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Messages - Brothajeff

The first time I had an OOBE was accidental and i didn't know what was going on. I saw an entity on the edge of my bed. He was a little skinny man with a fedora. He had a pointy nose and pointy chin. He was smiling really big, like a crescent moon shape. When I first saw him. I didn't feel any evil from him. I just felt like something was there and I got really freaked out and scrambled to wake up. I saw him another time after that. Every time I saw him and noticed me and looked surprised and ran out of the room really fast and sped up motion. After that I did lots of research about it. Now I'm not so nervous and I haven't seen him again. I am actually excited when I feel the vibrations happening. Every time I go to bed I think of white light to protect me and I haven't seen anything like that again.

If I do see him again. I'll ask him what his name is and why he is in my room.

But I have been having a lot of false awakenings. I know this might be silly. But I think I'm going in a dream in a dream every time I have an OOBE, because after the vibrations my body still feels awake and it feels so real, I try to sleep again and I slip into a dream like state and it feels like I'm having an OOBE but also like a lucid dream. Hard to explain.

I got to teach myself to realize that after the vibrations, that I am in OOBE and I should try to float up instead of keeping my eyes close and try to move in that lucid dream like state.
Quote from: Frequent Flier on February 11, 2012, 23:23:44

Have you tried speeding up the vibrations? Robert Monroe used to say that speeding up the vibrations facilitated the separation. Speed them up by thinking of it, by giving a mental command, etc.
At first it may not speed them up much but eventually they increase their frequency until they produce a steady effect, with much less rumble. You may even feel a tingling.
Supposedly you disassociate easily with the higher vibrations.

You think of floating up and it's easy. According to what he wrote. I've never had a lot of experience with that.
But I can relate with all the dreaming, false awakenings, etc.    I've had some frustrating experiences.
Anyway, you might want to try that And try to do these things when you're rested, not sleepy. You'll have greater mental clarity.
And maybe prepare yourself by calming down, recite some reassuring mantra, or just condition yourself to be calm, collected, etc.

Thank you for your advice. I will try to speed up the vibrations. It seems that they are speeding up and less loud and I seems to stop hearing voices when they happen. I'll try to float up next time. Next time I seem to be having a lucid dream and not an OOBE, should I call for my guide to help me out?
I'm sorry it has been a while since I posted. I've been having a bunch of weird experiences lately. Mostly if I wake up early in the morning, I can have 3 OOBEs in a row. But they are really weird. I roll out of my body. It's really hard to see still. I just try focusing on my hands and they become clearer and once I see them really clearly I know I am good to go and explore. While I look at my hands I say "awareness now!" "Clarity now." and every time I say it, my hands become clearer and clearer. This morning after checking out my heads and making myself aware, I looked at my night table where I keep my deck of playing cards. I forgot to turn the card over before I went to sleep, so I couldn't see right away. So I decided to just pick it up and look at it. The card had the number 3 on it and in the center the word Pablo. This was really weird. Once I saw this, I knew right away that this couldn't be the playing card on my night table in the real world. I looked at my bed because I wanted to see my body sleeping. My body wasn't there.

So far, every time  I have had OOBEs intentionally, I haven't been able to see my body. Then for some reason I saw my bother in my bed and he saw me and started screaming. Why would my brother be in my bed?! I then thought I must just be lucid dreaming. Whenever I try to have a OOBE it seems like they turn into lucid dreams. But when I used to be afraid of the weird buzzing noises when I first started having them, I all ways tried to fight the buzzing and get out of it. I would flip around out of my body and I would feel like goo or a blob. It also felt very very real and vivid. I feel like that was my real OOBE and the intentional ones I do now are just lucid dreams.

Sometimes after the buzzing noise stops and I am paralyzed I think when I roll out of my body I should keep my eyes closed. Once I tried to roll out of my body I opened my eyes and I would still be in my bed but when I closed my eyes i would be out of my body, like two places at once. So I thought maybe my mind is tricking me and after the buzzing stops when I open my eyes, that's my real OOBE and when my eyes are closed that's just a Lucid dream? Next time I'm going to try to move when I open my eyes and see what happens. I hope this doesn't sound too confusing.

