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Messages - Grenade01

Geez..I remember when being a silver/gold member was like unheard of..and I was like Mr cool...

Now everyone is silver members!  and kakkarot..I remember your first post!  ahaha well I dont remember the topic so much as I was thinking what the hell is this kid talking about.... lol now youve like doubled my posts...

sheesh.. I hate being out of the loop
Hey everybody
Wow my summer has been eventful
I regret I've been slacking again in the metiphysical areas
Darn and I was making such progress

Its been a while
Just wanted to drop in and see how everyone was

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Congrats on some progress eh?!  Hopefully it passes for you guys.
Maybe I autta move to Australia if it does =)

" PEOPLE who grow or possess small amounts of cannabis for personal use will not be treated as criminals under new laws proposed by the State Government.
Instead, recreational users caught with two plants will be fined $200.  Users with less than 30g of the drug will be fined up to $150. "

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Im not sure If I mentioned this in any threads last week...
Or if its been said before (Im sure it has)
But I discovered something last week...

I frequently wake up with intense vibes about to project..but then I get really excited and overdo it with the exit methods..and end up prematurely ending the vibe state...

Anyway last week I randomly woke up in a trance..with some weak vibes running up my Im like wow this could definately lead to an OBE! So I just breathed deeply and waited a while and they got a little stronger..
Then I just decided to focus on the vibrations
instead of trying ...the rope..or any of the many other things Ive used in the past...

And I just started focusing on the vibrations... kind of like you focus on a sound that you can barely hear to try and hear it better...except not really only on the sound...

anyway..the vibes became very strong very quickly
and I did have a short fully conscious obe

the only down side is
the vibrations were a bit uncomfertable as they were very intense
very odd to say the least

but it worked pretty well
so if you can get to the vibes, but cant seem to exit
i suggest just trying to mellow out and "listen" (so to speak) to the vibes

/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/You must try some of my purple berries.
I've been eating them for 6 or 7 weeks now, haven't got sick once.
Prolly keep us both alive.
I have had this weird obsession with making an energy sphere appear between my hands since I was a little kid.  Even when I was real young and didnt know or care about energy or metiphysical..I would sit there and try to push energy out of my hands into a sphere (much like pushing energy around in NEW)  I dont know why..Sometimes I would imagine it ...doing something..or sometimes as a ninja type weapon... I dont know
But I swear sometimes I really felt like it was there
You think I was like 6 years old and practicing energy work? LoL
Maybe thats why I had so many spontaneous OBE's when I was young

the other night I was trying to have an OBE and as I reached the vibrational state, something strange happened.  I started to hear something ...I can only describe it as an 80 year old woman who has been smoking for like 40 years, inhaling helium and yelling  eee hyaahhh
or something like that...
it was weird it kept repeating...sounding much like what youd imagine a goblin would sound like if they were real... ahaha  Anyway at this point it kind of got in the way of me projecting.. I became aware of the noise and my mind slipped out of the trance, and i was fullly consious, but with the vibrations and my physical body still in a pretty good trance.. So I did have about 15 seconds to observe the noise before i fully slipped out of the trance.  I was startled by it at first..then I started to find it kind of funny because of sounded ...i dont know....... like a small creature trying to frighten a big one.. like a kid jumping around growling ..if that makes sense...
in any case
i didnt project
and i was angry because i just started to seperate
stupid smoking grandma gobling noises !!!

Welcome to Out of Body Experiences! / DMT
May 26, 2003, 12:06:22
Ahh syrian rue...  Well Id definately be interested in hearing how it goes.

By the way Sahlyn.. I dunno if you know this but DMT is VERY closely related to mushrooms, and sometimes the trips can be very similar... Especially the geometry and distortions that occur... Of course DMT is a zillion times stronger than mushrooms, and adds much of its own flavor, but the similarity is there.

Im not sure but I think chemically at least LSD is much different than DMT (at least when compared with Dmt & psilocybin)

They have pretty much figured out a lot more of the effects of LSD then most people think.  An interesting article I've read on it is here  
It's been a while but if I recall correctly, they attribute most of the hallucinogenic affects from seratonin and dopamine changes in the midbrain.
There is also a small area in the Pons..which is responsible for alertness, and when one takes lsd, it fires like crazy causing norepinephrine to be released all over the brain which is probably what gives the "knowledge of the universe" and "being one with everything" effects.
Also the serotonergic effects probably account for the increased tolerence for pain and overall euphoria since it acts on many of the areas of the brain that have to do with that.

Short story is..I guess it removes a natural filter for sensory input, and fires more neurons responsible for alertness.

