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Messages - Linaeve

There...that's better. :) Sorry.
I did it!

Here's what happened: I woke up early yesterday and was tired by mid day, so I took a three hour nap. I woke up for about three hours, then tried to force myself back to sleep (normal bedtime). As I was falling asleep a few times, I noticed the tingles. While trying to relax into it, I managed to accidentally wake myself about three times. Finally, I gave up trying to relax and started to try to fall asleep.

There I was, laying on my side, thinking about my class in the morning, when I rolled and fell out of bed! It felt like someone had pushed me from behind. My three year old sleeps in the same bed as me, so I thought she had kicked me off. I stood up and straightened out my clothes, but my eyes were drawn to my window. I watched the trees move in the light that the apartment complex put right next to our bedroom (it's aggravating some nights), then thought that I should probably get back to bed. As I turned to look at the bed, I had the nagging feeling that I shouldn't look. It was only then that I realized I stepped out of myself completely! Now, I really wanted to look back at the bed, but something was telling me no and freezing me in place; I was unable to turn my head down to see myself. Angry, I lashed out and pushed whatever was holding me (I went to bed angry; I'm sure this wouldn't have happened had I gone to bed in a better mood). Suddenly, the world twisted violently and I was pulled back into myself.

My eyes immediately snapped open, and I sat up quickly. It was quite the experience! I don't think I'll be afraid of APs again!!
Thanks everyone for the responses! I was still a bit unsure of what I was expecting to happen. I guess because I didn't hit the usual SP, I didn't think it was valid. Now I know, and I'm excited!

To be honest, I'm not sure why I said that. I remember feeling his sadness, his loss, and his quiet frustration. He had the look of a person who has seen too much; a haunted look, as if he was floating through life in a fog. It's just the impression I had. I also had the feeling that, if he ever did remember, it would destroy him.

That makes me wonder what's worse....remembering the bad or forgetting it. Do you think I should try to help him remember, if I see him again? I tried to call out to him last night and see him again, but I only had a regular dream.
Okay, so this may not be the normal experience, but....

So I went to bed last night without worrying about SPs or weird things. I was just sleepy. My daughter woke me up early this morning but promptly went back to sleep. I didn't exactly 'wake up' with her; more like on cusp of sleep and wakefullness. So, when I finally dosed a little, I went from being in the dream world to standing in front of a door. I immediately realized this wasn't a dream anymore, because it didn't have that disjointed, wtf is going on, feeling. So I watched the door open and out came a young man. He was extremely sad, with his head hung, and very very blonde...his hair practically radiated light. I hugged him close and he told me he 'I'm sorry, but I don't remember. I don't remember.'. I smiled and told him 'It's okay, I'm glad you don't remember. You've had it rough.'. Another thing that made me realize it wasn't just a dream; I woke up remembering exactly what was said between us. I've never had that happen before. Once I let him go, he went back through the door and it closed. Then, the actual dream world continued and became all disjointed and illogical.

Is this what I should be looking out for? Or was it just a particularly lucid dream within a dream?
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Re: 18-25 AP goers
October 11, 2011, 19:42:51
Linaeve here! I'm twenty-three years old, I'm active-duty Navy, and I've only recently come to understand that my 'night terrors/sleep paralysis' were actually APs. I'm currently doing my best to get over the fear of the creepy things I see/feel/hear while in an SP state. I'm currently stationed in Sunny Florida, but I am originally from a small town in New York.

I look forward to meeting you all on the boards! :D
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Re: Members Pictures
October 11, 2011, 19:38:12
Quote from: Simo on October 11, 2011, 11:46:34
Hey Linaeve!I must say you're a cutie  :-P

Thank you. :D I appreciate your compliment.

Ryan, what do you study? I studied Korean Tang Soo Do up until my second degree black belt. I only stopped because of the military, or I'd still be heavily into it. :)
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Re: Members Pictures
October 11, 2011, 00:53:40
Quote from: light487 on October 11, 2011, 00:43:04
What you should do is photoshop it and make a few tiny changes.. hehehe.. just small changes that you don't notice at first :)

I must admit, I'm absolutely retarded when it comes to photoshop. :( I used my barracks mirror to get the 'twin' effect. XD
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Re: Members Pictures
October 11, 2011, 00:40:08

I hope this works. I got bored while on deployment in Japan, so I dressed up and pretended I was a twin. XD It's fairly recent, about three months ago. :D The poor camera found a watery grave though... -moment of silence-
I'll put in my two cents. :)

I'm plagued with Sleep Paralysis. Happens more than I'm comfortable with at the moment. I've only recently realized you can AP from the SP, so I've been giving it my best shot. I haven't had anything happen yet, but only because I still can't get over my fear.

