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Messages - Cezyl


I made the images smaller for easier download. Just save the image to your computer and print it. Don't print the web page itself.

Seeya. :D

You're in a great position to do some experiments to find out. Place a card somewhere without looking and get OBE and see if your perceptions are accurate, or meet with someone OBE:



Quote from: TomboThanks Cezyl :D

Well I need to work out a reliable methode to OBE first, You motivated me to do that, though, so thanks!  I'd love to hear about your experience if you succesfully manage to meet with Ember.

Cheers Tom

You're welcome Tom. I've organized a beginner's launch pad here:



And you're most welcome Quantitative...

* * *

Generally the first goal seems to be 20 feet from the body, and working up from there. I'm getting to my patio a bit over 20 feet away.

Practice, practice...

Quote from: JoeriiGreat post Cezyl ! We seem to think the same, but you control the english language better so you can use more subtlety :-)

Glad I can help. Thanks for starting the thread...

Hey all...

I must say that I've done my share of Robert Bruce bashing- mostly because at the time I had a huge ego I was working with myself. I'm sure I've toned it down some, but I'm still working on it I say.

Based upon my research, NEW is not the best system in the world by far, and it doesn't produce the best results by far. What it is to me is a very accessible system, as someone earlier said. It would have been more accurate and more honorable for him to say it is a very basic, simple, and accessible system. To say it is the most advanced in the world is simply a very, very great over-exaggeration, that is very unaccptable in terms of accuracy and honesty, I say and have found.

I have read a post of Robert's in which he has to refer the poster to pranic sources to learn about the rear chakras for instance, and because as Robert said, he doesn't know much about them. Doesn't sound like the makings of one to have developed the most advanced system in the world...

2. Using your NEW system for many years now, i have found many chakras in my back that where almost as strong as the front major ones. What can you tell us about them ? Do they have some specific utility ?

Robert Bruce
2.) Yes, there are rear major chakras, and one on each side. Imagine a major chakra as a cross, with large front and rear vortexes, and slightly smaller ones on left and right. I don't know a great deal about the rear chakras. You will find information on these in good books on pranic healing and similar.

Something the most advanced in the would would definitely be the last stop. And you can get into Barbara Brennan, Mantak Chia, and others with break-downs of the nonphysical bodies that dwarf NEW.

On the good side, the more experience I gain with OBE, I see more things that he is on point about in Astral Dynamics. He says it's based so much on his own experience that he seems to over-shadow the fact that much of Astral Dynamics is a co-creation, with much help from volunteers and what he learned from those he helped around the world all those years online. I see several statements in there that seem more like something garnered from several others, rather than something experienced. Yet it is still there and very informative.

Stuff like the preparations and information given for strong 'exit' sensations would have been enough for the price of the book many times over had I had the book before I stopped practicing OBE for a while, because I had strong cob-web sensations from trance, to the point that it felt like ants were crawling all over me, something he states specifically in the book. Even though he stated it from another's experience, it was still on point. Many things I find in the book are on point, and some I am only learning are as I gain more experience.

The mind-split... I have my own 'theories' about how all that works, based upon my experience. I have had experiences that work to validate that theory though, as well as running across several case histories that do also. Mind-split may not explain it all, but it opens up some aspects of projection that are definitely going on.

All in all I see Robert Bruce as someone with self-esteem/self-worth issues, trying to compensate by external aggrandizement of self. I was there myself. I see the tongue-twisting phrases in his book as testament to that. The highest beings I know of say the most profound things in the words of a child. Those who are the most self-conscious must use big words to try to look intelligent, to try to compensate for their feelings of lack. I remember Robert Bruce saying in an interview he didn't make it past the 8th grade and had to teach himself English and such, something of this nature. And I've lived with someone with self-esteem problems, and I see many of the same traits.