Glad I've taken a few bio classes or that would sound like gibberish.
Hey Ashfo! I remember you..

Yeah I totally agree with you ... I know probably around 10 or so people who smoke marijuana and only one of my friends really wastes rediculous amounts of money and time on it.  
I myself don't like marijuana...

By the way... reguarding the comment above about cocaine...
Just to make sure you guys read that correctly... I don't snort cocaine...or do any stimulants besides good ole caffeine =)  I was just agreeing that ephedra is bad stuff.
Haha Good to see you too.
Nah I've just been busy with college and the girlfriend.

So have you had any large jumps in your progress in the last year..or however long its been?
That article is pretty cracked out.
It would be interesting to have that type of experience.

All of my out of bodies are very grounded and realistic.  I float out..I can see myself on the bed...everything in my room is almost exactly as it should be..I can float all around my house..and outside..and everything is much like the real world.  
Only thing i've seen is on a few occasions "the man in black"  The guy who kind of stands in the corner ominously watching you, then leaves the second you see him.  The rest has been completely realistic for me..maybe im projecting to close to the vibrational levels of normal reality... sometimes I get bored and just go back to my body because theres not much to do.
Welcome to Out of Body Experiences! / DMT
May 24, 2003, 14:40:00
Trust me...although it's only 15 minutes, no LSD trip could ever compare to smoking a fresh batch of synthesized DMT...although I believe 5-me-dmt does not give the out of body effects..or maybe its the other way around.

Unless your speaking purely of dosage..yes Lsd is pretty much the most potent drug by weight..I would agree to that...

Anyway..I think most the natural sources of dmt are pretty crappy.  I had a friend do an extraction that took nearly a month to complete, and he had some positive results (Im not sure if he used the grass or the bark)  but everyone I know who has ordered normal plant material has had very little luck.  

I dont know..  If you did eventually have a true ayahuasca trip... Well lets just say I wouldn't want to be talking to people who arent there and going to other places for hours and hours...  15 minutes is overwhelming enough as it is...  To bad the stuff is so hard to find.  

For some reason I thought one of those DMT containing grasses (maybe phalaris or something else?)  grew all over the UK.  I remember reading about sheep eating it and dieing or something, and that it was a really bad pest.  Maybe it wasn't the UK...
anyway I guess you know what your doing
Do you know what the maoi in the mixture they sold you was? or did you take one yourself or what?
Dont make it harder than it is

Try just focusing on your breathing.  Some people do the bad black air out, good white air in imagery thing too if their mind wanders a lot.  

Im tellin everyone..its all ya need..  Be patient..if your mind wanders or if you have a sudden snap of "awareness" or whatever, just gently continue...

It wont take many "serious" tries before you understand what they are saying dont focus on your body... but be aware of it...  None of that really matters..but it does make sense.. it's like you dont want to focus on your body because focusing on it will bring that part back awake or something... but you want to be aware that like...hey this is me laying here awake but in a trance..because if you arent, you might just slide into sleep.

Just make the effort...have the will.. dont do it right before bed if you expect results (you can still do it before bed..its just not a good time)  if you say im gonna do this... you will

its so easy to find that medative state..once you find it your gonna say crap its been here all along..and eventually you'll be able to do it in minutes
And also...
That stuff makes my heart beat irregularly
I think I would definately rather snort a little cocaine then that stuff...

nasty icky yucky stuff
Speak for yourself

Ive gone many places on Salvia
Ive had many OBE's

I have no idea if my salvia trips were obe's or not
they are bizzare and really feel different than an OBE..
They could be, and they are definately interesting, but ...I dunno... its really not the same... or even usefull...its just kind of neat

I just posted in another salvia thread like 2 minutes ago
look up that post..i talked all about one of my trips and what not

All I do to obe is listen to my breathing

Eventually I get the vibes..assuming nothing breaks me out of it...they just keep increasing till I eventually lift out

I literally don't do anything but listen to my breath... to obe

although doing energy work before/during/whenever always seems to produce interesting results if im in a deep enough trance
I've done salvia on a few occasions.  Went to a whole other place on two hits of a homemade 5x.
All I can say is this.
Salvia is rarely pleasant.....
You will not have fun...

If your prepared to have the crap scared out of you, and you know you can handle that, then take a hit or three of 5x extract in a dimly lit room with a sitter you trust (I recommend only the sitter be there with you) with no noise or distractions.

With that out of the way.
I don't know what to call my strongest trip on Salvia.