Anyhow, I know when SP is going to happen, usually. I'll be semi-sleepy, thinking of class or shopping, when the sudden tingles will instantly bring me to focus on my body. I cannot move, but I usually won't try unless the fear creeps in (which takes a second). I turn inward immediately and listen to the odd 'buzzing' in my body (not necessarily a real noise in my ears, though, more like it's perceived from the tingles), as well as feel the atomic level shakes. It's as if my entire body is trying to shake itself to pieces. At this point, I usually know what I'm going to see IF I open my eyes. I'll start thinking 'that damned grudge girl is back, don't open your eyes, don't open your eyes!' (obviously this is what I'm trying to stop, lol), then I fight against the SP until either the shivers stop or I pass out.

I've had something try to pull me out of my body twice and, after spending some time on here reading, I'm guessing it was supposed to be a helpful gesture. Neither of those times did I see anything out of the ordinary, just this amazing force around my abdomen/torso that pulled tremendously. I only fought out of fear that I wouldn't survive the 'split'. The second time something had been grabbing at my legs, almost succeeded in pulling me out of myself, but I managed to wiggle my arm and break the SP, thus waking up fully...scaring the crap out of my sleeping husband too. :D

Anyhow, I hope that is helpful. :)
Thank you both for the information!

I'm going to try the Metta Bhavana. It sounds like something I should incorporate into my life, regardless if I astral travel or not. I love the concept, so I thank you for responding! I have some rose quartz on my rock shelves (I love stones and have quite a few). I'm going to break off a piece and put it under my pillow tonight. Do you know much about stones? A friend of mine suggested Nuumite for astral travel, but I haven't found much information on it.

AstralBeginnings, thank you for the link to Frank! It's a lot of information, and I'm still going through it. I must say, I'm intrigued by his journeys and what he's experienced. He also writes well, which makes it easy to understand and process. :)

My husband is thinking of making an account on here. xD He never thought of looking for a forum to help/share his experiences with. :)

As I was reading this, I remembered that the moon is new as of today. For three days, it will be dark. I wonder if that's what 'they' meant? I'm not sure who 'they' are, but this seems the most likely reason. New and full moons seem new or full for about three days. This doesn't exactly affect life down here though, so I could be wrong. :)
Quote from: AstralBeginnings on September 27, 2011, 02:22:34If it doesnt stop, kick it in the nuts!

This had me laughing hysterically!   :-D

Thank you for your quick reply! I'm actually dreading to sleep now in case something happens, but your first paragraph eased my fears. You're right. Aside from the extreme fear, nothing has harmed me, physical or otherwise. I always wake up okay, just weirded out.

My husband tried to tell me to project 'love' to the beings to see if they would change. I'm not entirely sure what he meant. I think if I go to sleep with the thought 'Nothing will hurt me, I'm not afraid', perhaps I can induce one... I think it's worth a shot. For whatever reason, my need to accomplish an OBE is growing stronger; there isn't a day that goes by where I don't think about it. It used to be a burden; now it's something I absolutely must do. It's a little weird to explain.  :| More like something is telling me to get my butt in gear or get out, kind of mentality.  :-P

I will admit, when I start to feel the tingling, I immediately think 'oh dear sky above, it's happening again. Keep your eyes closed, keep your eyes closed!'. I also immediately start trying to move something, anything. Sometimes it will feel as if I'm moving my arm or my leg (kicking my husband beside me to wake his butt up and help!), but I really don't think I'm actually moving my physical body. I panic. I bet that clearly does not help at all with the negatives. I read a few posts on here that talked about doing affirmations; I've never heard of this. Is it a mantra, of sorts?

I am open to the experience, now. I'm trying to remain open even as I head into sleep.

I agree with you. When I was sick, I remember listening to my family eat dinner from my bedroom and wishing I could fill my empty stomach. I remember thinking something along the lines of 'I absolutely need help getting better. I know it will go away soon, but I want it gone now.'. A few minutes later, I got the tingles as if someone was stroking the entire left side of my body (I was on my side). When I opened my eyes, I could see her kneeling at my bed, and I could still see the shadows of my family moving around outside my door (my bedroom was next to the dining room), as well as hear their conversation, though it was more muffled. I was filled with peace, and my eyes instantly got heavy with sleep. I heard a reassuring whisper, and allowed myself to fall away.

