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Messages - Inkheart

Not quite what I mean, I by no means at all wish to stay on the ethric planes, I'm only wondering if you can stay with them in the astral and higher planes once you've both passed on from the physical.

Hello, I was just wondering if it's possible to stay with a person/spirit or more than one, once passing over. I've heard some things about spirits waiting for loved ones to progress, and helping them out with their spiritual evolution. I believe this may be true because I have very often read on this website and in many books about having loved-ones waiting for you on the other side and such. I'd just like to know, if you're much more spiritually advanced than someone elce, can you still be with them and help them once you're both passed over?

Well from my experience, how you see them is determined by how you perceive their energy. Your perspective on things may have changed since you last say your spirit guide and that may have causeed you to see him/her differently. In spirit you have no gender. When you feel her presence (using the word her her to simplicity's sake) does it feel the same as it did with your spirit guide before?
That's pretty sad. Well lets all send our best wishes out to him wherever he may be.

Hmm sounds like a pretty simplle way to get into the Mind Awake, Body Asleep state. Going to try it pretty soon here, I'll post my results.

dbmathis, I completely agree with your statement, not many people can even imagine the depth of everything, even the simplest things are really amazing..

Nope haha, just thought he mighta changed it online :P
Best thing you can do, just open yourself up to it all and eventually you couldn't ignore the truth of it all no matter how hard you trid. Wishing you lots of luck on your journey,

Quote from: Steel Hawk on January 13, 2010, 04:10:05
@dbmathis - Thanks for this. Watched all 18 videos my brain is humming.

Basically a physicist who worked Robert Monroe explains his theory of everything. Really worth it to anyone who wants to grow. The ideas here are like gold.

Completely agreed, things seem to be starting to change..
Sounds like the vibs to me. I'm usually able to get to there but I'm still working on being on that fine line between consciousness and sleep without falling asleep. Oh well.
Looks like the same 18 vids to me.
Actually yeah I'm pretty sure he was red haired, kind uf burly looking?? I will if I can find a picture of him.
I'll be more than happy to read it :) Quite interested in this stuff, and trying to improve on my own abilities myself.
Also you can imagine any tenseness and worries just melting out of you and out of your body, than imagine a very heavy warm liquid filling your body and allow yourself to feel this. Just a tip.
That's pretty amazing, though I do wonder if it was just a lucid dream (which I believe to be a reality created by the subconscious) but who knows, maybe it was an astral projection and the alien was a real being..

I know that this is probably a complete coincidence, but my uncle was named Frank and he died from cancer around the time the Frank here stopped posting. My uncle was always very down to earth, very spiritual, and one with nature. He also had the greatest sense of humor I've ever seen in anyone. These are all things I've seen in your Frank here. Probably a coincidence, maybe not. Who knows?
Well that's definately another one to add to my list. Every book I've ever heard of that's written by you has looked and sounded pretty amazing, so I think I'll just go out and get everything you've written. Do you have a webpage or anything like that with a list of your books? Preferably in paperback that I can order from my local bookstore?
Wow thoase sound like they where some pretty emotional experiences. I wish you lots of luck with the gift that's been given to you, and hope you'll make the best of it no matter what it brings you.

That was great, thank you very much for posting. It's great to see that science is starting to catching up with the bigger picture. The world needs more open minded people like that, especially people who can explain it on such a profound level and really show even the most closed minded people that maybe... just maybe he's not not crazy and there's really more out there. I personally think his theory's a pretty good one, but I won't come to any solid conclusions other than what I personally experience, which at the moment, is pretty limited at the moment. I'm going to go and buy his book quite shortly.s
So what exactly are you trying to say when you say that? Is it that you think we make all coincidents ourselves? Sorry if that was obvious :P

Great experience, thanks for posting. Thoase kinds of things are just what people need to really get motivated
Hmm that's a pretty interesting site.
Could just mean you've got a bad craving for the stuff :P
Agreed, looking after us people that aren't quite "important" is hard to find in a lot of people.
Well i believe people can have more than one guid, but USUALLY only one main one. There's been some proof stating that they come up to you in any way that your mind percives their energy, so will look quite holy and bright usually. Also, people usually have helpers too and from what I've heard of them, their not perminent helpers like spirit guides but their astral being that dedicate some or all of their time helping whoever needs help. Again, this is only my opinion and seeing as I haven't had an astral projection I wouldn't know for sure.