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Messages - Frequent Flier

Quote from: Fairywindblues on May 18, 2013, 05:13:51
Okay, here's another thing or things I'll say about machines.

The binaural beat + light flickering action is actually quite relaxing on the brain.

I noticed that same effect with my more modest  :-P machine. The light, instead of being unnerving, seems to have a quieting effect.
The light with the sounds perhaps. Not sure the sounds have to be there. But still, it was restful instead of stimulating. Of course I used the "meditation" setting. They have settings to stimulate learning and performance and would likely wake you up more, etc... but flickering light and sound can actually be relaxing. Which makes sense since they've been using it for decades, for that purpose (and it works)  :p
Congrats on your purchase!  :-D
Quote from: Fairywindblues on May 15, 2013, 23:40:31

Honestly, aside from that, I can't find many cons for this, so I'm going to go on to the next one.

Admit it! Customer service is crappy!  :lol: :lol:

Just kidding!  :wink:
Have you ever tried what Monroe used to teach: speed up the vibrations?  By concentrating on that, by thinking of it, etc at first they respond subtly he said but eventually they speed up and become less rough. You may feel warmth, tingling, etc,  but no more paralysis. If you move it will either be hallucinatory or an OBE.
I think you got your answer klaxen, unless you want specifics?

Because it can be done, just don't be too tired. You have to be able to retain consciousness in deeper states of relaxation. And it's usually a lot more difficult than when your body is awake.

Everyone agrees it can be done, but more tiredness than you can handle in deeper stages and you drift off into sleep without realizing it.

I came close a few times but then would go into a dream like state and paf, I was gone.
When training, I didn't accomplish it because I fell asleep before. I was too tired however.  I'm sure it must be achievable.

It's the tired part that's the problem. It's better to not be tired, or at least only lightly.

Once you can already relax, then it's easy. Tired or not...
Quote from: Lionheart on May 03, 2013, 00:20:52
Frequent Flier, I'm kind of baffled how you create an opinion on the Laxman when you haven't ever used.

I did not create an opinion??? I raised questions based on reviews I read about the machine. I read reviews before I buy... there was no opinion...

I was also asking people who had used it, in my first post.. is it like I read or not, etc.

Quote from: Klaxen_2008 on May 02, 2013, 19:24:00

sounds intruiging. IT felt pleasent and refreshing but did you project?

Back then, no. I was 'close'. But some crappy experiences kinda made me lose interest.  For example, I would relax before going to sleep, more easily than usual because of my training in relaxation, and I'd hear creaking noises...that was typical... but at other times roars, growls like animal ones...

it creeped me out enough that I stopped training at relaxing because it was at a point where I couldn't even go to sleep and have a restful night without that stuff happening, unexpectedly.

I wasn't trying to relax, I would just relax deeply, naturally, by lying down...

but I don't want to let that stop me. I know it happened to others and they survived. Robert Monroe survived his own monsters and wild experiences.   :-P

I don't think that merely relaxing brings this about, but in the state where the mind is awake, you seem to be able to create all kinds of hallucinatory experiences.  I hope they're not all real, anyway. ;)
I was conditioned to search for the ap, that probably helped trigger that 'crap'. lol
Quote from: Fairywindblues on May 02, 2013, 20:53:04

Plus, they come with their own set of unique glasses. Mixing and matching sounds fun to me.


And you don't mind having earbuds instead of head sets? Don't know if it's supposed to make a big difference, but headsets shield you from external sounds better.

Anyway, hope your purchase(s) are satisfying.

Well, I've done it in the past, now I'm relearning.  :-P

As someone stated, do it when you're awake but still can relax easily. After several hours of sleep, at a point where you don't feel the need to get up, but can stay in bed a good while and relax.

You could do it at other times too. I often did it in the afternoon.  For me it was a matter of letting go, and not doing concentration or thinking stuff. Mantras, etc. Just let go the muscles, let go of tension, let go of the desire for results, just relax without an objective. Let go.
But not fall asleep.

Gradually, I would move into more and more relaxed states, where I wouldn't feel my body anymore, or had funny sensations like being in a completely different position, or that my body was very straight even though my mattress had a curve.. :-P

And mentally I was much more relaxed, detached. If the phone rang, I didn't feel bothered, I could ignore it.. I mean it was unusually detached, capable of remaining in this near-bliss seemingly forever.
It felt very pleasant and refreshing.
I was mentioning that in my post on going back to basics. On this same forum.

A method from the Monroe Institute, something going back to the 80s. It works well, but it takes me several attempts before I relax fully. You use their sounds and the method which consists of putting your problems in an imaginary box, and relaxing by relaxing the jaw first, then other parts of the body. It goes all the way down to the feet.

I've tried it again and was surprised that it seemed to work better than some of the stuff I've tried recently which include binaural beats, isochronic tones, etc.

By the way, it's best to practice this when you are awake but relaxed. Not sleepy :-P
Well, the thing was I thought I was having more difficulty than in the past, relaxing.  I was often trying what I thought were better methods, more advanced stuff.

Turns out the old method worked better for me.
I use them a bit, sometimes alternating with visualization... as I get really relaxed, I tend to stop verbalizing, it seems distracting.
I've had a hard time relaxing, for a long while. I'm relearning,  I even bought a machine to help me relax. It works a bit.

I remember a time - in the 80s - when I bought stuff from the Monroe Institute. Tapes. No CD back then.
There was this method of relaxing where you would put your worries in a box, then gradually relax your body starting with your head and going down.
Of course there was Hemi-Sync in the background.

