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Messages - RaYZeDP

Welcome to Spiritual Evolution! /
January 06, 2014, 23:17:47
Hey I haven't posted on here in over a year this place sure does bring back memories :). Anyway i found this cool site a few days ago and it made everything clear to me. I have always known that we come from a collective consciousness, but it is completely different to actually experience it and have proof of it yourself. The site is suppose to let you find out who you truly are and its completely free. I had the experience myself. Like i said earlier its two completely different things to know you're god and actually experience being god.
Thank you all for your answers i really appreciate it :)
I don't know what to believe at 1st i believed in human ascension and astral projection and spirit world for 2 years, now i don't know what to believe after i watched this video my whole perspective changed i am so confused. If u have time please watch it and give me some feedback link-
Everyone should try to meditate during the solar eclipse to fight negativity it's tommorow thanks.

go to that site to get the ascension study guide. Are u going to be left here on 3D earth or ascend to 4D/5D?
If you do could you share? i have been wanting to awaken these powers it is said that they are just dormant, anyone can have them. Thanks
does it become better in the physical? like if you dont know how to play piano can you learn in the astral and become really good at it? If it does than tell me an example of something that you did
Alright I'm not new to astral projection I've studied it for around 6 months so first time I tried it 2weeks ago I ended up having a multiple lucid dreams that night and I astral projected from a wild somehow. Alright so I was out for probably 10 seconds max during this time i knew instantly that I was astral projecting so I got a little freaked out then I saw a little dog run straight at me and then it was over. Ever since every night I try to take a nap or try to go to sleep my body goes into paralysis or vibrations without me doing anything, and I have to force myself out of it every time. It was weird seeing my body a little scared to go back.

After seeing this I wonder if its true and possible, I want to believe that a change like this is coming. Anyway tell me your thoughts on this.
Well im only 15, I really don't have a lot of money so i probably couldn't afford any seminar lol. You said that you have the program right? Um does the clearing chakras and raising kundalini actually work?
Thanks Ryan :)

It looks real, and has alot of reviews but the lowest price i can find it 4 is 149.99. And i dont really want to spend that type of money and it ends up to be a scam, What do you guys think?
it looks promising and i am thinking about getting it. Do u think i should?
Like just by thinking about it and then your out?