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Messages - blis

It's common for me not to be able to see anything if I'm near my physical body. Been that way for years. If I travel away from my body at some point I get my sight. Sometimes I need to go outside before I can see anything.
Wow, those look so much cooler than I expected before clicking on the link. You're really talented. I'd totally buy one of those if I saw it at a fair.
What's a crystal amplifier? We talking electronics or crystal energy? (I'm into both)
Thanks for the welcome.

You got me thinking. I used to have lots more spontaneous projections than successfull conscious exits. I wonder if the act of trying to rtz project kind of loosens up my astral/etheric/whatever body and makes it more likely for me to project while sleeping.

I think I might just try and target spontaneous projections for a while. 5 to 10 minutes a day of trying to project to the end of my street and see what effect it has in the night.
Hello all,

I used to post here ages ago. Haven't been into AP for ages. Trying to get back into it.

Made a failed attempt a couple nights ago when I went to bed. Should really have known better. Ended up awake half the night.

But success! Went for a nap this evening and woke up in sleep paralysis. Turned into a false awakening of me trying to get help cause I couldn't move right and my sight was messed up. Then I popped back into SP. Another false awakening. Three times before I figured out what was going on. Rolled out into darkness on the floor. Then went into into the living room where I got my sight.

My first thought was to try for some verification. Room was a mess. I counted 5 bottles of ketchup. Woke myself up. Knew straight away there wouldn't be 5 bottles of ketchup lol. Turns out there was one though.
Welcome to Dreams! / Re: Amazing Inception
May 20, 2017, 19:37:53
Thats sounds like a pretty awesome dream.

You might be able to use that mask thing as a way to change your dream/astral environment. When you find yourself lucid, reach up with the intent of taking the mask off.
I've found iolite lets me stay out for ages without waking up.

If you're just looking for your first non-physical experience you might try sleeping with a quartz point pointing into your crown chakra. Its unlikely to give you quality out of body experiences but the energy from it can make some weird stuff happen.
Thanks Roman. The intentions thing didnt work but at least my dream recall is back to what it used to be again.
I've been slacking for quite a while in regards to dream work and obe's. My dream recall was getting very poor so I tried something and it worked right away.

Before bed or when meditating, imagine a big old book with "Beliefs" written on the cover. Open it up to an empty page and write "I remember my dreams". Close the book and put it to the side. Do the same with books entitled, "expectations", and, "facts".

Tonight I'm going to try having a lucid dream by writing in a book called "Intentions". I'll let you know if it works.
Welcome to Astral Consciousness! / Re: Deltadream
February 27, 2012, 16:29:03
I cant remember where I got it but the file you want isnt actually called deltadream - thats the name of the album. A 1 song album lol.

The track is 58 minutes long and is called "J.S. Epperson_01_Releasing Guilt (Solfeggio 396hz).mp3"

I just put it on loop on my mp3 player. Waking up an hour or two early and falling asleep listening to it can have good result.
I'd normally advise against drugs but you sound like you've made your mind up.

Good luck. Let us know how it goes.
Welcome to Writers Corner! / Re: The Book Of Urantia
February 25, 2012, 14:04:33
Would it teach me any useful skills or is it just a book that tells you about stuff?
You dont need to phase to ask for an attunement. I was just laying there. You should try asking for help with phasing too. There is loads of help out there for the asking.

I feel I should point out, just because I didnt experience anything doesnt mean the golden dna thing is a scam. I might not have been ready for it, I might have already had it without knowing the name, it might just have been really subtle, etc. I would still give it a miss though.

If you want to spend some moeny on that sort of stuff I really reccomend The Pleiadian Workbook by Amorah Quan Yin. Got to be the best book I've ever bought. Theres a sequel too but you need to complete the first book before you go on to it.

Theres a book called Pleiadian Initiations Of Light by Christing Day. Its a short book that comes with 2 cd's and some powerful energies.

You might also try Energy Blessings From The Stars by Irving Feurst and Virginia Essene. It's got seven attunements/initiations you can ask for. They're fairly subtle as far as attunements go but they are the real deal.
Tried it last night. Felt something when I did the invokation but nothing strong enough to say someone definately came. I already had a couple other prescences in the room which probably wasnt the greatest idea for sensing a new one.

Didnt feel anything when I asked for the activation. Waited a few minutes and then remembered I've been meaning to ask for a reiki attunement for ages. So I asked for that one and got it. Very strong energy, no mistaking it.
Just googled it. Are you talking about the 3 installments of $848 for a remote activation?

I'd give it a miss.

If its a real activation that can be done remotely you probably just need to ask and you can get it for free. Lay down on your bed, put yourself in a meditative state and say to yourself, "I invoke the ascended master or angel that does the golden dna activation". Wait till you feel their prescence and then ask for the activation. Thats assuming its legit of course. Could just be something that guy came up with to fleece people of their money.

I'll give it a go tonight and tell you if it works. I'm sensitive to energy and I've had a fair few activations and stuff so I can tell when stuff is actually happening.
You might want to look into zappers. A lot of people swear by them. I'm going to try and make one next week. Basically a certain type of electrical charge is meant to kill pretty much all nasty parasites. You electrecite yourself with a low voltage current at certain frequencies to kill all the stuff you're carrying around in you.

If you wanted to buy one, the cheapest I know of is on
Welcome to Astral Consciousness! / Re: Deltadream
February 22, 2012, 13:58:01
Just thought I'd mention, I tried the 7 minute sample on loop and it didnt have the same effect.

They dont have it on but wont let you buy it if you're outside america. I had to get it by nefarious means which is pretty messed up considering I was actually willing to pay the dollar.
Welcome to Astral Consciousness! / Deltadream
February 16, 2012, 14:24:31
Found this great mp3 called deltadream. It's music with a combination of solfeggio tones and delta binaurals.

I've gone for a nap twice while listening to it and had multiple obe's both times.

Gave it to my mum to listen to and she didnt have an obe but she started seeing a blue light moving up her legs and then an orange light with the feeling of a force pushing up through her back where she gets back pain. I asked her if she had any dreams but all she remembers is looking at a cloudy sky.

Only $0.99 on
You live in the rainforest?

I'm offiicially jealous.
Tried it while sitting on a train today. Within ten minutes I was getting a bubbling sensation in my perineum that came and went for several hours.

I'm glad you posted this. Wouldnt have thought of asking for help with my chakras.
My dad told me about some mates of his that would get together and all project at the same time. Think they would just pop out into the RTZ together and go for a fly around and then come back and compare notes.
I probably talk about it with more people than I should. Not everyone wants to talk about it but I've never got a bad reaction.

Weird one happened in october. I went on a walking trip with some random people off the internet. We went for a drink afterwards and it turned out that 3 out of the four of us at the table had experienced OBE's. I reckon a lot more people than we think might have obe's and just not talk about it. I've met four or five in the last year.
I'm sure they'll do whatever they can and feel is appropriate to help.

Do you not do any energy work though? I would expect there are some things you have to do for yourself.
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Re: Astral dreaming?
November 29, 2011, 18:35:30
Like outer space but without the stars and stuff. Its a sort of inbetween place between dreams and the astral.

Theres a sticky somewhere with other techniques for converting dreams. Like flying into the sky fast and feeling for your physical body.
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Re: Astral dreaming?
November 27, 2011, 15:37:25
I fall backwards. Takes me to the void.