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Quote from: majour ka on December 19, 2011, 00:35:41
They dedicate their lives to god realisation.  They can reach an understanding of the elements of creation and manipulate life force energy  :-)
w00t! :D Higher Dimensional Knowledge
Quote from: majour ka on December 18, 2011, 01:35:19
The yoga guys in India regenerate limbs etc
I assume, they have moved up in Dimensions then <3
Groups, that have devoted their lives to spirituality.. Are probably 4th Dimensional already.. if not higher d:
Anything is possible..
You are a being of light, Regeneration is very easily possible..
I really don't think you need extensive knowledge on anything..
I'd say.. just go astral, stand over your body, and imagine it healing.. or lay down, and just imagine the part of you, that you want to be healed... healing.
Your mind is a magical thing.. that has a built in healing mechanism.. Meditating, daily on what you want to be repaired, or regenerated would fix it.

Now.. lets say you lose an arm? That .. will not work, until we move up in dimensions.. because the third dimension is too dense to regenerate a whole limb in a short time.
Welcome to Metaphysics! / Re: Tiny White Lights
October 27, 2011, 13:11:49
Seeing little white dots, means you are beginning to have access to Source energy.
It is one of the steps in Spiritual Awakening.

This is the step, talking about the white dots.
*Sparkles of light*
i've been experiencing physical pains the past few days.. i attuned into my head ache last night.. and the pain is significantly less..
Like forced raised vibrations.
I see what you mean. And yes, it is our job to expand our own consciousness.. The tools are just that.. tools.. if you over use them, you get lost.. if you dont use them at all, your all on your own..
I believe that our consciousness will naturally expand more when a certain day comes.. around Dec 21 2012 ;p
Welcome to the Healing place! / Re: Night Terrors.
September 12, 2011, 21:10:31
anyways.. this girl got mad at me and quit talking to me.. >.> she didnt care enough to try anything.. just get pissy with me.. so its her loss. sorry for any dissapointment
Quote from: AJDIN on September 06, 2011, 08:07:57

Now i know i'm on the right track :P

If your un-happy, leave

You can't change someone that doesn't want to be changed, she needs to help herself ... or a professional

trust me you CAN'T change her! and you trying will anger her even more

Haha.. its funny cause she tried to emotionally have her way.. but I used those emotions against her.. and ended up making her leave me XD
I still preach to her the way to true happiness.. Haha :P
But no, I dont care that much to get hurt.. So it doesnt matter if I stay with her, as I do not need a girl in my life to be happy
Quote from: Ryan_ on September 01, 2011, 10:05:29
It has NO benefit to consciously aware projections.
Will it take you into the non-physical?  Sure...
Will you be able to have a controlled experience?  Probably NOT?

What kind of growth can you have in an uncontrolled non-physical experience?
Well, how spiritually growing are your normal dreams?  Not so much...

That's only one aspect of why using drugs to achieve an altered state is unadvised.
Marijuana.. is A TOOL used to achieve a higher state of awareness.
It is a manifestation of consciousness, that decided to become a plant that would allow for access to this state of being.
It has different states it puts you in.. but if you learn to control this, you can achieve whatever state of consciousness you wish.

You are not a slave to a tool.. the tool is your slave to do with as you please :P

As for using it to shoot to a certain point, and possibly over shooting it?
I do not allow this 'shooting' process to occur. I force it to slow down, and teach me to do it itself.
If I get shot out though, and cannot control it.. When I start coming down, I try to reach the point of the summit again.. Eventually, it will allow me to master things that would normally take much longer :]
Welcome to News and Media! / Re: Psychic Challenge
September 07, 2011, 16:07:20
I knew the government set this thing up to make psychics look insane >.>
Psychics will eventually be put into a camp because they are delusional
Quote from: CFTraveler on September 06, 2011, 18:30:31
Or may decide you'd rather do something else- like the Tibetans believe.  I like this idea a lot.
what did the Tibetans believe? o.0;
Quote from: Fresco on June 21, 2011, 09:58:11
^^^^ thanks Jilt

Something interesting I noticed re: LofA.  If I think about something I need a few dozen times throughout the day I start feeling vibrations, its the same vibrations that I feel just before I OBE.  It feels like energy surging through my body.  And that energy gets stronger the more I think about whatever I'm trying to attract

Pretty damn cool I must say  :-D

Try to fuse your energy, with this surge of energy.. maybe it will allow it to manifest easier!
Welcome to Spiritual Evolution! / Re: 5/21/2011
September 06, 2011, 15:35:44
Quote from: CFTraveler on January 04, 2011, 12:09:22
Just for kicks and giggles, and because I like to debunk stuff like this from the same source it came from, the bible very clearly says that no one, not even Jesus, knows when the judgement day is going to come.  So the fact that they announce a date almost makes it certain (from their own belief system) what day it won't be.

And, Revelation 3:3, "Remember therefore what you have received and heard; and keep it, and repent. If therefore you will not wake up, I will come like a thief, and you will not know what hour I will come upon you."

From a biblical standpoint, case closed.  For any announced Judgement day.

Couldnt this mean.. that 'Judgment' day is always?
Since time doesnt exist, and god knows this, couldnt he have been trying to subtly hint that it can happen at any time?

