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Messages - 12padams

QuoteNo, but I've read about it happening to others.
Glad I could provide you with video for a more unique experience rather than just text (although I do have text versions available of all my experiences).

I haven't experienced fear in the astral.  But, I really liked your video.
Whoops, hope my video experience doesn't induce some type of astral creature in your experiences...
Glad you liked the video though :) I'm trying to convert as many of my experiences to video versions as possible in hope that one day some professionals will come in with their pro skills and turn my astral life into some type of movie :)
Quoterunning into a lower vibration being trying to keep me out of my body when I try to return to it.
Has something like that almost happened to you?
Hey everyone, what do you fear in the astral? Have you seen it? Have you heard it? Have you spoken to it? Have you tried to face it? Do you run from it? Do you know what it actually is?

I'll start off with a video recreation of the first time I experienced fear in the astral:
P.S. Don't feel you have to make a video of your experience :)
QuoteI have done this many times and released this through my web site for guests to view and see what actually happens on the outside during the OBE.
Yea... I've mastered demonstrating exactly whats happening on the inside but the outside is a whole other story. Problem is that I need to really get confident doing astral projection because so far I have moved from method to method to induce 12 real ones (following a plan I made while awake) and 18 simulated ones (simply dreaming of saying I am dreaming and flying around becoming lucid with my friend Daniel).

Once I get going with a technique that works really well for me rather than the unreliable random entry I have been encountering over the last year I will finally do an outside recording like your one. Sadly it's really hard to set up and I would only be able to do it if I am absolutely sure I can do an ap on the filming attempt. Last of all I don't have all the equipment you did so I'm not sure it would be that interesting...

Anyone thanks for the advice :)
Quote from: David Warner on June 18, 2012, 20:16:49
How long did it take you for the first video filming, editing, and mastering of the video?
The editing drives me insane!

Um well I made experience 2 before I made experience 1... I can't say exactly how long it took but I would say I good estimate would be 1 minute of video = 2 hours of creation time (including filming and editing). Sadly I have RSI (repedative straing injury) so I only edit in small doses. If you were asking me to do editing for you (since you hate it) I unfortunately am unable to due to RSI. That's why I am a childcare worker...

Did you like the videos though? You didn't mention if you did or not in your post :)
QuoteI think the videos will really help people who want to know what to expect, specially for people who prefer watching than reading.
If I could tell somebody what to expect it would be that the unexpected happens. I follow my plans in the astral dimension but it doesn't always go as expected. For example in the video I wanted to fly to the moon but I couldn't exactly do that when it was on my bedside table could I?

And yea... Videos really open up the astral dimension to a wider audience :)
Quote from: roman67 on June 15, 2012, 04:41:19
I really like your videos. And now, I am going to read your written versions of these videos.
Awesome... Remember there are heaps of other experiences in my book that I haven't made into a video yet. Now that you know generally what things look like around my house it will make the written words a little more understandable when I talk about locations.
Hi everyone I just wanted to share my astral experience videos. Basically after my experiences last year I wrote everything down and now I am turning them into videos. I call the nonphysical world "the phase" and make multistep plans to carry out once I enter the phase. Below I have inserted links to the videos:

Experience 1:
Experience 2:

If you want to check out my other experiences or read written versions of those ones you can do so by downloading my my free ebook "Teenage Phase Adventures" here:

I hope you all enjoy my videos :) Don't forget to comment here and tell me what you think  :-D
Hey everyone, I've just made a video (no, not with an astral camera) of one of my earliest astral projection experiences. This should provide a way for people who dislike reading or have ADHD to view other peoples experiences in a more interesting format. Please note that this experience occurred in "The Real Time Zone" as people here would call it. Also I call the nonphysical world "the phase".

Here's the actual written version I wrote last year after my experience. Just scroll down to skip the "method" used and go straight to the nonphysical experience in blue text:

Now here is a video version of that written experience (blue text only):

I'll be making more videos of my other phase experiences in the future if people generally like this video. If you want to keep track of the videos I might be making(maybe in a few months) check out the progress log on my blog just under my books here:

I wish you all the best of luck in your astral journeys and hope you enjoy the video:)
Edit: forget this old topic, don't reply to it and go straight to the new one here:

Enter The Phase = Astral Project
The Phase = The Astral Dimension

We all log our experiences in our obe journals but I wanna try something different... What about making a video of your experience to visually show exactly what you saw? That exactly what I have started to do!

