to deal with the threat that would not cause an escalation in hostilities.

   One being suggested simply attacking and destroying the Dark Forces,  but that was answered with,  "Should we choose that option,  the Reptilians will respond with a full-force attack upon that world and us.   We do not have sufficient numbers here as yet to deal with that kind of situation."   Another being asked,  " Could we not destroy them one ship at a time when we see them ?"   And the answer was,  "That action will provoke them to a full-scale attack also.  What we do to deal with this situation must be very well planned and not make any provocations."   Then I was asked to stand and give the message that I had received four years ago when talking with a Reptilian emissary at a place I call the high ground.   I did as they had asked and took my seat again.

   The meeting continued.   I learned that these Reptilians were actively working at bringing about the Armageddon scenario as described in the Bible, that they were also actively involved in producing some large Earthquakes around the planet and that they are here in massive numbers.....although the larger main force is on standby within our Solar System in 'cloaked ships'.

   Then I was told that my services would not be needed for the remainder of the planning session and I could return to my world.   I left and met with the tall pale grey one who spoke with me about a number of things that are happening in my life and left me with one overriding thought as we reached the elevator.   He said,  "Remember this.",  then gave me a huge input of pure Loving energy while saying to my mind that I must remember this is my weapon.   I then entered the elevator for the quick trip down and found my Guide waiting as he said he would.   We returned to my place and I spent some time talking with my Primary higher-self Guide to ensure that I understood what was going on in my life and to know that I am strong enough to deal with the dark-haired man who had threatened me during the earlier communications.  

Elapsed time, 35 minutes.

Told you it was different hay, LOL

Love Always. Tayesin.[:)]

Sounds like too many episodes of star trek to me.  Sorry if that is too frank for you, or if you think I am rude for saying this.  But I would guess this is more like a demonic deception feeding your interests.
Originally posted by Shadow20205

Ok, now I have to get that, did you buy it off line? If so where did you get it, becuase this is realy interesting.[:)]

Download it for free here:
Originally posted by no_leaf_clover

Originally posted by Hephaestus

You'd be surprised at how unlikely 'intelligent biological' life can evolve on none Earthlike planets

hephaestus, you'd be surprised how *easily* life can evolve. you're under the spell of modern science. it is believed that all live requires oxygen, food, space, etc. it was also thought, until recently, that all life needed sunlight, too, until we found those underwater colonies of weird blind fish and plants that lived off of thermal heat.

robert bruce has even reported astral wildlife, and people experience negs all the time. is this not intelligent life? and it does not require oxygen or food, or at least the kind of food we think of. according to science, these astral beings can't exist.

here's the facts:

the only planet we know of for sure that has evolved life, is earth. therefore all of our experiences with life in the universe are based on this planet. science is such that it doesn't allow you to say "well, maybe there are more kinds of life than what is here on earth" without solid proof. obviously, we wouldn't know yet, since our space technology is severely limited. we're only now beginning to explore our neighboring planet mars from the surface.

also, there are more stars in the universe than there are grains of sand on all the beaches of the world combined. this, science has determined, and is therefore, relatively obvious. suppose every star or system of stars has planets. maybe just 1 or 2 planets. do you have any idea how many planets that is? and we only know of the ones in our system, and closeby systems that have big enough planets to see.

so no one knows. we don't even have the experience with alien life to *comprehend* what can and can't be done in the vast universe we live in. we're just exploring a corner of our own room, without knowing much about the rest of the house, and much less of our neighboring galaxies. science says its unlikely for intelligent life to evolve, because it needs proof for otherwise. yet here WE are, not knowing much about space anyway. we must be *really* lucky, huh? scientists (without the aid of the scientific method, or course) have showed how life can evolve even without the element carbon, of which every life form on earth is based on. they've shown on discovery how simple life can evolve from silicon..

be more open-minded towards life.

You sound like a poster child for the Heavens Gate UFO cult.  Where do you get your information?
PS check out this link
Originally posted by Ginny

<BLOCKQUOTE id=quote><font size=1 face="Arial" id=quote>quote:<hr height=1 noshade id=quote>Originally posted by Adrian:
Greetings Ginny!

