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Messages - NeverKnowsEnough

Hi All i was wondering if any of you had any healing methods you would care to share. So far i only work with crystals but I am open to any other meathods. Thanks.[:)]
Hey to all,
  I have a question has anyone othere than me found themselves in the presences of a true god in the astral realm?
Look I need some real help.
Every time i project i look to the stars because well i don't know why i just do. But there are always more stars there. I see so many stars the sky looks more like a city than the Milky Way I am used to. Also i have noticed that there are four really BIG stars. They lie in every compass direction (North, South, East, West) But hte biggest one is the Southern star. I really wonder why there are more Stars and i begin to wonder if any of them has a planet that is twin to earth. I hope some of you take the time to read this and take a look at the stars next time you prject and tell me what you see.

Just to curious for his own good.
I have no control over my chakras if i concentrate on one i seem to activate it but then all of the other ones seem to activate. Within minutes of whatever they do i feel drained of ever once of energy i had. Then a resting sleep is necessaryf or me. It is really odd.
Lightning things and electroballs are easy if you use my method but at first and if you do it wrong it can be very painful. First take something that has a very low wattege and turn it on. Find a place where you can feel the electricity flowing through it. Expose this area. Then this is where it can get painful. Redirect the flow of the electricity into you. once you can feel the flow try to stop it. If you can do that play around with the flow. make it pulse throughout your whole body. then push it back into the device that you are useing. That is how i developed my ability in electrokenises. It was on accident and i touch the exposed wire of a blender and got quite a shock. Then instead of letting go of the wire I automaticly stop the flow. Then i played around with it. From there i built up my wattege. I can handle 24 wats without frying myself. It is enough to shoot spark from my finger tips when i need to LOL. I don't suggest using this method but if you are desperate then knock yourself out NOT LITTERALY.
Why doth everyone inquire about magic until it befalleth upon them? I am temped to hex all non-belivers. And i have done so in the past.
OMG if i said it once i said it a thousand times THERE IS NO ONE GOD!!! There are many gods not just one who is the "alpha and omega." Duh