If anyone has any thoughts or advice or the same experience I have then please tell me about them. I would really love to hear about it. 
I had this too. I had intense vibrations and buzzing. Then it would suddenly stop. I thought I was still awake cause it felt so real. I could sometimes hear my wife say something to me or I would hear her cell phone make a text message. I then realized that this was a trick. I was actually really about to have an OOBE but it felt so real after the buzzing stopped that I would just think I'm still awake and then slip into a very lucid dream. The next time I had the buzzing and it stopped I decided to move even though it felt really real. I felt really slow and it was really hard to move. I rolled with my shoulders and then suddenly I felt really light, like I was floating. I couldn't see. I'm having trouble seeing and usually when I do see. I slip into a dream.

I hope this advice helps.
Maybe you and see what you would be doing in the future. Then when you wake up see if anything like that happens. Maybe your phone will ring or someone in you family will walk into the room and everything you saw really happens, then that would be like a creepy deja vu. Maybe that's what deja vu really is. You have an OOBE and you're not aware of it and you don't remember it and then you get the feeling of deja vu. ;) Very cool. I would like to try this once I figure out how I can control my OOBE better.
Thanks for the links. I downloaded the music. I did feel some weird feelings while listening to it. But I don't think I was in a relaxed enough state for anything to happen.
I recently had another weird experience.

I woke up early one morning around 6am and I decided to try to OOBE. I didn't move and I felt the heavy feeling come on and then the buzzing and vibrations happened. I heard my wife's voice say something through the vibrations, but I ignored it. After the vibrations stopped I rolled with my shoulders out of my body. I sat up on my bed on my knees and it was still all black. I then thought 'AWARENESS NOW!' but nothing happened. I tried again and again. I still couldn't see. I then tried to say it, but nothing came out of my voice. I don't understand why I couldn't see. I then thought why don't I just try to open my eyes. I opened them but to my surprise, I opened my physical eyes. I could see my pillow and everything next to it. I closed them again and I was trying to see then slowly I saw some colour. I saw my side table. But it felt as though I was in a dream. Not having an OOBE. You can tell when it feels really real and then feels like a dream. I saw my side table and saw the deck of cards with one card laying face up. I picked it up to read. The number said 67. And there was just 67 all across the card. It was really weird. I thought. This must be a dream, because there is no such card. I flipped it over and then more cards just materialized behind that card and poured out of my hands. I knew I was in a dream by now so I thought, take me to the physical plane! but nothing happened. So i just decided to float. I floated out of my bedroom into a hallway. It wasn't my apartment anymore. It was a weird house. I floated down the hall. I felt really happy and peaceful. I saw a bedroom door open with a light on inside. My friend was working at her laptop. I floated into her room and right away she noticed me or looked at me. She looked suddenly freaked out. She got up and ran quickly out the door to another bedroom door and knocked on it. I'm not sure if this was a dream or real. But it felt like a dream. I messaged her today to ask if anything similar to this happened to her. I'll find out soon I guess.

I'm just finding it frustrating that I can't see. I used to be able to see when I was scared of the vibrations and I would try to move. Then I would see and I would see weird things. Now that I'm relaxed I don't see and I wait till the vibrations stop and I try to roll out. Would it be better if I try to roll out when the vibrations happen? Next time I'm going to try to open my eyes and test if that is really the physical world that I'm seeing when I open them. Maybe it just looks of real that I think  it is and that is really my astral body trying to get out. I'm not sure....

Anyways, I'll keep experimenting. Thanks for the tips and the music to help. I'm still nervous to try it when I go to bed because it's so dark. I feel like something there waiting for me when it's so dark.

Nice! This is great! I'll get those Binaural beats and listen to them. :) Thank you so much! I'll post if anything happens.
Okay, Thank you. I'll try to find some good binaural beats for my ipod.
After writing these posts, that night I had another night paralysis episode. I felt the vibrations and the noise as normal. This time after the vibrations and noise stopped I forced myself to move and roll out of my body. It felt like I was moving through really thick liquid. It was really hard. But once I got my torso out it felt like gravity changed and I started to feel myself sit up in my bed, like i was being pulled up by a gravity or like i was floating. I didn't open my eyes, because truthfully I'm still nervous to see anything weird or creepy. If I see something weird and creepy, when I wake up, I wont be able to go back to sleep and I'll ruin my night's sleep and go to work the next day all tired.
After I sat up I felt like I suddenly woke up. I woke up in a different position as to when I fell into night paralysis. A friend was in my bed next to me too, which was really weird. Once I saw them I knew I was dreaming. I then woke up for real this time and I had to make sure I was really awake, because that false awakening felt too real.