I would relax pretty well. It took a few sessions but I'd get somewhere.

I was going through apps at the ITune store... and found Monroe apps..

One was "Deep 10 relaxation". I recalled that I used to have success with that method.
I bought the app, used it tonight, and felt like I'd gone further into relaxation that I had with the other stuff.

I'm going to stick with that for a while, unless I find something that seems better.

Sometimes searching too far isn't always good...
From what I recall reading, the ones complaining about lack of support had tried contacting the company several times.

Anyway.. I hope I don't need to pay twice what I paid for a good machine!  :lol: My basic model seems ok for now.

I might get colors, more presets, some I can create... and one machine - which I mentioned in my previous post - even sends electrical impulses in the body, supposedly enhancing many effects... with a costlier one.

But so far the one I have does an interesting job. Even though light flashing and sounds in your ears might seem stimulating, the ones I tried had a kind of restful effect on my nerves. Of course they (sounds, etc) were for meditation. Others are for wakefulness, sharpness, etc

hmm...  :-o
-I have read that the Laxman doesn't have headphones, but only earbuds. Maybe it's not a huge issue but headphones isolate you from other noises better, and perhaps sound quality may be better.

-And that customer service is almost non-existent??  I've read that in several reviews.

Is it that bad, those of you who have one?

I've ordered something more modest but which seems backed up by a lot of good reviews: The Mind Alive David Delight  -the basic one - at 295.00 CDN.

Plus the company is based here in Canada so I don't risk paying additional fees (customs).  :-P

They have a model with CES, cranial electrical stimulation, using an electrode to send electrical pulses in the body for additional effect. That's the PRO model at 525.00 CDN.

I get overnight shipping so it arrives tomorrow.

Can't wait to try.

It may be enough. No need for super fancy -performing  :x - gimmicks.  :-D
Isn't possible that there's also some measure or degree of cover-up involved? Proving such amazing things might make them too accessible to too many people.

For example we've heard that the US military experimented with ESP... and that the results were disappointing.

But maybe, in order to maintain a strategic advantage, they'd say: we've tried it, and it doesn't work. But in reality it would.

You have to wonder why so many people, on their own, have so many interesting experiences, but if you listen to skeptics and science.. the results are so vague, that there doesn't seem to be much to it if anything.

Even if it's difficult to always produce this at will, extensive experimentation should at least bring out something interesting..
Thanks! Not very well I gather?   :-P
I'm glad I read some people were fed up with the subject, I was almost going to start a new thread :Has anyone tried the Randi 1,000,000 challenge.  :lol: :lol: :lol:

He's the not the most credible skeptic ever -massive understatement - but in case someone had tried it...

I remember many years ago, trying to 'go out' while feeling prone, in the middle of the night, and the mere thought of going out prompted an intense sense of activity. I heard a click - like a switch being turned on - next to my ear, then light behind my eyelids - yeah.. :-P - and also a loud sound like an industrial machine running... in my head

the rest doesn't have anything to do with this, but I think it's easy to generate intense experiences while in these states. I'm not surprised with the manipulation you made of the vibrations that you experienced this.

Also I'm afraid a lot of it is just physiological - not otherworldly -

basically it might be you pumping and cranking this thing.. lol

careful in case you do some physiological damage or something other. Even if it's not major.
Second experiment today. I was sitting a bit, instead of lying on my bed. He advises against lying on a bed (or just lying down) as it can make you more drowsy.  I must have lost the thread quite a bit yesterday because I didn't realize how much he put the emphasis on being aware of your body, just aware without trying to change anything.:lol:

This time I recall it lol

it relaxed me gently, but I was feeling a bit uncomfortable in the neck, so it -the lack of comfort- probably reduced the effect.

I still phased out. At times I thought of doing something like use the remote to turn the tv on only to realize I was lying for that meditation exercise! lol

Well, sitting..   :-P
I received a few cds yesterday but one of them was the wrong one. I'm waiting for the right one.  :-D

I had another cd, called Essential Mediation. It's a free flow meditation, or with no goal. You just get into a meditative state, passively.

It has verbal instructions by Peter Russell (some in the beginning, and a few throughout the recording), some music, very easy, in the beginning and the sound of rain falling, often throughout the session... very relaxing sound.

Well it works quite strongly. Surprisingly well...  you never hear the sounds - the technology used for the effect - but they act on you anyway.

It produced an easy, smooth relaxation, nothing too deep, and at points Russell says it's ok if you lost the thread, if you drifted elsewhere mentally, don't worry it's fine, it's normal.  And in one instance I had just noticed how I had drifted and just at that moment he says something like that!  :lol:

Throughout the cd he repeats, now and then, to not try anything, not seek a result, just let things happen.

I stress again how I felt something distinctive, no cd has ever worked that well so far. It produced a nice relaxation, an ease, that I didn't have when beginning. I drifted off a few times and usually I'm more focused and controlling my thoughts, with a bit of tenseness.

This was interesting. I feel like trying again. Find out how far it can take me
I was waiting for my chakra attunement cd, re: my thread about spatial angle modulation (in welcome to astral consciousness forum), and I got another one called abundance, the wrong one. I called customer service, another 10-12 days before I get it!


Welcome to Members Introductions! / Re: Back again
February 22, 2012, 15:04:29
Welcome! Me I was here 8 years ago and left soon afterwards..
