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Messages - mar10fl

Welcome to the Healing place! / please help
May 29, 2005, 15:41:16
my mother's best friend was just diagnosed with cancer which has also has spread to the lymph nodes. she is going to be having a double vasectomy soon and the power of prayer im sure would be greatly appreciated by her. thank you OM SHANTI SHANTI JAN
Welcome to Quantum Physics! / yes
October 21, 2004, 20:24:00
i saw this movie last weekend and i advise everybody to go see it. its really amazing and im glad this movie was made so more people can become cognizant of the possibilities out there.  :idea:
Welcome to Dreams! / strange/cool dream
October 20, 2004, 15:00:02
okay so i was dreaming when i suddenly became lucid and realized it was a dream. i was laying in a huge bed with many people surrounding me, standing above looking down. i called for some of my friends to come, but they didn't. the people standing over my then started to disappear...but one was left. it was a man in a large black cloak and a black hood. i couldnt see his face and he was all black. i thought it was death, and when he started to speak, i plugged my ears screaming so i wouldnt hear what could have been the last thing i ever heard. between yells from me, i suddenly realized that his voice was actually very soothing. then i knew who it was. right at once i saw an elder man who resembled albert einstein with white shaggy hair and white moustache. i percieved this man to be god, but this wasnt the man in the cloak, he was just speaking through the dark figure to me. he said the following: "you are the red in the sunset over the are the green of the jungles in are the blue in the sky so high and the light that comes from the sun...everything that you do or learn adds to the vaults of human consciousness, and as you evolve, so does the whole human race." "what is your name?..." i asked. he started to reply but i just faded away slowly. i caught the first part, but i only recall that it started with an 'S'. cool huh
okay so i may be wrong but isnt telekinesis used with subtle bodies? if it has a direct relation with the brain i guess not, but if you do use other selves to move physical objects would it be possible to use telekinesis while out of body? this could explain spirits who flicker lights, turn on tvs, etc. also if this is true, it may be a way to prove that the OBE state is truly out of body.
just a thought...
I have experienced both reality fluctuations in the astral and hallucinations in physical and they seem to be very closely related. I am starting to wonder if in fact they are real. as in astral, your thoughts can create anything. same with hallucinations except they are more frequently uncontrollable. while dosing with a friend, i experienced a hallucination that my friend also experienced very vividly. i have heard of this happening to many people and now i think that a hallucination is a thought on a different dimensional plane. perhaps the astral. i know that the brain can create things that 'arent really there' but that is hard to believe when someone else sees the same exact thing. just a thought lets see what you guys think
its cool to hear all of the experiences everyone has and i know that we can learn from them a lot, but i believe the only thing people should learn is how to project. then their experience will be 100% pure and wont be false in any way
alright i know this subject is very clouded but from what i know, there could only be one way to travel in time. ahem. as you go into higher dimensions, time begins to flatten out. for instance, 5 min physical could be 60 min astral. and even longer in a higher dimension etc. but i believe in all of these dimensions, there exists past present and future because time still progresses along (perhaps slower but still moves). now in the highest dimension, the 'all-one' i believe to be infinite in terms of time-space. it is both virtually nonexistent and infinitely existent at the same time. all past present and future exists as one moment. The only way i can see time travel being possible is projecting yourself into this all-one plane. or maybe not projecting into it, but your higher self (the one that exists in this dimension) guides you. This would be the only way to break the barrier of time because all time is in one moment and theoretically any moment in time could be accessed. I would like to hear some other people speak of this and share your theories/correct mine.
ive spent many hours pondering this and this seems to be the only rational way to accomplish it.
when RM says that he projects out, then leaves his second body, what is he actually doing? i just thought he projected into realtime then into astral but maybe there is more to it than that... also i know that there is 7 dimensions how far can you project into them? past the astral? all the way to all-one? (which time travel would be possible because there is no time in all-one). im just curious about this RB talks about astral planes and RM doesnt really mention this. thanks
so i was laying in my bed raising energy using the full body circuit with my eyes closed. i was focusing on my brow centre watching it pulsate from purple to green. after about 15 min i felt a presence. out of the corner of my eye i saw a color. it then got closer until all i could see was a pulsating presence of many colors. my arms felt light and my hands turned very warm. this entity was caressing my hands and i could see it in front of my closed eyes. i think i saw it using real time sight but i havent experimented with that very much so i wouldnt know what its like. very cool though just thought id share this experience. i hope this being will assist me while i am OBE perhaps it is an INSPEC hah i hope so wouldnt that be something!
has anyone every explored the waters that flow under the earth? everyone goes up when they project has anyone here ever gone down into the ground and checked it out? just a suggestion...

