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Messages - restinose

It's 3:18 for me , notice it on clocks all the time .Iwake up in the night and the bedside clock says  3:18 . Iwas told that it is the spirit letting me know that's when they want to contact me ??
Welcome to Psychic and Paranormal! / I have a ghost
February 10, 2013, 02:03:52
I have a ghost! Or more precise ly an apparition. It is a young girl of about 13 , who my son has seen for a few years now.At first I thought it was a side effect ot his tourettes meds. But he has been off of them for some time now. He says he still sees her, he says she is young about 13 short wavy brown hair, weaing a white night shirt or dress, black leggings and is kind of pale in complexion. Her name is Devon.I have never seen her myself, but the other night my wife woke me up and said she just saw "the ghost", not the vapory kind but an actual physical manifestation, that she said appearedto her to be as real as anyone living.She at first thought it was my son screwing around, she saw the butt and legs disappar into the entrance of my grandaughte's inflatable bouncy house and thought it was him, when she called out to him he answered from the other room, which kind of freaked her out as everyone else was sleeping. When I went to see what was going on
I could feel every hair on my body stand up. I am not sure how to proceed?  I would like to help this young girl if she has lost her way. Ido know that my property was a farm in 1866, but this is not the original house.I can not find anyone by that name who lived here in 1866, but was wondering if this spirit could be attached to my son. I also do a lot of gravestone restoration and tapophilia related research and thought I may have brought someone home with me, so to speak? How can we help this soul? While I don't have any problems with this spirit , I would hate to think she is wandering about when she should be in the light with her family and loved ones. Any help would be most appreciated!
Welcome to Spiritual Evolution! / Re: Infinity
April 23, 2011, 13:03:55
Lots of good visual imagery also!!
Welcome to Spiritual Evolution! / Infinity
April 23, 2011, 13:00:48
Just watched ,Infinity- The ultimite trip, a film by Jay Weider. Has anyone else seen this, your thoughts? This film echos my thoughts very closely.
Sounds just like a device made in the 80's by a Dr.(can't recall who ) called "the God helmet", which was a modified motorcycle helmet with electrodes mounted in it, acting directly on the right temporal lobe,which proported to induce trance like states and spiritual visions.
Thanks VERY helpful links, will read all as time permits!
So , to access the Akashic records,you astrally travel there ,yes? To the "hall of records"? I an still a neophyte in that regard. I have spontaneously oobe'd and once while trying to, but didn't really go anywhere other then my own home, everything was mirror image with an indigo/violet hue. I DO keep tying though, as I'm very interested in finding out who the person was that was trying to "coach" me along in that instance. Possibly a guide or just another traveler? Would it be advisable to do this from the "safety" of my own home as opposed to sitting in the aforementioned cemetery at the mercies of what ever else may be there? I have been there and haven't felt anything and then go there again and get the DISTINCT feeling that I'm not welcome and can feel every hair on my body stand on end!!! I seems as though this feeling is emanating from beyond the surrounding stone wall and not from within it's boundary. When the 1-3" rocks were being "thrown" they were being thrown into cemetery from without. Then at other times if you stand outside its perimeter, you can look in and see "activity"????? Please advise!
Does it seem feasible to contact a long deceased person (1876) by means of astral travel To get to the bottom of a mystery? Let me explain, a local burial ground is preported to be the burial site of a "witch". The headstone is no longer there due to vandalism, but I in my youth saw it. It had a design in the center similar to a pentagram, 5 pointed star in a cicle,hence the "witches grave" rumour, with the incription above it, " Separation our fate,reunion our hope". But while researching this I have found that there is a similar icon used for the womans auxillary of the Masons ,called the "Order or the Eastern Star". Paranormal teams that I am friends with have investigated this site with dramatic results, evp,stones being thrown at them,orbs,mists,vehicle batteries dead...etc..What ever is there is not a happy camper. Google "the witches grave,Berne NY" for more info. I do not believe that this person is the cause of this phenomenom, but rather other entities. Would it be possible to meet with this person(astrally) and ask what this symbol is? I have delibrately not used her name as to protct this site from further desicration by irresponsible parties and further notoriaty while MY investigation proceeds, also to protect others from this site. There is something "not right" at this place. I have personally witnessed apparitions pacing back and forth here as if to dare you to come on in!!!! Anyone familiar with old germanic burial customs of this era please contact me at
 Hi folks, FNG here, I had an experience the other night and would like some help in distinguising it as either real or??? First I must say that I have had much more profound and detailed "dislocations" but will save those for another time. This one I actually attempted to do as oppose to a spontaneous event. That being said here goes. The other night while trying to OBT, I fell asleep, during my sleep I was startled "awake" by a very strong vibration, it started to fade so I concentrated on increasing its level. I was sucessful and started vibrating violently and started to raise up out of body, but kept getting hung up, so as advise to in many things I've read, I turned/rolled over and pushes as hard as I could and literally exploded up and out of body and landed at the foot of my bed. Here comes the weird part, there was someone standing there waiting, a male about 30-ish, brown curly hair, but who's facial features were not in focus. This all seemed perfectly normal to me? Like he was a long time friend although I have no idea who?. I remeber saying " Wow, this is F'ng WILD". Then with out speaking I somehow knew he wanted me to follow him. So he lead me into my living room which was completely reversed/ mirror image of what it is in "real life", everything had a blueish purple haze to it. In the living room he kept pionting to a spot on my wall,again without words I understood that I was suppose to "dive" into that spot, so I did and as soon as my fingers touched the wall I bounced right back to where I was standing although I don't recall my feet touching to floor. After repeated attempt to jump into the wall and bouncing off every time my dog started to bark and I found myself instantly awake and in my bed? Does this sound like the real deal? Who could this guy be? Why would he be so familiar,yet so nondescipt? What about the "haze"?
Welcome to Members Introductions! / Re: Hello
January 20, 2010, 18:40:07
I would like to bounce an experience off of you folks as to verify its validity as a oobe. should that be done here or should I start another topic? Actually bounce a few off you.
Welcome to Members Introductions! / Hello
January 19, 2010, 16:44:33
 Hi everyone, I'm Chris, at least this time around. I have had several "experiences" over the years mostly spontaneous and very surprising to say the least. I had  success with an "on purpose" event the other night, I only went as far as my Ehteral living room but it's a start, strange that there was someone waiting for me, cheering me on, by I have no idea who it was ????
I find all these subjects fasinating, OBE, proj.,quantum theory, meta-physics and positively devour books on the subject. I TRULY believe as shakespeare said "there is more to this universe, Horatio, than is dreamt of in your philosophy"
I look forward to getting to know you and most of all learning.