Now when I get the vibrations and sounds, I'm really excited and happy to get to try to astral project. I just have to not be scared to open my eyes...
Nice! I'll have a listen to it while I'm at work tomorrow. Thanks!
I forgot to mention one more even that happened before my wife's family arrived. One night the week before they arrived I had an experience. I got the vibrations and then they stopped. I could feel like I was floating up sideways out of my head. I couldn't see though. Then suddenly I could see. The first thing I saw was my bedroom door. The door was open. I thought this was weird because I usually keep it closed when I go to bed. As soon as I thought that the door flung closed almost instantly. I then realized this wasn't real. I sat up on the edge of my bed and it felt completely real. I could feel the carpet on my feet, but! it didn't feel as real as when I first came out of my body. That time I felt like a blob, this time I felt like a physical being. I look over to were I thought my body should be laying down and it wasn't there!? I thought, this must just be a dream, or a lucid one. I got a little bit disappointed because I wanted to see my body and the glowing cord. I also wanted to explore the world to prove that it was real. I decided I might as well fly around then. I then ran towards the balcony. I went through the glass and leaped off the balcony. I felt like I was flying for a second but then I just fell straight down towards the road. Everything flew by me and went to black. I was then sitting in the bedroom of my old house, that I grew up in as a kid. It was really really dark in there. A little creepy too. I could hear two kids voices talk about some sort of little monster they saw. I can't remember the name of it. They were kind of whispering in the room. I looked out the bedroom window and I could see lots of figures of shadow people looking in through the windows. I then woke up, a little freaked out.

Was this just a dream? Or something more? How do I actually get out of my body and see my body? I keep slipping past the moment to come out of my body. I just go into dreams after the vibrations.
Sorry I haven't posted in a while! I haven't had much action lately... It's weird. I used to have it all the time, but the most recent one happened the day my wife's family all left to go back home. I went to bed that night with my wife. The apartment is now empty of people and I finally got to stop drinking beer every night. I woke up in the middle of the night for some reason and I could feel that numbness coming on. Then I heard the radio static in my ears. This time I could feel my body really vibrating like crazy. I waited till the vibrating stops. I got really excited because I wanted to try to roll out of my body after it stops. As soon as the vibration stopped I could hear my wife say something and he phone alarm clock went off. I thought I woke back up. So I just kept my eyes shut and tried to start again, but I just fell straight into a dream and forgot what I was trying to do.

In the morning when I woke up, I asked my wife if her alarm went off last night and he was talking when it went off. She told me nothing happened last night and her alarm didn't go off. I then realized that when the vibrations stopped it was tricking me to think I was actually awake, with familiar sounds. It's frustrating because this has happened before. And now I know I'm not really awake at this point. All I have to do now is wait till I have vibrations again and roll out once they stop, no matter how real it feels or how awake I feel.
I haven't been able to try it yet. I haven't had any night paralysis these past few days because of Christmas and my in-laws are here. Which means I got to drink a lot of beer with my father-in-law and stay up pretty late. I'll post on here as soon as I have my next experience.  :-D
Okay, I'll give it a try.
If any progress happens I'll post here. :)
Thanks for the tips!
Thank you for reading through my huge post! I'll try your advice! :) I really appreciated it!
What does demanding clarity do? Does it get brighter or safer?
I finally figured out what my sleep paralysis was. It used to really scare me. I need some advice!

The first time it happened was when I came back from South Korea to Vancouver Canada, 2 years ago. I was super jet legged and passed out in the afternoon. As I was about to fall asleep I could hear a weird buzzing noise in my ears that got louder and louder. It freaked me out so I tried to move. I couldn't I tried harder and i finally flung myself to my left and then to my right. I felt like I was actually doing this. When I flung myself to the right I could see weird script and symbols write up my bedroom wall in red. It freaked me out more and I tried to move again to my left. I flung myself to the left and looked down at the end of my bed. To my horror I saw a little skinny man, crouching on the end of my bed with a big grin on his face. He had a really pointy chin and nose. He was also wearing a fedora hat and a suit. He seemed to be all in a grey hue. When I saw him he reacted and looked surprised that I could see him. He got up in fast motion and ran out the door, almost as though it was in fast forward motion. It really freaked me out and I finally woke up in my bed in the same position that I was starting to fall asleep in.