Thank you so much for your excellent account of phasing!
It really is most useful.

I hope people can see a pettern forming here when they compare your experiences with those of Frank and others, it is extremely clear that imagination is the key that unlocks the door to full Astral interaction! This is also clear in reading through the TMI information.
<hr height=1 noshade id=quote></font id=quote></BLOCKQUOTE id=quote>

**********Yep. We've all been raised with the idea that imagination is 'fantasy'...that it has no validity in the world of facts and concrete whatever. The best description I've heard to date regarding the difference between the two is....'imagination is this incredible, innate gift we're each born with, and since we know virtually nothing about it we end up using only a tiny fraction of it to 'fantasize'. In other words, fantasizing is a result OF using imagination.  There is just a limitless amount of things we can do with imagination, fantasizing being only one. Bruce Moen teaches that, say, in the beginning of learning to explore, if you want, go ahead and just *pretend* you're having a conversation with a deceased loved one in your mind or in the afterlife: pretend the conversation back and forth, pretend the environment....and watch for anything unexpected to happen, such as your loved one saying something that isn't in your own 'pretend script'...or they do something unexpectedly, suggest the two of you go somewhere. It's then you begin to realize that somewhere along the line, something real developed. This is using imagination to 'prime the pump', as Bruce says. It happened to me, big time!*******************
<BLOCKQUOTE id=quote><font size=1 face="Arial" id=quote>quote:<hr height=1 noshade id=quote>
It is also clear that phasing provides for the possibility of much more rewarding and enduring experiences than classic OBE.
<hr height=1 noshade id=quote></font id=quote></BLOCKQUOTE id=quote>

***************Well you've got my yes vote on that one. I must have read Bob Monroe's books ten times each through the years, and I not only had great respect for him and what he did for all of us, I just flat out loved the guy. What a big heart he had (has). And yet, Adrian, I knew I never wanted to spend years, as he did, figuring out how the subconscious can literally 'take us for a wild ride' in OOBEs. Perhaps others have a different take on this, but I've had many OOBEs and I just could never control them. It seemed to me all the beliefs and fears and silly movies and junk tucked away in my brain were unleashed during OOBEs.....and who needs that??---LOL!  With Phasing or Focusing Attention Within I have control through the placing of intent. **************************************
<BLOCKQUOTE id=quote><font size=1 face="Arial" id=quote>quote:<hr height=1 noshade id=quote>
Creating a scenario by means of the imagination  - which is very much a spiritual faculty - invokes its Astral counterpart like a lock and key. This can be a self-created scenario, or it could be a known gateway symbol to another realm. All that is required is a necessary pre-phasing procedure.

Ginny: could I ask you - what is your level of perception like in the Astral while you are there? Is it a real 3D, full colour, holographic "I am here" type experience, or is it more vague than that. I take it that there is no doubt anyway.
<hr height=1 noshade id=quote></font id=quote></BLOCKQUOTE id=quote>
*************In the beginning I was in the frame of mind that I had to 'see as we see in the physical', while in the afterlife, in order to believe it was real. Creating my special F27 place really helped me to perhaps strengthen my mind's eye so that I saw color and objects moreso while There.....but for the most part, I do not see in 3D while There. For me it just isn't necessary. I choose to FEEL while attention to rotes that come to me from Helpers or even nonhuman entities. Usually I can ask for and get images (sometimes fuzzy, other times in color and real looking, as well as fleeting impressions)  just like images we 'see' in the mind's eye, but I seem to need this less and less. And one has no doubt, especially when we're able to get info from a deceased relative or friend---info we had no way of knowing beforehand---that we can then verify through still-in-the-physical living folks.**********************************
<BLOCKQUOTE id=quote><font size=1 face="Arial" id=quote>quote:<hr height=1 noshade id=quote>
How vivid and active does your imagination need to be to trigger the Astral projection? Does it have to be very clear. I know this is a concern to some people, because powers of creative imagination do vary.
<hr height=1 noshade id=quote></font id=quote></BLOCKQUOTE id=quote>

