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Tonight I had another stupid dream where some faceless people took me to a laboratory where a group of scientists was saying that they took a chip from a person's head, however he had not lost his memories.

Is this any joke about Alzheimer's?

And again ... yesterday I was having coffee with other people and someone approached me and said:

"He has schizophrenia. There is a good nursing home nearby for him to stay"

Now I have 2 chances:

1. I accept that I have a psychological problem and I will speak to a doctor.

2. I will continue to remember that these symptoms started when a certain teacher and some classmates accused me of doing very bad things (even the police were involved) and ignoring what is going on, knowing better now what they're trying to do.

I have been thinking about the energy sphere around me but it seems that I must not be very good at it.

But thank you anyway.
Quote from: EscapeVelocity on August 28, 2020, 00:39:22
No, I think your answer lies elsewhere and I wish you well in finding it.

As I said, it started over a year ago and let me tell you one more thing.

I have been with my father and my best friend together several times and have heard other people talk about what I was thinking. I asked them if they saw and heard these people who spoke and guess what ... they also heard what these people said. They were right next to us and they saw it too, but they didn't understand my question. I didn't say anything else.

If I have schizophrenia or paranoia how is it possible to have audio files recorded on my phone with these people talking?

This always happens for brief moments like the other phenomenon of headaches followed by the feeling of having a heart attack.

I don't want to give too many details because I want to remain anonymous, as you imagine I don't want to get in more trouble.
Quote from: EscapeVelocity on August 27, 2020, 03:56:27

Your description also has many indications of paranoia and schizophrenia, maybe just a minor version of it. Have you considered that? The voices, the targeting, the persecution...if it feels serious then you should maybe consider the possibility. Talk to your doctor, maybe a psychologist or psychiatrist.
Don't fight this all by yourself. Get some opinions besides here on the internet. I know, because I've been there too.

You talked about religions and black magic. Can you give me more information about that?
Quote from: Xanth on August 25, 2020, 14:45:44
I'll put this another way... although, it sounds like you won't believe me.  LoL

You already have the power to protect yourself.  You just need to believe that you're fine.
Essentially, nothing is stalking you.  You just BELIEVE that something is stalking you. 

Sorry, I was not doubting what you said. For me this is all very new and I don't really know how it works. I can't see a barrier around me for a long time or all day because I think about other things or I'm distracted.

It's funny that for the past few days I've been dreaming about other people making jokes because they say I can't do anything. I even heard someone say that this would only stop if I committed suicide.

None of this has happened in my life before. This is something that had never happened to me.

You say that nobody is chasing me? Did I overnight believe that I am being pursued by unknown people and even dream about it every day? When other people say what I'm thinking I start to offend them and they don't react normally ... they just laugh and look at me.

I know this is all very strange ... and even scary at times. It is easier to ignore that this is happening and wait ... but it has been over a year.

I have an idea of ​​who the people who are doing this may be, but I'm not going to point a finger at anyone without being sure.
Quote from: Xanth on August 24, 2020, 00:53:08
The power of it is in your Intent when you visualize it happening. 
The more you can make it real "to you", the stronger it will be.
Consciousness doesn't speak in words... the language of consciousness is Intent.
It always knows what you mean, you can never lie to consciousness.  :)

Isn't there other ways to protect me from this?

I've been reading some articles on the internet that talk about the Project MK-Ultra (CIA mind control program), russian espionage and other stories of users of psychic abilities. I also read that in the Pentagon (USA) there are rooms that are completely isolated, even from psychics.

These are articles that have been made public but other things may never have been revealed ... who knows.

Does anyone know more about this or are they just theories?

Sorry, I know this may sound very stupid but I don't really know what I can do.
Quote from: EscapeVelocity on August 19, 2020, 03:56:22
There are some religions and spin-offs that their members actively employ Intent either singly or in groups to acquire results in a forceful and mercenary fashion. Forms of black magic.

Where you live may indicate which is more likely. Another question is how long has this been happening?

Friends with a spiritual side might point to a trustworthy local magic/psychic practitioner who may assist you or offer advice.

For now, a minimum defense is to daily visualize a white sphere of protective energy surrounding you along with an appropriate prayer/statement of protection.

I live in Portugal and it started about a year ago.

You talked about visualizing a sphere as if it were a barrier but do I have to say something? How it works?

I don't know if this is the right place to talk about this subject but here it goes. Since some time ago I have been going through a situation that I had never experienced before and I think it is related to these skills that you talk about in this forum.

I believe that someone, or a group of people, is chasing me daily from a distance and doing things that I will try to explain here:

1. Unknown people when they are close to me start talking about what I am thinking and about past events in my life, looking at me with a smile. Sometimes they talk about random things that I do at home, even when I was alone. This happens anywhere I go.

2. Sometimes I heard someone's voice talking very close to me, as if it were a whisper. I can't explain it very well.

3. Strange dreams where I am always threatened by unknown people. Sometimes it is about a person I saw the day before as if it were something suspicious. In these dreams I am always treated as a criminal and other people as vigilantes. This happens every night.

4. Sometimes I get a headache and it feels like I'm going to have a heart attack. This happens for a brief moment and then stops.

Even today I don't really know what is really happening, but unfortunately i have doubts that I can just wait that this will stop. Whatever this or whoever these people are, I don't think they will give up on this stalking so easily.

I don't want to play the victim. I know that this could have to do with a situation in my life where I was wrongly accused of having hurt other people. But that was it, accusations without proof of anything.

I am writing this message in the hope of finding out what is really going on and what someone like me can do to resolve this.

Has anyone here experienced a similar situation?