I love him, for he exists as we all do. And I haven't read the Mastering AP book yet and don't intend to, but I am finding much worth in Astral Dynamics, though sometimes it is a chore going through some of the statements that at least seem very ego driven. I do think the money has overcome him- the money and the fame. I remember the days when he boasted of charging no money for his services, as that would be 'like charging his children for him to love them' he said. Now it's over a thousand dollars to attend a seminar of his for his teaching services. My how things change.

I have my days of ego and self-aggrandizement. I HOPE they are over. Thus I love him and hope he opens his eyes farther and lets go of the pretentiousness. But I also acknowledge the obvious knowledge he possesses, and what to me is greatly indicative of much experience and in-depth practice. He's an inspiration.

I guess I can go on with this but I have the inclination to stop here. Take care. Thank you for all the positives Robert Bruce. You're beautiful as you are and don't need to try to make anything more than what it is. NEW to me is a great, simple, basic, and accessible technique, and for one such as myself not so inclined to serious energy work it is great. That's enough for me. It's an energy-work-lazy man's way to energy work. I see NEW more like an energy work hobbyists' system. And the many tips and tricks in your book Astral Dynamics are well worth the price of the book. As I gain experience and practice I develop tips that I later find in the book Astral Dynamics, and vice versa. Several tips that I use now I found in the book, and have used successfully. I'm sure there will be more that I apply and 'discover' and then find in there, and that I find in there and apply.

I would also like to say that I am sure that the tactile techniques were developed from Lobsang Rampa's technique in You Forever. (See above two links) In early versions of his tutorial, Robert Bruce very strongly mentioned Rampa. Now he is just a mention in passing, if at all. Rampa is just a line in the bibliography like the rest. And to think, as he has stated, this technique of Rampa is the technique he first learned to consciously get 'out' with.

The technique Rampa gives in the book You Forever so thoroughly enjoyed by Robert Bruce is basically point-shift. Take Rampa's technique and make it sound more complicated and hip, and wha la, you have point-shift. And it's just a small step from there to Rope, and the others... including tactile NEW. But Mantak Chia and others have systems thousands of years old that have been using the mind to move chi, including the internal martial arts that have 'bounce' and other things. I've experimented with several systems. They just word it differently, and often apply it more formally. NEW/Robert Bruce popularizes a casualness and recklessness to energy working that's refreshing- but that again, is not new.

I went on a bit more, but I'm sure it's worth it. Peace.

The coming article is in response to a post at the forums here:



Do I really think, know, or believe it's real...

by Cezyl


Hey dear Russell G...

THANK YOU for your thoughtful post Russell G, for looking out for the best of me.

I see that 'obe1989' does conclude OBEs are lucid dreams. I must also look towards the evidence that they are really out-of-body experiences. Robert Monroe's book, Journeys Out of the Body, has several verified OBEs reported in it. I have had several OBEs with minor details validated, several if not all listed in two posts here:

Of course the thought crosses my mind, what if OBEs are not real. When I sit down and look at the results at hand, there are many projectors producing no evidence, and a few producing solid evidence, such as Robert Monroe, Louis Ruiz, Albert Taylor, Sylvan Muldoon, Bruce Moen, Padre Pio, and I'm sure the list goes on.

Robert Monroe had several verified OBEs, confirming the dress of those present, who was there, their look, and in one experience even leaving a physical mark on a person present.

Louis Ruiz has had several verified OBEs, some involving several people in many different situations, i.e., occurring over a relatively substantial period of time, and validating a string of different actions. One of the verified OBEs involved me. It was enough for me to know something is going on. I remember dreamily seeing and talking with him, wearing my unusual mode of astral dress that I created for myself. I mentioned nothing of the experience to him. How was he able to open the phone call with that he saw me OBE the night before, that we had a discussion but I looked dreamy, and also describe what I was wearing? If OBE is not going on, SOMETHING is going on that produces verifiable and accurate perceptions at a distance, as if we are in a nonphysical form. And whatever is happening shows the ability to affect physical matter at a distance both in tandem and not in tandem with the movements of that nonphysical form.

