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Messages - taom1234

On behalf of myself and my girlfriend, we would like to sincerely extend our sincerest gratitude to all of you here at Astral Pulse and your guides for so swiftly helping to cure her.  

Special thanks to Fuzziwig and your guide Jopeha for giving clarity into her condition......

and to Bluelight for teaching me  how to attempt to dissolve the thoughtform and for praying for her.......

and to Dark Knight for helping me know the gifted ones here.......
and to all of you unbeknownst to us for reading our pleas for  help and responding inkind with your prays.  

For the first time in 15 years the voices have communicated to her in a deeply kind and loving manner which has never happened to her before and simply can not be a co-incidence.  We just want everyone reading this post to know that there are many dedicated people in this forum who sincerely have prayed and offered to help us with their knowledge and understanding.

Within about 1-2 weeks after my first post here, a dramatic change for the better has risen within her and we are both deeply thankful to all of you for helping us in our time of need.  We don't know what else to say.  It is somewhat overwhelming that a turnaround has occured within such a short period of time.  For all of you who read this post and suffer from some form of ailment, we want you to know that the reality exists, if you are receptive and open, to have a turnaround take place within yourself for the better.  Thank you again. We will never forget this.
My girlfriend had a ritual performed on her by corrupt Budhist monks. Now she has and entity attached to her that has scared the living daylights out of her.  She has lived with this entity for 15 years  now.  Robert, do you know of anyone that can undo this ritual and remove the entity?  She was born with her 3rd eye open and it was open well into her teenage years.  I have made a post in another forum here but since I noticed a Budhism forum I was hoping maybe you or someone else would know about these sorts or rituals and how to undo them.
Thanks sincerely for  you help and understanding and also for such a wonderful website.  I hope you know how this site has helped so many of us in so many ways.
My girlfriend was born with her 3rd eye open and it was open well into her teenage years.  Her mom called everything that happened around her "black magic"...... becasue she is deeply religous and scared of everything.  My girlfriend was always humble and did not let anyone know about it. Only her sisters and close family.  Her mom forced her into a monastry and the monks performed some type of ritual to close her 3rd eye and attach and entity to her.  She said the monks were deeply corrupted.  We have tried together for over 2 years to get rid of this entity with no success and she has lived with it for nearly 15 years now.
The entity always talks endlessy in rude religous tones in her mind and endlessly belittles her in every way shape or form.
I have not and she has not to this day met anyone who can honestly help her.  We have been dissapointed but still do not lose  hope and can accept this and try to live normal lives, but still will never give up trying to remove this entity or whatever it is that they attached to her.     Is there is anyone out there that truly knows how to remove an attached entity and has had true success with this without all the hocus pocus?.  We are simple people who want to live simple lives, but at the same time we know much about the other dimensions of reality but obviously we don't know enough to get rid of this thing. I never knew how many pretenders and rude so called self proclaiimed metaphysical people were in this world until we began our quest to remove this entity. We are both really kind, loving and giving individuals and the ritual the monks performed on her is quite strong and lasting. We need someone who truly knows in depth about this sort of thing and believes in this.
Thank you for taking the time to read our story
Hi Nita,
On the "exorcism" part of your website you have "#8217" in sooooooo many places where their should be words.   I guess that whoever did your website would need to correct it again.[:)]
Hey Boydster
I noticed you have a Babaji pic too. Glad to see that[:)]

Yes, the decree and the reasoning when repeating it really turns on the lights.  The I AM THAT I AM is so powerful too.  I hope people can learn that simple things like this creates such a high intensity of light, that all darkness automatically flees in terror.

I have found a simple trick to AP.  You could try it for a test.  The trick really is just to have your mind remain awake and you automtically AP without trying.  Becasue we all AP every time we sleep, just not consciously.  If  you repeat your decree after you have slept for 5 hours.  Your mind will remain awake and you will AP.  I found this out by accident.

