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Messages - Florian

Hello everyone,

Here's an alternate NEW stimulation method I came up with which is pretty powerful (especially for primaries): use tactile imagined vibration" border=0>

All the best,


Difficult topic that...

I think an important factor here is to distinguish between peace like in war & peace and an inner spiritual peace on the other hand.

Violence arises if someone tries to enforce his desires against the will of another being. And unlest that other being is already in a state of profound inner peace, unchained form all desires themselves, and can react accordingly (ghandi, dalai lama), it will lead to mutual hurting and sometimes even killing.

Fighting wars to gain peace is just a try to force something externally what people can only find internally.

And to put a kinda controversial line in here: the same is true of many marriages" border=0>

Contest's over" border=0>

Here are the winners (so noone forgets to claim his prize [:P]):

Anna of Klosterneuburg, Austria
Megan of Mahwah, NJ
Melinda of King George, Virginia
Joe of EAST St Kilda, Australia
Julie of Wichita Falls, TX
Keith of Applecross, Australia
Meredydd of Dalton, MA
Gil of Canebeds, AZ
John of Medfield, MA
Terry of Evans City, PA

Get more info & read the questions/answers at:

(so far there are 4 questions posted... I think a new one will be posted everyday until they're all online)

Hey Alchimiste,

well, all just speculation on my part, but I guess it's some of these extraordinary powers in extraordinary situation things... like someone getting giant strenght to lift a car where somebody is buried under.

I kinda doubt your guide just jumped into your astral double... but the higher self intervening thing sounds like a good explanation to me. Although your higher self probably wouldn't have to recite weird formulas to make that happen. Maybe there's some pastlife component to it and that's where that spell came from ?

But then it might've 'only' been your subconscious causing that... only you can know" border=0>


Hey everyone !

I cannot advise using music for meditation or similar purpose, unless you want to meditate on the music...

Music will make it easier for beginners to calm their minds, as they have something to process, but generally I found it slows my developement.

Practicing concentration will yield much better results" border=0>

#6" border=0>

Welcome to Metaphysics! / The Meaning of Sex
May 26, 2002, 04:11:46
Hey everyone,

I just wanna make a quick comment on that energy/matter issue.

AoL" border=0> is right there... you can't destroy matter/energy.

These two are kinda interchangable which is most easily seen in this often abused e=mc^2 formula.
With c being a constant that basically means you get a certain amount of energy for a certain amount of matter and vice versa.

So... how can this happen the "normal" way (i.e. I don't mean the witch doctor from next door converting your balls into fire" border=0>)

The easiest way to approach this might be radioactive decay, something with which most of you should be familiar from school.
(i hope i get that right in english" border=0>)

The two most interesting phenomenons here would be gamma-decay and especially beta-plus decay. (in post-preview the plus sign didn't show up...  hmm "+" <-- here should be one ?)

When an isotope decays through beta-plus decay it will send out a particle called "positron", which is basically the same as an electron, just positively charged. It's the antimatter equivalent of an electron. Now, as the positron has left the atom, some quite basic law starts acting: the positron will emmediatley get attracted to one of the uh.. more than millions of electrons" border=0> aournd it (particles of opposite charges attract each other). Once it reaches it, they will "anihilate" as matter and antimatter always do, creating two gamma rays with a energy of 511 KeV each shooting away in a 180° angle (that's the energy of a electron not in motion).

With a gamma ray now (whether obtained through gamma decay or something else, that doesn't matter), there can happen something quite interesting as well. The literal translation from german would be pair building effect, but I doubt that's the correct english term. This phenomenon can happen when the energy of a gamma ray is higher than twice the energy of an electron not in movement (E(gamma) > 2 m(electron)*c^2 = 1022 KeV).  Here the gamma ray splits up in a positron and an electron (plus remaining gamma) thus basically creating matter out of energy.
(in case somebody doesn't know: a gamma ray is electromagnetic radiation... and a photon but that's another discussion" border=0>).

It would be really interesting if anyone could explain how matter/energy get's completley annihilated... commeon, don't be shy" border=0> they'll probably even give you a nobel prize for it" border=0>

btw if one of those Free Energy machines actually worked (which I highly doubt), then this doesn't mean that it creates energy out of nothing. They just simply don't know where it comes from" border=0>

Well I just visisted a relative of mine today who was with sai baba this year and had a look on two of his materialized things... that ashes and something called amrith (or so)

The ashes smelled of sandalwood, so I guess that's their basis

That amrith stuff is some liquid which moves about as fast as thin honey and it smells of soap... my relative got this stuff right out of an amulet that kept oozing this amrith all the time.

I just thought I'd share this, in case someone's interested" border=0>

Correct me if I'm mistaken, but according to my knowledge, the Saibabaexpose saibaba is supposed to be a reincarnation of the saibaba, who died in 1918 (according to followers of the saibabaexpose sai baba..." border=0>)

Originally I didn't want to say anything to that whole werewolf thread... the only results that will probably come from this discussion here is that a lot of people start modifying their belief systems and get afraid or something (or get their paranoia reduced - whatever).

I don't think you'd find that in any book lying around in your local eso-bookstore or even amazon. There's things people don't write down on purpose. About that general shapeshifting thing: you can find that in books if you look in the right ones, the basic technique was already stated by Robert above. But i highly doubt anyone browsing these boards (including me) can do this.

