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Messages - Sampson

Hi Everyone!

QuoteGood look with the RTZ projections!

Thanks catmeow!  :wink:

QuoteSampson would you mind copie your post and post it again in the following thread in the dream forum, I started? It would fit perfectly there too, especially in reply to Paker7. Thanks

Hi tombodenmann! I have copied my post over to your thread in the dream forum as you requested.


Hi Everyone,
Hi tombodenmann, as requested I have copied my post from the 'A different view on OBE/AP: an article' thread over in the OBE Discussion forum to here:


QuoteI would be extremely interested in knowing how any of you know the difference for sure.

All of my out of body experiences have so far been into what is called the RTZ (Real Time Zone) below are a some of the symptoms and attributes that I feel separate this experience from a dream for me:

Precursors to the projection are clear crisp sounds that resemble ripping Velcro and a sound similar to somebody walking on a gravel path - I experience sounds in my dreams but these are quite unlike the above and do not share their clarity.

I always exit through my head - I never experience this strange phenomenon when I dream.

I always have the same dimensions out of body, which are about the size of a tennis ball - In the dream state my body feels as if it has the same dimensions as it does in the physical, although on occasion this can change.

I always project into my bedroom - I rarely have dreams about my bedroom and when I do they are never as clear and vivid nor as simple and ordinary as when I leave my body. Another note here is that I have had an RTZ projection whilst staying away from home in a hotel, I projected out of body directly into the room in which I was staying.

Awareness and sensitivity to my environment is extremely heightened in all aspects - Although I experience my senses in the dream state they seem dulled in comparison to when I am out of the body.

Projection ends with a blackout - My dreams either tend to merge or fade into the next or I awake naturally after a REM/Dream cycle.

I suppose one could argue that an experience with characteristics of the above could be said to be a 'special kind of recurring dream' with very specific qualities.

I have had lucid dreams where I have projected too, these dreams served as a good comparison to what I would call my true RTZ experiences. The lucid dream projections shared all of the characteristics of a real projection but were much more toned down and felt false and a weak copy in contrast.

In these lucid dream projections it's almost as if I am applying my own interpretation of how I feel the projection experience should follow rather than experiencing the associated phenomena as a separate accompaniment to the true experience. The lucid dream projections also took place in locations other than my bedroom, these locations were vague and unfamiliar and very dream like.

I feel that dreams always serve a purpose of some kind, but when I project I tend to just sit in my tennis ball like form near my head, feet or in another part of the room in the quiet and just peacfully observe, this is quite unlike my dreams and is a very conscious experience.

I feel that I know the difference between the two for sure mainly through having the experience itself, I wish I could share that feeling with others but unfortunately I can't  :( .



QuoteI would be extremely interested in knowing how any of you know the difference for sure.

All of my out of body experiences have so far been into what is called the RTZ (Real Time Zone) below are a some of the symptoms and attributes that I feel separate this experience from a dream for me:

Precursors to the projection are clear crisp sounds that resemble ripping Velcro and a sound similar to somebody walking on a gravel path - I experience sounds in my dreams but these are quite unlike the above and do not share their clarity.

I always exit through my head - I never experience this strange phenomenon when I dream.

I always have the same dimensions out of body, which are about the size of a tennis ball - In the dream state my body feels as if it has the same dimensions as it does in the physical, although on occasion this can change.

I always project into my bedroom - I rarely have dreams about my bedroom and when I do they are never as clear and vivid nor as simple and ordinary as when I leave my body. Another note here is that I have had an RTZ projection whilst staying away from home in a hotel, I projected out of body directly into the room in which I was staying.

Awareness and sensitivity to my environment is extremely heightened in all aspects - Although I experience my senses in the dream state they seem dulled in comparison to when I am out of the body.

Projection ends with a blackout - My dreams either tend to merge or fade into the next or I awake naturally after a REM/Dream cycle.

I suppose one could argue that an experience with characteristics of the above could be said to be a 'special kind of recurring dream' with very specific qualities.

I have had lucid dreams where I have projected too, these dreams served as a good comparison to what I would call my true RTZ experiences. The lucid dream projections shared all of the characteristics of a real projection but were much more toned down and felt false and a weak copy in contrast.

In these lucid dream projections it's almost as if I am applying my own interpretation of how I feel the projection experience should follow rather than experiencing the associated phenomena as a separate accompaniment to the true experience. The lucid dream projections also took place in locations other than my bedroom, these locations were vague and unfamiliar and very dream like.

I feel that dreams always serve a purpose of some kind, but when I project I tend to just sit in my tennis ball like form near my head, feet or in another part of the room in the quiet and just peacfully observe, this is quite unlike my dreams and is a very conscious experience.

I feel that I know the difference between the two for sure mainly through having the experience itself, I wish I could share that feeling with others but unfortunately I can't  :( .


