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Messages - tides2dust

I just want to chime in something you helped me realize.
Patience allows us to solve problems.

Without saying too much, I witnessed my Father impatiently slam something down with the hopes that would fix the problem.  :-D  He left and said, "your in charge."

I stood there for a minute and breathed, focusing on the areas needing attention. In the calmness of my breath a solution presented itself, and the problem ended up being an easy fix.

Take from this what you will. There was something satisfactory to, not allowing my irritability to deter me from seeing the solution.

Hello!  :-)  Welcome to the AP. Astral Pulse, heh heh.

No practical advice for you here, darn! Just want to comment, something that may be obvious, patience is a noble quality worth developing. In all areas of life. So, instead of trying to develop patience for this one subject- try to practice patience in general.

Also, alleviate your perspective. Do you believe 100 years is nothing to God? What about when AI becomes Super-Intelligence and able to travel the cosmos- would time be as important to it as it is to a mortals limited lifespan?

Heh, heh, heh. That's fun to think about.

Well. It sounds like you've done all these great things, and continue to immerse your self in the subject. You're practicing and doing all the *right things. So it would seem.

You've even had some amazing experiences already, which are blessings in themselves.

But here we are, like children, aren't we? I want more! I want more now! Hahahaha. Oh yes you're making me smile something fierce.

It's also interesting to think, form a biological perspective, how particular drives dominate our consciousness. For example, the developmental phases of a child vs the now maturing young adult.

Maybe it's a good thing we don't get everything we ask for- or maybe we don't realize all of what we have. Maybe there's just no perceiving certain realities for as long as we're so occupied with our physical host bodies.

I'm also thinking now of the child that pleads its parents so desperately for a particular action figure. It means everything to the child, then, one of these parents begrudgingly gives in to the childs demands. The child enjoys it for some time but one day that toy ends up discarded in the closet. Its value escapes the teenager who years later discovers it buried among his or her things. Maybe it brings a smile, or maybe the rebellious teen feels repulsed for ever wanting something so desperately.

We're curious creatures indeed.  :-D

Don't fret, you're not alone. We have a great community here, and your thread is sure to generate some interesting responses. I wonder if you've developed a little patience reading my post, as I occupy this space to entertain my self. Hehehehehe.

Why should something become more difficult for having tried? No, keep trying. Keep going. Lets see where you take you. And who knows where you'll be just 3 years from now. Three years is nothing in the grand scheme of things.

Or maybe it's everything.  :roll:  :-)

Cheers ~
Lovely experience and, beautiful photo.
That's a nice experience. You remind me of something I read yesterday in the Urantia book. It says God is not, "hiding" from us. It's just that we can't imagine God. Or, not imagine but that we can not truly see God.

God is experiential and the way we define God as mortals on this realm doesn't seem to matter so much- words and understanding have many layers. But the book says no human can witness God and survive being human. And this notion is backed by other religious text.

So when you say, "the multiverse is so incredible that our human imagination cant even imagine it." I would say I agree. But what an experience you had, which is Faith-affirming in its own. And that's what matters.

Kind regards
Thanks T-Man, I skipped through here and there and found wherever I landed I was entertained by her answers. I really like the woman holding the interview, I could sense her frustration when she asked- "whats the point?" and I really liked the empathy coming from the young lady as she tried to explain her self. She's cute too.

Cheers.  :-)
Thanks LightBeam.

Let us know your opinion as well, once you watch the film. I'd be interested in hearing what you have to say:
I've watched the film and would encourage everyone interested in this thread to do the same. Truly heartbreaking to think we're the bad guys as a species. We've mastered anti-gravity in the 50's and we've created a matrix keeping the people fooled into thinking our energy dependency is reliant on fossil fuels. The alternatives they present aren't real alternatives, we have the means to utilize free energy with zero point systems. But greed has poisoned us, and although we have our own UFO's our controllers would probably shoot down any peaceful attempts at liberating the masses.

Dr. Greer says our time to get things right is coming to a demanding point. Either the rich and powerful devise a way to enter us into their new age, or they relinquish their controls and allow real prosperity and a Utopian relationship with the planet to flourish. It's sad because he says we have the means to end world hunger in 20 years, to provide clean water for all in 50 years.