In other words, everyday, after you go to sleep, you can set your alarm for 5 hours later.  Then, turn sideways on your bed and lay still again with your eyes closed and repeat your decree.  Actually, I have notice that repeating anything including "row row row your boat gently down the stream" will work as you just need to keep your mind awake.  I feel repeating long decress is best becasue you need to think about it always and this keeps your mind awake whilst  your body falls asleep.  As soon as the body falls asleep, we automatically AP, but you need to keep still.

If you decide to try it, please let me know how it goes.  By the way, did you ever read the book "The Secret of the Golden FLower"
Hello Boydster,
I've seen those exact pics before in the books, "Studies of the Human Aura".  I even learned a decree in one of those books that I do while meditating.  I kept repeating that decree while being still in bed and all of a sudden I APed and had the force within myself of what felt like the whole Universe or a million suns.
I just exploded in a blaze of fiery light that was so intense it probably could have destroyed the earth as we know it if it was in the physical realm of reality and needless to say if there were any negs around they are no more[:D]

I learned very rapidly that we all have the same power within ourselves and I more fully understood why we need discipline ourselves before unleashing this intense purity. Also, I was not aware how powerful certain decrees were until I tried them.

I still remember the decree.  Here it is.

I AM light, glowing light,
Radiating light, intensified light.
God consumes my darkness,
Transmuting it into light.

This day I AM a focus of the central sun.
Flowing through me is a crystal river,
A living fountain of light
That can never be qualified by human thought or feeling.
I AM an outpost of the Divine.
Such darkness as has used me is swallowed up
By the mighty river of light which I AM!

I AM, I AM, I AM light.
I live, I live, I live in light.
I AM lights fullest dimension;
I AM lights purest intention.
I AM light light light
Flooding the world everywhere I move,
Blessing, strengthening and conveying
The purpose of the kingdom of Heaven!


If any of you have negativity problems, please give this one a try.  As you keep repeating it in your mind over and over again your conviction whilst repeating it becomes stronger and stronger becasue the words have so much power within them and  you begin to realize quite quickly that the negs can not tolerate such intense purity as it unleashes. It spooks the hell out of them becasue as you keep repeating it, a sudden awareness arises within yourself that you have never been helpless, but instead you are this almighty soul that has endless bounds of energy.  I start out repeating it 3 times aloud, then I repeat it in my mind over and over again quite calmly and rapidly.  Don't worry if you forget some of the words whilst doing it.  It still seems to have the exact same effect.  And when you do it for a few days or weeks, I think you will be overwhelmed at what type of energy this raises.  The only thing I felt was important for me was that I remained completely still whilst doing it.  Also, I always did it at 3 am lying sideways in my bed and repeating it rapidly so I would conscioulsy remain awwake and explode into a AP such as never before.

I would love to hear from anyone of you who try it.  I shouldn't say "trust me"[:D]..... but I will...... TRUST ME... this decree unleashes mass amounts of pure soul energy of the highest order.  Darkness can not bear the purity and intensity of the vibrations.  You will know what I mean.  But please don't say it with expectations. The secret is to repeat rapidly and clamly and let the vibrations raise naturally and do what they have to do.

Hello SD[:)]

Nice of you to offer your help and be able to take some @*# for it[:D]

I do have a question.  The guide that took my soul to the light telepathically communicated to me in "Thees and Thous" even though I am not religious.  Is this guide my Higher Self?  

Also, after this initial contact I have had a "buzzing" or "ringing" sound in my head which gets quite strong depending on who is thinking about me.  With this it is so easy to feel who has good thoughts about me and who has bad thougts about me.  Is there a way I could "convert" this buzzing sound to words when I so choose?  This may sound odd, but even though I know now if someone has bad thoughts about me or good thoughts, I would love to have telepathic words attached to the buzzing sounds so that I can know more about it.[8)] But I need to be able so shut it off at will so I don't go crazy.

Oh yes, what do those Tiger dreams I have mean?  In the last one I darted the Tiger and it fell asleep for awhile, but these dreams are re-occuring so they must mean something.