Hi Frank,
It still feels a bit strange now like I have been duped somehow, and by myself too! It all felt so real at the time!


Hi All,
Had a funny experience this morning:

Woke between about 0400 & 0430 hours, was having an RTZ OBE, no vibrations just some fuzziness and the crackling crunchy gravel and Velcro like sounds.

Again I thought the cat was in the room with me as I felt something pushing or stepping on the pillow around my head.

It felt like I exited through the left hand side of my head, usual tennis ball sized dimensions, stayed out what felt like a few seconds sat next to my head on the pillow, and then I then blacked out.

I then awoke and walked over to the bedroom door to let the cat out, I pulled the door and it started to jam and stick on something, at first I thought that it was probably a stray cat litter stone jammed under the door (as it does!)

I pulled harder on the door and become very frustrated, I hear my wife laughing in the kitchen she is wondering what I am up to, we exchange a few words I tell her that I'm tired, I curse the door for being jammed, I soon realise that the plastic buckle on the shoulder strap of my rucksack has got itself wedged under the door and is causing it to scrape and stick.

Half asleep I grab the shoulder strap and rucksack and give it a firm yank to free it, frustrated and crotchety from being half awake I push the bedroom door shut firmly and get back into bed.

I wake up again at about 0600 hours and realise that the last time I woke up I was actually dreaming and the cat hadn't been in the room after all and the door was never jammed.

I felt a little strange the second time that I woke, a bit disoriented, anyway just thought I would share.


Welcome to Dreams! / Reinterpretation of dreams.
November 27, 2004, 11:59:02
Hi G3mm4 & Ratsus,
Thanks for both of your quick replies, looking back at the dreams there doesn't seem to be such a great link between them or a translation from one to the other after all. I am still going to persist with these kind of suggestion experiments though to see what kind of results they yield.

I have started writing up my thoughts and ideas about the second dream. The symbols and actions that I witnessed in this dream make more sense when I make my own conscious translation in the wide awake state.

QuoteI have the habbit of using things that happened the prior day (usually from a movie or unusual event). I never take people/places litterally, I know my brain inserted whatever was laying around to subsitute in 3D for a higher concept.

I agree and I feel that I do this too. I have a question but first I'll have to make an example:

For the past week or two I have made the suggestion that I would like to meet a particular person in the dream state. The person was a real person but I never got to meet them. I had been thinking and wondering if this person had a tattoo on their body that I could verify and use to identify them with.

On Thursday night I had a dream that I met this person, the dream had a lot of symbolism in it and at one point I was made aware that this person had a large tattoo on their back, looking back at how I imagined the tattoo this person might of had I realised that how I saw it in the dream was not how I imagined it in the awakened state at all.

For me the dream was quite thought provoking and this character had a very real identity of his own.

I could post the dream if anybody feels that it is relevant.

I guess that this character could simply be a product of an over active imagination or perhaps maybe there is something lying beneath the surface of this dream character?

I'd love to hear more thoughts and other peoples experiences regarding these kind of dream encounters.


Welcome to Dreams! / Reinterpretation of dreams.
November 27, 2004, 09:17:58
Hi All,
I had a lot of dreams on Friday night, one of the dreams had a lot of talking in it and I woke up just after it to try and record the dialogue. What was said was slightly cryptic and a little puzzling but I had a vague understanding of the general idea of what was meant.

It was about 0430 Hrs in the morning I woke up went to the bathroom and then went back to bed, before I fell asleep I made the suggestion that the next dream I had would further explain to me in an easier way what the voice was trying to tell me.

It's one of the first times that I have experimented and tried to ask or suggest this after waking so soon from a dream, the following is an account of the first dream and the dream that followed it.

Dream 1
"I am floating stationary in a black darkness like deep space, directly in front of me there is the huge bodiless head of a youngish man of the age of about 35 to 40.

He has spiky blond hair and a stubbly beard he also wears glasses, he vaguely reminds me a little of a colleague from my work.

The man is here to relay some important information to me that I feel could also be used as a method or practice of some kind.

The face shimmers and distorts like a reflection on water, as he speaks his face contorts and ripples, it is difficult to see all of the details of his face all at once, he also appears to miss a few frames in his facial movements (later I realise that this reminds me of the television character Max Headroom from the 1980's).

He begins to speak to me and this is what he says:

"Imagine travelling at mach 30, so fast that your thinking has become like that of a Childs, 'slowed down' (there was some kind of emphasis on these two words), soak up and benefit from the atmosphere (this word wasn't clear and could have been ambiance or something similar) before the speed returns."

Here is the second dream where I requested a reinterpretation of the above one:

Dream 2
"I am in side an old style quaint French restaurant, I am here with my wife and we both sit down to enjoy a meal together, the restaurant is empty.

I take my coat off and notice that my pockets are full, I pull out the objects which include my wallet, some papers and a large chunky felt tipped pen, the lid falls off of the pen and rolls down some stairs behind me and to my right.