But, there are gods. Just not the one that the christians belive in. LOL    

If you are going donwhill in a canoe and the wheels fall off, how many pancakes will fit in a doghouse?
I come not to brag, but i am very experienced in TK. I have been developing my kenisise since the age of 7. It all started when i was reading a web page and got really intersested in it. But enough about the past. I can teach all kenises to whoever has the patiece to learn. I need to learn to heal though. I can see arouras and all but i can't do anything to help what i see.[:(] I am trying to learn to heal but i have lost my patients one time to many.  Hypris this is the very first thing to any Kenises. You must learn with pure intents. Once you master on Kenises all the others will come easily. Once you train your abilities you can summon Kenises without good will intentions.
Yes i have been told that i am healer by many different sources.Which include the mediums. But they also told me i was some other not to pleasent stuff [}:)]. I have also been told that there are prophecies for healers. I wonder if any one fits those.[?]
One prophecy was something like this:
"Forth comes the one. A healer he/she is. Unknowing he/she is.
Danger eminates from he/she. Until realization dawns.
Then to heal all the damage done he/she will"
Lol sounds like a dangerous person. ROTFLMAO
Welcome to Magic! / Egyptian Book of the Dead
April 22, 2004, 13:27:40
I hope you guys don't  mind me jumping into your conversation but whoever translated the book of the dead please add the other parts you left out. After reading through it i noticed that most of the Dark Magicks were missing. The Egyptian book of the dead should hold spells long saught by a group of warlocks. I have spoken with some of them but i am not one of them. The book of the dead should contain these three spells atleast. How to raise the dead. How to kill the dead that you have raised. And a spell/ritual for eternal life. Not that anyof them work but they are missing none the less. Thanks
Stars, Stars, Glorious Stars. Who ever said the thing about going a long distance just to go back a little is right. They are parts of memories of the past that you can remeber. I decided to see what was up about the landing in the past. Well to land on the closest planet took me like half an hour. But it is a memory. Every thing on that planet happened just as it did in my past. Nothing changed. Of course it was a very recent past. I think it was like yesterday or something. I wonder how far back the distant stars go into my past.
Welcome to Metaphysics! / Channeling God!!
April 22, 2004, 06:44:48
Dear Mustardseed,
       I have a big question for god. If you don't count Bush and Sadaam and the terrorists it is about time in history for another huge screw up of a person to come along or a savior....... Well God who will it be this time? P.S. Don't give me the kinda answer that basically says you'll know soon enogh please. Thanks
Welcome to Metaphysics! / Channeling God!!
April 22, 2004, 06:41:59
Dear Mustardseed,
       I have a big question for god. If you don't count Bush and Sadaam and the terrorists it is about time in history for another huge screw up of a person to come along or a savior....... Well God who will it be this time? P.S. Don't give me the kinda answer that basically says you'll know soon enogh please. Thanks
I to have landed on some of the planets of the stars i have visited. But never have i noticed anything out of the ordinary.
Yes i no anything is poosible but i seem to have the most unusaul things happen to me when i project.
I have heared of that as a way to project but i have alos heared it has some bad side effects. Like part of you gets stuck when you fall and you just hang there upside down until you manage to pull free or until you go to sleep. But different people use different ways so i would try it a few times and if it doesn't work than try it occasionaly but try to find a method thta does work.
No i haven't read his book but i am going to soon. I have seen many odd things in the Astral. Like giant tubes of blue light suddenly appearing out of no where. I am not quite sure what they are but whenver i see them they becon to me to touch them. Is this naturall or what?
Welcome to Metaphysics! / Entity Identification
April 08, 2004, 12:15:25
I don't mean to nag or anything but don't get involved with more than one entity. If you arleady have a few listen to them. If you know more then one find a way to "bind" them to you. I have done this and it has saved my a lot of greif. I was projecting at night and one of the spirits i have bound came to me instantly. He alwasy prtrays himself as a warrior, probably elvin for he is short with pointy ears. He is the first to come whenever i call out to my bound spirits. Well this night he told me to return for there was great evil out. I didn't listen to him and called upon my other spirits slowly they came as they are ofrced to. Each one reported the same thing as the first did. Still unbelieiving i said you can't stop me and that is where is was wrong. They forced me to reamin where i was utnil i went back willingfully to my physical body. Of course i still wouldn't go so they decided to show me what they were talking about. Past this point something hit me over the head and i forget the rest. But upon returning the next day i found destruction all around me. Many of the spirits refused to tell me what was going on. Finally the warrior steped forward and explained the ancient war of the worlds. The realm i was in was at war with another and well i was in grave danger as i found out later.
Well not to brag or anything i have the ability naturally. I discovered it one day when i got reeally P.O.ed i started thinking my life was shatering like glass. So began to think that the glass figure in th center of the table should also break. Mind you this was at dinner time. Well the glass object began to vibrate violenlty and then it exploded, ruining our dinner. Every one was in quite a fright. Including me for i realized at the last moment i could feel everything about the glass object it surface the temperature. Everything this was just moments before it blew up. From then on I have had to be carefull obout my extreme emotions for they unlock my telekenit abilities. Sinced then i have refrained fo=rom thinking anything should blow up. But i frighten the occasional teacher if they assign me something i can get really emotional about. But no i use my powers for fun because i have learned to harness them over the years.

I give everyone quite a fright when about fourteen ereasers burst throught the class door and started to radomly attack people.
Welcome to Metaphysics! / Channeling God!!
April 08, 2004, 10:16:57
What do you mean god? There is many more than just one GOD! The greeks egyptian and other cultures didn't worship false gods. The gods they worshipped had been hand selected by the founders of their race from the Atral Realm. Many more entities lie in the astral realm that have never been chosen to be a god. Have you ever heard of a Speaker For the Gods? This was a person whose job was to visit the selected gods for the culture to question them, report to them, and so on. The next time any of you project think hard on the legendary Mount Olypus. That is home to the greek gods. The mountian itself created by the gods.
Thank you ralphm you have given me a grand idea. This astral tube you mentioned does it act as a prtal or wormhole? Or is it just a super speedy highway? Can you create one or is it a random evenet?
The question is what will happen if you prject into the circel.
Welcome to Metaphysics! / Channeling God!!
April 07, 2004, 14:54:23
How can any of you thnk that god will answer your questions? He sent us here to find out for ourselves not just ask him. Look at you. You are given the chance to learn the anwers to all your questions through projections. Haven't any of you talked with any of the Astral Bodies that remain in the PLanes all the time? I have and when you do u will understand what it means to bask in the glory of a god.
I thank you all for posting,
   Upon projecting last night i decided it was time to find out about the big stars. I spent what seemed like eternity concentrating on myself being there but nothing worked. I can usually get everywhere by concentration but no to the Four BIG Stars. I am Beging to think they are barred from visiters because during a group projection my friends and i tried to fly to the stars most we could get to but the four stars i mentioned never got any closer. These stars really frustrate me for whenever i look at them now i always wonder what could be there that needs to be bared from projectors.
Look I know i am a beginer at this but has anyone noticed that when you project there are more stars? OR even teh really big one that i think lies of to the south. I mean it is always there  pointing opposite of our north star. Next time i project i will visit this star seeing as how i somehow managed to get to mars (or at least i think it was mars) but untill then.

Just to curious for his own good