The second time I was just a normal night and I went to bed. I had the same symptoms as in the first experience. I started to hear buzzing in my ears and I tried to fight it by flinging myself left and right. Again! I saw the little man at the end of my bed crouching and smiling. He was still wearing the suit and fedora as last time I saw him. This time I saw him for a second and then he disappeared and I woke up in my bed in the middle of the night. I was really scared to fall asleep again, because I didn't want to see him, because of this my mind was completely awake and my body was falling asleep again. I keep fighting off the night paralysis the entire night and didn't get much sleep.

Sorry if this a long story but I promise I'll try to wrap it up and get to my point of making this post.
The third time it happened. This is the weirdest one. I was already in a dream. I was in a city and I was exploring it with my family. I some how left my family and was alone in a train station. I had a weird feeling over me in this dream. I felt as though I was fading away. My body was starting to go invisible and disappear. I kept trying to fight it because it felt as thought I was dying. I realised by now that I was in a dream. The fading kept happening and finally I gave up and let it happen. When i let it happen loud static and electronic noises bellowed in my ears, almost as though someone is changing a radio station. I saw a vortex in field of view and I could feel wind whipping around me almost as though i was moving really fast. In my head I heard a voice. It was a woman's voice.  She said, "I gave birth to the universe and all life." I then felt like I was shot into my bed and woke up with a jolt. I was sweating a lot and my heart was racing. It scared me a lot and I really wanted to know what was going on with me. I couldn't sleep the rest of that night and was super tired at work the next day.

I finally decided to do some research and came across hundreds and hundreds of people with the same cases that I have, with the same symptoms. It freaked me out a little. That it was more common and maybe I wasn't crazy. As I researched I came across Astral Projection and boom! Everything finally clicked in my head. I read a lot that day and I felt really excited to finally figure out what this sleep paralysis is all about. That night I went to bed. Still a little nervous about Astral projection, because I thought what if you get stuck out side of your body and can never return. I also heard of the movie Insidious, which also freaked me out. I didn't want to get possessed or have a demon take over my body. It was really hard for me to fall asleep, because I was nervous it would happen again. The room was dark and felt a little creepy. Sure enough it did happen. The buzzing noise started to build up in my ears and i felt I couldn't move. It got really scared when this happened and tried to move and snap out of it. I broke free from the paralysis all of a sudden but I noticed I could see the room even with my eyes closed. I scrambled to grab my wife next to me in the bed. I flung my heavy arms out to grab her. They felt like rubber. I felt as though I was being pulled out of my body from behind at my legs. It felt like something was behind me pulling me out. I was in a full panic and hung on to my wife. I started to shake her but nothing happened! I tried to scream but nothing came out! I felt like I was slightly above my body. Everything was so clear and real. I could see my whole room and I could see how my wife was sleeping on her side with her back to me. The paralysis faded away and I woke up and could see my wife still asleep in the same position I saw her in that dream or whatever it was. I was terrified to fall asleep again and didn't sleep much the rest of the night.

Recently I have gotten used to the buzzing noises and paralysis. In fact when it happens, I welcome it. I'm really curious what's on the other side and I want to explore it so badly. I've been having an episode probably once a night now. I hear the buzzing noises and I let them get louder and louder until it goes quiet. I feel like I'm still in my body but I sometimes force myself to move and it feels so real that I think I'm awake and just go deeper into sleep. I then slip away into a dream. I think I'm too relaxed about it now that I find myself just slipping into a dream after i hear the buzzing. Then I forget about what I was trying to do. Sometimes I feel myself floating up but it's all black. I'm afraid to open my eyes cause I think I'll wake up. Usually I suddenly can see through my closes physical eyes and that's when I know I'm ready to try to get out of my body. But recently it's just been all black.

I need some advice. I need to know how to get up and out of my body. I don't find  imagining that there is a magnet above my head works. I tried all the visual tips but they don't work. So far the closest thing to work was when I went into panic. I'm still nervous to see that little man with the hat, but I am curious to know if he is my guide? Or is he good or bad? I hope he is good even thought he has a menacing look on his face.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. I really want to get good at this so that I can do it when ever I want. :) Thank you!