The majority of us are taught to become mindless consumers, stuck in ignorance... But I'm ready for the change, I'm ready for ZPE and to become more involved in open relationships with our star brothers and sisters.

Revolutionary change is upon us. I only hope it's towards the real marriage of technology and spirituality. You can click the link above and spend $10 to purchase or, rent it for less on amazon prime video.

There's also a shorter version produced by the Why Files. Its episode basically goes into much of what is discussed in the film:
Killer Patents & Secret Science Vol. 1 | Free Energy & Anti-Gravity Cover-Ups

No doubt AJ watched the film and was inspired to do this bit above ^
Has anyone else noticed Dr. Greers website has been down for sometime?

I had the thought today of utilizing his app. I didn't... But I ended up watching something on free energy which again reminded me of Dr. Greer.

I am feeling inclined to share his latest film. I intend to purchase and watch it soon enough. I think it may be his most important film yet.
Description: A century of illegal UFO secrecy has cost humanity hundreds of years of spiritual, cultural and technological development. Dr. Steven Greer presents "The Lost Century", which will expose the cost of the coverup to the planet, and the human race, and how we can reclaim control of our collective destiny.
As consciousness-explorers, astral travelers- I feel this is quite fitting
"From one astronaut to another"
Chris Hadfield talks to us about Fear.

Hope you enjoy the show.
Quote from: Frostytraveler on April 11, 2024, 09:35:17One very important thing, I am so sure these energy surges and visions are real, that it really brings credence to my belief that my AP and OBEs are real as well. They all re-emerged at the same time and are completely connected.

Thank you, this is an important detail indeed. Your journey is blessed, and you are safeguarded in your explorations.

Kind regards from Houston, TX
<3 I feel the heart in your experience.

Thank you for that sensation.
It appears my attitudes change, a natural expression found through out life. Presently, I do not think we can really perceive the nature of reality. We may believe we come close to, and we may change our ideas about what constitutes reality and who or what we are. Lately, realizing this- it's been more important for me to move in the direction my Heart desires. I don't have much time for those who like to debate, I think everyone has an opinion. And everyone has an opinion for someone else. It seems whenever I share ideas about reality and who or what I am- there are some who appreciate and some who are ready to debate my perspective. What's being debated isn't actually needing debated. It's someone else finding something to hold on to assuming there's some conflict with what they know. We sometimes hear and read things(or people) differently than what's being presented. How we interpret others is subjected to whatever it is our Hearts and minds are focused on in the present. I have witnessed someone think I was saying one thing, when in reality I was saying another. Someone takes my words out of context to prove their point- another assumes my words are directed at them. It all seems to come from this realm of desire, maybe a love interest goes unreciprocated- maybe someone feels they have had this idea on their chest needing validated. Maybe another thinks their answers should be heard and respected. It's really interesting, I feel like(at times) I am witnessing the unspoken energies of past and present as I interact with others. Online or in person. It isn't necessarily reality, but a feeling of an individuals timeline like some indicator of- where they're at in this journey.

It's quite strange. Who or what am I? I'm not sure I know the truth behind this. I have idea's, I have aspirations. Lately I just hope I am growing in the desired direction, aligned with Divine Love. What do I think to be divine love? Compassion, courage, proper action, foresight, discernment, gentleness, patience, strength.

I am desire, action, repose and Will.
I am a traveler, I am here for the ride. I am seeing, I am learning.
I am seeking, I am letting go...  I am unlearning.
I err and I strive.
Ultimately... I am alive.
This morning I had a bout of sleep paralysis. As the rising sensation occurred I started hearing alien like chatter. "Zingy" is the only way I can describe the pitch in their voices. Because everything was so lifelike I interjected a very firm, "hello!" Except- by doing so the chatter came to a halt and the experience ended.

Perhaps I'm not to impose myself in this experience but to observe?

What followed was also very interesting. I had a very long dream. And by long I mean- the passing of time occurred in the few hours I had slept. Could it have been years? I don't know. But I was aboard a spaceship and traveled across three solar systems.

It's 1AM but I may be too busy tomorrow to write what inspiration I feel flowing through me. I also woke up from a really cool dream but I'll post that and my thoughts about dream recording on your forum at a more appropriate time.

First, it looks like my first post was right- where you've outlined your baby self is where I saw the newborn baby in the womb.