Thanks for taking the time to answer my questions.
[:D..]I have a very big house too and we live on a little mountain in Canada over looking a breath taking valley and lake.  Everybody feels it is a retreat excpet for the train which roars through the valley from time to time..[:D]

If I could convince my family to dissappear for 7-8 days, RB, Nay and all of you would be welcome to free workshop.  We have moose, black bears and cougars on this mini mountain too...[:D]

Just a thought.  Why are all mystical workshops created for the wealthy?  I'm just wondering, not complaining.  $1,399 USD sounds like sooooooo much money for Robert Bruce's Montana workshop.
Did you Zetas write what is known as "The Urantia Book"?
It's sad to read your post Edi.  We need to question and reason in order to grow, but you are correct in stating that many of us do not read all the information and rapidly jump to pre-conceived conclusions[8)]

I hope you and the Zetas are not angry though if we throw a few tough questions your way?  If we do, it is to try and understand if the Zetas are spiritually advanced or only technologically advanced.

I would hope that the Zetas feel that they can learn from us as we feel we can learn from them as we all have higher guides who transmit universal truths to us from time to time that may not be known by all.

Please keep up the good work.  We all live in the same Universe and need to question and sometimes vent inorder to grow[:)]
Dear Edi and Zetas,
Thank you for answering some of my questions.  There are certain terms in Divine realms of consciousness that are only known from higher guides.  This is why I asked you repeatidly some questions.
Would it be correct to assume that you zetas are not from Divine realms of consciousness, but instead are beings who are technologically more advanced than us but not neccesarily spiritualy more advanced than some?

I have thinking about all the answers and it seems that you Zetas are learning as we are learning.  Are you maybe very developed in your minds but not your hearts, such as many of our scientists? There are so many Alien species perfoming terrible experiments on humans and I sometimes think about our scientist here on earth. If we let them loose in a spaceship they would do the same thing becasue most of them do not have any knowledge or connection with their spritual nature becasue of they way they have been brain washed by their education.

I am aware of the intergalatic presence protecting our Planet, but at the same time, it seems so many Aliens can do as they please here as well, so I am not sure as too what type of protection is being implemented.

Thanks to both Edi and the Zetas for always taking the time to answer our questions.
Hi again[:)],

Can you Zetas Astral Project and do  you have direct access to the Akashic Records?

Why does the Canadian government and so many world governments spray us to death in our skies with Aluminum and petroleum (chem trails).  They have essentially ruined our summer skies with filthy clouds and we never get to see many stars anymore becasue of all the haze.

Is it just me or are most people in this world completely stupid?  It does not take much intelligence to notice the chemtrails, yet most people still believe they are normal jet fuel evaporation?  What happened to the human race?  It is as like most of the people in this world are hypnotized into stupidity and can't reason or think for themselves anymore.  

Thanks for taking the time to answer my questions.
Thank you for your answer, I have to admit that I am still a little skeptical but it was an accurate account of my life so far[:)].  

This question is not a test, but what was the shift in consciousnes that propelled me to become "steady"?  I am still confused by this as I really don't know what made this major change. Was it maybe after I read "that" book and decided in my mind and heart that even though it has a wealth of information that would have many believe it is true, I still rejected it?

Also, how many stages of the heart are there really in terms of spirituality and is steady something to be happy about?

When my guide initially contacted me, she telepathically communicated to me  in "thees and thous".  Why did she communicate this way?  and why did she get my attention with a flying white horse with wings initially?

When I first astral projected and flew past our Earths moon, why? did the "silver cord" appear to me on my way back to Earth?

When I was on one of the moons of Jupiter, there were humans there just like us.  How many of the moons on Jupiter are inhabited by human species?

That huge bright UFO that flew past  myself and my mother last year on the highway at night.  Why did it appear to us?.

When my brother and I were working on our deck, why did the UFO rush to hide behind the cloud?  We were fully aware of it and they know we are not afraid, so why always attempt to hide?

Why is now my girlfriend so many thousand miles away seeing UFO's.

Sorry for asking so many "whys" but here is one more.  Why did the UFO's for so long hover around our house while we were building it?

How come the area I live in is so well known for UFO activity and why do the UFO's keep comming back and who really made that cut line in the mountain opposite us that supposedly confuses all the surveyers because of it's apparent accuracy in relation to its alignment with certain stellar systems?

