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Messages - alchimiste

To those of you asking about protection in the astral:

The most important aspect is to practise your prefered protection daily or twice daily until it intergrates itself into you and becomes permanent.

for instanse if you do the LBRP as a protection, measure your protection before you do it and after you do it. You can easily do this by using a pendulum and a scale from one to a hundred. ask to be shown your present level of protection then afterwards measure again. It should have increased??!! then ask to be shown your level of permanent integrated protection. you will be surprised at the differences.
Daily practise should slowly increase your permanent integrated protection.

For those of you that do the LBRP, here is a key for you to look for: try doing eight pentagrams instead of four. ie a different pentagram at all the 8 cardinal points (use a pendulum or your intuition to establish their colours and elements) please note that as you evolve the colours and elements change towards the element of pure spirit so keep checking to make sure you are still doing the right ones.

Do this for a while and then measure your protection again. Your permanent integrated protection will have risen dramatically.

And to finish here is a VERY important key for you all!!

Many magical texts explain to alter the starting point of the pentagram if you are banishing or ev/invoking a certain element.

This is complete rubbish..........

The unicursive pentagram is ALWAYS started from the apex (up top) then down right and so on and so is purely your intention that dictates the element and whether it is a banishing pentagram or otherwise.
When you get back up to the top (your starting and sixth point) you still have not finished, (I'm gonna get attacked big time for divulging this bit!!) descend to the middle of the pentagram to create a central (and seventh) point and then push your joined fingers ( or dagger) into the pentagram to activate it. All the lines including the last must be drawn unicursively (in one continuous line)

This is the method that will make your protection REALLY work.

I think thats more than enough to be getting on with for now.

If Adrian wishes to move or make a copy of this post to the magic forum I think it would be very useful.

I know Nita uses a lot of herbs as protection so it would be nice to get a thread going with everyone contributing a herbal protection recipe that all can access to get ideas for their personal & home protection and see which are the best herbs to use.

Well to get things going here's an old sorcery recipe that protects the home and chases away negative vibrations that I know definitely works:

45ml (3 tablespoons) Rosemary
3 bay leaves
15ml (1 tablespoon) Basil
3 Cloves
3 sticks (45ml or 3 tablespoons) Cinnamon

Mix all ingredients with your hands, then add enough water to enable you to simmer the mixture for about 15 mins on a gentle heat. Leave to stand in a glass or clay bowl in your house.
Simmer the mixture once a week, preferably in a glass cooking pot as metal taints the herbs.

I suppose you could place the heated mixture in a glass vial to carry on your person as well as in the house.

Well there you up some recipes


A while back in some thread kakkarot , myself, tyrone and others talked about using magic to change the weather and Kakkarot said he would try to send some snow to tyrone (or something like that)
Well if you want the lowdown on weather manipulation type "haarp" into your search engine and you'll get official haarp sites (we are doing research blah blah blah sites) and you'll get the anti haarp sites (global weather control nightmare blizzard white hell death sites)
It makes for interesting and scary reading.
Post up what you think's conspiricy theory into reality.


Here's an interesting story that I'd like some different views on.
A few years back someone tried to murder me as I was in the process of leaving my body.
It happened like this: I was in bed alongside my wife who was already asleep. After relaxing as usual I was just drifting in that near sleep phase so advantageous to projection and I had that sensation of seeing my bedroom even though I knew my eyes were shut, my astral body released and I was in the process of sitting up when a black figure of a woman jumped upon my chest, placed her hands over my mouth and nose and suffocating me forced me back into my physical body. The suffocating sensation increased rapidly at this point but then an extraordinary thing happened........With what felt like no control from my part, my astral body literally jumped up from its prone position and threw the woman onto the ground (survival instinct perhaps?)

what happened next is the reason for this posting.......Then with me standing over the woman I started to recite a ritual  in a language that was, and still is completely unknown to me whilst making the sign of the cross upon her and other gestures. This person was not my usual astral self but I was conscious that it was me. Was it my higher self, my guide my guardian acting through my astral body? What do you think? After this the woman literally disintegrated before my eyes! All this happened in real time as I looked and saw my wife still asleep with me beside her whilst I dealt with the woman.

