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Messages - yombalula

I would like to have a discussion topic on the contruction testing and plans for active Astral Radionic  Quantum Reiki machines or variations on this idea and methodology. I have seen a variety of such machines on ebay, some with electrical power, some wiht none, but still having a variety of dials and symbols.

No people can't feel they are being watched.

Has anyone hear of the Hyper dimensional Resonator??

I just looked at that website

That damn thing is bonking dangerous. Anybody that buys it and uses it is in danger of being electocuted. I'm a retired EE and if the UL ever had real powers it would put this turkey in jail.

As about it doing anything, It won't unless your brain is already wound up like a spring.  All this guy does is put a bunch of dials and POTs and puts them in series. Did he really fail Physics in HS? You bet he did! Better you should play Tiddlywinks!

There is no baloon, it is simply a three dimentsional model to make thinking easier. Here is the important part. Studies of the Big bang have shown that the early universe was FLAT. That means that the entire universe of MUCH MUCH (x1 million or more) bigger that the part we can see. All we can see is dependant on the speed of light and how far it can expand in a given amount of time. This distance is called the EVENT HORIZON. That is any event happening sufficiently far away that it's light has not reached us is totally unobservable. ALL the CBR (cosmic background radiation) orginated about 300,000 years after the Big Bang and all we can see when we look out is this cosmic fireball. If you go back to that expanding baloon again you can see that if light started out when the baloon was very small it spiraled out to the present surface (to look far away is to look back in time). As space expanded the light lost energy and went from 3000 deg K down to its present 3 deg K.
Naudin is just about the world worse experimenter. He would not know an energy if you hit him in the face or kicked him in the butt with it.

There is no FREE energy. Any energy you get has to be paid for.

FACT: Energy follows the path of least resistance.

Wrong! What is at minmum is the the Lagrangian. a combination of the Momentum energy nd the potential energy of the force in question.

FACT: Many paths exist other than the one we see in "reality". This is proven by the quantum double slit experiments.

RIGHT. The double slit experiment shows that matter/energy  behaves like waves, one formulation of is the many paths method.

FACT: Energy comes in waves and can be very spread out but have an extremely low probability of going on the far parts. (quantum physics)

Partially right: All photons, electrons etc have wave properties. IN the many paths method all possible paths are added up and summed to get the PROBABILITY of finding a photon or other particle.


Spirits are energy, therefore they must follow the path of least resistance unless more energy is added. Kundalini, psi, ki, nonphysical energy, or whatever you want to call it, is energy.

Partially right: they are all bovine excrement. You can consider bovine excrement to be an energy only when you hurl it, which you do very well.

When we have more of this energy, we can go on a path with more resistance.

Sloggin through bovine excrement is hard but will lead only to the Dump!

The physical things I see around me are my current position in this huge mess of paths for energy. If I have more energy, I can go on a path that telekinesis occurs. If I didnt have much energy, I am forced to stay in a low-energy static environment, like most people do. If I have a lot of energy, I can go on a path that leads to astral.

WOWIIE!! I guess you don't understand energy very much The only Kundalini and asstral tuchas is in your head. If you blink real hard this goes away.

Not easily.

The Universe bagan extremely hot and has been cooling ever since. in the first microseconds matter and energy were at equilibrium, That is that matter and energy were constantly transforming into each other. When the universe cooled this free interchanges stopped. Matter can be considered frozen energy.

IF you think of ICE it takes energy to melt it. Given a universe which  is very cold (3 deg Kelvin) it is very stable. Same goes for Matter.

Therefore matter is not EASILY converted to energy any more because only some reactions are possible givine the relatively low temperature even in the core of stars.

the first law of Thermodynamics says that Energy can be converted from one form to another. However, any transformation of energy that you make involves losses that get radiated away as useless heat. The lowest possible temperature is absolute 0 kelvin, which is nearly impossible to reach (we have gotten to microkelvins).

Thus the 3 LAWS of thermo are:

1. You can't Win ( enegy is not created --cahnges to Mas-energy by Einstein)

2. You can't break even, No process is 100% efficient. This makes free energy machines impossible. Don't even try.

3. You can't get out of the game - Impossible to get to absolute 0.

The Hebrew Word Kaballah means reception, If you are at a Hotel you go to the Kaballah desk to register.
