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Messages - Hiebreed

How do u flare psiballs?! i cant find nething about it, please tell me THANKS!
I have been making them for about 4 months and doing em for like 15 minutes a day and I still cant see them! Why is that? Do I hafta visualize it one color the whole time, and keep telling myself that it is blue or what? And they r really dense but no matter what i cant see them. What do i hafta do? Please tellme, im really desperate.
What am I doing wrong?! I feel one with the object and feel like i have control but it will not move. My heart rate increases as well. Am I trying to hard? Should I just be relaxed and tell the object to move or what?
Can anyone please tell me how to do the pyrokinesis technique, Dancing Flame?
I really want to learn how to do pyrokinesis? How do I put out a flame? For how long do I meditate and what do I do?
How do I send my psiballs? I can make them, but how do I send them to my leg or to the wall or something?
I have seen my ki but how do I see my psiballs?
Which would make a stronger psi ball? Meditate for an hour and make the ball in like 10 minutes. Or meditate for 10 minnutes and make the ball for an hour?
I really want to learn cyrokinesis. how do I start? I already know body conditioning.
What is the main way to get into the Kingdowm of Heaven or attain liberation or w/e?
I have electrokinesis up to hte degree that I can see sparks and feel electricty and lightly, if anything, shock myself very very slightly. I want to do bigger things. Like for example, electroballs, or lighting things. How do I get to this level!?
I attempted tk at 11:38 am today. When i tried to spin my psi wheel to the left, it didnt spin. Instead it began to shake really vigorously, like shiver. It did that when I felt I can spin it. but it wun spin, only shake. Can someone help me?! what am i doing wrong?!
Can anyone please teach me hot to do hydrokinesis? please! thank you!
So far I can only gather and form electricity in and around my finger and see lighting sparks. I want to advance, but what can i do? How do I shock or make ek balls? someone please help me!@ thanks!
Ok, all I can do is gather electricity around my finger and see it, but I cant shock or shoot. I am stuck in the same place, but I want to move up to a more advanced state. can anyone tell me how to move up? or give me techniques? Please, I really need this! thanks soo mcuh1
What are the differences between Hinduism and Buddhism. Can you please explain the differences, thank u:)
HOw is the pendulum moved? Is it by spirits or by ur subconscious? What does it mean when the pendulum keeps circling and cannot givean answer? Can I talk to my spirit guide through it?
Is there really such a thing as sexual orientation? We do fall in love with the person, not the gender. If you take a group of 20 people, 10 males, and 10 females, remove their soul and place it in a plain room for hours and each person is supposed to fall in love and there are supposed to be 10 couples. Lets say each person calls themselves straight. After several hours the souls are to be put back into their bodies. Wouldnt there also be homosexual couples since you couldnt see the persons gender?
Does everything have an opposite? I believe so.
How do you do empathy and telepathy?
A few of my friends say they can read vibes. I believe it is empathy, and they know exactly how a person feels by emotions. Some of my friends say that they can literally read everyone, but somehow they cannot read me. Please explain this, and how to do empathy.
I am deeply confused now. What is the purpose of love? Why do we fall in lolve when it often leads to heartbreak?
Please post them here and how touse them! I REALL REALLY need a divination tool and how to use it! I bhave tarot already and need something else
Welcome to Metaphysics! / Tarot Spreads
September 27, 2003, 20:04:32
Can someone give me good tarot spreads? Something effective, especially love or to get insight one some else.
Does anyone here have any good and effective tarot love spreads? I am looking particularly for a spread that can determine if some one has a crush on you.