Here is the first 3 paragraphs of my second astral experience that I had back in 2011. I decided to convert this experience into a video since I don't need extreme editing, isn't ultra long and doesn't require any actors other than myself :)

"Unexpectedly I felt myself jolt into my body again. Instantly I realised that I had just dreamt about my mum coming into my room. While remaining motionless I briefly glanced around and noticed that it was completely dark in my room. This confused me as the last time I checked some light was starting to come in. Wearily, I began sitting up in my bed to look out my window and investigate.

Millions of voices from a variety of different people talking all at once blasted into my ears. It lasted about two seconds before it faded out in a creepy, ghostly echo type way. This terrifying event was a lucidity trigger which allowed me to realise I was experiencing a false awakening. I excitedly performed a reality check which confirmed I had finally consciously made it to the phase.

I looked at my bedroom door and attempted walking to it. It was a strange feeling since it felt more like a semi-hover than an ordinary walk. I was just about to slide it open before I decided to try something different. "Can my hand go through it?" I thought. Eagerly, I attempted putting my hand through the closed door. Success! It was an amazing unforgettable yet hard to explain feeling. It felt like I was putting my hand through floating water without the "wet" feeling. Knowing now that I was definitely in the phase I decided it was time to have a little play around and experiment"

Complete experience in blue text here:

And now here is that exact same experience portrayed in video format:

Note: I will complete making the entire experience into a video eventually however I am too busy right now :(

What do you all think about my idea of "video recreation" of astral experiences? Is it something you would want to see more of in the future? Does it still tell you what happened without cutting anything out? Did the video perfectly follow the picture in your head that formed as you read the experience?

Overall do you like this and hope to see myself and others continue this format of logging experiences?
Quote from: todd421757 on May 07, 2012, 19:16:46
Will = consciousness. The more will you have the more conscious you are. Even if these simulated lucid dreams are found to be valid, I still wouldn't recommend mastering them. You are actually training yourself to be less focused and you may lose some of your will. As a result, you will lose your ability to perform anything that requires full conscious control.

12padams, you originally said you are focusing on proving the phase experience is a reality. How are you going to do that when you are focusing on simulations? Once these simulated experiences start to become frequent, your subconscious will accept this simulation as a consciously aware experience. You will then have difficulties with true projections with 100% conscious awareness with no blackout stage.

Your missing the point. My mastery is not of having simulated experiences... It's of determining the difference between a simulated and real one. I make multistep plans and if I don't complete or attempt them then it's obvious I am experencing simulated lucidity!

I am attempting to prove that the phase/astral is more than a mind creation by performing experiments (multistep plans) which prove either connected consciousness or separate consciousness from my own. Right now I am trying to make contact with an entity that called themselves "the somebody" to get them to become my mentor within the astral. I met them a week ago and had a conversation with them over a phone intercom in the real time zone. They live in unit 2 of my apartment building and I don't know who actually lives there in real life. If I can continue my conversations with him and get him to show me around then hopefully I will be able to prove a few things. Maybe even look up the details he gave me astrally to see if he exists in real life...
QuoteAt times when I have used this phrase myself, I am generally referring to a dream in which I am talking with someone else in the dream 'about' lucid dreaming.  I may even be teaching people how to lucid dream, or go out of body, etc.. but at no point in the dream do I ever actually become lucid.  For some reason it just doesn't get triggered, even though I am speaking on the subject.  So weird, it happens periodically enough for it to be a shame.
Congratulations, you've experienced, understand and accept simulated lucidity. You can dream of performing techniques to enter a lucid dream. You can dream of performing lucid dream control powers such as flying and walkthrough though walls. You can dream of performing a reality check which "triggers lucidity" without triggering actual lucidity. Even single time I have an experience I go to the back of my book and place it in either the "real" or "simulated" experiences section. Determining the difference is very important!

Remember simulated lucidity can still be useful because you may learn about how to perform dream powers by remembering how you did it within the simulated lucid dream once you woke it.

It's ok Xanth, I know this topic was hard to your to understand in the beginning but now Finnally you may master your understanding of it. It's real, I'm real, my experiences of it are real but the lucidity portrayed within them is fake. I really hope you will master the skill of determining the difference because it's a very valuable skill to have.

Good luck Xanth and everyone else still struggling with this concept. I hope you all learn from and understand simulated lucidity and can pass the message on in the future. If you want I can write an article on simulated lucidity with experience snippets and explanations and links to debates and heaps more... Then you can Pin/sticky it so its always understood in the future and this question never comes up again. It's something I have been wanting to do for a long time.

