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Messages - steveo233

I just wanted to share a new project I've started with all of you. It's a mass thoughtform fueled by the energies of many people that is designed to do the bidding of any magician that taps into it. The process of fueling it and utilizing it's energies are quite simple. Stop by my page and tell me what you think.
That would actually be called etheric projection if you may.
It does muddy your aura.. it's resin.. it makes your aura resiny dont smoke that excrement. i mean.. ive smoked it a couple times but just dont smoke it it's not very respectable if you claim to be spiritualist and it just aint no good. I from experienced that marijuana amkes by bioelectrical fluids to hypersensitive and i get all nervose around people. you're better off without it
Health lower chakras are necessary for spiritual development. Ignoring sexuality can often lead to serious health problems such as lack of energy. The only good thing about refraining from sexuality is that it stores large amounts of energy in the sacral chakra and can be used for a large burst of energy after you've reached satisfaction.
17 here.
As you raise your vibrational frequencies from spiritual practice, the bioelectricity in the part of the brain responsible for hearing is amplified thus enabling you to resonate with the auditory frequencies of the astral. This is commonly referred to as opening your clairaudient chakras.
From my experience it's not even really necessary to block out your thoughts when meditating. Just slowly drift into the depths of your mind. The trick is doing whatever is easiest, if you try to hard your just gonna get yourself worked up and you'll never be able to relax.
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Re: UNDER 18 AP goers
December 30, 2012, 15:20:48
Hello Im 17 and I'm interested particularly in Aliens and developing psychic abillities
Are any of you familiar with the theory that the Gods of Old are going to rule with the coming of 2012. That's what I believe is going to happen. I know that 666 is refers to the aquarian age and is the date that a lot of people say that the Sumerian god Enki is going to rule again. What do you think,
Chakra breathing as I am aware of it is moving energy to that particular energy center as if you were "breathing" through it, like if you were to empower your heart chakra by meditating on it.
You should take a bit of a look into "Joy of Satan" satanism. It gets into how Satan was our orginal creator and then was enemized by the Christianity. If you are familiar with the mythos of the Sumerian gods of old it is quite clear that the character that is being reffered to in the bible as "Satan" it is quite apparent that they are just putting an enemy label on our true god (alien) Enki.

Just do a little research into the "Joy of Satan" branch of satanism. It's a real eye opener.

I agree with you on that one... but I'm sure there are ways to get short and even long term kundalini jumps with the use of such substances
I was just wondering if I should wait till I am older to take ormus (monoatomic gold) or if it matters. I am sixteen going on 17 in december. By the way, have any of you toyed around with orgone accumulators?
Yeah Yeah you're right. Convoit the good into bad.
That's pretty much what I'm getting at. Becoming one with god like energy... such as harnessing nuclear fission... To be able to teleport and be super swift and agile to take down bad people. I'm sure I'm not the only person who has thought of this... If any of you have watched naruto and seen how they have to be able to be aware of every friggin cordinate that a high vibratory fist could attack from... You can understand where I'm getting at. I want to be able to be one with an energy that will give me god-like power so I can take down bad people.
Meh! Just lookup melbourne shuffling.
Hmm.... I overlooked taking multivitamins. I always thought they were just dumb little pieces of candy old people took to try and regain youth. Are they good at keeping you focused and such?
Ello Mate! Hey are there a lot of melbourne shufflers down there?
Hello I start school in about a week. Do you know of any ayurvedic remedies that will help me focus in class?
What are your views on the safety of consuming monoatomic gold? Does your level of pubescence have anything to do with the safety of consumption? Thank you.
All i know is we need to help those kids
Is this stuff safe while being a not fully developed 16 year old, and how do I make it through electrolysis?
Yeah if you guys are interested in being super saiyan and whatnot please join my Yahoo! Group Jews For Satan. It's my modified version of the current popular form of theistic satanism which is to sum it up the veneration of the sumerian god enki. Just take a look into it... it's all about raising your psychic (nuclear) powers in order to take down the jerks that have enslaved humanity.