I innocently walk down the stairs in order to go and get the lid for the pen, the stairs lead me down into the kitchen of the restaurant.

Just in front of me at the bottom of the stairs is a stainless steel cupboard the sort that is used for keeping plates warm, there is another one to my left too. I scrabble around looking for the lid to the pen, I get down on my hands and knees in order to look under the steel sideboard.

I cannot remember if I find the lid or not as I am interrupted by the presence of a man smaller than myself stood behind me, I didn't realise he was there, he pushes his face up close to mine and starts insulting me with a barrage of abuse in French, his face is red and flecked as if he has been drinking too much.

I can't take in what he is saying to me as he is very annoyed and speaks very quickly and agitatedly.

As I quietly watch him I see white letters like old style scratchy script appear over his face, just as if a transparency was hovering in-between me and him or as if a sheet of glass separated us and the letters magically appeared upon it, the words are a direct translation of what the man is saying.

After he finishes his torrent of language and insults he turns and laughs with the rest of the staff, he jokes about what he was saying and that I didn't understand a word of what was said.

I interrupt the chef and tell him that I did understand him as a spirit informed me of what he was saying, the chef looks very shocked and he falls silent, he apologises to me and offers me a piece of a cake he has made as some a kind peace offering, I take the cake from him.

It is a curious cake, it is a perfect square and resembles a brownie except that this is hard and beige in colour, on the top of the cake it has a grid of equal squares engraved onto it's hard caramel fudge like surface, I take the cake and go and sit at the staff table with a few of the other cooks and kitchen staff, we chat and get along.

I cut into the cake with a spoon but it is very hard and has the texture of very compressed biscuit crumbs, I break off a bit and eat it, it is quite delicious and has a biscuity caramel like flavour, as I eat the cake I wonder if I'll have room for the meal I was going to have with my wife back upstairs in the restaurant...."

Thanks for reading

That is a very interesting post, I am reading a book at the moment that discusses such dream memories, and there are also some chapters that contain references to what are called 'probable selves'.

From what I have read so far these probable selves have lives, thoughts and memories all of there own which can overlap with our own lives and vice versa.

I have found the book fascinating reading so far, it is called 'Seth, Dreams and Projections of Consciousness' by Jane Roberts.


Welcome to Spiritual Evolution! / Purple aura?
November 25, 2004, 18:10:32
Many thanks Rastus! I'll be having a closer look at the links shortly.


Welcome to Spiritual Evolution! / Purple aura?
November 23, 2004, 17:54:36
Hi Rastus,
Many thanks for your reply!

QuoteAnd I bet your grandmother was a good cook? you have fond memories or ties of her cooking on some occasions?

True, and I have many very fond memories too!

I'm very interested in learning more about the sites that you mention as well, thanks again.


Welcome to Spiritual Evolution! / Purple aura?
November 23, 2004, 16:36:10
Hi Stephen,
Many thanks for your very informative reply, I found what you had to say fascinating and very helpful.

QuoteAs an exercise - you might find it beneficial to sit in quiet mediation and simply act as observer of the screen when it appears again. Obviously this leads to the development of a whole range of insight (dependent on where you place your attention etc), but I'll leave that for you to discover!

I am certainly going to try this, it sounds like sage advice. I have been trying to develop these aspects of myself, in some ways I feel like they have been snowballing and in others I feel as if I'm struggling, and after reading your post I think I know why.

Simply put I think I have been trying, pushing and forcing too hard. I know that perhaps sounds obvious but after today's episode and after having read your reply I think I have realised the state of mind I need to be in, in order to have such experiences.

I have had a similar experience about ten years ago, I was sat in my bedroom doing some sketching on a folder resting on my lap, I must have been drawing for a couple of hours and I had become quite detached from my surroundings.

All of a sudden, and I know this will sound odd! There was a huge waft and the air was full of a cooking smell in my room! This smell wasn't just any cooking smell though, it was the smell of my recently deceased Great Grandmothers cooking and of her kitchen, I knew that smell very well!

I remember at the time thinking it such a strange thing and I even got up off the bed and walked around the room looking for where the smell might be coming from!

Anyway thank you very much for your advice and information, I shall definitely be making practical use of it.


Welcome to Spiritual Evolution! / Purple aura?
November 23, 2004, 14:23:54
Hi All,
A strange thing happened to me at work today, it was the afternoon and I was sat at my desk, I wasn't working but doodling in a note pad .... tut tut!

I was quite lost in what I was doing and was in a daydream or rêvere and miles away. One of my work colleagues walked up behind me and started to talk to me, I didn't really take much heed at first, as my mind was somewhere else.

After a couple of seconds I turned around realising somebody was speaking to me, what I saw next was really strange and quite startling.

Covering most of the right hand side of her face was a small opaque purple cloud. I could see her face partly through this cloud and it seemed to move very slowly in an irregular way.

