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Messages - Wells

Welcome to Spiritual Evolution! / Masturbation
November 13, 2005, 14:41:10
If you are interested in genuine white tantric sex, get "The Perfect Matrimony" by Samael Aun Weor.
Welcome to Spiritual Evolution! / Masturbation
November 09, 2005, 15:51:12
My view is this.

We are spiritual beings incarnated into animal bodies.  As we investigate spiritual matters, as we meditate and develop our energy bodies, we strive to break free from the animal instincts and urges that tempt us on a daily basis.

At the root of our very being is sexuality.  Sexual energy is the most potent and creative force in the universe.  Despite the humour in this thread, sex/masturbation/orgasm is a very important topic.

I believe sex in this day and age takes on two forms.  One is dark and animalistic: Lust.  The other is pure and spiritual, born out of love between a man and a women.

Nowadays, Lust is everywhere.  It is plastered on posters and advertisements, it is along the top rack in any news agent, and it is all over the internet in the form of pornography.  There are all sorts of perversions and fetishes.  There is rape, there is paedophilia, there is homosexuality.  In my opinion these are all dark, they are all simply animalistic perversions.  And what is the result of all this?  It it now more common for a marriage to break down.  Adultery is at a record high.  The family unit is breaking down.

When you get sexual thoughts and the urge to masturbate, this is Lust.  Don't kid yourself.  What do you think about when you masturbate?  You think of an attractive women/man.  You imagine yourself having sex with them.  Some people use pornography to help with this.  This is Lust.  And when we masturbate, we are feeding it - just like feeding gluttony by eating.  We are slaves to our animal instincts - anybody that tries to abstain for even a week will realise this.  I know this probably seems extreme, but let go of any beliefs you already hold, and take a step back.  As you pump away with your wrist/arm in front of pornography or in bed, does this seem especially spiritual or pure to you?  Or does it look like an animal feeding its urges?

OK the scientists say it reduces your chances of developing prostate cancer, but in my oppinion this is just a statistic.  
I believe cancer is the symptom of severe spiritual/psychological problems, something you have buried deep within your mind that manifests as this destructive disease.  I don't think anybody can develop prostate cancer simply from not masturbating/having sex.

As I said before, the sexual force is extremely powerful - and it must go somewhere.  If you don't masturbate, you have to do something else with the energy: you must transmute.  We have all heard of the Priests molesting the choir boys - and jokes aside, this actually happens.  It happens because the Priests don't do anything with the sexual energy inside them, and it manifests itself negatively.

So what can you do?  Well, the only technique I've used to raise and cultivate this energy is a breathing exercise (pranayama), called Ham Sah:

Sit/lie down in a relaxed position, like you would with any energy work.  

Take a long deep IN breath, and internally pronounce a long "Haaaaaaaaaam", whilst visualising energy rising from the sexual center up the spine and to your head.

On the out-breath, you pronounce out loud a relaxed and pleasant "Sssaaaaaaaaaah" whilst visualising this energy flowing from your head down to your heart chakra.

That's about it, pretty simple and easy to do.  It's quite similar to one of Robert's full body energy circuits.  He also instructs one to raise energy up the spine to the head then down into the heart or subnavel.

Personally, I can certainly notice an improvement in my levels of awareness and ability to meditate when I have abstained for some period of time, whilst doing this transmutation exercise.  My thoughts are clearer, and I generally feel much more balanced (mentally and energy-wise).

Of course you are still going to get attacks of lustful thoughts, but if you resist them and medidate on them you see that they are just that - Lust!  The Ham Sah exercise will help relieve these urges.

OK, I'm tired now!

Let the flaming begin, hehe.
I have often had stabbing dreams where the stab was a direct attack on my energy body.  You might want to watch out.
Well, if they *are* related to neg attachments, you should keep a close eye on what's going on in your dreams.

If you read Robert's Practical Psychic Self-Defence, particularly the topics on core images, you will soon learn that dreams are where negs will attack you and try to attach to you.

I've been under quite heavy attack in my dreams recently, the attacks almost always consist of traumatic/violent scenes and experiences, during which the neg will try to attach to you via a core image.

You can try treating the mole with a standard ball-point pen, this is again detailed in the book and there have been a few threads on it (I'm sure somebody can link you).

Basically you can draw a circle with a cross through it over each of the moles.  Make sure the ink stays there for a good few weeks, reapplying as necessary.  If you then lightly scratch the moles in the shower, they should start to peel off (with a little blood).

I've used this technique myself and managed to removed quite a few moles, including one large birth-mark like one on my leg.
Yes I got the book the other day :D  I haven't tried any of the techniques yet though.
I have a nasty that enters my leg at my large toe (and the others too), with an attachment in the ball of the large toe, it goes up the leg to the hip, where there's another attachment, there's an attachment on my root chakra, and also in the right of my chest.

How's that for a nasty one!  I've been doing extensive energy work trying to rid myself of this thing, no luck yet...
The cramps could certainly be an indication of some sort of nasty, the legs being a commonly affected part of the body.  I currently have quite a horrible beastie entering my right toe and up my leg to my hip.  My toes twitch pretty much all night, especially when I do energy work.

The sexual center is very important and close to the root chakra.  The sensations you feel might indicate a root center attachment.  I would really recommend you push with resisting lust, and doing the NEW full body energy circuit.  This has helped me greatly.  Focus on feeling the energy coming from your root chakra/sexual center and drawing it up your body to your head.

Negs can also influence your dreams and insert horrible images.  Of course feeling lustful is a natural thing, but if the images are particularly disturbing and not 'part of you' as it were, they might be related to a neg.