Is it true that if someone has an illness, if they  tie themselves to an old tree with copper wire for a few hours, that the tree will remove the illness from the person and ground it to mother earth?  

Everynight before sleep that intensly bright light flashes in my mind.  Can I use that to connect with my higher self when I need to?  and if so, what method would you suggest I use after the bright flashes start comming to benifit my spiritual evolvement?

You say you use "advanced technology".  My understanding is that the more a being relies on technology, the less this being is in tune with their spiritual nature.  I still use the internet to ask you questions, but at the same time, if I were more spiritually advanced, then I can't imagine myself using any type of  technology anymore to communicate as I could use my energy alone.  Does this mean you maybe are not spirtually evolved yet and maybe you are more scientiffically advanced?  IN other words, since you have physical bodies and much technology is it possible that you have developed your mind more than your heart?

Do you think Paramahansa Yoganda's explanation of his experience of cosmic consciousness was the best ever written to try to attempt to explain the feeling of oneness with all life?  I just can't imagine anyone describing an undescribable feeling any better than the way he did.  I have never read anything thing that even comes remotely close to explaining the unexplainable as well as he did.

What herb can I use to grow my hair back?  Guides have said nature has a cure for everything.

Thanks for taking the time to answer.

Haven't heard many so called big foot stories as you claim. I, just like many other people who hike the back countries have come face to face with big foot.  All native cultures know them well. It's a simple fact that most egos can not accept this because "they" could not capture and disect and destroy "in the name of science" this humanoid.  Has it ever occured to you that humans may not be as clever and superior as they think they are? Just your statement alone proves this.  No sound person could say that all life has been discovered on this planet. Rhinegirl feels the same about this forum as I do. Thanks Rhinegirl.
I'm noticing so many false channelings in this forum.  Big foot does exist.  Anybody who has hiked exstensivley in the Canadian Rockies is well aware of this.  Just a quick question.  Why so many false channelings in this forum?  IS this forum becomming a huge joke?
What can I do to move past steady.  Thank you.
I was thinking....... the stronger of the vibrations will always overcome the weaker.  Apparently this was known even in the times of Socrates when it was discovered that our vibrations will be elevated in sync with  harmonious music. I know many of you, when APing, have felt that some of the etheric music is so profoundly moving, that if it were to be heard in our physical bodies, we would simply burn up because we could not contain it.
So......I was thinking...... if we were under psychic attack, we could remove the negativity by exposing ourselves to a lesser form of the etheric musical vibrations so that our physical bodies could tolerate it and burn off the negativity. The musical vibrations are so pure that it would work.  We would just need to be exposed to it in a lesser degree.
Just as certain harmonious music will very quickly "lift our spirits" (this term has true meaning from long ago...."lift the bad vibrations"), there must be a way to have these vibrations experienced in a lesser degree here in the physical world.  Does anyone know of any research that has been done in this field?  I have been thinking about this for some time now.  Every part of my soul tells me it is true and that there must be a way to have it work.

At the onset of this thread you mentioned that we are free to "ask any questions" and they will be answered in this thread.

Is there any way to repair my right side so that I can be more calm and be in telepathic contact with my guides again? It's been dissapointing to have this for over 30 years now and I still don't know where it came from.

Is my interpretation of the word "Steady" correct as per my guides message.

Thanks kindly.

Thank you James S and Fuzziwig[:)]  When we made the post we forgot to mention Edi and Perina who started this thread.  Thanks to you both. This forum has so many positives.  My donation will be comming soon. I hope enough people support this forum to keep it alive. There isn't another one around like this one.  As I read more threads I learn more and more and it gives me confidence in knowing that all of us have the knowledge within to break all the self imposed boudaries that we constantly impose upon ourselves.
On behalf of myself and my girlfriend, we would like to sincerely extend our sincerest gratitude to all of you here at Astral Pulse and your guides for so swiftly helping to cure her.  

