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Messages - GrumpyRabbit

Hello everyone! A few months ago, I got a reiki attunement. I had never thought I'd try something like this, but I actually started learning this to help my rabbit (who has a lot of health issues). I'm still very new at trying to do this, but I'd like to offer to send some reiki to anyone who feels they need it or would like some. Just let me know.

Happy New Year to all, may next year be better than the last!
Hello again!

I haven't done mushrooms myself, but the only thing that is at all similar was something that happened in the late 90s. I was in high school then. I was messing around with doing energy work, and after a long time achieved an altered state. It was as though I became a tiny homunculous and was inside my own rib cage! It's like my consciousness shrunk and sifted down from where it usually is for all of us (behind the eyes) to the inside of my rib cage. It was also as if I were aware of all parts of my body at once - like my consciousness were also somehow spread out over the inside of my entire body, dispersed and flowing thru all my veins. It was strange, at the same time "I am inside my own rib cage" and also "I am everywhere inside my body all at once". There was a sense of unity with every drop of blood coursing through my veins.

If you're interested in shamanism, I can heartily recommend a book called Singing the Soul Back Home by Caitlin Matthews. It will walk you through how to do shamanic journeys and has an excellent Q & A section.
Hello Tak!

I just read your message and thought I'd reply to some of what you wrote here, since you kindly sent me the link to this post of yours. So an interesting update I can give is that a couple months ago I spoke to a psychic and asked exactly what these experiences are - especially because for me, they've always been extremely painful. She told me that the entities doing it are part of my spiritual support team (SST), and that they were trying to do a reboot/reset. I'm not sure of what/for what, tho. Eventually I will speak with her again to find out more. She also told me something that another psychic & shaman had told me: that the SST entities that were doing this to me are extraterrestrials (apparently some folks have ETs as part of their SST) and that I'm one of them. That is, I'm an incarnated extraterrestrial. This was fascinating to me because I wasn't trying to get any of that confirmed by the second psychic, but her guides gave her all that additional information and clearly wanted her to communicate it to me. Maybe they knew I needed the validation of what the first person had told me. I don't think that means that every entity that does these "surgeries" is an ET specifically, there are probably many different types of beings that come in to work on us like that. You described yours a lot different from what I see, and people have all sorts of different things on their SSTs. I think the take-away, at least for me, is that I don't need to keep struggling away whenever that happens!
So I've been gone for 500 years for various reasons, but I'm trying to get back into the swing of things (energy/OBE-wise). I've never tried binaural beats - does anyone have a recommendation for the "best" one/s to trigger theta waves, and create a nice trance-like state? Likes tons of them out there and I don't want to assume they're all on equal ground.

ANYWAY, I hope everyone is well and I hope sometime in the next few months I will have some kind of progress to report =)
Quote from: Lumaza on May 13, 2022, 17:23:49
Hi Grumpy, you really need to see "Madame Plume" in action. She just did an incredibly accurate reading on my current situation. Plume knew I made wire Trees. She had me make a special one for her a few years back. But she didn't know my current situation in my life. Yet, her reading was spot on! You can see my reading from Plume at this youtube link here. Her "Grande Plateau" layout that she uses is quite unique.

Watching now!
Quote from: Plume on May 11, 2022, 21:58:30
hi GrumpyRabbit
:-D maybe me... I am also doing tarot but like many tarot reader its best to have a reading done by others . my question would be about the readings I am doing rights now on youtube , what would be the best advice .
beautiful deck you have ... I am not familiar with it. 
talk soon...

AAANNNNNNdddd only seeing this now. After stumbling back onto the site and seeing your other thread about Lenormand LOL

Wanna do a reading swap??  :lol: :lol: :lol:
Really cool! How can I request a reading?!?!  :-D :-D :-D

I love tarot and have practiced reading myself, but never Lenormand (way above my itty bitty skills at this point).

You mentioned the room you projected into seemed like your bedroom but not totally consistent with Real Life. Yes, that's how it goes. Robert Monroe calls it "reality distortions". It's "real life" but a It's not possible to know 100% *why* we experience these distortions, but we do. Possibly the more awake/conscious one is while projecting, the more "clear" the experience? Also, not everything is literal - some things you encounter are information/energy bundles manifesting to you in a particular way that is symbolic of the information being conveyed.

Kudos =)
If you have trouble visualizing but still want to work on OBE stuff, check out Robert Bruce's book Astral Dynamics (revised edition) - it's based on kinesthetic sensibility, not visualizations.

Also, another book The Open Mind by Dawna Markova is a great guide to figuring out which kind of modality your conscious/subconscious/unconscious are each best facilitated by. It's sorta of like different learning styles, but great for psychic/spiritual-minded people =)

E.g., I think mine is VAK. That is:

V - visual/beta (alert, paying attention)
A - auditory/alpha (relaxed, daydreaming, mind wandering)
K - kinestetic/theta (best to facilitate going into trance)

Hope one of these is helpful for you!
I think my first OBEs (the "classic" kind with full-on vibrations) started because of affirmations! I had read Robert Bruce's book and slightly modified the affirmation he recommended, and spoke it out loud, in a resonant voice, for *at least* 30 minutes every night (sometimes longer):

"I happily and easily leave my body, return safely, and remember everything perfectly."

