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Messages - Nahaz

Welcome to Out of Body Experiences! / The Tree of Life
September 24, 2003, 16:46:06
Hi all,

Has anyone here had direct experience of The Tree of Life? I would be interested to hear about other people's experiences.

Hi all,

What are the reasons we wish to experience non-physical travel? Do our reasons and desires define our experiences?

I have been seeing alot of people wishing to experience this phenomenon. It occured to me that one's reasons and desires may indicate the level of success a person might have.

My reasons have changed over my lifetime. In the beginning i was simply curious. I desired to know the unknown. Find proof for myself that there was more that just the physical world. With this desire my OBE's started happening spontaneously.

I then entered a stage in my life when i wished to escape, death was more inviting that life. I fantasized about death, i longed to be released. My OBE's all but ceased. Not being able to will myself to leave, i turned and embraced my fears. Like magick, they vanished.

Now my desires are different again. I wish to consciously evolve. I wish to face all of my hidden fears, realise my inate divinity. My OBE's have started again. My level of control has increased, my self-discipline has increased. My desire to explore has never been so strong. I know i have begun a new chapter of my non-physical adventures.

It seems to me that desires influence the experience and outcome greatly. I'd be interested to know if anyone else has noticed this pattern in their own endeavours?

Love and Light

Hi everyone,

I am new to this forum. I read Robert's treatise many years ago. Since then i have had countless out of body experiences. However i concider myself a relative beginner. Until recently my astral travelling had all but ceased, i chose to focus on more grounded human evolution. Recently my experiences have begun anew. Promting me to seek out others of similar interests and paths.

All of my OBEs thus far have happen just before i wake for the day. They began occuring frequently soon after i became interested in the subject.

As far as my experiences go, i really havn't travelled very far. I have had mixed experiences with other beings. Only during my most recent experience have i made real progress. It was during this experience i believe Sandalphon approached me. The Tree of Life had just entered my conscious awareness. It wasn't until after this last experience that i learn who Sandalphon is. So i have yet to ask permission to explore more of the Tree of Life beyond Malkuth.

With this fresh experience i am all fired up to continue my non-physical adventures.

Love and light

Hehe, yes! Nothing and everything exists. It's up to you to choose. This system is totally based on external manifestation of internal thoughts. It is a reflection of your inner. By "inner" i mean Source.

The Past is just as fluid and dynamic as the Future, it's all in the Now. Your thoughts create everything. Including me.

It's a wonderful system, a great adventure, for all aspects.
Welcome to Astral Chat! / when im meditating...
December 04, 2003, 02:32:28
Meditation to me means being with your inner self. Becoming comfortable with your own company. I meditate constantly, always in touch with myself. Conscious of every moment.

It is like developing a relationship. Have you ever been with someone whom you can just sit and be with, no talking?

Be with yourself, no talking. You can develope a great relationship with yourself. Yourself goes with you everywhere. When in touch with yourself, unlimited love, joy, power and strength is on tap for you. Connected to the source of all directly.

With that connection, i am home.
I've been thinking lately that what we call an "individual" is a unique path of experience. There must be infinite individuals as there must be infinite paths.

Ahh, what it is to realise your insignificance and significance in a single breath. [:)]
Welcome to Metaphysics! / spirit guides....
December 04, 2003, 02:12:19
There's a popular thread on this forum about using a pendulum. Seems like a good method for communicating with your higher self.
Lots of good advice. Took me a while to figure all this out myself. Once i empowered myself and stopped "wanting", it opened up the floodgates. Truly, magic is not wanting or needing anything. Realise that you have it all right now and this will become your experience.

This system is absolutely fair. One of our prime reasons for being here is to imagine up the best experience we can. When you are fully self-empowered/realised, then you will be able to give yourself any experience you desire. The wonderful irony is, when you have everything, you are satisfied and cease desiring to experience everything.

