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Messages - thelou

For years I have used the ether's as an energy source.  However it seems like we are getting ready to transition to a different type of energy.  Almost like a different Universe.  I know it sounds crazy, but has anyone heard of or felt anything like this?
Welcome to Metaphysics! / Money for your Gift
July 14, 2005, 22:45:51
Dear Wizard of Light, everyone has the right to be paid in accordance for their contribution!  If a psychic helps someone then they are entitled to the compensation equal to the service rendered.  Take myself for example I have recently found a way to make allot of money working from home.  Am 37 years old and now am financially retired, but I provided tremendous service to others to do that.  It was not hard, anyone can do such, just provide to others and the Universe will compensate you in kind.

Those that disagree with you are coming from a position of "lack" in their lives.  The are holding on to every penny they can and believe people should give them everything for free.  These people are not in tune with how the Universe really works so pay them no heed.  Think of it this way, those that agree with you will willingly pay, those that do not will not pay.  You choose which ones you desire to have manifest in your life experience, and refuse to listen to the others.   :D

The Lou
Runlola, seems to me that if you see something bad and do not tell them you are allowing them to fully experience that bad.  Would it not be a good idea to tell them so that they can alter their path and not have that bad happen?

Just a question,

The Lou
Have been away from the forum for a long time, just wanted to say thanks everyone for the great interaction and information.

The lou
Ben K, and Tom;

The reason gravity "works" has nothing to do with belief or habit.  Because beliefs and habits come with each life specific to which "construct" that physical life chooses to manifest in.

1.   Gravity is part of the physical law of this plant/time/dimension.
2.   Gravity works because it is a law, laws are irrefutable and cannot be broken - but they can be bent.  :D
3.   We were explained the law of gravity BEFORE we chose to incarnate here.  There are things that are called "agreements".  We "agreed" to abide by the law of gravity before we were born.  That is why positive thinking or changing habits alone will not entitle one to fly.

Sorry guys, but to bend a law and go against it one has to discover how to change the law of agreements.  Figure that one out and let me know please  :D


There are as many different "constructs" as one can imagine, actually more.  Kind of like trying to quantify the exact number of plants there really are.

We consciously "choose" which construct and indeed which time frame within that construct to manifest in before we are born.  As an example, picture a person at a travel agency looking at all the hundreds of different "vacation" possibilities.   From a Soul level that is in laymen's terms what we do.  We go over the different possibilities and we choose to incarnate in one (actually we can incarnate in many at the same time, since in truth there is no such thing as "time")

We do this because in "reality" as you mentioned, there is no such thing as the "physical" world.  For lack of a batter way of explaining it, our spirit and our soul (yes they are not the same thing) sort of float around in non-existence.  Our spirit comes here to "experience" the physical because living in a construct is the only way we can experience physical things.  Ie. Such as food, sex, sleep all we can do here.

As all of the Souls send their Spirits into physical we combine into the collective of ALL That IS can experience.  That is the reason.


Your statement that anything that asks for money in exchange for teaching seems wrong to you confuses me.  Do any of the thousands of collages and universities out there give free admission to their students?  :wink:
Welcome to Quantum Physics! / Enlightening Science
January 16, 2005, 11:12:04
Super light.  Fascinating!  Thanks for the post, it is an excellent read!

Super light travels at the speed of light squared.  About 20 years ago my old metaphysical teacher taught that "thought" traveled at that speed.  She said that someday science will discover this "new" science.  And that over time we will build ships that will be able to travel at this speed also.

This could potentially be the basis of a new technology of the like that is only seen in scifi movies.   :D
Welcome to Quantum Physics! / the nature of Time
January 16, 2005, 10:29:59
Hello BirdManKalki,

I clicked on your profile to see what your age was, but very little info was there.  Am curious because you obviously have been around the metaphysical/quantum block a few times.

QuoteInstead of using the word time I myself prefer moment or incidence. Past present and future are the moment or co-incidences.