Albert Taylor has had several verified OBEs, including people present, their mode of dress, and the layout of the area, both inside and outside. The person being visited in one of his verified experiences remembers seeing him in a dream, I think seeing him at the foot of her bed where he was standing. He got all the details of her physical environment right, and she had a dream of him coinciding with the visit. I have run across several other case histories, where a projector made it to a sleeping target, and the target remembers the projector in a dream. Louis had such an experience- most likely several, but I have read one.

If I remember right, it was Sylvan Muldoon who saw his wife-to-be during an OBE, someone he'd never seen before. I'll research this and get specifics, and post it in this, what has become an article, on my website.

Bruce Moen had several confirmed OBEs with a lady named in the book 'Rebecca', including total verification of what was said, done, etc., involving several people, and several actions and activities. The experiences he's had of this nature cover the span of FOUR books.

Several witnesses have seen Padre Pio in two places at once, for instance praying in one place, and administering to the dying in another. Some say this is a strong OBE.

Now there are people who are NOT having solid experiences. Why? One thing I see about those who ARE having solid and undeniably verified out-of-body experiences are that they are OBSESSED with OBE. They MASTER it. I don't know how often obe1989 practices or what not. Maybe he can reply and tell us. Maybe he was addicted at one time. Perhaps he's not addicted now because he found no definite personal evidence yet. Suffice it to say that the above-mentioned projectors seem to be at it hardcore, or were at the time, developing, evolving, fine-tuning, etc. Perhaps I will find that the EXPLANATION of 'out-of-body experience' is not ACCURATE to EXPLAIN what IS going on, but I am convinced that SOMETHING is going on, and I will find out what, and I will share it with everyone.

The answers to these questions and occurrences hold keys to the entire structure and make-up of human existence- either what it is, or what it isn't. Either way, this direction I must traverse, and with absolute clarity and with definite plainness I must determine its outcome, whether for or against. To know which way TO go is for me just as important as knowing which way NOT to go.

Someone once asked me at work, what if this is all fake, how long have you been into it, as if to say, are you wasting your time. I told him 20 years. (My first experience was when I was 4 or 5). Is it worth it? Yes. Now I'm able to get out here-now (traditional 'ghost in the physical world' OBE) minimum once per week, though I am still mostly stuck in my room. My skills are improving exponentially now. I'll be able to do proof-positive or proof-negative experiments soon, and I'm not afraid to. You see them being set up already, as the PartneredOBE project and The_Astral_Realm group, and these and others will grow and progress.

You are not the first person who has asked me to deliver verbal proof, referring to your keen post in the 'Simple and Easy AP Techniques' thread. I extended to them the same offer I extended to you, practice and let us experiment and find out. Someway, somehow, evidenced by the above experimenters, accurate and verifiable experiences are possible! Remember, in one experience Monroe was PERCIEVED by a medium physically present in the room. This was confirmed. Someway, somehow, others can perceive this 'perception' of leaving the body. Padre Pio has been SEEN and documented as being seen in more than place at once. I perceived a projector enter my room. What is going on?

Thank you for sharing your observations on me. You have observed in me my thirst for knowledge, and my zeal for sharing it. You can be certain that if I find that the OBE is nonsense, that knowledge will be clearly available to the world, just as will any and all further knowledge I gain of its reality.

I follow my heart, desire, guidance, and curiosity, and I trust that I am going in the right direction. I say that the definite proof that OBE is nonsense would be just as important to the world as the definite proof that it is valid. MANY people's eyes could be turned towards something more productive through my efforts if I clearly find this all to be nonsense, whereas perhaps only my eyes would turn away from it were I to stop now.

All the evidence pointing TOWARDS the out-of-body experience being a reality is too great for me to turn my back on. The above shared is only a sampling. I suggest everyone PRACTICE and RESEARCH. It seems that for the time being I'll have to turn my back on something. I won't turn my back on the evidence for OBE, but on the words against it. The words are just that. The sciences on the brain and physiology are just that. At one point science thought that the atom was a solid, unbreakable, indivisible ball. Now we are going further and further into the minute components of the atom, into quantum particles and waves of information with quantum physics. I don't presume that the sciences that pick apart the brain can be ultimate authorities on what is possible, not any more than the sciences that once said atoms are solid unbreakable little balls.