New systems (games) begin to beckon [:)]
I went through something similar about 12 years ago. I had a sudden all consuming desire to know myself. I found what i was looking for. The inner connection with the source. It is a great experience, feels like i exist inside and outside of the dream. Having knowledge of your self empowers you completely. The vast majority of human fears cease to grip you. Instead you feel love for all beings, which is a reflection of your love for self.

The conscious desire to find yourself is a sure sign you will. I can well appreciate the sense of wanting to climb to the top of the mountain now, rather than later. It seems so hard when you're climbing! :)
There's a great line from a recent popular movie "No fate, except that which we make". There exists a state of awareness called the Now, or the Moment. In the Moment all futures are possible, when you make your choices, you flow into those choices. If you can understand your choices and know their origin, then you can master your own fate and karma. It's a fantastic system, it enables unlimited variety of experiences.
I believe everything and nothing.
There's a very good book on the Kaballah called The Power of Kaballah, by Yehuda Berg. Good place to start. I found Colin's writtings very helpful also. As is Hermes Trismegistus's site at
It appears that when you release a blockage, you relive what created that blockage.
What i see with my third eye is not an image. It's not like an overlay that augments my regular vision. Rather, i sense things. For instance i might have a sudden knowing about someone. Or i may see an internal vision.

Anything is possible though. You maybe able to "see" 3d with it. I think it's really up to you and your own power to create your reality. If you're sufficiently self-empowered it may also be possible to heal any lack of physical sight to.

If you expect to have your experiences limited by an outside agency, then it is quite likely you will get exactly what you expect.

That may go for everything, including religion. All religions are true, as are all non-religious beliefs. Every imagined experience is real. Some magicians have created such rediculous realities for themselves, yet they are real.
My understanding of karma is it is the link of causality. By your actions you start a causal link, which leads to the effects, or manifestations of that original movement.

There is an apparent delay between cause and effect for good reason. If you can see the line of causality, then you can understand your own "karma". When you embrace and "own" the original causes, then you empower yourself and become a little more whole. You might choose to become conscious of all your actions now, thus be conscious of the effects down the causal line.
Listen to your heart. Your own discernment is a powerful tool.
Welcome to Out of Body Experiences! / The Tree of Life
September 27, 2003, 18:10:50
All is possible. Nothing is inevitable. I believe this civilization will transmute like so much lead into gold.
Welcome to Out of Body Experiences! / new member
September 27, 2003, 02:42:38

Do you practice energy exercises? Such as the the middle piller exercise? There's more than enough energy directly from The Source.
Welcome to Out of Body Experiences! / The Tree of Life
September 26, 2003, 22:47:10
Thanks again Tab. Colin Low's work is fantastic, exactly what i needed. Reminds me to listen to all sources, for none are redundant.

This site speaks of Maitreya:
Hello [:)]
Welcome to Out of Body Experiences! / The Tree of Life
September 26, 2003, 21:16:19
I think the word "immortal" can have more meaning than physical immortality. I believe physical immortality is possible, however to speak of immortality i first think of one's soul and spirit.

Why do you speak of nuclear war? I do not see this experience on our path. Quite the opposite, Peace.
Pain is not uncommon. When i first began to have my experiences i would feel a sharp dagger of pain stab into my side. I believe it was possibly a blockage within my system. Perhaps one of my chakras not processing properly. This could be the case with your experience.

I'm new here myself.

Sleep paralysis and follow-on experiences that people call Out-of-Body-Experiences, are actually very common. I have not heard of anyone dying during one of these experiences. I do not believe you could easily be harmed.

There's generally two schools of thought on the subject. Some think it is the human brain creating a very real experience. Others believe it really is non-physical travel beyond the earthly body.

As for being scared, it's something everyone has to deal with in their own way. I lost most of my fear when i realised that everything is of God.

Understanding more about what is happening to you will naturally easy much of your fears. In that regard i think you've come to the right place.

Love and Light