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Messages - Thanatos

Come chat with me now in the Astral Plane!
Can anyone provide hard or otherwise scientific evidence for OBE's?
I'm sceptical about possessions.  Can anyone provide any hard evidence supporting possession?  Thanks.
There is another thread here about how electrical stimulation of the brain produces OBE's.   To me, that's very convincing evidence that OBE's are produced by brain function and that it's all in your head.

Don't believe me?  Try inducing OBE's yourself (see other thread to learn how to do this) and you'll see what I mean.  With enough experience with them, you'll be convinced that it's all in your head.

I am being open-minded.  I accept the possibility the OBE's may actually be real out of body phenomena;  I just find it highly unlikely because everything I know and have experienced suggests that OBE's are just the result of brain function and hallucination.

interesting experiment.  We should try this more often.
even if I grant you that there is only perception in a subjective universe, it does not mean that the mechanism postulated as underlying the "possession experience" has any legitimacy;  It does not mean that the "possession experience" necessarily implies that individuals with said experiences have actually been possessed by others.   In fact, if you could produce the "possession experience" by stimulating certain regions of the brain, then that would be good evidence that the "possession experience" is all in your head.
sorry, bad joke on my part.
There is no single spot in the brain for inducing OBE's.   In general, temporal lobe epilepsies, electrical or magnetic stimulation of the temporal lobe, and dissociative drugs (such as ketamine and DXM) are means for inducing OBE's, but bear in mind that OBE's are simply experiences that have their foundation in brain function.  I have experienced OBE's but know for a fact that the experience was created by my brain.   The OBE experience is all in your head.  To believe that you're actually being transported out of your body is a mistake because your body is just a mental construct of your brain as well.