It was difficult to not look at it, but I realised that if I looked too much she might think that I'm staring! so I tried to avert my eyes from the cloud and started talking to her.

As we started to talk the cloud evaporated and disappeared. I've got good eyesight so I don't think that it was my eyes playing up and there was nothing out of the ordinary in the office either.

I assume that with auras the colour represents some aspect of the person's condition? But I thought that when one sees or perceives an aura that it would cover the whole body and not just one area such as a part of the face?

Has anybody else had an experience like this? I'm going to try and learn more about the topic, as it's something that I've never really been interested in before but now my curiosity has been aroused.


Welcome to Spiritual Evolution! / Where am I headed?
November 21, 2004, 06:20:33
Hi Kate,
I sympathise with what you say below:

QuoteI find the idea of having to work 9-5 in some job I dont enjoy simply to live difficult as I wish to be able to devote my life to guiding others...that just doesnt seem feasible.

I am in a similar situation, as I would like to work for myself using my creative skills. At the moment it just isn't possible but I have identified all of the obstacles and problems that are creating barriers for me at the present, and I have already started making what preparations I can for when I plan to start this venture.

It is a very frustrating situation to be in, it's like an unstoppable inner urge, like a path that cannot be deviated from or like an itch that can't be scratched .... for the moment at least! Why not try and identify the issues that you feel are responsible for not making your aspirations feasible at the moment? Try and make a list of the obstacles and then try and tackle them one by one.

QuoteI have been sat here most of the evening, thinking how hard it is to keep in touch with one's spirit living in such a world as this, if that makes sense.

I had similar experiences to you with Spirit at a young age that seemed to fade out and tail off at about the age of 7 or 8. I guess the way that the individual is bombarded in the physical world in these days and times it's not surprising that this means of perceiving can often become buried under a weight of materialist and mechanistic thought.

In recent times I have started to cleanse the windows of this perception and have had some glimpses of what lies beneath, below are a few ways that I have used in order to get back in touch with my spirituality.

One of the ways I heighten or raise my spirituality is through my dreams. I place great importance on my dream life, that's not to say that it is a form of retreat from the physical, it's more of a an integration of an aspect of myself that is normally subdued, overpowered or smothered in the physical world.

Another way to keep in touch with ones spirituality is through art. I practice this quite often in the form of drawing and painting. Being creative in this way can be a great release for the Soul, it can also be a very reflective, therapeutic and often mystical form of expression. I see from the writers forum that you enjoy poetry, this is also an excellent means to keep in touch with ones spirit.

I wish you all of the best

Thanks for the link!


Hi Xetrov,
I read your original post and found it an interesting read.

QuoteDescartes set out to prove it once and he concluded that you can not prove it, the world might as well be an outside "movie" projected into our consciousness by a big hairy demon to annoy us.

I am always a little wary of language, Descartes 'last apple', which concerns doubting is merely a formulation of the human races grammatical habit. It can be seen as a form of linguistic camouflage that hides the 'truth' or the underlying essence of 'things' from us.

Language is a self-contained system, which can tell us nothing about the world outside of itself, we can only have thoughts that are 'trapped' inside of it.

Personal experience is the way to tear down these linguistic barriers, as William Blake wrote in 'The marriage of Heaven and Hell':

"If the doors of perception were cleansed, everything would appear to man as it is, infinite.
For man has closed himself up, till he sees all things thro' narrow chinks of his cavern."


Hi All,
I have been wanting to post some confrontation dreams of mine for a while now, I guess you might call them Nightmares of a sort. I had my doubts at first as whether to post them as in the clear light of day I can imagine that they probably come across as not that terrifying at all to the average reader.

I feel a bit vulnerable in making this post too as I can imagine that the dream content is quite odd and a little weird. I want to try to show and share how I have managed to make some progress though lucid dreaming, using a little will power and by consciously asking for higher help in order to confront the issues at hand.

Below are three dreams that share a similar theme that I have had over a relatively short period, there is a positive evolution from the second to the last. They aren't the type of dreams that recur regularly but they do 'Well' up from time to time when I have been feeling low.

Sorry if the text appears very long, I have tried to break it down into sections and then into short paragraphs so that it isn't too hard on the eyes or too tedious to read.

Before I recount the dreams I'd just like to add that negative elements of the dreams aren't directly symbolic of any specific problem in particular, but I feel as if they are a visual metaphor that generally represent problems, issues and worries as a whole.

The Parasites 02/10/2004.

"It is night time and I am upstairs in the spare bedroom at my Nan's house. The room is dark and the curtains are slightly drawn, I look outside on the recreation area, the scene is peaceful. I look up towards the Moon and see that it is full and bright. In the sky I see floating in the air what look like large pale white spheres, bubbles or balls. I see them move to the left and then to the right as they are blown in the gentle evening breeze like large dandelion seeds.