Now that I think of it, there was another peaceful one, though I was extremely weirded out by it when I woke up. Do OBE's resemble this, or was this perhaps a lucid dream? I'm still not sure of the difference. Anywho, if you don't mind the length, then here it is:

I was lying in bed with my husband and daughter. My daughter was between us, as always. I opened my eyes, but was still heavy with sleep. I noticed the upstairs neighbor's (I live in an apartment) kids were running down the stairs outside the window. It was a beautiful morning; all sunshine and summer colors. I was thinking about getting an early start on my day, since my daughter and husband were still sleeping. As I thought about getting up, I felt an arm drape over my side. Mind you, I clearly thought I was wide awake at this point. I immediately felt warmth, comfort, and pure peace settle through me, even though this arm was grey and had three fingers. An alien! I didn't freak out due to the immense peace I felt, and actually started to have a conversation about how life was going for me. I don't remember the exact words now, but it was about my family and other normal stuff. I remember the alien asking if I wanted to mate, and I wanted to, but I sighed and said it would have to wait because I had things to do. I was gently patted on the head and, then I was alone. I 'awoke' to the same cheery sunshine, my sleeping daughter and husband, and to the neighbors kids running amok as before. For the rest of the day, I could NOT shake the utter despair of losing that sense of peace and wishing the alien would come back, mingled with the fear of being quite okay with sex with such a was odd.

The End!  :lol:

I read, before coming to this site, that sexual arousal is actually quite common. But it was from a site where I would have to pay for the guide and had all sorts of 'fabulous' reviews...I tend not to trust those sites.

Does this sound like an OBE, or just some crazy lucid dream?

I'm going to try to go to sleep and see what happens. Perhaps I can think about the nice angel or the peaceful alien, instead of the creepy things. I'll continue to post about my experiences, as they occur, and any questions I may have, if that is okay. :)
Hello, everyone. It is a pleasure to be here.

Since I was young, I've had sleep paralysis and terrible nightmares associated with it (apparently the doctors called it hallucinations while under sleep paralysis). When I met my husband, I told him all about the sensations I would get and the 'hallucinations'. He told me I should start reading some books on astral projection, because everything I've told him points to it.

Thus, here I am, confused and looking for a place that can inform/support me as I learn this.

Out of the fifteen or so real sleep paralysis' I remember clearly, only one was not a fearful one. The rest have been downright horrific. None of them have been drug induced, just so you all know. However, I've had scratchy 'sound' looking creatures spazzing above my head as I heard the usual 'buzzing' noise. I've felt rubber bands around my waist literally trying to pull me off my couch, to separate me and, so I thought, physically kill me if those rubber bands managed to pull out my spirit. I've seen an extra door in my living room, with locks and chains on it, come open a little bit with a shadow creature peeking his/her/it's head in before slowly closing the door and locking it back up (this one, I think I managed some kind of OBE, because I called out to my husband sleeping on the other sofa and we watched the door together, not that he remember it though). I've seen the grudge girl peeking at me at the side of the bed. I've felt hands claw at my legs beneath the covers, trying to pull me off the bed.

The good one: an angelic woman kneeling by my bed one day when I was extremely sick and feverish. I was tingly, couldn't move, and could only see a vague outline of her, but she calmed me and helped me sleep.

All of these start with me thinking about the next day, and if I'm trying to sleep on my back. I'll suddenly realize that (during a mild one) my body appears to be tingly. During an intense one, it'll feel as if every atom of my body is trying to shake themselves to even smaller pieces. During the rubber band one, I remember thinking if I turned my head, that would be it, I would see myself sleeping on the couch and I would be dead. I'll acknowledge the fact that I'm in a sleep paralysis once the tingling starts and I will be aware that something is going to happen, but I absolutely cannot stop the terror. The only thing I can do is keep my eyes shut and hope to completely fall asleep or completely wake up.

What I want to do is stop the fear and get over myself, and finally get to the point everyone else seems to slip into quite happily. My husband envies my apparently easy slip into the astral world and tells me not to condemn the experience, but to learn to harness some control, so here I am. I must say it again though; this isn't a simple fear, like fearing the dark, this is mind numbing terror of insanely creepy creatures killing me in ways I can't imagine.

Has anyone else had a terrifying experience, or am I alone here? Can anyone give me some advice for next time? I want to try to induce this state on purpose, but I don't want to do it without some advice and scare myself again. Apparently, astral travel can be quite wonderful. I'd like to get to that point eventually. :)

Thanks for reading, and I apologize for the length. If you are still with me, then you are absolutely awesome! :D

I look forward to meeting you all. Have a great night!