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Messages - Luckilee

Seems like everyone has been taking a bit of a break, myself included. Although I have still been trying most nights, just not having much luck - I keep getting more and more physically uncomfortable until I just give up, roll over, and go to sleep. I've had a bit of abnormal stress lately, which I'm sure is at least a partial cause. Oh well, persist and conquer.
Just got mine up and running with a few posts to start it off. It will be about my attempts at Astral Projection until I am successful at it, and then it will be about my experiences.
Sounds like you are making great progress! An inspiration to all that practice does indeed yield results, even if it's not quite the whole shebang just yet. I'm sure before long you will have even more amazing experiences, but your experiences thus far are quite impressive in their own right.
If it is possible, it is quite possibly not something you will be able to do on your first time out. But who knows, if you tell yourself that's what you want to do, it just might happen!
You got the main point, the gibberish is because these people are probably just in your mind. That does not mean, however, that there is nothing you can learn from that particular "lower phase," just that you probably won't have direct conversation with anyone.
On breathing with your stomach - I read somewhere that at the start of your meditation, projection, etc., you should breathe in as deeply as you can around 3 times, and then force as much of it out of your lungs as you possibly can; your body should then take over and breathe back in on its' own in the correct way.

On not getting distracted by your breathing - I have somewhat of the same problem. My breathing, heartbeat, or any other "ticking" type sound, distracts me, whereas "solid" sounds do not (for example, the sound of a fan). When I find that I am getting distracted by a "ticking" sound, I usually try to focus on the "ringing" in my ears, which keeps me from getting too distracted by the ticking.

I am new to phasing, so I'm still getting my rundown fleshed out, but it's definitely going to include the library full of mystical and rare books and artifacts in a genetic home (see Frank's notes on his guide, Harath) that came to me in a dream (that I mentioned on IRC earlier.) After that, I think there will be another private room in the same style as the library, but just a small, peaceful room that I can sit in and relax. On the other side of the room, there will be an elevator that slowly takes me up and lets me out in whatever Focus I want to phase to. Like I said, it's not completely fleshed out yet, but I think I have a good personalized beginning.
There's a whole thread on validations here -

However, none of them are going to convince you until you take the time to learn how to project and validate your own personal experiences.
There doesn't seem to be a "homepage" anymore, just the forums. Is there still a newsletter?
It sounds to me like you are in what Frank calls 'Focus 2' - where all the people you meet are products of your own mind, and thus do not really carry on meaningful conversation with you. According to his model, once you reach 'Focus 3', you will meet people with their own personalities and thoughts who can carry on conversation with you just like people in the physical do.
This is directed towards Xanth specifically, but I am posting it here in the hopes that anyone else in my position will read it and be positively influenced by it; in the IRC channel yesterday, I told you that I didn't want to read too much into Frank's experiences as I didn't want it to affect my own experiences once I am able to project/phase. Suffice it to say that I have read far enough now to know that if I would have stopped reading before I really got into (at least) section 2 of his page, it would have been a huge mistake. I won't go into great detail with this, but I believe that a lot of what Frank is writing about is very much in tune with what I have always hoped/suspected to be true of "death" and the "afterlife".  :wink: I am not saying that I'm going to just read and believe everything - I fully intend to experiment and formulate my own beliefs, once I am able to do so; but reading much of what Frank has written has positively affected me in a way I never would have thought to be possible from a collection of forum posts from a man I had never heard of until recently.  :cry:
I am currently reading through the page on Frank's views and experiences with Phasing, and I'm sure I will find this to be a great help later on as well.

However, I wonder how you made this file? Did you go through and copy/paste every post? I fear that the same could have been accomplished through a fairly simple database query, although all the formatting and organizing would have still needed to be done. Either way, I thank you for your time and effort, and I'm not trying to rain on your parade or anything - just suggesting another method if you ever need to do something like this again.

EDIT: Also, if perhaps someone still has an old forum backup, it may still be possible to recover his old posts. Probably no such luck though.
I am thoroughly enjoying this post. I have the book you are using, but after about two weeks of doing it when I first bought it around a year ago, I got frustrated/bored and stopped. I am currently taking the Astral Projection course over at gnosticweb, but I think I am going to combine it with using this book again.

I had a much longer post typed but erased most of it as it didn't pertain to your thread. I think I may start my own journal like this one to share my experiences as well. If nothing else, maybe it will keep me motivated this time. Thank you for being so in depth and I look forward to reading more of your experiences.