And as for the projectors like obe1989 that are not getting verifiable experiences and deem OBE to be lucid dreams. He is not the first I have interacted with. Are they practicing as hard? Are they sharpening their skills? Are they as determined, intent, and dedicated as those above that have gathered for themselves absolute evidence? Are they 'exiting the body' in the same sense that Robert Monroe and Louis Ruiz do? I don't know. I can only know with me, and I am full-time. I am dedicated. If there is undeniable reality here I guarantee you it will not escape me. If there is undeniable evidence here I guarantee you that you will know about it.

As for all the things saying OBE is fake, like some scientists have found a part of the brain they can activate to cause what the experiencer reports as a matching many if not all characteristics of an OBE. Perhaps tapping or triggering certain areas of the brain can produce the perception of an OBE. Perhaps because the structure of the brain is generally the same for all of us, some quirk of the brain is causing these related 'hallucinatory' experiences across the human population, including throughout time, including reports of the tunnels, and the higher selves, and the Akashic Records, and the layout of the afterlife, and the structure of the nonphysical forms/bodies, and the list goes on. Perhaps. I am not studied in brain physiology and stuff, so I can't strongly comment on that. And even if I WAS strongly versed on today's physical body sciences, are the present day sciences still calling an atom a solid tiny ball, but now in the realm of consciousness and being? I CAN say that whatever waits on this end of the research, on the end that is in the paint, the end that is experiencing, I will find it, and I will report it.

I can't just overlook the definite findings made by so many distant projectors. Projectors in different countries, throughout different times, are finding the same things. The higher self for instance. I went to see the higher self, drew it, and later saw an illustration nearly completely matching the one I made of the higher self. I went to The Library on Focus 27, as labeled by Robert Monroe, and later saw an illustration that was so in line with my perceptions that it was as if we stood in the same spot, he facing a 90-degree angle or so from the angle I was facing. The list goes on. Does some 'all brains are generally the same' explanation explain it all? I don't know. But SOMETHING is going on. I believe it is the definite leaving or separation of consciousness and one or various nonphysical forms from the physical body, and the above evidence and more points to this.

The evidence FOR it cannot be denied, at least not by me. There is belief on my part of course, for I still have not for myself acquired definite personal evidence. I have hints and absolute clues, but I can't say I did this and that and it's just absolutely enough to for me to explain it all and overcome all objections. Thus I am still practicing OBE, and training others to OBE, and we will either be pioneers that redirect certain portions of humanity from going off a cliff, or pioneers that help cement into this society one of the greatest directions and discoveries in the history of this overly materialistic world.

Perhaps we are attaching the evidence inaccurately. Perhaps it's some type of psychic phenomena for instance. But the evidence of validation stands, I say. And if it is psychic phenomena, how does THAT work? What are these vibrations causing communication through time and space, unaided by man's precious metal and wire technology? SOMETHING is going on? What?

I hope to give hope to those who are seeking, and to state my definite intent to personally verify what is going on, and to share my findings with everyone.


Welcome to Out of Body Experiences! / Mwahaahaaa!!!
February 05, 2005, 19:18:07
Mwahaahaaa!!! And I quote...

Hey guys,

I am curious to hear if anyone here has had exactly the same dream as is described I have recently met 3 other people (all of whom have OBE and some are psychic)who have had EXACTLY the same dream, down to the detail. It was peculiar! I went to my phychic the other day. She was telling me about this dream she had when she was younger... after she had said only a few words, i was able to finish off the description, with her inserting details at the same time.

...In a deep sleep...[|)]

I appear sitting on a stool in an enormous room with a black and white checkered floor. The walls of the room are so far away i cannot see them...there is just blackness, and the floor spreads in all directions around me creating a horizon in the distance. As I sit on the stool i can sense a balloon typed object infront of me, but cannot see it. The balloon is so large I cannot comprehend its magnitude. I begin to feel very very small. This contrast in sizes becomes more and more powerful as I can feel the balloon growing in size. This feeling of contrast becomes so overwhelming I am woken up.