Try some core image work on these images and see what comes up.  Also try some intensified energy work on your legs and see if anything starts moving about.  The more energy work you do, the more resistance you will feel to any attachements and you will be able to feel them much more strongly.
If he were spiritually evolved, the boy would not have killed himself.
Quote from: CaCoDeMoNHi!
third eye can be totally opened with it in 4 days(about 16 minutes of work, I've tried it and it works). I'll post a link when I'll test it.

Sounds interesting, make sure you don't forget to link us!
With regards to "3. The Sacrifice" - I believe this refers specifically to helping others advance spiritually.  It's a sacrifice of time and effort to help others.
Why should a relationship with a women be sinful?  Jesus walked the path when he was on earth and I believe modern Gnosis in that alchemy (a sexual practice) is required to do this.  So I reckon Jesus must have.  This isn't a bad thing, I don't know why people always take it as a joke.
Haha Telos, you sum it up wonderfully!
I think you guys need to stop thinking about the lottery and levitation and look to more spiritually important matters!

My goal is simply to 'awake' as much as possible, work on my egos and awareness and see what happens.
Could somebody link me to this "Level 10" and 12 stuff, it sounds interesting.

A straight un-zipped mp3 will probably cause less problems for people.  But I won't complain :)
Quote from: TyciolFirst off, why would an ARCH Angel need to channel through some silly human, much less someone who no one is going to believe? It seems like a bad way to spread a message.

Exactly what I think.  I've also heard from somebody who has good polyvision that all the channelings they have seen involved a dark and evil entity entering the channeler.

So personally I think a lot (if not all) channelings come from entities that are basically talking crap to put us on the wrong track.  Just because they seem to say nice things doesn't mean their intentions are good.... that's just what I think anyway.  I don't think an angel or 'good' spirit needs to take over somebodies body to do their work.
Nah I've been doing this quite a while - this is definitly a neg attachment of some sort.  My leg used to be fine but then one night months ago I felt something jabbing in my toe.  Over time I noticed the energy flow really getting messed up and huge blockages appearing.  I could also feel the exact point on my toe that this thing was entering.

My toes were twiching all night.  This thing is still coming and going.  I draw energy up my leg for a while, that forces it out.  I feel it go, and feel my foot clear up.  It's a really satisfying feeling, but then seconds later it dives straight back in.  I can feel this thing entering and leaving my leg - quite extraordinary.
Well, the cursed thing is still there.  As soon as I do energy work on my foot all my toes continue to twitch and I can feel stuff moving about.  I'm not sure if this is my body fighting against the attachment or the attachment trying to get a better grip.
There was a fairly long series here in the UK called "Mind, Body and Kick-butt Moves".

The host was a martial artist himself and visited many places in Asian to learn about their martial arts.

Lots of them involved energy work - one guy could shoot negative bolts of energy into you, and demonstrated it on the host who yelled out in pain!

There were lots of examples of this kind of thing, so yes I guess it is possible.
God this is an ordeal.

I can get this thing out of my foot but it just seems to jump straight back in.  It feels like a snake, it bites the inside of my big toe and I can feel the blockage at the base of my toe and throughout my foot suddenly come back.

Then I use awareness and brushing etc to force it out, and it comes straight back again.

I got the garlic out after my last post, but that didn't help.  If anything it seemed to keep the thing inside my foot - as I used awareness, rather than it being forced out like before I felt a huge pressure build up in my foot like cramp.  It felt like I was forcing this thing out but it didn't have anywhere to go.  

As soon as I took away the garlic I got it out again.... but again it got straight back in, even when I quickly got the garlic back on there.

*sigh*.. I'll spend a bit more time on this but I'm exhausted now.  I might have to leave it until the morning.
Well, it's all going down tonight!

Today I made progress on a really strong attachment on my foot.  It's been causing huge blockages in my foot and the entire leg, and working on it today it finally started to give way.  This is definitly some sort of entity that has attached itself to me.

I've spent hours and hours just brushing awareness along my foot and up the leg, and have been feeling the blockages almost 'rupture' and clear up - very satisyfing.

Well, about 2 hours ago I went to bed and really started hammering this thing.  I felt it starting to give way with my foot and entire leg clearing up and just one final attachment in the base of my big toe.  This took a tremendous amount of effort to work on, and finally it gave way.

But within a minute of the attachment breaking I felt my toes being attacked, like they were being bitten.  They were actually twiching and moving really strongly - this was quite scary actually.  At first I thought it was this entity 'removing' itself from me but it's been pretty persistant now so I need to think of something.

I dived in the shower hoping the water would keep the thing off but my toes are still twiching now as I'm focusing awareness on them.

I'm think I'm gonna get back into bed now and resume battle!

I'll let you know how I got on in the morning!
I've smoked weed and it has had a very bad effect on my energy body.  I'm still trying to get rid of a pretty strong attachment on my foot that appeared straight after I had a joint (the first in over a year).  I think it must have damaged my energy shield and let something nasty take hold.
I've come to be suspiscious of all these medium messages.  As Tyciol says, there's just too much hope there.  And false hope is a dangerous thing indeed.
I'd have to agree with what other people have said in that the energy work probably is helping your eyes, but helping them to adjust to your glasses!  So you should try and wear your glasses less during the day, or try some eye exercises, switching focus between near and distant objects.
I've found many of these posts to be almost too encouraging.  Always telling you to 'let go' and accept your faults.

Life is tough, spirital development requires constant effort - it's all hard work.  These messages seem to encourage the opposite.  Just my oppinion, I don't read these anymore.