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Messages - WhiteLight

Thanks James - I do tend to talk too much!

Reality - were they hard to answer [awkward] questions by any chance? [:D]
If the guides, 'have Infinite Love and Compassion' why do the channelers deal with criticism abrubtly and in a curt manner?

Feel the vibe of the messages people. Love and light? Notice the attitude of the channelers. The emotive language used - awkward questions being called 'attacks'.

If the relationship between guide and contactee is so great, why do the channelers always appear less then gracious when questioned? You would of thought they would be swimming in euphoria with nothing to prove to anybody.

I sense darkness and deception in the posts.
If the guides, 'have Infinite Love and Compassion' why do the channelers deal with criticism abrubtly and in a curt manner?

Feel the vibe of the messages people. Love and light? Notice the attitude of the channelers. The emotive language used - awkward questions being called 'attacks'.

If the relationship between guide and contactee is so great, why do the channelers always appear less then gracious - when questioned? You would of thought they would be swimming in euphoria with nothing to prove to anybody.

I sense darkness and deception in the posts.
Kakkarot, I don't think there is any need to make nasty comments about fellow members.

Anthony and his colleagues haven't offered any proof what so ever thus far. When you make outlandish claims such as they have, proof to substansiate the claims is hardly asking too much.

By the very nature of this site, it should attract open minded spiritual people. It is the least spiritual of all I have seen. It has a odd vibe about it.

CNN credible?[:P]

Right, let's put this bollocks to bed for once and all.

Stop this endless game of verbal tennis and prove it.

Time to put up or shut up.

But they can't can they(the aliens)? They don't make predictions; they don't mind making reams of endless, boring bulls**t that nobody cares about though, do they? They don't do anything that can be substansiated - just abstract ideas that cannot be proven one way or the other; rather convenient wouldn't you say?

Nobody take offence from the above but I have to vent. If they are here to help us (which most sensible people know they aren't)then help us.

Prove to us their good intent.

Prove to us the validity of their claims.

The Catherine Zeta Jones mob have been caught lying out of their arses and no posturing or double speak can negate the lies. Only a fool would believe all this nonsense anyway.

People need three things in their lives:

1 God
2 The knowledge they are eternal
3 Love

We don't need hocus pocus, starships or Christ knows what else.

Soulfire you seem like a nice guy to me and I really do not know what these so called aliens are - Dark ones, aliens or an over active imagination. Whatever it is this protracted defence of the indefensible is becoming a bore.

Sorry if I appear a tad blunt, but some plain speaking is needed - no offence
With tough Love
So, is Michael Douglas's wife one of this lot? A shapeshifter maybe?

Funny, I always thought she was Welsh[8D]
I woke up one morning and saw my astral body laying next to me as clear as day. 'It' had every feature I had even down to my clothes from what I could see from the view I had. It was laying down in the same postion as I was and slowy dissipated.
Welcome to Integral Philosophy! / Humanity sucks
March 16, 2004, 17:00:32
A start would be to stop reading and believing the bollocks in the news and to stop watching TV.

TV dumbs people down.

Why worry what's happening to innocents in Iraq if you can tune in to the latest exploits of the characters in your soap opera of choice?

People are sold a lie. Buy this, buy that you'll feel so much better - bollocks, people are basically brainwashed into thinking of themselves, their immediate family(not always though)and everyone else can go swivel .

I'll add more later, tired, midnight and an early start in the morning.


Good luck to you anyway. Been nice talking to you.[:)]

Be careful, stay safe.
Lol Akensai[:I]

I am sure you are aware of the dangers of letting lower entities in though. The main reason for not using Ouija boards.

Maybe I am wrong, but I strongly suspect that all this "proof" you speak of would mean much less to anybody else than it does to you personally. I doubt your proof would be my proof for instance. I would also suspect that if you had not taken any steps of your own because you had at least enough faith to take some initial steps, that you would not have any of the "proof" you do now.

Exactly[^] exactly what I am driving at.

For me, as I spent time with the pendulum and then later the guides and Zeta, I have had many "A-ha" moments where I realized exactly what was happening and why, and it all suddenly made sense on many levels I did not previously understand. I think a relationship with spiritual entities is just like a relationship with a physical entity. You start off with enough trust to be willing to allow the experience to happen, letting go of your fears as much as you can, but being careful to use common sense and follow your own sense of "rightness". Then, as you spend time and "get to know" these spiritual beings, the depth of the relationship grows and you adjust your levels of trust according to what you are comfortable with. Just like any other relationship you've ever had.

Tell me...would you be so willing to step into a physical alien spacecraft on trust alone? And in a more down to Earth sense, would you be willing to leave you front door open and let any stranger in off the street?

With Respect and Humility

An entertaining thread that's for sure!

It's all here: Messiah complexes, people easily lead, self delusion, blind faith and a few wry ol' wind-up merchants[;)]

Seriously though, I feel things like this have been going around for a long time and they lack any real crediblity because there is no proof; proof is not offered and the request for proof is frowned upon.

I am a spiritual fella and my searching has been rewarded with proof. 100% undeniable proof. I have seen and heard spirit and their activities. I have visited some very good mediums who have filled me with sheer joy due to their accuracy and the links they have made - 100%, without a shadow of a doubt proof.

This stuff? I am not sure: A wind-up? Self delusion? Mental illness? Dark entities? The truth? Who knows?

People that I know accept that I am a bit 'weird'. My family and friends etc. And they are often surprised when I say "oh, I don't believe in that". Them: " what do you think about astrology?" Me: " I don't believe in it, it doesn't interest me. I am not interested in fortune telling, I am interested in spiritulality" Them: " Yeh but you believe in that kinda stuff, You believe any of that kinda stuff don't you?" Me: " No I don't. I don't go on blind faith, I go on personal experience and empirical evidence, not conjecture and hear say"

What I am trying to say to some of you guys, demand proof from spirit, they won't mind and in fact they will welcome it if they are of the light and working for God. Do not be afraid to ask awkward questions - ask them.

Anyway, I'll let you good people crack on.
All the Best