I have had this dream countless times, and also get the sensation when I am awake now. I tend to get it on the days that I have OBE, but Im not sure if there is a connection.

Any thoughts guys?? Just seems wierd that several different people with similar abilities have had the same dream!...hmmm

Have a good one yall [ :D ]


THANK YOU catmeow. First the OBE book list from Mastering AP, and now this. SHEESH. You're great help. :D


Welcome to Out of Body Experiences! / Here you go...
February 05, 2005, 18:54:05
Hey Nostic...

THANK YOU. Very cool. Sweet and simple. Blue seems to be a prominent color in the higher dimensionals. I often run into experiences with the color blue in it. I've had experiences with blue in it- I flew up one time and was caught in a void of blueness. I think someone mentioned Nirvana as being blue- the book Remote Perceptions by Angela Thompson-Smith. This form page is blue. Hmmm...

* * *

Yo Telos:
QuoteThat's interesting! I've never heard anyone else having those kinds of experiences either. I wonder if it happens at a focus state in between what refer to as classic lucid dreams and projections.

I'm sure I was projected when my experience happened. I even experienced the shift back after the projection. The beings grabbed me and I fought them off as best I could and started running. They followed. My friend, an old schoolmate, was the most persistent. I touched him with the intent to freeze him/turn him to stone and it worked for a while. He broke out of it, but it was tres cool.

I went to create a wall of energy to block them, and it worked! Energy spewed out of my hand and fingers like 5 or 6 very thick spiderwebs, like 5 or 6 spokes to a wheel. I was so amazed at what I was doing I stopped focusing on making the wall and they came through the openings. I aborted projection and fell back through a black dimension, and a white dimension, into my nonphysical body, and then I thudded downward and to the left back into my physical body.

What about your experiences?

I was trying to be the 'objective researcher' and not taint the evidence with suggestion, but it shoudn't hurt since it's not the first post. ALL PEOPLE, POST YOUR EXPERIENCE BEFORE READING OTHERS'. MWahaahaaa!!! *clears throat*

Well, my first tube experience happened as a kid. I was in a city about to be jumped by a mob. Go figure. I ran onto a bridge, and looking over the bridge I saw my body underneath the surface of the water. I was able to see the chakras glowing, like pools of colored water. The crowd was fast approaching so I jumped into the water, going through the water's surface. As I broke the water's surface I broke the ceiling of my room, landing into my body.

Freshly in my body, but not all the way connected, I was able to see the tunnel hole in the ceiling of my room, and awareness of it faded as I reintegrated with the physical. I have that experience posted in full here:

POST FIRST! Mwahaahaaa!

*clears throat*

The next time I was meditating at work on my lunch break- something I just adore now. I hit a deep trance and suddenly was flying forward, whizzing at high speed. I don't know if this was really a tunnel, but there were streaks of light, like purple, green, and blue, that FORMED a tunnel shape, like whizzing through stars, how that makes a streaked star tunnel. It freaked me out the speed, so I sinked back into the physical. I would 'let go' and streak again, doing this several times before calling it quits. It was interesting. :D

Here you go Telos. I'll have many more experiences to share. I'll spend this month getting data, and next month I'll explore, explore, and by April I'll write an article on it- provided I'm good enough to explore that deeply by March. Either way, this article is on the way, and I'll share every experience I have and have had in full in the Report. The bridge one is already posted- but will be added to the Report with the others. I have the other one with the light streaks in my journals I know.

Please share all you can, so you can help build this wad of information that will help everyone[/u]!

Peace. :D

You're welcome Telos.  :D
* * *

And thank you for replying Telos. You found a tunnel in a dream object in a dream. To make sure I have it correctly, the DC you projected images from it onto the projection screen. Was this screen like a movie screen?? And amidst the images you were projecting onto the screen the anime character and the tunnel appeard, on the projection screen, into which you jumped, correct?