I feel that these spheres have come from space or have an otherworldly origin. It is now morning and I am walking along the pavement near an area I used to live when I was younger. I see some of these strange soft bubbles on the floor. I stand above a few of them and can now see them much closer, they have a dark cream organic leathery appearance, some of the balls have burst or popped open, they resemble the fungi known as puff balls.

As I stand and watch I see one of the balls split open and white worms spill out of it, the worms have a very parasitic quality, they are flat, tapered at each end and ragged along their sides, they are an off white creamy colour, they remind me a little of tape worms. I have picked one up to have a closer look at it. I watch it in my palm as it moves and squirms, it is very flexible and is not all that firm but has an almost jelly liquid like feel to it, after a while of looking at it I become repulsed and shake it franticly off my hand.

There appears to be an epidemic of these parasites, it is quite out of control and has become a terrible national problem. I am now stood in the playing field of an old School I used to go to, I am with a man and a woman who are strangers to me. We appear to be helping one another in the face of this epidemic and have been staying close together in our small group, the field we are in is carpeted with these parasites, we are all trying to get away from these vile creatures.

We all seem to have been affected by the parasites to a certain extent. The man I am with runs away off down further into the field, he is making an escape and runs for himself and his own protection and is leaving the woman and I behind. I call out to him to stay and help us, but he continues running. The woman tells me that she has grown tired and needs to sleep, I tell her that she must not stop to rest but she lies down on the grass and falls asleep.

I watch in horror as, a wall of the parasitic worms spring up, thin, erect and stiff from the grass and surround her, still watching in revulsion I see that she is consumed by a wave of these writhing creatures until her body is no longer visible. I look on in dismay with a sickening feeling, all I see on the floor is the rough shape and outline of the woman's body smothered under a thick white blanket of squirming worms.

I now find myself in a laboratory, I am here with a number of other people. One man appears to be a head scientist and is leading myself and the rest of the group. We are all dressed in scientific full body chemical hazard suits, no part of our body appears to be exposed apart from a small part of the face, we are wearing what look like surgeons masks and hats. We have been locked into this lab room in order to stop contamination spreading while we work.

Our job is to destroy the parasitic worms, we each have a set of tools to perform this task, they resemble a stapler and a paper punch. Each of us in the group sit or stand working around a large lab table in the centre of the room, the group leader is at the head of the table in front of me, he has a large window just behind him.

From containers and buckets each of us picks up a few worms at a time in our gloved hands. We take the stapling tool and clip the worms with it, at which the worm becomes rigid and long, once the clipping procedure has been done the worm is dead. After it has been clipped it's appearance changes to that of a 25 cm thin, brown, dried out twig or stick. It has the texture of desiccated seaweed or leaves and looks a little like a brown vanilla pod, I feel it almost crumble as I place it into a waste container.

I continue my work for a period, as I work I feel that I'm in vague conversation with the group leader or he is conversing with me, suddenly the worm I am holding bites into my hand through my glove, I panic, but the lead scientist tells me that the incubation period won't be until July, I feel or assume that this is about 7 months away.

This thought calms me but suddenly I am in great discomfort and I feel every pore in my body open up, thousands of thin white worms shoot out from every minute opening and hole of my body, the worms are stiff and prone like pieces of flailing or gyrating wire, I feel my body sweating and under great trauma. I can also feel the energy of the worms, it has an almost fuzzy electrical feel to it.

I watch in frozen terror as the rest of the medical staff and chief scientist become hysterical at my condition, frenzied and panic-stricken, they are all clambering over one another trying frantically to get out of the locked room, my vision then dims as I am then very rapidly engulfed and mummified in a swathe of these horrifying unrelenting creatures."

I awoke in a slight sweat but not too terrified, but for the rest of the day after I had this dream I felt very low and grey, partly because I didn't make any effort to resolve or even help myself in any way during the experience.

I promised myself that the next time I have such a dream I will endeavour to do something positive about the situation or call for assistance from a guide or helper.

The Snakes & The Trapped Bird 24/10/2004.

"I am in a second floor room inside an old remote house out in a wild forested area, it looks like autumn outside as there are leaves scattered and blowing all around, the house feels as if it is mine. The room I am in has a regency style to it and has a high ceiling with some large windows directly in front of me, it is extremely unkempt and in an advanced state of decay.

All of the walls have off white stained peeling wallpaper, the sparse pieces of furniture are broken or are in poor condition, there is brick-a-brack and clutter strewn around over the floor the whole room I am in has a damp and rotten feel to it.

I see that the room is full of snake like creatures, they seem to crawl from everywhere and they are strewn all over the floor. I want to try and get rid of them and feel that there are other presences here helping me to do this too. I suspect that the snakes are multiplying or nesting in hidden places in the room, I am quite certain the decrepit old sofa is full of them.