Very insightful play on words.  And your example of the goldfish in the tank is exquisite.  Very few people can talk in circles and say so much.

Thanks for your post.

Yes, I guess you could say that.  It seems that I keep moving from one to the other, then back and forth agin.

If this is all true, sure wish I could learn how to control it better.

Wow, I bought that book, but never read it.  Guess I need to find it and read it.  


Hello Narfellus, and welcome to the thread.

QuoteIf but we knew the power of our thoughts we would guard them more closely.

That quote is familiar, who said it?  Was it Cochease?
Thanks Jo,

You always have words of wisdom that give reassurance.

Here is the funny thing.  She also in this life is very much in love with me.  She is just too afraid to allow herself to love fully, so she has retreated so that she does not have to deal with the issues.

Dr. Harville Hendrix in his book "keeping the love you find" explains that each of us have baggage left over from our dysfunctional childhoods that affect us in our adult life.  And I know what hers is as well as mine.

Now that I have a better understanding of what is going on in her present, I am more capable of letting her go with the unconditional love that we all deserve.

Hello Kevin,

If you do not mind, I would like to comment on your post, as that exact topic has been an issue with me for years.  Even seriously thought about suicide oh.. 100 times or so.

QuoteOk, so we reincarnate to become at one with all entity

We do not reincarnate to become one with all entity, we already are one with all entity.  We incarnate to experience first off the ability to not know everything.  (In spirit we have access to all knowledge there ever was or will be).  Second we incarnate to be able to experience ourselves.  Just ourselves without being a part of the collective hole of everything.  (If you have ever watched startrek it is like the Borg, in spirit all minds are connected to each other).  Only by incarnating into physical can we experience things like hot or cold, love or hate.

Yes you will come back.  Not because you have to but because you will want to.  Perhaps not this planet perhaps another one.  But you will want to come back to physical and will do so over and over again.  For two reasons.

1.   Eventually, even if it take hundreds of "years" you will get board being only in spirit form.  Many times my thoughts were how much I disliked being in physical and that I would never come back to this place that has brought me so much negative feelings.  But eventually we will want to come back even for a vacation from non physical.
2.   It is inevitable that from spirit one day you will discover something that intrigues you and you will want to experience it.  For example lets say all of your lives you have been a male.  One day you might be talking with a friend (in the sprit realm) and she tells you how wonderful it is to be a woman, and you might just say to yourself that I think I want to know what that is like, and poof you will be born as a girl.  I know that is a bit extreme but it makes the point.  And we do that.

QuoteHowever you say that I picked this life. Well that must mean my subconscious or my spirit picked this life.

It is not quite as cut and dry as that.  Trust me those thoughts plagued my mind also.  (I personally am a very black or white person, but im working on fixing that).  We do not actually pick our lives in the manner that you are thinking.  More like we pick out a handful of events or circumstances such as our gender, our parents, what part of the world we will be born in, and a handful of experiences that we desire to live through.  Or what many people will call lessons.  

For example you might very well have said before your birth that you need to know what it is like to hate life, because in your last life you loved it very much.

We come here to EXPERIENCE things like that.

QuoteThis is me saying this, my conscious mind. I don't want to come back. I've always had this inner feeling that I'm not supposed to be here. Is that a lie? Why must there be two of me, this just seems not fair to me.

Your inner feeling that you are not supposed to be here is a wonderful blessing that you are not yet aware of.  You have a feeling that you are a divided being and that part of you resides elsewhere.  That is true you are.  It is a blessing in disguise because you are several steps further along than many people.

You are aware of your "inner being" and that you are a spiritual person, a great many people have not "evolved" to that point yet.

You are supposed to be here, it is your instinct of your "other self" that has you wondering about that.  It comes from confusion, please don't get me wrong, what I am trying to say is that you are looking for information.  That is what we do when we do not understand something.  (And JoWo is great at helping people understand stuff, have you read his excellent book)?

QuoteWhy must there be two of me

Fantastic question, ready for the answer?  There are more than just two of you.  There are hundreds, thousands.

