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Messages - ellusionnist

Welcome to Dreams! / DEMON?
March 31, 2004, 11:07:32
HI there!
I had a very weird and freaky dream last night. VERY BIZARRE!
I remember being in my bathroom, looking at my self in the mirror, but i saw two of me in the mirror. One was standing in directly infront(like normal) but another one was to the left of the mirror.I looked back, and there was nothing there! I looked at the mirror again, and the was still 'one more' me, except that the one standing on the left(not normal one) was wavy and fuzzy, and started to get into the other me.
both 'me' combined(in the mirror) and i looked directly in my eyes!
My eyes turned completely BLACK!
Next scene, i am with my friend in the corridor of my house, next to my front door, and he is talking about heights(comparing his height to mine) and also about how is couson has grown taller lately.
(i am sloghtly shorter than my friend).
My body just started gowing really fast, and felt like i was streching. i was on my toes, my soles were stil on the ground.
Next scene, i am in a car, with a little kid driving, and a lady(mother, i suppose) sitting on the passenger seat. I am sitting at the back.....
THis scene only lasted a few seconds(i think).

I am really sorry for discription, but i was reall yhard for me to put this dream into words - i did my best.

The reason why i gave the subject 'demon', is becasue i have been very facinated by the tales that have been told by member of astral pulse, other subjects.
Since then, i have been facinated by demons(sighting/tales, etc). But i also feel a new me.
ON the threads, people said that 2% of the world's population are demons, but they dont know it yet. Changes will take place when the 'poles shift'.
I have always felt i was different, and had some sort of powers.
I dont know what that means,but could i have anything to do with this?

Any help will be greatly appreciated.
Welcome to Magic! / STRING FROM STOMACH
March 19, 2004, 11:03:32
Hi guys,
I was wondering if any one of you could let me in on something.
I am not only into paranormal, spirituality, but also am a magician.
I am very much onto doing the 'impossible'.
I am sure some of know what i mean by 'string from stomach'.
Swallowing a thread, and by some means, pulling it out of your stomach.
I think there is a book called 'swami and matra' which describes this, but it is out of print and rare.
PLease let me know, i have a magic show coming up soon, and would like to include this piece.
thank you.
Welcome to Metaphysics! / LEVITATOIN
December 25, 2003, 07:49:49
HI there. I am really into accomplishing the impossible, and my target would be, that i could levitate. For this, i need your help. Please reply with what ways/techniques you use and how long it took you to be able to levitate.
Welcome to Dreams! / DEMON?
April 04, 2004, 09:48:51
hi. thanks for replies.
I dont know what my dream(s) mean, and sure would like to.

In dream 1, wheni am looking at my self in the mirror(after myself(2) comes into myself(1), the demon (myself) looks very agressivve and powerful, although still in my body form.

In dream 2, when the demon/spirit comes into me, i start to feel warm, very hot, within seconds - i feel powerful.

please continue posting, i am very thankful for thank.
Welcome to Dreams! / DEMON?
April 02, 2004, 06:34:17
hi again,
i had a another dream the night after(day before yesterday),
i was in the living room(my house is haunted), and something fell off, i ran to the kitchen, when my mom was, and held her, brought her to the living room. She started saying"who are you, what do you want...etc) and someting else fell off.
Sudenly i felt a presence withing me, i felt very hot, and dizzy, i started running around the table.
thats all i can remeber.
oh, and a quick edit, one the first post, i said my eyes turned totally black, well, after thinkning a lot, and reviewing mydream, i realise, my eyes were not totally black, but were very aggressive.
any one can tell me what my dreams mean?

Welcome to Dreams! / DEMON?
March 31, 2004, 11:38:31
Thanks for your reply.
what does that mean. What is that?
I forgot to mention someting - on the other threads, someone said she saw a demon through a friend, saying her friend changed quickly, and grew about 10 feet, same as me(in the dream)

More help
hi there!
I am very much interested in TK, and would like to know how to start off.
What is the 'wheel'  of some sort. Can i make my own, if so, how?
WHat do i need to do to make things move - use healing energy, visualisation, etc?
Thanks, please help.
Welcome to Magic! / STRING FROM STOMACH
March 21, 2004, 06:38:12
I am very spiritual, but also magic!
I have a performance in a week, i and i would like to include this in my piece. This show is based as a fund raiser for CHARITY.
i wanna get as many people as possible.
Please be kind enough to help.
Does anyone know how that is done?