I see that some of them are thin and slender and look a little like slowworms, they have a wormy appearance to them although they are snakes. I also see a thicker chunky flat snake like worm, which has thick armour like scales. There are many snakes in the room and I am aware that if I make a sudden movement they will strike and bite me very quickly.

I tell the presences that are helping me that the snakes aren't poisonous but if they do bite us then the wound could become infected.

I then think or imagine into existence an arm like gadget with a trigger at one end and a claw at the other, this apparatus resembles the device that a street cleaner uses to pick up pieces of litter from the ground. I start to pick up the snakes one by one and put them into an empty shoebox, the job is very complex and seems impossible due to the sheer quantity of them. It's very difficult task to pick up the snakes like this, I feel that I don't want to kill them but I want to take them outside and out of the house.

As I work at this task I notice a bird fly into the room from a tall door with a once elegant frame to my right, I catch a glimpse through the door of a bare landing that leads to one or two other rooms in the house, I see that they are in a similar state to the room I am in but I also have helpers in the form of other presences helping me to tidy these rooms as well.

Back in the room I am stood in I see the bird flap about near the ceiling, it looks like a smallish blackbird, it seems very unkempt like the house and scruffy, I see that some of it's tail feathers are raggedy and a few are missing as well. The bird is very frightened and agitated and wants to go outside, it flies near the old Georgian style window and tries to find a way out, I want to go and open the old vertical sliding window and let it out but I feel that I am frozen on the spot and something is stopping me from getting over to the window so that I can open it, I feel that this could be the snakes."

On waking from this dream I felt mixed emotions, I felt uplifted that I had managed to create or summon up the mechanical arm object to assist me in the tidying process and for the assistance of the helpers, but I also felt frustrated and annoyed that the creatures held me back from letting the bird out of the window.

The Angelic Doctor 15/11/2004.

"It is daytime and the sky is a little grey and overcast but there are little patches of blues hear and there, I am walking along a footpath or pavement next to a seafront, the beach and sea are not too far from the path just to my right.

I am aware that I am accompanied by a beautiful almost angelic woman, she is a little older than myself, I sense that she is in her mid forties, she has long golden brown wavy hair and I feel that she has very sculpted Hellenic features.

She is wearing a pair of white trousers and a white jacket, as I look at her I realise that she is a doctor of some kind and the clothes she is wearing are her medical uniform.

The vibration and feeling of love that this woman gives off and is surrounded by is truly overwhelming I feel a great soul love and connection to her. We walk along the sea front and talk, I cannot remember the exact things that were said but I know that they were very wise, intelligent and comforting, I clearly know that the woman is certainly a guide or teacher of some kind.

We continue walking and come to an old wooden beach hut just to my left, we stop and I look down at the floor and see a twitching crustacean like creature that resembles a huge king prawn on the floor, I am repulsed and don't want to go anywhere near the thing, I am aware that the creature is dangerous.

The doctor crouches down and with two sticks she gently prises the convulsing creature open by holding one stick at the tail and another near the head, I watch uncomfortably as hundreds of little legs start wriggling and moving on the underbelly of this oddity.

I look closer still and see near the head two legs slightly larger than the others, they look like the legs of a praying mantis or like strange wings unfolding, they are bright pink in colour. I try and keep myself calm and composed as I watch. Somehow the wriggling legs become mesmerising and I think to myself that this odd creature is beautiful in a strange kind of way.

The doctor gets back up and leaving this strange creature behind we continue walking, we start to walk down onto the sand of the beach, about 100 metres in front of us is a tall rocky outcrop running down onto a part of the beach which I cannot quite see behind. I have great apprehension about going any further and of what lies behind the cliff.

The doctor takes my hand, she sends me a feeling of not to be afraid, her aura of love and caring is so strong, glowing and radiant, it penetrates my being like warm heavy sunlight. She leads me down by the hand onto the beach and we make our way around to the other side of the rock face.

As we round the corner I see the waves of the tide lapping up onto the soft sand of the beach. I see that there are thousands and thousands of molluscs, jelly fish and squid like creatures washed up onto the beach, some of them seem to be alive whilst others are dead.

I feel that all of these creatures are very poisonous and that I must be careful to avoid stepping on them. I feel very uncomfortable and I don't want to be here, I tip toe through the piles of decaying washed up creatures.

I sense the presence of the doctor fading just like a dimming light bulb, she reassures me and I know that she is there if I need her.

I start to wade out into the sea up to my hips, I see that there are a few very young children floating in rubber rings that are guided and watched over by their parents. I watch as a deep purple and red fleshy squid like creature about the size of a small balloon floats past me, it has short thick tentacles all over it and I try my best to avoid it, I don't want it to touch any of the other people either.

I make my way a little further out into the sea, I am now up to my chest in the water and I can see that the ocean is full of these strange jellyfish and squid like creatures.