What we should do is have me write an explanation that is simple and fool proof. Then everyone can try to say "I don't get such as such" then I will modify it until everyone understand it. Once we have an explanation that you are all happy with pin it and I'll post it on other forums as well to get them up to date with simulated lucidity. I won't write it without your permission though Xanth so it's your call :)


Can you make it into the real time zone if you wanted to, once you become fully conscious in a dream? If so, how do you do it?
I am an expert on and have lots of experience with simulated lucidity but when it comes to "the real time zone" and other dimensions I am low on experience/ex plaintion. Most people from spiritual say that all my conscious experiences are either in the lower astral or real time zone so yes I have been there but I haven't done research yet on the types of zones. I have felt differences and may be able to determine the difference between the real time zone and lower astral plane but I need much more experience before I can say anything.

In my next book I will be researching the difference zones/planes/dimensions and gaining the ability to determine which is which. Here's a little ex plaintion of my current books:

Entering The Phase - A 17-Year-Old's Journey: Exploring a variety of different techniques to enter a non-physical world and confirm its existence. I also determined the difference between simulated lucidity and real lucidity.
Phase Acquaintances - An 18-Year-Old's Non-Physical Social Life: Meeting nonphysical people that I have never seen in real life to analyse their behaviour and discover just how "real" they are. (currently being written).
Beyond The Phase - A 19-Year-Old's Unlimited World: Leaving the real time zone/etheric plane to enter higher dimensions such as the astral, mental, buddic, atmic and beyond. (possibly my next book yet not fully confirmed).

All of my free eBooks can be found here:
Quotethis is sorta like the question of the decade and more 'research' and discussion will flesh it out a little better.
Make a multistep plan of action in real life and see if you carry it out perfectly within your next "conscious" dream. Trust me... My first book "Entering The Phase - A 17 Year Olds Journey" was about two things... Proving that the ability to become conscious in a nonphysical world existed and gaining the ability to determine the difference between simulated lucidity (dreaming of being lucid) and real lucidity (your conscious mind is actually awake in your dream and you recall your multistep plans then complete them.

Here is an example of a dream with the topic of lucidity which involved me performing the WILD technique but it was a normal dream since I wasn't actually conscious and didn't complete my plan of action that I had made at that time. This occurred on day 85 of my journey:

"Once asleep I had a non-lucid dream set in a sleep research centre. The scientists asked me to attempt a WILD (Wake induced lucid dream). After closing my eyes I eventually started to see fragments of hallways and rooms. Slowly the fragments became reality and I found myself deepening and maintaining the state.

Once everything became crystal clear I began to explore. There were a few doors randomly placed along the hallway leading to more rooms however they all seemed to be locked. As a result of this I decided to take the elevator in the middle of the hallway to the top floor. Due to memory gaps I am unable to remember the rest of the dream however I do remember meeting a few people in some of the rooms. Some of these people were vicious and crazy while others were peaceful and befriending.

At some point in the dream I remember reading a book and realising that the first sentence changed each time I read it. The sentence was in english and the words were readable but the sentences as a whole did not make sense."

See there we go! It's called simulated lucidity and I know it exists and have had great experience with determining the different between it and real lucidity. It's driving me insane trying to tell you guys about it but you never seem to "click". What about it do you not get? I am ready to post lots more of my simulated lucidity experiences if that's what you need... Just remember that they are all in my free ebook "Entering The Phase - A 17 Year Olds Journey". Go to the back and find "list on my simulated phase experiences". In your terms that what you would called "dreams of lucid dreaming" Here's the link but make sure download the right book (not teenage phase adventures, because it has only my conscious experiences in it):

Feel free to ask me anything on this subject! I am the simulated lucidity expert and I have won debates on this in the past :)
You just can't avoid my sensitive topic can you Xanth?

Yes, you can dream of lucid dreaming. It's simply a dream with the topic of lucid dreaming that lacks consciousness. Here is the list of things I have dreamt of within a dream of being conscious without consciousness... I like to called it simulated lucidity or a non-lucid dream with the topic of lucid dreaming:
(p.s. I call the dreamworld "the phase")

Got off computer chair and found myself in the phase
Rolled out of my body during sleep paralysis
Watched a video of a recorded phase experience
Mastered flying and translocation
Performed a WILD in a sleep research centre
Explored the phase with my friend Daniel (also lucid)
Tried out many different dream powers (mainly flying)
Attempted time travel with my parents
Awoke and performed a reality check
Met a teenager who said we had evil phase powers
Awoke but could still feel a phase object in my hand

None of those involved consciousness or awareness that I was dreaming even though each of those experiences were based on lucid dreaming or had the topic of lucid dreaming in them. There was no more consciousness then I have in normal dreams. I simply dreamt of being aware without being aware. You can read the full experiences in my book "Entering The Phase - A 17 Year Olds Journey". Go to the back and check out the "List of my simulated phase experiences" section to get they day reference then read the experience that corresponds to the correct day.