Your main body is spirit.  Spirit can never leave a place we call "Heaven".  It is spirit, it cannot be physical. That is why God invented the physical realm.  So that God through us can experience what it is like to be physical.  There is a different "part" of you that has branched off so to speak and is living all of your lives at the same time.

But you are only aware of the two of you that is your present body that is Kevin, and your inner being or spirit.  And it will not seem "fair" until you realize that you are a part of it, not the other way around.

Realize what a blessing you have, you are aware that you have an inner being, most are not there yet.  Now the challenge is to learn how to be in harmony with your inner being that resides outside of the physical realm.  That is how/when you will be blessed with unity of All Entity.

Hope that helps,

Hi JoWo,

Much thanks for your kind words.  I understand your answer, but perhaps the answer to my question just eluded me, or went over my head.  So my question remains.  

This is possibly the utmost question that we cannot seem to find the answer to.  Why is it that we are unable to manifest in our lives someone else loving us?

In truth everything is happening in the eternal moment of now.  All our past lives, and all of our future lives are being lived out simultaneously in one moment of now in the Grand Illusion of time.

We have been given the right by God to create or manifest anything we desire.  But not someone else's love.

The obvious answer would seem to be this.  You cannot make someone else love you because that would be an infringement on their freedom of choice.

But that is not accurate because they can simply choose to live their own lives in a separate parallel Universe where they do not love us.

So we should be able to decide of our own accord that in this life, this parallel Universe that I live in that "I choose to live where that person loves me."

But that does not work.  Therefore it would appear that there are two contradictory statements that are both correct.

1.   I can choose and manifest anything I desire.
2.   You cannot manifest anything, just most things.

This to me seems contradictory of our freedom to experience anything we desire.

This is really troubling me, and surely other people also.  We would all be very appreciative of an in depth answer.

Thank you so much for your time Jo,

Hi Kevin, ask yourself this.  Is it really that odd that all the different materials you have been reading lately point to the same thing?  The Universe is magnetic, what ever things you are thinking upon will cause your being to vibrate at a certain frequency.  What ever frequency you vibrate will in your own personal parallel Universe will be attracted to you.  Therefore what you are most wondering about is what will find its way into your life.

Have you ever gone to the bookstore just wanting to find more for your own growth?  You stand there and look at all the different books in a section.  They all seem to be the exact same.  You think "God what do I need to read now?"  Then you just happen to notice one book is sticking two inches out over the edge of the shelf, and when you look at it, it is exactly what you needed at that time?

It is the Law of Attraction at work.  As far as clearing yourself from bad childhood, I have just found the most amazing book ever written for that topic.  It is called "keeping the love you find" by Dr. Harville Hendrix.  I have only gone through the first half, but this man has been gifted with the amazing ability to take us back before birth, and help us understand the things that happened to us on a subconscious level that we are not even aware of, so that we may address them now.  I personally had several "epiphanies" about my own issues, and now almost like magic have a better understanding about my own self, and how to move forward in my spiritual growth.

Hope you can get a copy, and benefit from it also.

Question for Jo.  I believe that my realization of my own life and where I fit has come along fairly well thanks to people such as yourself, and the many hundreds of other books that I have read.  But there is still one thing that I cannot seem to understand.  First off I do understand that we all have free will and freedom of choice, but how come we cannot influence others into what we want them to do?  I mean I know they have their freedom of choice, and we cannot make others do anything.  But that seems like an encroachment on my freedom of choice.  For example I should have the freedom of choice to live in a Universe where the person I want to love me does.  But cannot?  :cry:


Welcome to Quantum Physics! / Hello
November 28, 2004, 08:55:23
Hello everyone, JoWo, it is nice to see you are still here helping people.

Hi Knucklebrain1970,

It has been many months since the last time reading this forum.  My heart reaches out to you, because I truly understand your position and empathize with you.  My back ground and past experience is very similar with yours.  Many years of frustrating questions just like yours haunted my conscious mind.

