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Messages - Moonburn33

QuoteNow kindly provide me some assistance in getting this fog off.

You know how to navigate yourself around this site complex.  Avail yourself of the information on this site regarding psychic defense...  no one is going to give you any better advice than the stuff you can research on your own. (for the info, not the forum.. in this case) has a literal library of information.

start reading.
Welcome to Magic! / request
February 14, 2005, 05:12:20
QuoteCut a rat up and eat it, they'll fear you.


some of use are fond of those little rodents.  

What you need a spell for, kris, is to increase your own self-esteem and self-respect.

fear, although temporarily amusing, will not really solve your problems... in the end.
Welcome to Psychic and Paranormal! / Very strange...
February 13, 2005, 13:56:06
QuoteGive and receive...there is no taking

yeah, I meant give....

whatchagonnado?     -spookspook (god rest her soul)
Welcome to Psychic and Paranormal! / Very strange...
February 13, 2005, 10:39:04
...I receive and take from both sides... I'm not sure what sort of energy body you have, but the only time i've heard of the taking/giving was in reference to a symbolic association- not an energetic one.

personally, if the worst thing that could happen to you are minor scratches then I'd just ignore it... I have cats and rats at my house and I get scratches all the time.. doesn't seem to bother me
Welcome to Metaphysics! / His pal,the demon.
February 11, 2005, 11:21:13
I agree with you.  This guy seems like he really doesn't know what he's doing.. if he's going around bragging that he has a demon buddy... I suspect that he probably doesn't have anything in tow and has created mr. Zee
Welcome to Psychic and Paranormal! / Very strange...
February 11, 2005, 07:59:56
maybe you've been swinging your arm wildly around in your sleep?
Welcome to Metaphysics! / His pal,the demon.
February 11, 2005, 07:56:57
Or it could continue the way it's going and not get any worse.  It really doesn't sound like it's gonna go out of hand IF he keeps up his end of the bargain.  The demon might increase his powers of visualization to make his food more vivid.. who knows what good things he'd get out of this.  Just because he's messin' with a demon doesn't mean he's going to suffer from it.  
If he's stupid about it and doesn't strengthen his own will, then yes.. he'll probably get "used".. but then again.. any entity would go for that...
Welcome to Metaphysics! / Spirits that need help
February 07, 2005, 07:27:25
QuoteUsually There is a instruement associated with this voice.

*harp music* "Mr. Craaaabbbss I have an ideeeeaaaa"
Welcome to Magic! / need info on a spell
February 05, 2005, 15:12:39
Ok people, lets be reasonable and play nice.

You can use any props you wish for spells and if you don't feel comfortable with them you don't have to use candles.

you could theoretically use animal crackers and some incantation you cooked up.

There are no spells (at least ones you'll find here) that have inherent power in their words.  The VAST majority of magic is dependent upon the person's intention.  Whatever you can do to get that transformation across in a grounded manner is what you should do.
I end up liking most of them.  If you present them with a way to get raw energy through sources other than yourself they usually are a. quite thankful and b. quite pleasant afterward
I usually say hi and offer them some eau du chai from my mug.
Welcome to Magic! / lbrp - benefits and drawbacks
February 05, 2005, 08:05:40
Well, I've always seen these ritual entities (the ones invoked in the LBRP and other similar rituals) as being on the cusp of objective reality, where my mind and the world interact.  We came from an idea and that idea has certain inherent qualities, when we are unhindered in our interaction, our thoughts will be able to access to certain aspects of our collective consciousness that will register as "real."  These aspects and entities are what are called upon in these rituals.  However, I've noticed that having an unwavering belief in something creates a certain refined and potent quality of energy that tends to appear to negate the effects of that reality.

So to answer your question- I'm indifferent as to which scenario it actually is.  Having the ritual work of its own volition makes me happy
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Ancient techniques
January 30, 2005, 08:10:28
yeah, nobody really knows how the first humans became involved in Occult practices... we could speculate all day and by nighttime.. it'd still be speculation.
see, here I was thinking that this was about doing Asanas in a lucid dreaming state....
Welcome to Magic! / Chaos Magick
January 30, 2005, 08:00:11
Just because something is fictional, doesn't make it impotent.

"nothing is true, everything is permitted"
Welcome to Magic! / lbrp - benefits and drawbacks
January 26, 2005, 06:27:05
almost any magical practice that causes and increase in energy will attract astral animals.  The great thing about the LBRP is that it will make it uncomfortable for the harmful ones to stay around you.  So if you're into ceremonial magick, then the LBRP is a win-win situation.
Welcome to Metaphysics! / The Moon
January 25, 2005, 07:24:30
red and orange are close to each other... it's perfectly normal

10,000 years later: no, the moon still isn't being eaten by monsters
what about homosexual people?  Where do the asexual/androgynous people come in if they want to practice magick?
I'd be deeply distrustful of a channeling if it cost me 90 dollars a pop too.

(information taken from kyo's link in the top of their post)
Welcome to Metaphysics! / The Moon
January 19, 2005, 08:04:52
meditation is actively pursuing mental relaxation.  It stablizes a person's brain waves- not scramble them.

the processes that are at work in meditation are natural processes that occur in the brain on a regular basis...

almost every psychologist/psychiatrist/counselor i know meditates and promotes meditation... and I'd think that they'd know more about how the brain works than most.
I'm sitting in my underwear, listening to amon tobin and eating something akin to cocoapuffs right now.

I don't do any of these things because they're real.
Who were you talking in response to?
To date I've actually had two very brief apocalyptic dreams, both very vivid.

dream one:  I had woke up in my room to see the sunrise, only I saw the sun along with planet x rising in the morning light through my roof-window.  I then promptly woke up.

dream two:  I had this dream this morning.  It was also brief.  I managed, a long with a few other people, to recover this rocket like cylinder with pictures of children and "poison" written across the top.  It also had the name of the chemical, which I unfortunately forgot.  Apparently in my dream we were going to leave the planet in spaceships and then poison everyone on the ships.  I don't know why I was leaving- I remember wondering to myself why we were leaving, like I was watching a movie.

I doubt that either of these mean anything significant[/i]