After like 6-7 nights of doing that, I woke up in the middle of the night because my whole body was vibrating. Your post is a good reminder for me to maybe start saying it every night again, as I've been in a horrible dry spell lately!
Cool I'd never heard of that before, nifty!

Welp thanks everyone for helping me practice =) if anyone else wants me to pull cards for them at any point I'll be happy to, just let me know!
That's really cool, Bob! Definitely a sign that you should get on your rearranging =)

And, if you see the image on the card every day when you close your eyes (how long has that been going on??) then THAT is a big part of the answer to your question. Like,

"Hello are there spirits that have messages for me?"

"He's not getting it! We've been showing him that image every day when he shuts his eyes....well fine, we'll show it to him again then on one of these tarot cards...." LOL

If you've ever experimented with tarot (or thought about it) this might be a good deck for you to work with, then. This image on this card forms the basis of what's on the back of every card. It represents the overall graphic of the entire deck.


Haven't forgotten you, Bob! Just have been feeling a bit worn out this week.

I pulled this card for you re: your query - the 1 of Moons.

The message of the new moon in this card is that there's energy of potential, and a reminder to you to say YES! to everything that comes your way. It's the kind of abundance of new things coming, new beginnings starting. We also just had a full moon last night - very moon-y! Lots of "moon signs" make me think of making changes to shift energy. What do you need to reset? You can shift energy in lots of ways, including feng shui - rearranging furniture, changing furniture, updating your wardrobe. So questions for you to think about: do you say "no" too quickly to things/potential opportunities? Do you feel like you need a reset? Is there a change/shift in energy that is happening or seems to *want* to happen right now?
Quote from: PerspectiveShift on October 19, 2021, 07:04:54

Just thought it is interesting as a book on nature spirits just started and I see 2 deer running...

It's more than that, Perspective! **Artemis is strongly associated with deer**
Perspective: you're welcome! You may also want to try connecting with nature spirits. This book on communicating with nature spirits and elements may be interesting for you:

Also, the book, Women Who Run With the Wolves: Myths and Stories of the Wild Woman Archetype (by psychoanalyst and storyteller Clarissa Pinkola Estes) may help you connect with your inner wild Artemis (it's honestly a good read for all genders!)

Tides, I'm glad the card resonates with some things you've been dealing with recently. Definitely listen to your body about eating a healthier, non-processed diet, and limiting toxins like alcohol or other toxic exposures, including cleaning chemicals and things you have around the house - and also caffeine, since your body doesn't seem to want it that much anymore. You may want to consider getting your gut microbiome checked out and/or checking to see if there are any more heavy duty toxins you need to clear from your body. I trust Great Plains Lab in this regard, you could begin with their GPL-TOX test. Liposomal glutathione is a good agent to help your body slowly flush those things out of your system.

Bob - will get to you in the next day or so!! =)
Quote from: PerspectiveShift on October 14, 2021, 14:33:00
Tarot cards are very interesting. I thought of buying a pack, but I don't know enough about the meanings. I've read about them only a bit through Initiation into Hermetics and a few other readings.

I'm open to participating as well if you want some additional practice.

I've been reading/practicing Lucid dreaming and AP for about 6 months now. I seem to be making slow progress inching in the right direction. I've had 1 lucid fully conscious dream and a couple dreams about astral projection since starting. Is there anything blocking me or anything I can do that would hasten progress in this area for me personally?

I personally think I may be on the right track and to just keep doing what I'm doing, but I'm interested in what your intuition would say in this matter.

Thanks in advance!

Two cards for you:

The Oracle card is a good sign for you - it's an affirmation and a reminder that you have the capacity to be in contact with the spiritual plane. So keep practicing. if you don't have a special area to be your meditation/ritual place, think about creating that sacred space/container for yourself. Be diligent about meditating or doing *something* as a daily practice. It also affirms that doing the kind of reading you've started is good - go back to ancient traditions, texts, etc, and immerse yourself in what they have to teach you.

Artemis, the Mistress of Trees, suggests that something that might be helpful for you is to spend more time in nature - this could include bringing a crap load of plants into your home! The natural world has something to teach you right now.

Does any of this resonate with you?
Quote from: tides2dust on October 13, 2021, 19:51:23
I am equally interested. My question might be a bit generic.

Are there any beings I can't see that might have my interest at heart and/or a specific message for me?

Tides, I decided to pull one card for you asking what any good/friendly/helpful spirits might have to say to you right now. The 4 of Moons made another appearance! It's all about clearing, detoxing, and cutting out things that no longer serve you - including waste, or addictions/vices that aren't promoting your fullest well-being. It's a heavy energy with this card. Are you experiencing a sluggish/stagnant energy, or are there things you need to remove from your life right now? If so, this is a confirmation to get a move-on with that. Clear, practice gratitude, move forward. 
Hey Casey, I think the 4 of Moons is about the consciousness work, not the care work, as the whole spread was chosen with the intention of getting some information of the energies surrounding that in the past, present and future. However, that doesn't mean that the message is to not do the consciousness work or continue with the care work. It just means that there is something in the future for you that is not going to be 100% of what you are currently envisioning for your consciousness work at this time. It could be something in addition to that, that hasn't materialized yet, even in your mind.
They so are! Hopefully we'll get some of the Majors to show off soon =) I will pull some cards for you, Tides, this weekend!
yayyyyy thank you Bob!!!!
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LOL ok how did you do that