What I can tell you is that I believe you are on the right path.  Asking the tough questions is the best place to start.  Because as you ask questions your mind will start to meditate on them automatically.  You can task your subconscious mind to find the answers for you.  Sit quietly like JoWo recommends.  Instruct your subconscious mind to reach out to All Entity.  While you are visualizing the different options in front of you, you will "become one" with source.  When that is happening you will have information come to you that you may never have thought of before.

Don't get discouraged if you do not have a grand epiphany right off the bat.  Like many mental exercises you get better at it with practice.  

Possible theory of how the universe really started, before the Big Bang

In this topic I would like to throw out another theory that I have heard several times over the years.  It is REALLY out there.  But as difficult to believe, it is also just as difficult to deny as a possibility.  I would be very interested to hear what everyone has to say.

Thanks, and here it is.

Notice, of the thousands of books I have read over the years, I unfortunately cannot back up any of this, because I do not remember who/where I read it.  But this information comes from many different sources.

One of the ways that scientists were able to come up with/offer proof of the Big Bang theory is that they discovered that if you take an element (ANY ELEMENT.?)  And condense it enough that it will have a reaction.  After that reaction there is the original element, and trace evidence of other elements.  (One or more, what ever for the sake of argument).

There has been great controversy over the expansion and contraction of the Universe.  Neal Donald Walsh says this is the breathing in and out of God.

Lets say that the Universe was originally only composed of one element.  Say hydrogen.  It expanded out as far as it could at that time.  Then over time (now and further "time" could be defined as thousands, millions, billions, trillions, of years).

Then this one element condensed back upon itself, much like a star does.

Then it exploded again, this time reproducing the same element and also a second.  This would have been the second element to have ever been created.  Over "time" these elements would have expanded to their capacity and then condensed back again.

Each time this happened a new element, or possible several new elements were literally created new.

Over more millennia than the human brain can comprehend this happened over and over.  Each time a new, or several new elements were created.

This brings us to present day in "time" where we have the elements that we have today.

By studding meteors and such scientists have discovered that there common elements and chemicals throughout the Universe.

This could be the steps in the evolutionary evolvement of the Universe itself.  Each time completely destroying what was, and then giving birth to what is next.

We have all talked/heard about music, bells, ringing, tones, etc in our ears.  Mine is almost always in my left.

For several days now I keep hearing something in my right ear.  It is almost exactly but not quite the same (wow Douglas Adams flashback),

It sounds like when a mosquito flies into your ear.  But there is nothing there.  And it happens in different places I go.  Home, work, car, etc.

Any one else hear anything like that or am I losing my mind?
Last night I decided to do MajorTom's insomnia method.  At first I thought I would have to be crazy to ever try that.  But I have not had much luck for a couple of weeks after having several good OBE's.  And that was driving me crazy![;)]

I was actually very, very tired and was yawning and falling asleep all day.  I knew I would not be able to last 5 hours, but decided I would try my best.  But as I lie down my mind kept arguing between OBE and LD.  So in my affirmations, I just kept going back and forth, OBE, LD, OBE, LD...

The next think I know I am having full blown vibrations like I have never had before!  I saw a bright flash of light and then started to make out my room around me.  I was sitting up in bed, and my body was still lying there.

I got so excited I woke up.  But it was way cool.  I guess I was technically only half out.  But I feel that the results were great for my first attempt at this method.  All the rest of the night I woke up about every half hour to see if I was awake or not.  That got a little frustrating, but I was not tired today like I thought I would be.

I had many dreams of feeling like I was detached throughout the night.  Could that have been why I kept waking myself up?  

MajorTom do these sensations sound familiar to you?  And any suggestions?

Thanks people,
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Happy Mothers Day
May 09, 2004, 10:16:25
Just wanted to say happy mothers day to all of you mothers out there.[:D][:D][:D]
Ok gurus, please help!