I believe.. if you create your Merkaba it will allow you to Ascend ';D
I think.. to stop reincarnation, you need to raise your consciousness.. IN THE PHYSICAL.. so that when you die, you will remember all the thoughts you had as a human.
Basically? Meditate on finding your higher self.. and trying to raise your vibrations.. keep on raising them more and more, until you are.. basically what would be called Jesus like. Then you will have control over your reincarnation
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Re: Energies dispersing?
September 03, 2011, 22:05:05
and stay on topic.. i am talking about energy dispersal. it feels this way? as it happens at random times when i am focusing on all the energies around me.. it is as if my body Channels them into a dance randomly
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Re: Energies dispersing?
September 03, 2011, 22:03:59
Quote from: the8reader on September 03, 2011, 21:55:48
nope cuz i dont have a va jay jay! good luck with this though, take it to vegus and make some money...
>.> I may do that, as I do plan on living my life through miracles and coincidences ;p
But? a total balance of Male and Female energies, is the best way to live :3
Welcome to Quantum Physics! / Re: Time.. a perception?
September 03, 2011, 20:46:44
Quote from: Summerlander on September 03, 2011, 17:41:01
There appears to be a reason for this too as I have pointed out previously in the lottery thread:

"Here is some curious conclusions that professors at Harvard and Boston universities recently arrived at:

When humans started to move out of Africa to explore the rest of the world, evolution mutated and held on to a gene associated with risk-taking and the will to be adventurous - the DRD4 gene. Evidence shows that the distribution of the two main alleles (versions) of the gene and the ancient migration patterns appear to be congruent. The mutations that followed do not seem random at all and seem to have purpose...

Each allele appear to mark specific personality traits in people. While a 4R allele is linked to prudent individuals, the 7R and 2R ones seem to indicate more impulsive behaviour in others. It is believed that individuals that possess the latter versions coped with dangerous situations a lot better and were more capable of surviving and reproducing under more challenging conditions.

Thus it was concluded that mass migration can influence our genetic make-up and specifically modify it in the evolutionary scale. Apparently, the 7R allele arose as a rare mutation 50,000 years ago after we left our home continent and spread throughout the world. Later, the 2R modified version emerged in Asia.

More interestingly, those that have been diagnosed with ADHD are twice as likely to have the 7R allele. Perhaps some of the symptoms that we think indicate a "disorder" - such as quick movements and rapid shifts in focus - are actually survival traits from natural selection."

I have to say that makes perfect sense :D and honestly.. more and more kids are showing up with ADD or ADHD.. soo I think we are about to evolve and everyone will be some form of ADD or ADHD :P.. more like everyone will be psychic and able to do as the please.. WITH PRACTICE OF PSYCHIC ENERGIES.. xD not just oh hey i am psychic :O
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Re: Energies dispersing?
September 03, 2011, 20:38:16
also.. i have started noticing small hand gestures I make when I am in a certain state of mind.. could this be a blessing of some time? It happens before or after I hand someone something.. say something to someone.. or before I enter a house. Only in the same state of mind that makes me dance though >.>
It almost feels as if I am drawing in and locking energies when I do the hand gesture as well..

I am just curious as to anyone else who has experienced random phenomena like this as well
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Energies dispersing?
September 03, 2011, 20:31:12
I have been able to.. tune in with energies.. and express them in a.. dance?
Its like.. >.> its just like people who wear gloves with lights on them in raves and give light shows.

Has anyone else experienced this phenomena?
Welcome to Quantum Physics! / Re: Time.. a perception?
September 03, 2011, 17:09:52
Quote from: Ryan_ on September 01, 2011, 20:28:04
If that was supported by our ruleset, which it doesn't look to be.  :)
our own rule set? o.o; whats that mean..

ADHD people are faster in their thoughts, so technically time is slowed down to them.. but it seems like they are sped up to us :D
That could be an example of perception
Quote from: CFTraveler on September 02, 2011, 12:22:24
Awesome exercise.  Do you do it clockwise, or counterclockwise?  Or does it matter?
Honestly? when I do it.. I just focus on each chakra in that order o.o i figured the energy flowed naturally ;p..
Quote from: Ryan_ on September 02, 2011, 09:38:52
Well, see... if someone was to do that in an "effort" to "convert" people... then you're really no better than any hardcore Christian trying to do the same.

The point here is to just give people the information, don't force it upon them... it's entirely up to them if they choose to read it.  If they do read it, it's then entirely up to them if they want to look deeper into it.  And if they want to look deeper into it, then it's entirely up to them if they want to make that information part of their being. 

We shouldn't be pushing anything on anyone (not that I'm saying you are, I'm just giving general advice).
Remember, "You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink"... there's so much truth in that.  :)
I agree totally!.. My goal, is just to have the information available, in an easy to access manner..

Also, I want to add more than just words from the bible.. I plan on connecting history into the bible, and making it even more valid..
My goal, is to just have the option open to Christians.. That way, they cannot say anything I say is invalid.. AS it is said in the bible :D
I will connect stuff it talks about in the bible, to things that really happened in the past.. like for instance, it mentions that they came from Egypt.. Well, right before christianity came along, akhenaten came to egypt and tried to get Egypt back to a one god perspective.. He even taught 300 individuals how to become immortal.. those 300 people i believe went out and started creating other religions on the planet that all had one god.. just in a different way.. >.> 2 of these people even gave birth to Jesus ;D they mated interdeminsionally
Welcome to Quantum Physics! / Re: Time.. a perception?
September 01, 2011, 20:24:29
Time is a perception.. Technically, anyone with enough practice, could use their Merkaba to teleport anywhere in the universe instantly.. :D
I think everyone should do a daily.. Spiral Heart Chakra Meditation :P

Starts from the heart, moves to the stomach, than the throat, too the lower stomach, to the third eye, to the root chakra, then crown.
Its a spiral :D and I tihnk its the best way..
Ill look for the website
I think.. personally.. Marijuana can be beneficial to OBE's as the closest I have ever come to actually OBEing, was when I was high. All the other times, My body starts to cringe with pain after only 20 minutes and I HAVE to move ;/

PERSONALLY Marijuana helps, but again.. each person is different :P