*****************Guess what? If I understand you correctly, Adrian, the way I see it, being able to 'see' with the mind's eye doesn't trigger being able to be there in the afterlife, within. Intent does it. 'Seeing' throught the mind's eye can be an aid in helping one become oriented while There, or perhaps helps one to become acquainted with being There and building trust to further explore. When I want to, say, visit F27...I don't see that place vividly in my mind ahead of time (I can if I want, if that helps). All I have to do is place the intent to be in F27. If I've never been there, just place the intent and go. If I've already been to Frank's library, I can use that image but I must *place intent* to actually get there. And by the way, in the afterlife we all perceive a little differently anyway. Frank's library may appear to me as a 1960's high school type of building and interior, while his perception of it  may differ a lot. It doesn't matter because info gathered from that library and comparing that info later is what helps us know it's a very real place (partnered exploring). Bruce Moen rarely has physical-like images while in the afterlife. He learned that perceiving with nonphysical senses was  the language There. The retrieval I posted here of the Confederate soldier?-----This was not like being in a movie with 3D physical likeness all around. I had fleeting glimpses of him sitting under a tree, of a field beyond with trees and fencing. What I locked into was what I felt from that individual...and what Helpers were sharing with me ('knowing feelings', thoughts, impressions, sensing, rotes), prior to getting the guy to simply become aware of the fact that he could leave.*****************************
<BLOCKQUOTE id=quote><font size=1 face="Arial" id=quote>quote:<hr height=1 noshade id=quote>
How do you contact your guide and/or helpers and get involved with retrievals once you have arrived at your Astral place?
<hr height=1 noshade id=quote></font id=quote></BLOCKQUOTE id=quote>

*************I just place the intent to meet with Helpers or Guides to help in a retrieval before I phase or focus attention into the nonphysical, or after I get to my special place. What I've also been learning is that Helpers, especially our own Guides, are just a thought away anyway. They're right Here, with us, as is all life physical and nonphysical. It's really cool to sit quietly in one's special F27 place... and place the intent for a Guide or Helper to appear---even if you just want to have a chat and ask cosmic questions, ask for help in perceiving the nonphysical better, or assist in retrievals.**************

I am locking this topic in place for ongoing discussions.

Thanks again.

With best regards,


*********************Thanks, Adrian...and much love...Ginny********************

You know I hear alot about guides, helpers etc... But I don't think I have ever heard anyone say what specifically these helpers or guides do.  Are they from God? Do they have a name?  What are they here for and who gives them responsibility for us?

Originally posted by Adrian

Greetings everyone,

I have spent an hour this evening putting together the first draft of the webpage for the Astral Locale project.

Please wait for the image to load, it is rather large.

I haven't checked it for typo's etc., but I wanted to get the page up for comments and so we can refine it. It isn't meant to be a work of art either, simply functional and the basis to launch the project.

Please note, the project is not officially launching just yet, but this is the precursor to it.

All comments welcome, keeping in mind this is only the first draft.

With best regards,


what's the deal with the fake pyramid? is this supposed to be a real place?
Welcome to Magic! / tell me a way to become invisible
September 16, 2003, 16:06:14
Originally posted by Xvirus

most of you people believe in god (what made god and what made the thing that made god and so on)

Interesting you should answer my question with a question! First, I am not interested in convincing you, but you did try to convince us there is no God. So please answer my question, or perhaps you shouldn't make statements you can't back up.
Originally posted by Adrian

Greetings Allanon,

Whilst we most certainly respect your right to believe in anything you will, evangelising on these forums will get you nowhere at all.

Please support your claims and positions with facts and experience.

I would like to followup on an excellent point made by Robert:


Btw, are you aware that there is absolutely 'no' historical proof to support 'anything' written in the new testament? The only thing that supports biblical history is the bible itself. This is fact that can be ascertained through historical records and university religious studies. The earliest historical evidence of christianity and the bible are a few late-third century 'fingernail sized' fragments that historians consider could 'possibly' be fragments of a very early version of the bible.

All of christianity is based around the words contained in the bible, which is, in and of itself, extremely suspect. What fragments have been found were translated and retranslated, interpreted and reinterpreted by the various factions of the church, all with view to creating a religion to control the masses. To that end they succeeded to a certain extent, notwithstanding the extreme genocide and bloodshed that seems to have followed religion throughout the centuries, and the "commandment" "thou shalt not kill".

