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Messages - NatureWizard

Welcome to Metaphysics! / Channeling
August 23, 2004, 04:21:22
how do people here do Channeling with alians
its something i like to do, but i do not know to do it.
Welcome to Out of Body Experiences! / 4th Density
August 23, 2004, 03:53:20
ive been reading a bit about the 4th Density on the Reptilian guides tell how it really is page, but what is the 4th Density and wore we at one time on the 1st and 2nd.
do any one know when the Transformation will take place
Monroe Institute Focus cds.
how do you use them and what time of the day do you use them. ?????
and have you had any luck with them. ????
Welcome to Out of Body Experiences! / body shape.
October 14, 2003, 01:22:04
when you Astral Projection are you limited to your human shape or can you change into different shapes.
Welcome to Dreams! / to get dreams
October 14, 2003, 01:12:02
what is the best way you used to have dreams.
the best method I used is when i go the bed is to eat a big lump of cheese and the most important bit is to have your head facing north when you go to sleep.
Welcome to Out of Body Experiences! / Spirit Guides
October 11, 2003, 14:48:24
how do i find my Spirit Guides[?]
15 mins for me to download, what ever will i do with out broadband[;)]
i gave it a go, i started to get that heavy feeling but then my brother came into the room so that was the end of that.[V]
thanks ive found binauralabyss on the link
i will give it a go tonight
a bit of Clairvoyance and a bit of that one that i know what people are thinking.
i have no control over it. it come and goes[V]
go here its got a bit of info about the druids
there is no such thing as Warlock
Warlock means liar on oath.Hollywood added Warlock to male witchs to make the movie sound more scary and evil.
im new here but i hope I can put some light on the matter.
as we all know the druids never written anything down so what we know about the ancient druids is very limited.luckily the Romans and the early Christian Monks written a lot down about them.
it's just the case of finding the real facts from the propaganda.
and many that is known is in songs and stories.
Druidism is a lot native American in someways that they hold a lot of respect to animals and the belief in a spirit is in everything animals trees rocks and so on.and the druids have got a very strong belief in reincarnation,and a belief in the truth is Almighty.
the druid were the elite class in Celtic Society,they were the wizards, doctors, astronomers judges,and advisers to the Kings and queens.
there is some belief with some historians that the Druids wore around before the Celts came about.
the druid are said to be able to do some powerful things like shapeshifting,be able to talk to the trees and animals and be able to control the weather.
druids today are trying to learn from the stories to learn what the ancients druid new. to see the world how they saw the world but it's not easy in today's society where the rich and corrupted rule.
as each year goes by we learn a bit more about Druidism from what the historians find out and what people learn from the natural world around them.