I do see everything else you've outlined, but not initially. I did start to see many faces before looking at your cheat sheet.

I had a bit of a cheat sheet myself, because when I went back to the video to pause and zoom I saw a screenshot of this page you linked me to- the words that caught my attention were, "soften your gaze"
and "PLANET" since the video was moving that's all I caught before I suddenly saw what your words had lead me to see.

I still see some faces in the thin layers, "in between" that you haven't highlighted- and I still see the beautiful Iris of an eye.

But what is prompting me to come here and post more about what you have said here:
"Prior to seeing the body of my newborn self in this formation I saw myself as a PLANET."

This is exciting for me. I can barley contain it.
So what I am about to surmise is a blend of personal experience, a bit of personal belief, a bit of knowledge from what I am presently learning about the peacock angel and the Urantia book- and a little intuitive guessing filling in the spaces.

So this opinion of mine is extremely limited, biased and a perspective many may disagree with. YET, there is such a strong element of TRUTH in what you said about the planet linking my own experiences.

I keep thinking of my initiation dreams from 2008. Ironically, "a beginning" much like your first transmission here.
As I learned who/what initiated me I get a feeling what I witnessed may not have been, "me" as much as it might have been this entity/energy.

Skipping all the dream details- the last portion and key elements I wish to recall at this time are,
the colours red and green racing each other through space.
These colours were geometric shapes and within them an entire personality which could communicate to the other and to something outside of all that as well.

Possible translations knowing what I know now- kundalini- chakras- energy centers-
Why am I mentioning this? Because you have mentioned your kundalini as a top down experience, even reminding me in your recent video. It all seems connected.

Going back to what you said,
"Prior to seeing the body of my newborn self in this formation I saw myself as a PLANET." as it relates to a possible top-down experience.

But also... What happened in this initiation dream...? The colour green began to move at a speed so fierce that personality within- I was inside this vehicle, could not contain what was happening and the green shape exploded and draped over a contained region in time/space. The colour coalesced over the tiny particles and various geometric shapes. Thats when a giant hand ripped me from my experience and slammed me on a table, and subliminal images flashed across a rapid fire screen(at the same time my body was beginning to wake up and I observed myself paralyzed having a heart attack).

That was 2008. But as you know this has followed me since- answers have come. And I began to understand, by intuitive guidance what this meant. One, this thought that as we evolve we are gifted an entire planet- somehow our personality is a planet.

So, now you see my excitement when I again quote you,
"Prior to seeing the body of my newborn self in this formation I saw myself as a PLANET." And why I find your choice words as a top-down experience relative to my summation that, "as we evolve we are gifted an entire planet"

What else? I am learning more about this LOGOS energy as you have called it. The Urantia book calls it something else... I'm not quite there yet in learning it- but there are beings called "ANCIENT OF DAYS" which the peacock angel has also been referred as... And I believe some of them are like, "overseers" of an entire "super universe"

Learning more about the peacock angel. Apparently this being has energy centers on this planet, even landscape formations that acknowledge its soul. I believe I am learning the Earth has energy centers like we have chakras. That natural terrain found here acknowledges this personality. I don't know if the energy of the peacock angel is solely a planetary logos or if this energy is actually encompassing our entire universe... but how I am beginning to understand it...

We are born in the same region of time/space as occupied by the logos. The logos as omnipresence is able to experience through us, but similarly- their story is ours! How this works I do not know. I am a limited 3D earthling... But, all of us are connected to this greater personality, in turn connected to SOURCE. And this greater personalities being is compromised of all that is within this region of time/space. So we constitute IT as much as IT constitutes US. Therefore we have access to this information, and I believe what I witnessed wasn't just "me" but the story of how the green ray energy came to Be. Being. Beings.

The great birth of a personality not limited to the human baby but encompassing an entire region of time and space- all the planets within, and all of life- every little particle moving to the holy vibration- the realization of the breath.

....I should go back to bed now and get my rest... See you over at the gtc  :-o  :-D
Actually... I went back and paused and now I see space- galactic space. And there's a giant eye as well in the softer part of the picture... not the harder eye in the upper left but in between that and this planet styled orb. If you go soft enough, its like a hidden layer and you can see the iris quite clearly. It's an amazing shot of an iris which is also reminiscent of galactic space.
Still watching the video, but pretty sure that first picture you share is a baby in the womb. One of those 3D styled imagings. Your round head is in profile view?
What are some practices you do to help increase your ability to concentrate or strengthen your memory?
ok I just finished the video~ it was good to refamiliarize myself with the content.