For a while everything seemed to be moving along just as it should.  It seemed that each day I progressed a little more.

Now for the last week to ten days or so I seem to be in a lull.  No more progress.  Even the BWG has no affect.  I still get to the vibration stage, but nothing after that.  Is it normal to get to a point and hit a brick wall of no more progress for a while?

This reminds me, I have been wondering about the vibration stage, the more I read about it the less I think I am getting there.  Here is what happens to me that I used to think was the vib stage.

After I get to Theta, my arm would twitch, and it is like it sends a ripple through out my body.  This reverberates from left to right, and then comes back as a stronger shaking energy.  This quickly progresses, until my physical body is shaking back and forth at a tremendous pace.  It is almost like when a person has a seizure.  (I have never had a seizure).  But it is physical.  By body shakes back and forth violently.  My arms and legs bounce up and down from this.  Is that what happens when you talk about the vibrations?  And if not could someone explain to me what happens to them?

I don't know what to do next, and I am quite discouraged.[:(!]

Also my Dream experiences are going down.

Thanks everyone,

I have been thinking about this for several weeks.  I am still afraid to post it because some will think I'm nuts, but here goes.

About ten years ago I lived in a one bedroom studio apartment. Having come from a small town to the "big city".  My best friend also moved to town to go to school.  He moved in with me to save $$.  There were two couches in my living room.  One of which was a fold out bed.  That became his room.

His parents came down for several days because his dad had doctors appointments.  They took the fold out bed, and he slept on the couch.

On the weekends I usually went out to the local bar in search of "companion ship".  I met this lady who claimed to be a white witch.  We had several drinks and went back to her house.  We talked allot about metaphysics.  We got to talking about astral projection and how much I wanted to experience it.  She said she could walk me through one.

She had this little vial of oil that supposedly cost over $100 and that it helped produce OBE.  She put a drop on my forehead and I laid down on the floor of her living room.  She counted me down into a trance.  I had a very vivid dream.  In my dream I was standing at my front door.  I unlocked the door and quietly went inside.  I did not want to wake any of the people  sleeping there.  My stomach was kind of upset so I went into my kitchen and poured myself a glass of milk.  I drank it and then filled the empty glass with water so that it would be easier to clean later.  I was still trying to be quiet and did not want to wash it then.  Then I went back outside, and locked my door again.  I looked up at the stars and woke up back on the living room floor of this girls house.  And I told her all about my dream.

She lived 20-30 minutes away from where I did.  I was only unconscious for about 25 minutes.  We checked the clock.

After that we started drinking heavy and talking.  I slept on her couch and did not drive drunk.

The next morning when I came home my friend and his mom were awake and talking.  They asked me why I came home and then left again.  I was like what?  They said that I came home, went into the kitchen and then left again, why did I do that?

I went into the kitchen, and right there in the sink was a glass full of water, that had obviously had milk in it.

I have recently talked with both of them, not at the same time.  And they both said yes that they remembered that.  They just figured I left her house, came home, and then drove back to her house.

Again she lived 20-30 minutes away, and I was only unconscious for about 20 minutes.

Has anyone read about an OBE where someone in physical saw them?  And does anyone know what that little bottle of oil could have been?  I would love to get more.[:D]

I have only been able to read about half of the posts here.  Was hoping to find my answer without having to bother others with a new post.  No luck.  Must leave soon.

Ok, before my question, let me back up a bit.  I started keeping a dream log about 6 weeks ago.  Most of them were just regular dreams.  One thing I found out for myself, that I have not heard anyone else talk about yet.  Is that we sort of pick and choose which dreams we want.  I discovered this when I was trying to teach myself to be lucid.

A picture would come into my field of view like a slide show.  I found myself passing, and then another one came.  I did this several times, before I found one I liked, and instantly I was in that dream.

Then the progression of my dream log started to slow down.  I was remembering less and less of my dreams, and almost no lucidity.