Remember always that you can dream of being aware all you want but it doesn't mean that you are. The only way to truly know if you were lucid is if you make a multistep plan in real life and carry it out within your dream. Also I hate the current definition of lucid dreaming because that's what is confusing you... Here is my new definition to fix the issue:

Old Definition: Knowing your dreaming within a dream
My Defintion: The same analytical conscious mind that is present during waking life becomes present during a dream.

Hope that new term gets it working for you :)

P.s I had a debate about this topic on dream and I won! You can check that out here if you want:
Quote"non-physical lucid awareness experience" - you're the actor who realizes you're in a play, but that's it.  You're in the non-physical and at the very base level, you know it. Most people commonly refer to this as a Lucid Dream.
Xanth says the above is the same as my term "simulated lucidity". If I were to give a definition to simulated lucidity it would be: A dream of being conscious within a dream that lacks consciousness.

Very very borderline of becoming debate of disagreement here... Ahh this is driving me nuts because I partly agree and partly don't. I really don't wanna start a fight here but boy you got me unable to decide whether I accept your terminology.

I'll just state the part I mostly disagree with... You say that people call "non-physical lucid awareness experience" a "Lucid dream". Lucid dreamers make goals or plans that they want to do when they awaken in their dreams. The problem is that your terminology states:
Quote" It's when the only thing you're aware of is that you're experiencing a reality that isn't this physical reality.  You probably don't have any actual awareness of your true, physical self."

If they are not aware/remember the real world then how exactly do they recall their goals and completed them in the nonphysical world. That's why I call it "simulated lucidity" because you are no more conscious than you are during a normal dream. It's simply a dream with the topic but not awareness of being conscious.

Sorry about this... Looks like we started a never ending debate
Quote from: Lionheart on May 05, 2012, 20:33:24
Just curious here. If you are not conscious or consciously aware during this "simulated lucidity", then how do retain total recall of the event?  :?

Just like you are not conscious in normal dreams yet remember them! While dreaming the subconscious stores memories then when you awaken your conscious part instantly grabs the memories from storage section. Please don't tell topic me this is going to cause a huge debate... That's why I avoided it in the first place :(

Look, read a few of my simulated experiences and you will get the picture. For example look at day 124... Me and my friend Daniel believed we were lucid in a shared experience but really I wasn't conscious. I said I was and spoke of my "plans" but we did things that I never planned in real life and I had memories of things I don't actually remember.

It can be less obvious like day 125 which seemed pretty realistic yet this experience also lacked consciousness. Other times it's much more obvious it's simulated such as day 166 (meeting someone who said I could get evil powers while lucid) and Day 15 "Got off computer chair and found myself in the phase"... Really? That's obviously impossible so it did lack consciousness because I didn't notice how stupid/strange it was and didn't perform my plan of action.

So many people have asked me about this so here it is... An explanation of simulated lucidity explained in as little words as possible:
-Remember that "lucid" just means "conscious"

If you are conscious within an experience then should you only do what you planned to do while awake and nothing else until you have completed your goal. If you plan to "fly to the moon and search for life" yet you become conscious in a dream and say "I'm dreaming" and go flying around destroying cities then you experienced: Simulated Lucidity!

It differs from low lucidity however it's often mistaken as low lucidity. Low lucidity can be noticed if you do your goal but with quite an unfocused mind. For example you may become conscious and go "what was my goal again? Oh yea... Fly to... Where was it again... Oh yes, the moon." Then while flying you keep getting distracted with other things but eventually get to your destination and maybe achieve your goal.

So to clarify: You are not conscious if you are experiencing simulated lucidity! Your goal of becoming lucid has become so dominate in your conscious mind that it has leaked into your subconscious mind resulting in the creation of a dream simulating the awareness of being conscious within a dream. Often within a simulated lucid experience you may notice that you have memories that you don't actually really have in real life and seem to be familiar with unfamiliar things. If you awaken and think "huh, why did I do that or think that" then it's a huge sign of simulated lucidity!