SO COOL. My favorite is the live contact video.

Would you ever be willing to do another one like that?

Maybe one day you and Isza would even give me permission to gaze alongside y'all!

I loved seein Ceann in REAL TIME... Whoa! The way the light and cloudy material came to life. Wow.
Wowwwwww.... I love this video.

Also, I really like the original capture of Esteban. I don't know why, but the angle and the additional data coming through does something to my brain that makes it more relaxed and opened.

I am so grateful for all your work and all these portraits. Great, great video~

Yes let's talk about fractal consciousness-- or just consciousness in general! I want to dive into that again!

Here's my attempt/guess...

The way I imagine it is the source of all that is as churning in a kaleidoscopic fashion- the light geometry or fractal results are actually emanations from/of ONE source which has been called the Sun of Suns. Sometimes called the lightless light. It is something that exist outside time and space. Could such a thing exist?

I'm currently learning about God or paradise defined by the UBook. According to this text paradise exist outside time and space. It's rather interesting to think of time and space as a tool or technology in itself. A manifestation- and to think that intelligible something(ALL-Pervading) exist within manifestation also exist outside of what we understand as reality. I have experienced a living intelligence acknowledge my innermost thoughts in PRECISE fashion. In any moment in (perceived) time it would manipulate the (perceived) outside world in ways that are beyond coincidental, just to show me it is alive and responding to what I had been feeling or thinking on. A simple example is, I am thinking of a particular being called the peacock angel and in that very moment a car pulls up with a custom license plate I had never seen before- a vibrant peacock logo. I have even more in depth examples of this, with manifestations that would shatter my understanding of reality. What is that? What is time to THAT? What is REALITY to that? 

Casey can correct me as she sees fit- this question was hers. But I've asked her the same and now I'm taking a personal go at it as I think more on consciousness in general... I see this fractal consciousness as oozing manifestation. I think my "points of awareness" like some hologram- yes this dense material I call a body is real(absolutely it IS REAL), but are we more than our bodies? What does Astral travel teach us? And this awareness- does it not roam? Can it be shared with others?

I think there are beings that exist in light spectrums that our "human modality" can not perceive. And I think of some of the beings we are seeing in these captures as greater parts of the 'fractal consciousness.' They are residing in different light spectrums, but what is churned and produced has symmetry- has adjoining factors. We share something with THEM. That something is actually consciousness itself. I think even some of these advanced beings are still working their way towards paradise- towards the place outside time and space.

I believe even planets have their own personality- but is it not true we are uniquely alive on the planet? And how many billions of people are there? So what is it moving through the billions of people able to acknowledge any one person in any moment through (supposed) time?

Ok, I might be drifting here and going in a completely different direction! But yes, I see ourselves belonging to a greater being. And still more, there are greater beings with which we are unconsciously a part of. Beings that may even share our astral experiences with us. I think of fractal consciousness as something that is being shared no matter what seeming individuated unique piece you are focused on.

I also think though we share a common bond, we are meant to have differences too. They are celebrated- if God wanted to experience these differences, we are definitely a means to the end. And still more, I think all of this is a great act of Love to be cherished.

What a trip! And what are they trying to teach us? I'm so excited for the discoveries waiting us all~
Dream and Projection Journals / Re: hello
March 19, 2024, 14:49:37
Wow Suziefish, this song is really nice and relaxing with the ambient undertones.

Thank you = )
!! "Are you coming or not?" That's it, I'm going out and connecting.

!!! Thanks for the kick in the butt.  :wink:  :-D
This was an awesome video and I love the visual aid. The music is very calming. Casey I am so grateful for all you do and for helping us all along the way.
Another thought that crossed my mind is the beings with whom we establish contact might not be so 3D? Or what if telepathy is the preferred communication? Do they want to interfere with our growth? Maybe, as far as contact is concerned, we're supposed to be the ones making the effort.

Does it make sense?
Fascinating. Especially the color red.

I have also been thinking about your initial post and am unsure how to go about answering it, because I think the idea of mass contact can be interpreted in so many different ways. Some believe that such an event has already occurred, is occurring now.