If the bible was presented as evidence of the happenings of 2000 years ago, then it would be rejected outright as hearsay.

Please feel free to contribute your views, but when you make remarks like:


All this projection and letting go of your mind just allows the Devil to get a stranglehold on your soul.

There is no other Way out of this.

You may think that you will "live forever" after you die but that is exactly what Satan's first lie was. If you want eternal life and happiness with God you must accept Jesus Christ as your Saviour and turn to the Word of God. The Bible is absolutely true no matter what "evidence" Satan puts on the table.

Please support it with evidence, and remember, the bible is inadmissible.

Finally a word of caution. In the lower Astral there are levels known as the "belief system territories", some of which are analogous to "hells". These are the places people are attracted to after they pass on from the physical world due to strongly held religious beliefs they will not let go of. Only when the residents there see there beliefs for the illusions they are can they progress to the mid-Astral worlds and higher where most decent people dwell.

I would respectfully suggest you consider these things deeply.

With best regards,


Adrian you poor Hypocrite you! If Robert is right and he isn't, where is his/your proof that there is no historical truth to the bible.  This is a very ignorant statement whic I can disprove, and how embarrassing for you and Rober Bruce if I do so.  This is such a passionate subject and people tend to talk before thinking.  Don't be so dogmatic and closed minded.
Originally posted by Adrian

Greetings Allanon,

Whilst we most certainly respect your right to believe in anything you will, evangelising on these forums will get you nowhere at all.

Please support your claims and positions with facts and experience.

I would like to followup on an excellent point made by Robert:


Btw, are you aware that there is absolutely 'no' historical proof to support 'anything' written in the new testament? The only thing that supports biblical history is the bible itself. This is fact that can be ascertained through historical records and university religious studies. The earliest historical evidence of christianity and the bible are a few late-third century 'fingernail sized' fragments that historians consider could 'possibly' be fragments of a very early version of the bible.

All of christianity is based around the words contained in the bible, which is, in and of itself, extremely suspect. What fragments have been found were translated and retranslated, interpreted and reinterpreted by the various factions of the church, all with view to creating a religion to control the masses. To that end they succeeded to a certain extent, notwithstanding the extreme genocide and bloodshed that seems to have followed religion throughout the centuries, and the "commandment" "thou shalt not kill".

If the bible was presented as evidence of the happenings of 2000 years ago, then it would be rejected outright as hearsay.

Please feel free to contribute your views, but when you make remarks like:


All this projection and letting go of your mind just allows the Devil to get a stranglehold on your soul.

There is no other Way out of this.

You may think that you will "live forever" after you die but that is exactly what Satan's first lie was. If you want eternal life and happiness with God you must accept Jesus Christ as your Saviour and turn to the Word of God. The Bible is absolutely true no matter what "evidence" Satan puts on the table.

Please support it with evidence, and remember, the bible is inadmissible.

Finally a word of caution. In the lower Astral there are levels known as the "belief system territories", some of which are analogous to "hells". These are the places people are attracted to after they pass on from the physical world due to strongly held religious beliefs they will not let go of. Only when the residents there see there beliefs for the illusions they are can they progress to the mid-Astral worlds and higher where most decent people dwell.

I would respectfully suggest you consider these things deeply.

With best regards,


Adrian you poor Hypocrite you! If Robert is right and he isn't, where is his/your proof that there is no historical truth to the bible.  This is a very ignorant statement whic I can disprove, and how embarrassing for you and Rober Bruce if I do so.  This is such a passionate subject and people tend to talk before thinking.  Don't be so dogmatic and closed minded.
Originally posted by Robert Bruce

G'day Folks!

A fun topic by the looks of it all....

But it has a serious side.

I have known a number of devout born again type christians to experience spontaneous OBE.  They have told their church that they were 'taken up' and shown visions.  This is recieved well by churches as the 'terminology' used to describe OBE experiences fits their paradigms.

This only goes to show that it is not so much the experience of OBE, but the 'terminology' used to describe it that matters to devout christian type people.