What I must say is that this attack came as no surprise as I knew I was under continuous occult/ magic attack for some time and for the previous three days I had been doing a ritual which after the third day would force my attacker to reveal themselves........It obviously worked!!!!
What's more is that my attacker was well known to me, it was my father-in-laws' girlfriend and she has a history in her family of sorcellerie.

Was this my subconscious acting out the act I wished to instigate by performing the ritual or was it a real time astral murder attempt?
I am no stranger to occult/magic attacks and dealing with entities but what perplexes me is the strange use of language and the ritual that my astral self performed.

I have formulated my own views on this but all thoughts are welcome.


Welcome to Psychic and Paranormal! / Magic
December 17, 2003, 16:03:00

He is parasiting the channel you have opened to call down these neg entities into you. You must either protect yourself before you open a channel or you could recite this extreme purification if you sense him laching onto you again.


Recite this as many times as needed and also recite this forty times whilst taking salt baths as it is an extreme purification that works wonders. i use it all the time.

Welcome to Psychic and Paranormal! / Magic
December 17, 2003, 15:37:00


"My atatcker did something to me. What I mean by this is I seen him place his hands in differenmt places in front of me. I also sensed him places his hands behind my back. I was told he had me in a circle. he very well may have done a banishing on me. "

It is very unlikely he would have performed a banishing as this only serves to remove certain influences from the field of operation. IMHO
This may well have been another magical shape used in it's invoking form ie. calling something into or onto you. It could have been the pentagram but more than likely it would have been a planetary entity (negative of course) called onto you by using the hexagram. If you can use a pendulum or know someone that can then you could find this information out and this knowledge will help in countering or removing this "hex".

You are also correct in thinking that No, or little real information is being given to people, and as I explained to you in the mail I sent you, you must remove yourself from the sphere of magical influence by raising your consciousness.

hope this helps

Welcome to Psychic and Paranormal! / Magic
December 11, 2003, 05:27:16

Please do elaborate.
Do you wish to know the implications of the LBRP or are you confusing my reply to you via email or my reply to Enderwiggin on the forums as the reply on the forums doesn't mention the LBRP at all.

EnderWiggin Posted - 25 November 2003 : 18:14:17
hmm... it very well could be. Try using banishing rituals on it. If that doesn't work, you can use a crystal to stab its astral body and shatter it. This will send it to witch heaven and it can't ever come back. Crystals are good because you can use their astral counterparts.

As a premier member people probably read your advice on these forums with a form of respect and relief in answer to thier problems.

With this in mind please stop posting rubbish with no basis of fact whatsoever.........or you may end up in witch heaven.......and never come back![:)]
Welcome to Magic! / Demon visitation
December 01, 2003, 13:15:13
Beware beware beware,

Any Gd ritual will attract the attention of all linked to it's egregore, especially entities that feed off its energy.
The offer of information of the future is a trap and the flattery about your potential and latent energy is also a way of gaining your confidence via your ego.Also the great power within you is what she's called your soul!!
This form of approach is a classic way to get into deep trouble.

You have been warned

Have fun

you have a very good attitude towards magic; To develop your own methods is an important key everyone must learn.

The pentagrams and heptagrams are a good starting point for real evolutory magic and are not just protections. They are the start of the alchemical marriage of the energies and their alter egos.

If you really want to save some souls I would suggest you visit they would surely welcome you with open hearts.
To which "branch" of the Christian faith do you belong?
The hexagram for planetary work is not as effective as the heptagram although you can apply the extra line to all unicursive magical shapes.

The extra point in the pentagram makes a total of 7, in the heptagram it gives a total of 9 (both very magical numbers) yet in the hexagram it gives 8 which is a number that can add to your karma.
The hexagram in my opinion is a trap, although it works, but the heptagram is much better for evolutory magical purposes.

keep it up. Regards

When you do this kind of pentagram using intention as the tool; as you draw the pentagram infront of you towards the appropriate direction simply state outloud or in your mind the following "I hereby banish the element XXXX from this space" or words to this effect. This will back up and confirm your intention. Only use this technique to banish for the moment as you have already found out it is very powerful?!!!