I don't remember leaving the sea but some time has passed and I find myself walking alongside the doctor again. The doctor tells me "There is a place like a surgery in your home town for studying creatures such as those that you have just witnessed".

As I walk alongside this woman I feel almost crushed or engulfed by the weight, gravity and depth of her atmosphere of love. Her character seems multidimensional, bottomless and eternal. I feel so many different kinds of love for her but my love seems light and one-dimensional compared to hers. I feel myself looking up to her with great admiration, wonder and awe. I don't want this moment to end and I feel that I want to be with this person forever."

Words can't describe how I felt when I woke up from this experience, I felt like I had known this person all of my life. I felt torn and really didn't want to leave this person behind in the dream world. Although I felt a little melancholy on waking It wasn't long before I was feeling exhilarated and high remembering back to how special meeting this guiding spirit was.

The meeting with this person was a real gift in more ways than one too, seeing as I had dreamt this experience on the morning of my birthday!

Perhaps the guide was a higher aspect of myself? If so it is a facet that I have been unaware of up until now.

I now know from my experiments that if one makes a determined and mindful effort to call for help by making a conscious reminder through placing subconscious seeds, assistance will always follow in the form of a guide, teacher or higher self of some sort.

One other element that I have noted is important when placed in these confrontational situations is that of will power, it doesn't really matter how lucid one is, if the determination or will isn't there to resolve the situation then the whole experience can easily slip into one of despair or mere observation.

Thanks for taking the time (probably a long time!) to read.


Hi pmlonline,
Thanks for your reply, I found what you said about the astral eye possibility interesting, I find the whole topic of perceiving in this way very fascinating.

The next time I become lucid again I'm going to try and observe an object for a little longer than I previously have to record what happens in greater detail.


QuoteIt is my hunch that Martial Artists, Athletes and perhaps even musicians make use of this phenomena.

I have heard of sports personalities talk about similar experiences where their focus and attention became extremely acute during a very involving game or event.

One account I remember hearing is that of seasoned tennis players who have described being so focused during a game that time appears to slow down and that the focus of their attention, the ball, appears to grow in size and take on the dimensions of a football.

Hi Nick,
Thanks for taking the time to read, I hope that you gain as much pleasure from these wonderful books as I did.

I'd love to hear what you thought of them once you have finished reading them, especially the wonderful last chapter of 'More Voices in My Ear'.


Hi All,
Finished reading this wonderful book yesterday, actually it is a collection of two books in one, the first is called 'Voices in My Ear' and the second is titled 'More Voices in My Ear'.

Both books were absolutely fascinating, I found the accounts of the authors life and the stories about her amazing gift very gripping, the book was very difficult to put down and I finished both books within a week.

From the rear cover are the following descriptions of each book:

In Voices in My Ear, she reflects on discovering this extraordinary gift within herself. Officially informed that her husband had been killed during the Second World War, she was visited at the height of her grief by her long-dead father. He told Doris that her husband was alive and would return, but joy turned to grief when her father re-appeared to warn of the impending death of her healthy baby son: both predictions came true.

More Voices in My Ear recalls how Doris helped the family of one of the Yorkshire Ripper's victims, enabled the late actor Peter Finch to communicate with his wife, and gave hope to the parents of young children who have disappeared in strange circumstances all over the world.

For me the highlight of the book were the descriptions of what the voices had to say, the visions of spirit people, the description of seeing a spirit leave the body of a dying person whilst she was working as a nurse in a hospital, the accounts and stories given when she was put under hypnosis and the conversations that she had with her spirit guide, especially the account of how her guide surprised her by making her have an OBE whilst she was asleep in her arm chair!

Although many of the stories are emotional and heartrending the book is also full of great humour too, one account I found very humorous was when she confronted James Randi on a phone-in radio show back in the late 70's early 80's, really, really funny!

But for me the last chapter of the second book 'More Voices in My Ear' is pure spiritual treasure, I won't spoil this amazing chapter for you, but I would just add that it concerns an amazing account of a beautiful visit to the Astral planes, truly amazing and worth the money alone just for this chapter.

This compilation is 'MUST' reading for any body interested in spiritualism, I could not recommend it enough.


One film that I have seen just recently concerning the astral planes was a mystical western named 'Blueberry: The Secret Experience'.

The film contains references to Shamanism, The Astral planes, Kundali, Chakras, Spirits and healing trauma through out of body experiences on the Astral plane.

I thought that some of the characters lacked a little depth and some parts of the film I found a little two-dimensional and clichéd, but below the surface is a very interesting look at confronting personal demons and trauma through mystical experiences.

There are some beautiful landscapes captured on film and the ending is very spectacular, a little similar to the ending of '2001 a space odyssey'.


Hi Leo,
Thanks for your reply and comments, I like your analogy of the dream office and dream writers it's an interesting idea, but in my case the experiences seem to be too spontaneous and detached from my own train of thought to have been pre-prepared and edited as if they were a story.

