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Messages - Ident

I'm going back to bed to end the world again for a few hours.
What the futz is an imagined misinterpretation?

Please let it drop, Rudolph. You've made your points and I, for one, would struggle to find myself caring less whether they are true. Most of us are here to lament the loss of CTF, not run a post-mortem on her comments or final disagreement.
I might suggest that Astral Pulse consider a policy of having a complete moratorium on political topics. They never either educate anyone nor end in anything but tears.

Adios, CFTraveller. Fare thee well.
There are still other possibilities, things which he knew and you didn't. If he had a facebook account or a twitter account, for example, you could ask him for the password, should he care to share it.

Oh, and good luck with this. I would so very much like to contact and converse with a small handful of friends who have passed across.
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Re: "Deja vu"
April 05, 2012, 06:46:03
Deep in our mind's inner folds
We catch a glimpse of what the future holds
Fanciful thoughts or a vision true
This is the essence of deja vu
Quote from: majour ka on March 31, 2012, 10:11:22
Hahah very true Ident  :-) you should be rapper with that vocabulary  8-)

Every once in a while I forget to use normal words. :)
Losing people as we walk the path of spiritual advancement is the natural way of things. Our priorities in life change, as do our feelings and personalities. Those we have known who are unable to follow our changing vibrations will no longer resonate with us and, so, distance and  separation become inevitable. Sometimes, something we say may make it clear to another person that we are not in the place they thought we were and so they leave us for fear of being changed by us and then consequently losing their own stable place in their life.

You cannot advance without being changed by the process and those changes will result in changes around you, in both friends and circumstances.
I concur with rezaf. Energy can be lost through sex and is typically lost through masturbation. Equally, a resonant joining with a highly compatible mate can be a joyous event to raise your vibrations. Go by your own inner feelings and find what works for you. Excess will almost always leave you feeling depleted and in need to recharge, not to mention the attendant lack of sleep.
We don't know the probabilities. Conjectures on the odds or likelihood of any of the factors necessary to create life or consciousness are all based on belief and hope, rather than any facts. We have insufficient knowledge to perform any valid calculations on what percentage of potentially inhabitable planets have life and consciousness.

Of course, we can attempt to extrapolate from the known disparate conditions where life has been found here on our own planet and from samples taken within our own solar system. From these, I would suggest that every one of those planets has life.
If it happens then just will yourself awake. Your mind and body should eventually get the message or maybe you will.
Thanks for the link. It worked for me, too.
I'm wondering how to corner the market in HUMANLIVES. :)
Welcome to Magic! / Re: Witches?
March 18, 2012, 03:07:25
It's a small Internet.  8-)
Welcome to Magic! / Re: Witches?
March 17, 2012, 05:40:56
Some might find this informative...
What's this Hell you speak of? The common consensus amongst the mediums who have channelled spirits is that there is no Hell, as the Christians consider it. When we go to spirit, we judge ourselves and take things from there. I don't believe that even the Christians, though, have any particular comments on dying in a state of anger. Being angry isn't a mortal sin.

Karmically, the person maybe had a lesson to learn and the most important consideration is whether they did, in fact, learn it. If they lived with an intense anger then I'd suggest that much remains to be resolved along this direction and perhaps the experience and the ensuing anger were part of an ongoing sequence of intended lives to work through an issue.

Further to your comment of "fault", I'd suggest that fault/blame is a flawed concept. We have experiences and we make of them what we will. We flow through existence and, as we do so, we learn and grow, or not. One might suggest that it is a responsibility to ourselves to try to learn and grow from each experience but, in the grander scheme of things, it's our choice how we react or respond to any stimulus and we might choose to live through an experience many times as we sample many possible responses to a scenario or situation.
A big thanks to all of you. Moderating can often be as thankless a task as it can be a pleasant one but the strength of a board rests as much in the moderation team as it does in the members. Thanks for stepping up.
Forums Bugs Reports and Questions / Re: grammar
March 01, 2012, 11:15:42
It's get almost get as get though get there's get a get spare get word get in get there get which get should get have get been get deleted.
The flame just flickered on my candle... spooky.
Are you referring to spirit communication or something else?

As to whether anyone can do these things, some suggest that anyone can learn the skills but others will point out that anyone can play the piano but many can only do it so badly that that might as well not do it unless they enjoy pressing black and white keys. We each have talents and then must acquire the skills to exercise those talents well. Not everyone has the talents they would like to have.

If you are wishing to communicate with spirit, I'd strongly suggest that you contact a spiritualist church. If you don't have a natural affinity for "spooky stuff" then you might be leaving yourself open to the influences of lower energies. Either way, you'll likely be best off finding some local mediums to advise you.
Our differences are what make each of us unique. He believes in his religion and you hold a different explanation of the nature of reality.

You might consider that you have an amazing resource at your disposal. You have someone who has had a lengthy NDE and is willing to discuss it with you. Maybe you could ascertain why he feels so negatively about AP. It seems that there could be much that he could impart to you once you can be accepting of the fact that he has beliefs different to yours. Maybe you could also impart much to him if he can come to accept your viewpoints.

Good luck.
It seemed humorous to me. There is often more in the perception of a statement, individual by individual, than in its statement. If one wishes to find a negative interpretation then one will. Equally, if one assumes that there is always a positive interpretation and one then strives only to see positive interpretations of any given statement then the humour is much more likely to leap to the fore.

This is as true in real life as it is over the Internet.
If you can locate medical texts dating back to the 1940s and earlier you are likely to find that auras and the body's energy systems were accepted as part of the whole organism. I think Icke has commented that the removal of the acknowledgement of our metaphysical side is part of the conspiracy to keep us all, as a people, away from awareness. Of course, that's just his conjecture but the fact remains that auras are hard to locate in medical texts after the second world war.

Anyone who has read much on Edgar Cayce will be aware that doctors seemed to be entirely comfortable to consult with him, for him to go into trance for medical diagnoses and treatments.

As Galileo might have said, "Yet they still exist".
I've known women who had been in the "sex industry" and they were still wonderful women. Circumstances can cause people to be in situations they never could have anticipated nor ever have wished on anyone, especially themselves. I tend to think that it's a mistake to blame someone for the things that life thrust upon them before you were able to be around to make a difference. For you to think less of them purely on hearsay, before you've even gotten to know them, is a bigger mistake.

If her alleged past bothers you then take it as an indication that you have some karma to resolve in this direction. You might also consider that the "someone" who said negative things about her is trying to keep you away from her for his or her own purposes. Those thoughts might lead to some new revelations.

As Xanth posts, though, smile and project only good towards her as you go up and say, "Hello". A relationship can only blossom when you are prepared to be vulnerable to another and trust does not begin by examining another person's Akashic records for all of their pecadilloes.