Your non-dream seems to suggest something too.

I'm feeling inspired to re-watch close encounters of the fifth kind or try to use the contact app again.


Perhaps some words from Dr. Greer on Unity.

QuoteAs there is one God which manifests one creation, so there is one God which is the source of all
conscious beings, whether on earth or elsewhere. The great Universal Intelligence has sent a ray of this
light of consciousness throughout all conscious beings, and we are united to God and to one another
through its subtle and all-pervading effect. It is for these reasons that I state that the reality of man and
the reality of other extraterrestrial peoples are one. Viewed with the eye of differences, we are diverse
and unrelated, but viewed with the eye of oneness, we are more alike than dissimilar, more kindred
than alien. And so it is that we must look to our inner reality to find not only our oneness with our fellow
humans, but our oneness with other intelligent life in the universe as well. While ephemeral differences
may confound us, our essential oneness in consciousness will never fail us. For there is one universe
inhabited by one people, and we are they.

One Universe, One People by Steven Greer 1991
i had 3-4 successful OBE's last night/this morning.

I did not record right away, by the end I was so tired I dreamt I was eating food to sustain my energy levels.

It was raining. The first OBE I almost missed the chance by resisting that overcoming sensation(again). I get over that instinct to fight much faster now. I feel this wavy lullaby sensation and I start rocking my arms out from my body. I decide to stand up, success. I decide not to walk but to float- even better.

I decide I'm going to phase through my door, and it all works just fine. I glide down my stairs and I ride the ceiling. I project out to my backyard.

It's raining, but I'm not getting wet. And even though it's night time it feels like the sun is out. It's kind of bright out here! And the colors are so beautiful. I go high up into the sky and the rain almost appears more like snow. I go to the top of my tree and start playing with the leaves. I'm laughing and feel so much joy shaking the leaves of my tree. The green is so much more vivid, it feels like everything here is alive.


Ok, I wake up. I think I have to go to the restroom... But I wasn't done with my OBE so I skip the restroom and try again to project. Success...

I go to the backyard, it's not as sunny as it was in the first projection. And there's no rainy snow anymore either. It's nighttime and I'm standing in the backyard and get the idea to use the CE5 contact method while in the astral. Right away I am feeling assistance. A part of me is almost nervous for how much more powerful I am feeling and witnessing the experience. I ask the guides to help me broadcast the milky way galaxy in my minds eye. I see it in ways I've never seen it before. I instantly channel it down into our universe, to our planet, to my continent, and into my backyard.

I feel as if there are 3 or 4 beings with me now.

Suddenly the white dalmatian puppy I saw in the initial attempt is here with me by my side. I am a bit perplexed why it still chose the dalmatian form. I am asking if it is because I am not ready to see this being in its true form. At this point in the experience everything has become extremely heavy. Like it's difficult to be in this state.
In fact the dalmatian puppy only appears in my peripherals to my right side and kind of like a blur image. Like there's some wall between us. And I wasn't asking directly but I was asking telepathically, almost like a conversation with my self. The puppy is trying to push forward and I am trying to accept it more and more into my field. I intuit that this is as good as it's going to get for now, that I am not ready to see the true form. I believe this being relays this to me before I wake up again. I am somewhat contesting with these beings who happen to be observing that I AM ready and want to see, but a part of me deep down knows that's not true.

I'm up again, listening to the thunder outside.

I realize I once again have the opportunity to project. I feel the wavy sensations, and behind closed eyes I pull my arms out from my arms. I start to ask why I rely on this method so much. Suddenly I am in my room and realize there's an old time radio broadcasting that doesn't belong. There's also a light on a desk that doesn't belong. To much noise I think. And another part of me tries to remind my self I am out of body and something is still attempting to communicate with me. But I think here I start losing lucidity, and I go and turn off the radio and descend into more of a dream like state.

I do wake up and have one final OBE but was so exhausted that I slipped right into a dream about walking down some highway that is under construction in a line with others until I get to my final resting spot with a group of people and am eating food. I dream of family and friends while in this state and think in some instances I had tried showing them the OBE and contact initiatives happening in my backyard, I tried relaying to them what had happened. But it falls on deaf ears and instead a dream state takes over.

I wake up once more to use the restroom and record now what feels like a few hours later.