And MAN. I have experienced characters grabbing onto me and babbling nonsense. I became aware on the planes and was walking trying to awaken a friend I saw. He started speaking gibberish, went to grabbing me, and before I knew it a mob was jumping me, grabbing onto me. SHEESH. You're the first person I've met to have such an experience too...

Thanks for sharing. Cool experience. :)

ANYONE ELSE... TUNNEL...TUBE... MWahaahaaa!!


And don't give up on your guide man. You may want to try visualizing-imagining yourself back to that 'lava' world, and checking around. :)
Plane / Wide-Expanse / Checkered Field Experiences of Any Type...

Hello all...

Please describe in detail any OBE experiences you have had involving seeing or floating over a wide or endless checkered plane, a flat endless expanse, a flat patterned field, etc. Especially of interest are those experiences you've had before you heard of seeing or experiencing wide checkered planes or fields while OBE. Still ALL experiences are requested and accepted. How did the experience start? How did you come about seeing the plane? How did the plane look and feel? What was experienced while there at the plane, and afterwards? Did you enter the plane, or exit it??

I'm really fascinated with this and thus I am doing some research on it. I intend to write a comprehensive article on it in the future, organizing and sharing all I learn on plane / checkered field / flat expanses and OBE. EVERY ENTRY is important. EVERY DETAIL is important. When I get good enough at OBE I'll explore these things myself and report on it.

Take care...

Hello all...

Please describe in detail any OBE experiences you have had involving moving through a tube or tunnel. Especially of interest are those experiences you've had before you heard of tubes/tunnels being experienced while OBE. Still ALL experiences are requested and accepted. How did the experience start? How did you come about being in the tube? How did the tunnel look and feel? What was experienced while in the tube, and afterwards?

I'm really fascinated with this and thus I am doing some research on it. I intend to write a comprehensive article on it in the future, organizing and sharing all I learn on tubes/tunnels and OBE. EVERY ENTRY is important. EVERY DETAIL is important. When I get good enough at OBE I'll explore these things myself and report on it.

Take care...

I'm now on Tier Two of the Techniques...

Quick Upside-Down Separation

2/3/2005 11:36 AM

I just practiced for a bit over thirty minutes. I sat down, inspired by Stacy's experience and by my determination to gather more experiences to validate the Tier Spread of techniques and support and motivate the group and everyone else.

I sat down with the delta metronome on, at first determined to go the mile long super duper practice. Then I remembered the wisdom of 'short practices' shared in Tier One, and I decided to take a short practice and then journal on it, and see where this takes me.

I went into the 4-2 straightaway, and soon started visualization-imagination shifting with intent to the astral realms. I first went to my Desert Nexus personal realm, and again I saw the wall of energy in the fore, and my intent, will, desire, and focus caused a more solidified area. The area is different than when I was more visualizing-imagining it. I am finding that when we visualize-imagine, we get IN TOUCH with the areas, and the more we 'shift' there, the more consciousness percentages we get out and to the area, the more the reality of the realm comes to the fore. Therefore, don't be surprised if some elements you 'see' as you imagine-visualize a place are different or not there when you get more fully there! At the same time, other elements you imagine-visualize will be right and exact. Go with the flow...

I did the Back, Back, Forth, Forth (BBFF) exercise/technique of Tier One, going back and forth through imagination-visualization to the astral realms and back, monitoring the trance state of my physical body as I returned. I visited a person realm I call the Doko Island, and I went to the Eco Realm, which is ALWAYS nice. What is the floor like at the Eco Realm, I ask... ::wink::

Somewhere in there I threw in the Tier Two technique of tactilely spinning in place like a spinning top (rather than like a log, since I'm sitting up this practice), and then whirling around the room through tactile imagination. I used my 'awareness (imagined) arms' to spin me, and allowed my awareness hands to 'walk' across the wall as I went around the room. I strongly envisioned where I imagined myself to be, and I started to become aware of the position of my physical body still sitting in the chair, as opposed to MY position on the wall on the other side of the room. This instantly caused vibrations.