On a more serious note, this type of fundamental christian view of OBE can cause a great deal of harm.  Many christians, including ministers, I have know and helped, who have experienced OBE related symptoms, eg, paralysis, rapid heartbeat, vibrations, etc, interpret this as major satanic attack.  The symptoms thus needlessly terrorize and traumatize them, when they are actually just harmless and natural phenomena.

With regard to 'letting go of ones mind', or emptying the mind, etc, newage and Eastern terminology also gets in the way. If you use terms like 'focusing the mind' or 'clearing the mind' or 'quietening the mind' then christians take less offense.  The act of clearing the mind involves strength and discipline, and such a mind is far less vulnerable to negative influences than any other 'non disciplined' mind.

Keep all this in mind when you discuss these matters with christians as a simple change in terminology can overcome most such arguments.

Also, I always wonder about the other 80% of the world's population that are non christian when I come across this type of dogmanic argument. But then again, they probably think the same way about the christians.

Btw, are you aware that there is absolutely 'no' historical proof to support 'anything' written in the new testament?  The only thing that supports biblical history is the bible itself. This is fact that can be ascertained through historical records and university religious studies. The earliest historical evidence of christianity and the bible are a few late-third century 'fingernail sized' fragments that historians consider could 'possibly' be fragments of a very early version of the bible.

There is a big difference between 'popularly believed' history and 'real' history that can be supported by hard evidence.  However, most christians are not interested in the 'real' truth, only in the 'comfortable' truth.

Also note that freedom of thought is 'actively' discouraged in fundamentalist type christian churches, where members are told what to think and what to believe, so this situation is likely to remain unchanged.

Take care, Robert.

Hang on there a second Robert.  I consider myself a christian and I don't necessarily go for "organized religeon", but your comment that "there is no historical proof in the New Testament" is a complete and utter lie!  Don't get me wrong, I am not attempting a fight here or to convert your soul! Thats between you and whomever you think did or did not make you.  But that comment was made in ignorance of commonly accepted and proven scientific studies of history and archealogy.  So...unless you can prove what your saying, maybe you should try to remain opened minded and remember we all have something worth offering here.  Whether Christian, muslim, hindu, etc....   Or are you prejudice against Christians?
Originally posted by General-Army

Is there other universes we would be able to travel to by using worm holes or something? I learned a few days ago that if you go in one direction through the universe you would eventualy come back around the other side and end up where you started, that could mean the universe is a circle. Then that could mean there are other universes next to ours that are only able to travel to using worm holes. Is this possible?

How is that possible? If the universe is expanding then what your saying is the universe should came back to point A?
Welcome to Magic! / tell me a way to become invisible
September 12, 2003, 20:28:28
Originally posted by Xvirus

Your some crazy people

You say there is no God only Science?  Interesting...well since you are obviously a man of Science, I would pose this question to you.  Since Astro Physics tells us that all of creation stemmed from the big bang and for every action there must be an equal and opposite reaction and something must trigger a reaction.  Who or what caused the Big Bang?

By the way, I am not attempting to antagonize you. However if you have some proof that there is no God and you can provide some insight into this dillema that I posed for you and I might add the  greatest physicists in the world haven't been able to explain this one away.  Perhaps you might enlighten the rest of us?  You might as well say that black holes don't exist since you can't see them or prove they exist.  Perhaps you might try to keep an opened mind on this issue, just in case your wrong!
It is very easy for an atheist to discredit christianity and frankly serves his/her purposes.  The truth is, Satan is real and if you understand his true identity, he is not afraid to reveal himself to you.   It's the non-beleivers who refuse to accept a real satan, simply because the confirmation of satan, also confirms the reality of God.  What's next? Hmmm...then you must be accountable for your actions and sins.   Satan choses not to reveal himself to atheist/agnostics etc.... For the simple fact that if he did and every man recognized him for what he was, there would be a revival in this world beyond comprehension and everyone would flock to God!  Why did Satan deceive Eve?   Because she wouldn't have eaten the fruit from the tree of Knowledge and brought sin into the world. So...he continues to deceive man with lies and illusions.