About Sai Baba: A close relative of mine, who is neither blind, nor stupid, visited him recently and told me of some of the things he saw. Some aren't explainable by physics, not even with the greatest imagination availible. I have no reason to doubt my relative there.

Please keep in mind, that every person in a higher position gets thrown various kinds of dirt at him. Especially if he's NOT a fake, as this means, in the religious area, that he's a threat to some nonauthentic cults.

Do you think just because he's an Avatar (if he is one), this wouldn't happen?
You think he would just stop this, so people don't have to think for themselves and make decisions ?" border=0>

All the best

(who's really not into sai baba stuff usually...)

Hey Bhikku !

Salvia, hmm ? Well, I bought some of this at some kinda hippie-fair downtown we have here twice each year... they sold it completley legal there...

I tried it the same night - I hope you don't get a wrong impression of me now" border=0> - but I was at that fair with some friends and had a lot of spiced wine in my system. Well I didn't feel nothing" border=0> but it might've been due to the amount of alcohol in me" border=0>

Still got the res of that stuff lying around here somewhere, but as a nonsmoker... dunno whether I'm ever going to use it" border=0>

Well, but "gin" is in there" border=0>

"...And electronics, they can be damaged, influenced, and misdirected through the agencies of gin beings."

Hey Puddl,

I tried weed a couple of times, and had some strange fx, but I pretty soon stopped it, as it didn't give me as much as other ppl told me it would. Plus I'm nonsmoker usually

In my experience, practice is the only valid thing to get your skills better. Pot doesn't change your system, so shure, you can try. But you get into trance about everyday just before being completley asleep, so...

Just try to stay away from LSD & co, as they can radically change your biosystem. I personally know of a case where a person, that had LSD once b4, got a near lethal dosis of anaesthetics and was still wide awake (so better be honest if a doc asks you about drugs before surgery )

just my 2 cents

take care !

Hey Murphy !

I guess you want to get rid of this as fast as possible, hmm ?
And there's 2 general possibilities to do it... do it yourself or let someone else do it. I'd go for both.

Keep trying to reach someone who's able to help you, but at the same time, invest time & effort in the developement you need to get rid of that crap.

If you schedule 2 hours per day (preferrably same time each day, as this way your mind gets accustomed to it faster and discipline problems are less), to practice energyraising, willpower/concentration(important!) and maybe do, as Inguma suggested a little magick (Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram and maybe the Middle Pillar ritual might be a good idea - you can find them both in Donald Michael Kraig's Modern Magic for example), you can be shure that you'll beat that SOMEWHEN at least. Probably not even far in the future.

Happy curse bashing


Hey Inguma !

Do you really think using the Name of Jesus for tests would be a good idea ?

IMHO Faith is the key behind it all. The above would be the same as tatooing the tetragrammaton on your butt, just in case...
blasphemy, but I seriously doubt that it'd work.

I think if you set up a test with someone dressed up as a demon faking an attack, to see whether Jesus comes etc. would have about the same effect

If your faith is strong enough & honest, a force called upon will help you. At least my kinda limited expereince so far in this field supports this (I usually turn to his father though )

Neither Jesus nor God is a tool

take care !


p.s.: God rocks

Hello Robert !

Looks great , but the title graphic is diplaced when viewing the site via netscape. The displacement is 9 pixels each form top and left side when I view it. Plus: the Menu colorchanging doesn't work either when using Netscape (referring to 4.7x versions here).


Hello Dachs !

My opinion on this, if you want it , sit down and try to distance yourself a bit from all of this... try to do this when you're in one of these strenghtened states you mentioned. Think over the whole situation, analyze it from all points of view from the persons involved, try to understand the "why" of their behaviour. Basically get to know the ground your stumbling on at the moment. Try to get away from your subjective point of view that's affected by your suffering, but try to view it objective, like an outsider would view that.  When the situation seems clear to you (and with clear I don't mean something like "oh I don'T have a chance anyway" *g*), make your decisions on what to do with the whole situation. Whether it's divorce or a major change of mind and behaviour from your side or maybe both.
You gotta get back to an "active" mode of living
Show people abusing you that this will not be tolerated, and that they will have to face the consequences for this, if they choose to continue.
For everything in your life you alone are responisible and you are the only one who can change it, whether you like it or not.

A good help if you have problems concerning strenght/your trust on god is a small but brilliant book by Paramahansa Yogananda: In the Sanctuary of the Soul.

Peace to you,


Two Bears: Nice to see you found your way here! I think we had some correspondence around april 2001 concerning Qi-Gong


This new forum was necessary to separate the several topics that the original astral research forum was handling.  This, as you may have been aware, was causing a number of problems and arguments between people holding opposing viewpoints.  Hopefully they will be less of this once people setting into the new forums.

Hey Robert !

Nice Forums

Hmm, that different viewpoint issue...
One should do a bargain with negs, so that doubting people can get a
30 day trial-posession completley for free !!
Wouldn't that be great ??

Take care and keep up the good work !

p.s.: Admin, I found a bug :) when I clicked on preview & closed the window again and clicked on preview again it says "there is no text to preview"