I got imagery throughout practice. It is a very light imagery that's there but not there. It's so interesting. I've been getting this imagery for the past several nights. It's a kind of imagery that you don't know is there. It's so subtle and fleeting. THIS time though I consciously affirmed during practice, "I am seeing imagery, I am seeing/I saw this and that and..." I was seeing into office rooms, and seeing people changing rooms and the doors closing, and other blips of imagery flowing in and out. I deemed that I was in light theta.

Amid the practice I was SUDDENLY upside down, looking between someone's feet. It was as if I was floating or being held up in the air somewhere, and someone with some black footwear and black pants on was standing right before me. For a moment, I was THERE. It was rather jarring to go from sitting in my office chair to suddenly upside down. :: smiles :: I was shortly back in my office chair. But, since I just came back from 'there', I was easily able to reenact the position and place.

I may have been hovering before my office chair, for I have on black slippers and black jogging pants. Everything but the black pants and shoes was just 'colorful'. I could not see my office chair...

I was able to go back to this state, but the apprehension that I would fall on my head was a bit unnerving. I experimented with going back and forth to this upside down state, only lightly getting there, partly expecting to fall on my head. I conclude after these experimentations that it was EITHER:

A brief but strong shift to some higher dimension or different plane


Flopping out of my body, or teleporting out of my body, to an upside-down position right before my physical body which was still sitting in this office chair

I've once before experienced getting out of body and remaining in this room, with all about the room being energies and color everywhere, so much so that I didn't immediately recognize that I was in this/my room.

This as, most things requires more, experimentation...

GOAL: By February 28, 2004, making it to the patio door, 20ft from my body

* * *

I meditate in my office chair before my computer at home, and anywhere I can- usually in the corner in the breakroom, or by a tree outside- when at work.


Hey EOL007/Stephen...

I just had a practice where 'loosening' with spinning played a part. I 'spun' myself in my office chair using awareness hands. As I did whirl, tactile imagining floating around the around the room along the walls, I 'walked' my awareness hands along the wall.

I shifting to the astral and other things, and ended up having an experience of suddenly being upside down OBE, 'somewhere', perhaps in front of this office chair, perhaps in another dimension. It was cool. Thus I deem that the 'awareness hands as aid to 'tactile imaging', like walking the hands along the wall as you imagine going around the room, and using the 'awareness hands' to grab hold of things and spin you as you imagine spinning like a log rolling, or like a spinning top, to be veritable ways to aid and cause projection. :)


Hey Joerii...

I have the impression that there's some reality to them, meaning- some intelligence behind the faces. Takes more experimentation. Why would these face come, when I wasn't thinking of faces and whatnot? Interesting, aye?


Thanks for sharing Naiad780...

Exactly Naiad780. One sinks back down into the tar like void, and another rises, smiling, or menacing, or whatever. It's cool It's great something's happening. :)

Yes... like speckled spectres. Great to hear someone having the same experience. I'll update you on any more face phenomenon. Please do the same...

Cool man. On my way out. I'll ponder this a bit and see what I come up with later...


Hey fost500...

Exactly. That's it. Thanks for replying.

It feels so physical, that the thought comes that it may be physical. But then, when I even attempted to move my hand consciously, because of my relaxed state I realize I could not have moved my hand so quickly like that. And it kind of turned when it rose, so that it lifted up... ONLY AT THE WRIST... and turned so that my left thumb was to the air- something like that. Very interesting.

What are we doing that is causing these parts to do this? Do you think that we relax our arms/hands more than the rest of our bodies? Or are we fully separated for a moment, but only that part moves most?

Last week I had my arm out unknowingly. I don't fully agree with Robert Bruce' mind-split theory, yet it seems to be pointing to something. It seems I became aware that my arm was out, mid already being out. The colorful imagery 'I' was fiddling with seems to have alerted me. 'I' seemed to join mid 'me' doing something purposeful- like suddenly jumping into someone's body while they are mid doing something, and not knowing how to finish... for what were they doing?? That's what it seems, or it would fit, for that arm experience.