Finally its time to give some examples of my simulated lucid and real lucid experiences. Below I will post a link to my free ebooks. "Teenage Phase Adventures" contains only my conscious experiences in which I attempt to complete an exact multistep plan during an experience. My other book "Entering The Phase - A 17-Year-Old's Journey" logs every single experience including sleep paralysis, dreams, simulated lucid experiences and real lucid experiences.

I highly recommend you read a few experiences from "teenage phase adventures" to get the idea of how you can follow plans within lucid experiences. Then go to the back of my other book to see a huge list of my simulated and real lucid experiences. You will see the level of lucidity listed next to lucid experience and the unplanned actions performed in each simulated experience. Read a few simulated experiences to get a feel for how they can sometimes seem extremely convincing/logical/long and vivid yet obviously lacking in consciousness other times. The fact of the matter is that none of the simulated lucid experiences are conscious experiences even though some seem more conscious than others.

Heres a link to my books:

Last of all just remember that you can still learn from simulated lucid experiences. For example in a simulated lucid experience "I" (not me since I wasn't conscious) came up with a method to fly. Ever since then I have known how to fly because of that experience. I remembered my thoughts and the feelings I had during simulated consciousness and am able to use them during real conscious experiences.
QuoteThere was a time when I was young and perhaps part of that group of people
who was a little fuzzy in their world view and who would accept almost anything
related to New Age claims. And had I been 15 years younger than you, I might
still have belonged to that group of people. But today things are the opposite way,
I'm close to 50 and if anyone makes any claims, that person has to back it up in
one way or another.

It's a shame you have closed of the possibility that that the astral is not just in your head... Truthfully, I wanted to close that possibility off very early in my journey towards the end of my first book but once I did there was something missing... My desire to astral project lowered and the "spark" of mystery and excitement was gone. If its all in my mind then... Well what's the point. My books are in place to determine what it is and if I come up with what is it so early then why should I continue?

So I decided that to "determine" whether astral projection is an external and internal experience I must copy tom Campbell and experience it with "open skepticism". For example in this threads experience... This person I spoke to gave me unexpected responses however it doesn't instantly mean I say "That was another persons consciousness" instead I say "I wondering if that was another persons consciousness or a conscious connection to my subconscious". Right now your talking to the next Tom Campbell yet this time he will log his experiences like he has been since the beginning and not a single one is missed.

When I write my version of "my big toe" I will give references to all my other experience books to show exactly why I say certain things. Hopefully I will make a positive impact on the world. Everything I write about my experiences is true and not manipulated to fit a hopeful "coincidence". It doesn't matter what others think, all that matters is that I know I've spent my life doing the research with all my evidence logged for all to read.
QuoteI would certainly try to meet an entity if I was as skilled as you are at going obe

Skilled... I wouldn't say I am skilled at obe but I am at being conscious/following my multistep plans within them and determining the difference between a dream of astral and real astral. I typically enter it an average of twice per month. Sometimes I enter it multiple times per week while other times it's once in a month... I have no stable entry method yet but have tried a variety of methods. Interestingly enough I have created a new method based on how I seem to have entered it each time in the past. Here's my current method I used to induce the experience at the beginning of this topic and it worked first attempt :)

Try getting up at 4am then going straight back to bed minutes later and attempt a wild... Don't do it how it's supposed to be done though! Do it wrong! Mentally repeat in your head that "I will pinch my nose upon awakening" and don't move for as long as you can while continuously repeating this.

After 30 minutes to an hour you will become very uncomfortable... Give up! Get angry and disappointed that your incorrectly performed wild attempt failed then roll over and fall asleep. You should have multiple false awakenings once going to sleep again and the idea of performing a reality check during these will be embedded in your mind! That's how I have been doing it in the past without even noticing... a failed wild and heaps of intention = a false awakening!

Anyway I already have planned how I will meet this entity so here is my next plan for you to look forward to:

1. Go to my intercom phone and dial "102" to contact "The Somebody" in unit 2.
2. Ask "The Somebody" to come up the lift into my apartment to meet me.
3. If he refuses to come to me I will use the lift to go down to unit 2 and meet him.
4. Once at the door knock and if I get no response open it then walk in.
5. Ask "The Somebody" for his real name and age.
6. Eject myself from the phase and draw a picture of "The Somebody" upon awakening.