Then I read of people getting up and writing the dream down, right after it happened.  So I decided to do that.  It took three days to actually do it.  The first two I just sat there and thought about the dream.  Seems like if we don't think the dream is important to our growth, or just plain fun, we dismiss it as nothing worth writing about.

Ok now the weird part I could really use some help on.  This morning I woke at about 1am and wrote down a dream I had.

"I drempt I was talking to two other people".  Not significant or with many details.

Next three got longer with the explanations, and remembered more and more of each one.  I was kinda getting excited because it was working so well.

By now I was not really tired enough to go back to sleep, but not rested enough to get out of bed.  But I wanted to try and go back to sleep and see if I could go lucid.  Then I was laying there and could see like with my dream eyes a dream.  I could also sense the people like they were around me.  Then I realized that I had not fallen asleep yet!!!

I looked at the clock and rolled over.  Then it happened again.  I started to have a dream and I was not asleep yet.  I looked at the clock again and only 3 minutes had passed.  I never fall asleep that fast.  So this was proof to me that I started dreaming before I fell asleep.

Anyone have any experiences like that, or any ideas/opinions on what might have been happening?

Thanks all,

I have only been able to read about half of the posts here.  Was hoping to find my answer without having to bother others with a new post.  No luck.  Must leave soon.

Ok, before my question, let me back up a bit.  I started keeping a dream log about 6 weeks ago.  Most of them were just regular dreams.  One thing I found out for myself, that I have not heard anyone else talk about yet.  Is that we sort of pick and choose which dreams we want.  I discovered this when I was trying to teach myself to be lucid.

A picture would come into my field of view like a slide show.  I found myself passing, and then another one came.  I did this several times, before I found one I liked, and instantly I was in that dream.

Then the progression of my dream log started to slow down.  I was remembering less and less of my dreams, and almost no lucidity.

Then I read of people getting up and writing the dream down, right after it happened.  So I decided to do that.  It took three days to actually do it.  The first two I just sat there and thought about the dream.  Seems like if we don't think the dream is important to our growth, or just plain fun, we dismiss it as nothing worth writing about.

Ok now the weird part I could really use some help on.  This morning I woke at about 1am and wrote down a dream I had.

"I drempt I was talking to two other people".  Not significant or with many details.

Next three got longer with the explanations, and remembered more and more of each one.  I was kinda getting excited because it was working so well.

By now I was not really tired enough to go back to sleep, but not rested enough to get out of bed.  But I wanted to try and go back to sleep and see if I could go lucid.  Then I was laying there and could see like with my dream eyes a dream.  I could also sense the people like they were around me.  Then I realized that I had not fallen asleep yet!!!

I looked at the clock and rolled over.  Then it happened again.  I started to have a dream and I was not asleep yet.  I looked at the clock again and only 3 minutes had passed.  I never fall asleep that fast.  So this was proof to me that I started dreaming before I fell asleep.

Anyone have any experiences like that, or any ideas/opinions on what might have been happening?

Thanks all,

Hi all, just wanted to find out if anyone else had this experience.

When I first started meditating I would try and clear my mind of thoughts.  Then some part of my brain would always start playing a song of some kind and I would find myself singing along with the lyrics.  This would inhibit my ability to clear my mind.[:(!]

One day I got mad and told myself to stop it!  Now more music, shut it off!!  Then I went to clear my mind again.  And again the part of the brain that cannot seem to stand a void clicked in.  But this time not with music, but with tv.  I watched an entire episode of M.A.S.H. on the screen of my mind before I realized what was happening.[:I]
Welcome to Dreams! / Dream within a dream?
April 24, 2004, 08:32:09
I recently had a very vivid and realistic dream, unfortunately I was not lucid and did not know I was dreaming until I woke up.  But a very strange thing happened.  In the dream I went to sleep and had a dream.  That dream was also very vivid.  I then woke up from that dream and told the people in the first dream about it.  Thinking at the time it was real.  Has anyone else ever had a dream withing a dream?  Or does anyone know of any other posts/locations I can find more info on this?