I suggest that next time a part jumps out and back, see how easy or difficult it is to move that part physically. If anyone's physical limb moved that quickly BY MUSCLE POWER there would at least be a residual feeling of muscle usage, you know, the feeling that lets you know you just used your muscles. The limb could also be going into the state of jinas and getting more fluid and moving. I don't know how common jinas is (raising the vibrations of and taking the physical body into the astral).

Thanks for sharing. Any more info, experiences, thoughts... have at it...

Cool experience Joerii...

Seems many projectors or would-be projectors' boyfriends or girlfriends are not into this. Perhaps they are seeking you for intro into this knowledge, albeit unconsciously. :)


Welcome to Out of Body Experiences! / Yo...
January 31, 2005, 18:49:20
Yo Joeri.

No... The faces, they don't scare me. I know they can't hurt me though. :)

That seems to be the difference. Perhaps you should confront this being. I have many childhood experiences under my belt of beating up 'negative' entities, so they don't scare me anymore.

Let me know how it goes next time. Cool you're experiencing something! :D
Hey Michael E. Thanks for replying...

I'm sure they're not my awareness hands'- at least not as I understand the concept to be. N.E.W. is a part of my energy working repertoire. The awareness hands (to me) are more of a forced thing, rather than a hand spontaneously lifting out during trance. This felt more like a fast separation and repercussion, but only of my hand...


Saturday when practicing I experienced a stronger real-time sight than ever. I was doing energy work and I went to scratch my face as the energy flow customarily causes an itch, and I was able to see my arm through my eyelids as I went to scratch. It looked like a bright area against the backdrop of my speckled 'screen' (the area behind my eyelids).

Last night I saw many faces, as if my screen was a plastic film, and different beings were pushing their faces into it from the other side, pushing in towards me so I could see the impressions of their faces. Some were yawning, some menacing, some smiling or average. It was cool...

I'm doing several practices today. I'm starting to experience a nonph hand, one or the other of them, seeming to jump out of my physical hand and then jump right back in. It happens so quickly.

Any of you ever experience this? I'd like some input on others' experiences with the jumping hands...


I Met Someone (some thing?) at Eco Realm!!

Hey all...

I've been practicing daily on my lunch break. Today I actually met some being at Eco Realm, at the Candle Room. I applied the techniques and made it lightly to the Eco Realm.

I went to the candle room as listed on the page. I entered high up again, seeing the mountain, and flying down to the Candle Room. This is sitting in the break room. I am getting out more of myself so that I can feel the flying/falling sensation a bit.

I entered the Candle Room checking it out, and a redness came in. I looked and saw it. I was curious and my curiosity sort of asked it its name. It told me a name I wish I'd written down immediately. It was a single syllable three-letter word. I'm pretty sure it was 'Kaf'. This was interesting.

I shifted back to my physical body and went on with my meditations, checking the time.


Here is a discription... a description... that may make it easier...

We have a physical body.

We have a nonphysical body.

We have self as consciousness.

This is the basics, as I know them to be.

It seems you're getting caught up on words. The words are just decorations. A rose by any other name smells just as sweet. Thus I suggest you just forget the word all together, study that diagram. I experienced that. I was floating OBE as consciousness- just awareness- and I saw my nonphysical body by the ceiling, and at the same time my physical body I saw on the bed. We may have several nonphysical bodies... *shrug*... but I can vouch for the consciousenss, nonphysical body, physical body. If have more than one nonphysical body, they all align, thus the various nonph bodies can be though of as different 'sheaths' of one nonph body, to keep it simple... That's how I think of it. :)

* * *

Right now you are consciousness, inside nonphysical body, inside physical body...

Take away the physical body and you are consciousness, inside nonphysical body...

Take away both physical and nonphysical body, and you are consciousness...

Peace. Any further clarification desired?