I remember it coming on as I walked towards my bed... Just as I sat down I was somewhere else.   I was about twice my age, and I was typing on an Imac.  I got the feeling I was in a new york apartment, and I took a sip of starbucks.  Then I got the feeling someone was intruding on my mind... I realized it was me (the real me) and I got very startled...   The only way I can explain that is it's as if I entered someone elses mind..became aware of their thoughts just as they noticed me entering their mind..then getting scared at seeing myself invade this persons mind.  Im not saying that really happened..Im just saying thats the way it felt.  So I got scared and things shattered away like breaking glass. I was floating in a void and I saw very far away a lantern.  I started floating towards it.  The closer and closer I got the more my room came into focus. finally I realized I was across the room staring at the LED on my radio wondering what the hell it was.  As I becam aware of my body..I freaked out because I didn't know where I was..or who I was.  My friend reminded me and I started to calm down and grasp what was going on.   As I was coming girlfriend walks out of the bathroom having just finished her hits, and has nearly the same trip I did (minus the being an older man in a new york apartment part.)

Now... Obe..or just plain insanity
I dunno
But I do know one thing...
Salvia is not something to take lightly
Welcome to Out of Body Experiences! / DMT
May 24, 2003, 00:52:03
I haven't logged in in like a zillion years..but
Thought Id respond for once

Ayahuasca isn't DMT.. You may know that..Im not sure though the wording you used made it sound like you thought it was.  In case you didn't ayahuasca refers to a mixture of an MAOI (usually harmine/harmaline and related beta-carbolines) and make it orally active.  

Im not sure about the legal status of DMT in the UK but it illigal almost everywhere else.

Many online vendors and head shops sell "ayahuasca" but what they are really selling is just the maoi... (i wanna say the plant Peganum harmala or B cappa but i dont remember exactly) leaving you to find the dmt for yourself.

To have a true DMT experience what you'd really need is synthisized freebase DMT..which gives you a 15 minute trip which is pretty much the strongest halluinogen on the planet... blows acida way...

I think a true ayahuasca trip lasts several days..but I could be wrong... I know its very hard on the body (you get the runs...and your tripping out of your mind and such...)  

If it turns out they just sold you some type of plant with an maoi in it it might be worth holding on to... Taking a small amount of mushrooms with an maoi would be equal to taking a large amount...useful for extending longevity of your stash or making a small amount of mushrooms go a looooong way

be up ...go to
good luck... when you play with hallucinogens expect to get burned
I recommend achieving OBE's the old fashioned way [:D]
Aw ...Did they change the #'s of posts you need? I swear I used to be a gold member when this forum first came out.......
Boy I know what you mean..Ive been so sick lately.  I dunno whats wrong with me..It took me a month to get over a cold I got from my friend which took him a week.. I gave it to my girlfriend and it took her 5 days.  
I get sick all the time..and I'm always tired even though I sleep from 8 - 14 hours a night....Been through a million tests and apparently I'm "really healthy" as far as the tests go..heh

what can ya do tho...?
Crappy immune system is interfering with my progress..I used to obe nearly every day..for several years.....I've been so out of it lately its been like a couple years now..I feel like all my spiritual growth...was ....degrowthified (lol)
even my sinus's are all clogged..I feel like I'm falling apart at 21.

(wow this is weird..its been like a long butt time since Ive posted..everyone is different)
I owe my mom like $100 bucks
Hahah" border=0>

But in the future I may be moving out and/or attending a private university
I may just rack up the bills in the next couple years here

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Falling down is a pretty rad movie isnt it?

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Hahaha raped by a horse.

Yeah I imagine plenty of people have trouble when they don't understand whats going on.... Like I did as well..but once you understand it and actually try to take control and what not... You kind of loose the fear..

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Hey jeff whats up

Hot weather makes for falling asleep during meditation =)

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John edward is a weirdo
But he's always seem legit to me
My mother was talking about him one day and that she thought he was a phony because he's talking so fast... he does get stuff wrong sometimes

to me it just seems like he's getting so much information from so many looks like its hard for him to sort it all out sometimes...I mean you can really tell by the faces he makes sometimes he seems overwhelmed by whatever he's experiencing

Now the only question I present is ...
Is he really speaking to the dead? or is he possibly reading your mind or unconscious thoughts in some weird way.
Because it seems entirely possible that he could just be picking up on other peoples thoughts and also what they want to hear
(Im not saying he does this on purpose either.)

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I had spontatenous OBE's a lot when I was younger.
Lately I can only have them if I induce them..and even then its pretty hard.
I do personally believe people under the age of like 14 have an advantage.
(Most of my spontaenous onces happened around the age of 8 actually)

But I'm 20 now
I definately don't think its impossible for any age group
I started trying to induce them about 2 years ago

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