I think now looking over the past months experiences I would put a lot of the unformed environment down to tiredness which in turn effects my concentration, focus and sensual perceptions.

On a different note I would say the break down of some objects that I observe closely is similar to (it's not an ideal comparison) the same way that a photographic image in a newspaper breaks down into dots and other forms the closer one brings the image to their eyes.


QuoteWay back in the late Thirties or Forties there was a Gary Cooper movie which advanced the idea that he was able to Astrally visit the woman he loved from his jail cells.

The film that you speak about above is called 'Peter Ibbetson' and was made in 1935, the film was very popular with the Surrealist movement of the same period.

This film in my opinion, although quite sentimental, is one of the greatest movie love stories I've ever seen, I would recomend anybody to try and watch this film if they ever get the opportunity.

Hi All,
Have any of you noticed how some thought sensitive environments such as those experienced in astral projections, dreams, lucid dreams etc can occasionally appear malformed, incomplete or half created?

A few personal examples have been walls that appear like curtains, backdrops that have a colourful hazy marbled appearance and objects that appear incomplete.

I have also experienced this with characters in such experiences too, their faces occasionally appear to be deformed or half created. Although these characters are slightly disturbing to look at I know that this is not an effect that is intended to scare or frighten but more of an anomaly with the environment or perhaps with my way of perceiving it.

I have often had conversations with these characters, the characters can be people that I am familiar with or complete strangers, they may look quite distorted but it is their underlying vibe that gives me the clue to who they are, they are quite friendly and continue to perform their part as if nothing were wrong with them.

I had a lucid dream three days ago where I was clearly looking at the face of a close family member. She was sat in front of a window and her face was bathed in sunlight. I was sitting not too far from her closely looking at her face, I could see that she had quite a large hole about the size of a large coin in the left side of her nostril. I first thought that she had some kind of strange piercing. On closer inspection I could see through the hole inside her head which had the appearance of the inside of a hollow pastel pink sea shell.

The experience left me feeling a little queasy but I knew that no harm was intended by this display. On other occasions I've also experienced characters that stop dead in their tracks and stare straight at me, it's as if everything in the whole scene is on pause, it's quite unnerving and unsettling.

I've also found that information can become distorted too, in a similar way where the true meaning or vibe is lying underneath the surface of the distorted one. Below I give a shortened version of such an example that occurred in a lucid dream that I had two days ago:

"...I was lying on a bed with a girlfriend, we were cuddling and she said to me that she wanted to make love, but she insisted that before we do so I put on some music. The woman asked me to play some Joan Crawford, something didn't seem right when she said that and I knew that she had made a mistake in her choice of name, but I actually new what she had wanted to say. What she really wanted to say was that she wanted to listen to some music by Joni Mitchel. I reached down by the side of the bed and picked up a CD from out of an untidy pile on the floor, it had a grey cover and a profile drawing of Joni Mitchel's face..."

Two things struck me as being odd about this experience. One, up to now I have never had any interest at all in or heard intentionally or knowingly any of Joni Mitchel's music before. And two, I new what the woman I was lying with meant, even though she got the singers name wrong.

I've been thinking about this for a bit now and concerning environments have so far put it down to a lack of concentration or focus on my part and most probably to over tiredness and fatigue as well. But I can't help thinking that where other characters are involved there is perhaps another reason? Perhaps it is an attempt to portray the malleability of the environment?

I'd be interested to hear from other people who have had similar experiences and their ideas on why such anomalies occur.

Many thanks

Welcome to Dreams! / Living Dreams
November 05, 2004, 22:26:07
Hi Sarah,

QuoteI've often wondered how/why it is that when we are dreaming, we are totally absorbed in that world, in so much that it becomes our reality.

I feel it is so absorbing because it is the natural environment for the part of me (spirit?) that will live on after my physical body has perished. This is the part of me that I feel experiences the dream. For me the world of dreams is just as much a valid part of my/our reality as waking life is.

QuoteIn fact, in the majority of dreams, we are not aware of our physical life at all. The physical side of "us" does not exist.

However, in our physical lives, we accept and even wonder about our dreaming lives.

So what I'm saying is that our dreaming lives slip and slide into our physical lives, but very rarely the other way round (except when lucid).

Any ideas why that is?

The following is my current belief:

For the moment we are souls incarnate in physical bodies in the physical world. We can, in the right state of mind, find temporary release to pursue further experiences by visiting the spirit world in the form of dreaming, OBE's, meditation etc. Hence the memories of our dream life slipping back to us on our return to the physical life, much like the memories one brings back from a holiday.

But it wouldn't be beneficial for us to give up too much or all of our consciousness to visit the astral as we have lives to lead here first. Slip too far and you might go permanently, then you would end up being a spirit looking out from the astral or wherever into the physical! Instead of bringing memories back from your holiday destination you might end up staying there permanently or for a little while at least!