Special thanks to Fuzziwig and your guide Jopeha for giving clarity into her condition
to Bluelight for teaching me  how to attempt to dissolve the thoughtform and for praying for her.......
and to Dark Knight for helping me know the gifted ones here.......
and to all of you unbeknownst to us for reading our pleas for  help and responding inkind with your prays.  

For the first time in 15 years the voices have communicated to her in a deeply kind and loving manner which has never happened to her before and simply can not be a co-incidence.  We just want everyone reading this post to know that there are many dedicated people in this forum who sincerely have prayed and offered to help us with their knowledge and understanding.

Within about 1-2 weeks after my first post here, a dramatic change for the better has risen within her and we are both deeply thankful to all of your helping us in our time of need.  We don't know what else to say.  It is somewhat overwhelming that a turnaround has occured within such a short period of time.  For all of you who read this post and suffer from some form of ailment, we want you to know that the reality exists, if you are receptive and open, to have a turnaround take place within yourself for the better.  Thank you again. We will never forget this.

alpine9.... you did not take away from this thread..... not at all[:)]I'm glad that you could share your concerns with others as I have..... I hope your friend will feel better soon
On behalf of myself and my girlfriend, we would like to sincerely extend our sincerest gratitude to all of you here at Astral Pulse and your guides for so swiftly helping to cure her.  

Special thanks to Fuzziwig and your guide Jopeha for giving clarity and insight into her condition.......

and to Bluelight for teaching me  how to attempt to dissolve the thoughtform and for praying for her.......

and to Dark Knight for helping me know the gifted ones here.......
and to all of you unbeknownst to us for reading our pleas for  help and responding inkind with your prays.  

For the first time in 15 years the voices have communicated to her in a deeply kind and loving manner which has never happened to her before and simply can not be a co-incidence.  We just want everyone reading this post to know that there are many dedicated people in this forum who sincerely have prayed and offered to help us with their knowledge and understanding.

Within about 1-2 weeks after my first post here, a dramatic change for the better has risen within her and we are both deeply thankful to all of you for helping us in our time of need.  We don't know what else to say.  It is somewhat overwhelming that a turnaround has occured within such a short period of time.  For all of you who read this post and suffer from some form of ailment, we want you to know that the reality exists, if you are receptive and open, to have a turnaround take place within yourself for the better.  Thank you again. We will never forget this.
To edi's spirit guides message;
From my own experince with APing and entering endless realms of consciousness, I agree wholeheartedly with your words.  When I APed, I always oberved rather than reacted so as not to build any fear into my mind and it has worked every time for me. There are what appears to be and infinite amount of energy in all types and forms visible and invisible flowing through the universe.  If we were to preceive all these forms as so called "enimies" or "negs", then we would react with a sense of threat and end up creating our own perception of them into a real and tangible force that will haunt us. Hence, we end up hauting ourselves through our own reactions.

Obviously your guides are very aware of all the posts in this forum which have motivated them to respoind, and they must be aware of some of mine too in regards to helping my girlfriend.  I don't know if they would feel that is worth their time and effort to more clearly elaborate on a common problem that many people have, but if they are so inclined to do so.... my question to them would be   "how can one remove a subconscious spell cast upon them in their time of innocence when at that particular time in their lives they had no real means of knowledge for dealing with the outcome"???  as was with my girlfriends case and I am very very sure as with many who have had the same thing done to them, she did not have anyway in her younger years to react but to react with understandable fear when the loud and rude voices instaneuosly appeared in her mind.  Becasue of her innoncence in not understanding that it would have been better for her if she would have reacted in a calm and unfrightened manner, this thoughtform has grown with her for 15 years and it seems such a waist of her life in having to be tortured relentlessy, because a few idiots long ago decided to perform a ritual on her?  Is the universe so cruel as to allow this type of torment to continue without any real remedy?  I myself feel that there must be a simple way to undo what has been started.  If her persecutors had the knowledge to instantaneously deliver rude and obnoxious voices into her mind, then there also must be simple knowledge available to reverse the damage that has been done. Please take the time to answer this through this forum or through my own guides.  You obviously have intent to help us grow through sound knowledge. Thanks