PHISH IS BREAKING UP!!!!!! you have no idea how deeply distressed i am at this time...
this may not be an OBE story but it involves spirits and i believe it is very cool.
a few years ago my friend moved into a new house. him, his sister, and mother, while sleeping in this house, began to experience terrible dreams and had extreme difficulty sleeping at all during the night. meanwhile, on a trip to a local ski resort, my friend staying in a hotel, he experienced something he had never felt before. he woke up screaming at the top of his lungs "GRANDMA GRANDPA I HAVE A SECOND CHANCE!!!!" (remember this). so back to the house. his mother had an extremely vivid dream of a teenage boy dying in my freinds closet. upon further research and talk with the neighbors, she came to find out that there HAD been a boy who lived here with his grandparents and he died while sniffing butane in his closet. he was a troubled boy they believe and the family could not endure the troubles they had sleeping any longer. so they called an exorcist. (when my friend got to this part i was like pshhh yeah right thats bulls**t what is she going to do) so anyways the exorcist arrived at the house, said not a word, and went straight up to my friends room. she said "the energy in this room is unbearably high, could you please leave the room right now?(to my freind)". after about a half hour, she came out and explained that all he wanted was a second chance and he felt so ashamed that he let down his grandparents. she eventually got him to accept his death and said he was now at peace. my friend told her about the incident at the ski resort, and the exorcist said that the boy was, in a sense, living inside my friend for a time. during that night he took over my friends body momentarily and got up screaming "grandma grandpa!" etc. i dont know about you guys but this story was pretty amazing to me and it has shone light on an area of extreme doubt for me. i now am not so quick to judge people and what they do. it has also inspired me to make a goal of entering the M-band (read monroes books) and communicating with those deceased. it could help them and it would make me feel very good about myself knowing i assisted someone in moving on with their undying life. interesting though huh
to the dark side of the moon while APing?? i know that pink floyd used to astral project and i think that there could be some meaning in the lyrics 'ill see you on the dark side of the moon'... i may be wrong but perhaps there is an astral island out there and i have a very strong feeling that there is something out there. any of you frequent projectors should go check it out and reply back. i would be very interested. i would go myself but i have only exited a few times, but the moon is going to be the first place i will go once i can stay out long enough.
pink floyd...still first in space...perhaps first on the moon too...
Welcome to Astral Chat! / chatroom
May 25, 2004, 15:44:00
i dont like the chatroom on everyone who wants to chat go to "astral projection" chat on AIM. ill be there (name of chatroom in quotes)
ok so i have been researching on ki energy ki balls etc at first i was very interested in them but i have found many sites that claim all such are fake. i know there are more than likely many websites that say AP is fake as well but i was wondering if someone could clear this up for me and anyone else who is wanting to know the same thing. thanksInsert
involving ki balls and ki hops and ki such. everyone talks about this quite frequently here on the boards and i am not ashamed to admit that i am absolutely clueless here. would anyone like to explain this?
k so i have been attempting projection for maybe 4 months now and just recently i made my first conscious exit. since then (about 4 days ago) i have made 2 other exits. i know this is a big step for me and my most recent projection was very strange.
i exited, and entered a room next to mine. i saw 2 children about 10 years old, one sitting on a table and one on a chair. they were both staring attentively at a blank tv screen. i floated past them and looked at the boy on the table. "hello?" i said. he slowly looked over to me. "so you are able to see me!". the boy floated up and said "yes but are you able to see me?" and started to vanish. first the image of his human body disappeared until i could only see the energy body which was very colorful. then he winked out and was gone. i was then pulled into physical. this was very exciting for me! as i have only made a few projections yet. any ideas?
Welcome to Out of Body Experiences! / AHEM
April 28, 2004, 19:59:48
(just to make it clear)
to synch up dark side of the moon and the wizard of oz, you start the album at the end of the lion's third roar, ive done this before and it is truly amazing how exact the lyrics/mood of the song/movie go. coincidence? i think not. well lets see what is the significance of the wizard of oz??? hmmm. it was the first color movie ever. have you seen the front of dark side of the moon? very interesting huh. a beam of white light going through a prism and making a full spectrum of color. coincidence? I THINK NOT. the floyd made dark side of the moon so carefully that nothing about it can be a coincidence. now all i need to do is put all of the clues together and i might find something secret in the ive done so many times before.......
the reason pink floyd was so obsessed with outer space is that they astral projected. there are lots of clues that prove this. sometime, if you have time, listen to the albums 'piper at the gates of dawn' and the best one is 'meddle'.
"a movement is accomplished in six stages, and the seventh brings return" - pertaining to the 7 major dimensions, and when the highest is reached, the time barrier is gone.
"and as i rise above the treetops and clouds..."
just listen to a lot of their stuff they are a good band anyways and roger waters is one of the greatest writers ever in rock n roll.
everyone always talks about higher dimensions...astral etc...what about lower dimensions what if we were once in a lower dimension, and after we died we were projected into the physical dimension. we could be totally unaware of it...just me thinking out loud[:P]
hey ive been having some pretty abstract dreams lately, if anyone wants to join me and come to my dream world, become lucid and come visit me. my name is martin farrell. call it out a few times i will come. say something like 'wanna party?' and we will have an awesome time my dreams have been craaazy lately so call me and come to my world. ps this is what i look like

i have been trying to attempt projection for about a month now
i read astral dynamics and i can get to the vibrations pretty much every time. the problem i have is that i cant trick my mind into leaving it seems as though it will not accept it as a possibility. using the rope technique always gets me vibrations, but i cant leave any suggestions? try to remember the struggle you first had when trying to project as a noob. what methods helped you the most whatever information you have will be greatly appreciated. thankyou[:D]
nope...i dont believe you need to be physical to percieve both time and space...its a system thats set up no related exclusively to physical dimension, but others as well. mie too sense.
word of the wise...dont believe everything you read...even the bible/ancient writings/etc. i have come to learn that proving things for myself are the only knowns in my life. i consider everything i read, but thats not to say i believe it. if you think about it, anyone could have altered the writings or it could have been written by a lunatic. you never know, so i choose to learn things for myself. just speaking my mind. salut
***clap clap clap***
already way ahead of me [:D]
im not talking about proving that OBE is real for myself... i have experienced it and thats all i need. im talking about proving for other people who are skeptical