Anyway, hopefully I will be able to get in contact again...
Hi, my name is Philip Adams and I have devoted each year of my life to writing a book researching a different area of astral projection. I make multistep plans while awake and perform them within the astral to discover exactly what is it and how it works. My current books are:

Entering The Phase - A 17-Year-Old's Journey: Exploring a variety of different techniques to enter a non-physical world and confirm its existence.
Phase Acquaintances - An 18-Year-Old's Non-Physical Social Life: Meeting nonphysical people that I have never seen in real life to analyse their behaviour and discover just how "real" they are. (currently being written).
Beyond The Phase - A 19-Year-Old's Unlimited World: Leaving the real time zone/etheric plane to enter higher dimensions such as the astral, mental, buddic, atmic and beyond. (possibly my next book yet not confirmed).

Teenage Phase Adventures: My first 3 books include absolutely everything I experience as well as my simulated projections (dreams of astral projecting) and normal dreams. This book only includes my projections that have consciousness and follow a multistep plan (inserted before each experience). All my fully conscious astral experiences from my first 3 books are included in this one.

Here's a link to where you can download whichever books you're most interested in absolutely free:

QuoteI think you might have met an entity, tho were you only getting words  or where you getting feelings, thoughts and emotions too?

There was a general sense of friendliness in his voice. It almost sounded like it could have been me at 5 years older yet it still had a slight "teenage accent" to it so I am really uncertain. With that said however I only received his voice and each thing he said was something I didn't expect (just like talking on the phone with someone real). Overall I am willing to meet him but I've just got to deal with the elevator/lift problem before I can do that...

QuoteYou can't just have a couple of experiences and come to a scientific conclusion. This takes years to acquire the data. He also proves it can be done, because he has achieved it.

Exactly why I came back to the "Maybe" side of astral projection rather than pinning it directly on the internal experience only... I have this whole year (April 2012 to April 2013) to research phase/astral people just like I had last year to research the existence of the astral/phase itself. Next year it will be another topic based on how I feel at the end of my "phase acquaintances" book. Overall though I am happy that I am experience everything myself rather than reading other people's experiences and thinking "why don't you do this, or do that". It's all up to me now however I still like to hear other people's opinions to my experiences to prevent myself being one sided and open up my mind to greater possibles allowing me not to miss the sutler details.
As most you currently know I've recently started researching astral people/creatures. I actually call them "phase people" and call the astral plane "the phase" to allow me to remain open to both the scientific theory of lucid dreaming and the spiritual theory of astral projection. My first goal was to find an astral person that I had never met in real life. The actual multistep plan of how I was supposed to do this is a little more in depth and I will post a link to it further down the page...

Basically I got into the astral and became conscious instantly chanting my plan out so that I wouldn't forget it. I followed the steps perfectly however I couldn't find anyone in the places I thought they would be. Luckily I got the idea to call another unit number using my apartment's intercom system and someone I had never met before replied once I dialed unit "102". I had a little chat with them (exact wording of conversation in link below) yet they seemed to want to talk later in person rather than over the intercom. It's like they wanted to lead me to unit 102 (the furthest away from my own unit) so that could talk/meet in private.

Anyway here's a direct link to that exact experience (its too long to post here) so you can read what happened word for word:
(I may receive replies on that other forum as well but please note that they may be a little more skeptic/scientific in nature)

What do you all think about this? Do you think he is just a creation of my subconscious mind or do you believe this is a real astral entity willing to meet me. Are they good or bad and why are they seemingly trying to lead me to unit 102 rather than talk to me over the phone? Would you trust him and go meet him or would you avoid him at all costs? He seems friendly enough but I've only heard his voice so I can't personally judge him myself...

There are some other questions under the experience at that link which you are free to answer here as well if you wish. Remember that those are just basic ideas and you can tell me whatever you want to about my experience :)
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Re: Be my freind
April 24, 2012, 20:29:03
Add me on skype: "mr12padams"

Others are free to as well but I prefer msn ""
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Re: Be my freind
April 24, 2012, 03:20:05
You got msn? I would chat with you if you wish :)

This is me and what I do... So your free to ask questions about my experiences:
QuoteIt depends on who you want to prove it to. If proving it to yourself will satisfy you then it might be easier as many of us have had accidental validations

Yep... Its me I am trying to prove it to. But as of now I am a known skeptic and people who know my books know that I don't lie in order to prove false things. I have a reputation for telling the truth and letting others decide for themselves what they think about my experiences (apart from my lucidity... Others seem to be fooled by my some of of simulated phase experiences).

QuoteAnyway if you manage to master astral projection then I suggest that you do more scientific experiments so that you can help to improve science as well.

Oh don't worry about that... These yearly books will only end once I either die of natural causes or something within the phase possesses/kills me. Overall my research will be extremely useful to science once I become an expert over the next 50 years :)