Another important point is that when you activate the pentagram by pushing your fingers into the centre after you have done the last line your fingers or dagger remain there briefly then trace the continuing circle towards the next cardinal point and the next pentagram (this is so as to not break the circle)

As you have just started this technique please only use it with the four pentagrams and in a banishing form as to to add more pentagrams will only attract more attention than you want.

I would be interested to know by how much your protection has increased by using this method, if you can measure it, it would be useful.
Above all keep doing it and you will see results, remain focussed on what you are doing but don't project anything into the ritual (ie your fears, hopes, or the outcome) other than your intention.
I know it sounds a bit contradictory but you mustn't be emotively involved in the ritual but be functional, concentrated and almost clinical.It's Your emotion that attracts the nasty's in the astral so cut out the emotion and you will realise the full benefits of this method.

Good luck Lysear and keep us informed of how you get on.


Welcome to Magic! / Drawbacks of doing magic?
August 11, 2003, 06:26:37
Originally posted by Inguma

What about magick done on yourself then? eg middle pillar.....


As you probably know from some of my posts a while back, I personaly do not advocate the use of the middle pillar as it only really serves to strengthen your "Guardian de Seuil".

As to evolutory magic performed on oneself; This form of magic directly effects ones internal duality and much less the surrounding duality but the laws of karma etc still apply only they usually manifest very quickly, sometimes immediately!! Evolutory Magic like this helps to unload ones karma but it can be quite a bumpy ride and you will experience a rough few weeks or more but it's for a good cause.

I suggest you look at my post on taking the LBRP to the next level for an indication of how to perform basic evolutory magic, it is a good start and will help you much more than the Middle Pillar. Also this pentagram method goes A WHOLE LOT FURTHER than I have yet posted.

Take care

"This is complete rubbish.........."

Ok I'll rephrase that to: it is absolutly unnessessary.

What you must realise is that the real magical keys are NEVER given in books, even the oldest and most respected ones. Real magical knowledge is kept secret and must be either learned for oneself through trial and error or given to you (as I am doing now). When Bardon wrote his book or whomever you wish to quote, have you ever seen them physically do the pentagrams for yourself??......I think not!.....The difference between what is written for the profane and what is actually done by real magiciens is like comparing day with night.

Everything in magic revolves around the visualisation and the intention.
Please try this technique and see for yourself how your protection increases. Of course you are free to do as you books and follow the intruction manual or push yourself to the boundary of magical operation.

Take care.

Welcome to Magic! / Drawbacks of doing magic?
August 09, 2003, 07:19:38
There is no such thing as Harmless magic ALL magic is the manipulation of duality and thus creates Karma (good or bad) and the return effect. You can deflect it to a certain extent (triangular magic) but it comes up and bites ya (or licks ya) sometime.

enjoy yourselves but be prepared to reap what you Sow.

Welcome to Healing discussions! / Q-link
July 01, 2003, 16:24:01
After this last post and another somewhere on this site I am totally deranged but equally sure that you NEG REM 5 work for the military with all the implications that go with it.....!!!!

Quote......"Because if I have any clout with God, which I do. I pray that you do not live very much longer, and that you go to Hell. You messed with the wrong person Alchimiste, now just see what happens in your life from here on out"

I messed with NOBODY!.......Ciao
neg removal5 Posted - 01 July 2003 : 22:11:01
First off, I didn't send that deranged and unbalanced woman above that message. But it sounds like the person who did send it was probably right on track. And in interpreting the message above it doesn't sound like anyone's stalking her, it sounds like the person whoever wrote it is telling her that if there is a God, that he hopes God gives her everything that she deserves. I think the person is right on track there to. Especially if he is someone that might have received a message from her like I did for no justifiable reason at all, and espectially if the person had never said anything about her at all.

Secondly if anyone needs to be kicked off the forum it needs to be goingslow, silva, alchimiste, and Nay.

Look at the message that Nay said before you closed out that thread, and she said all that stuff to me, without me even ever saying one thing against her. If anything, she is the one that is posting abusive messages, and she should be kicked off the site, or at least goingslow or alchimiste as those 2 are the starters of everything from the beginning. If you look at my original posts on this forum, it was all about finding things that could help people who were being attacked by "negs". That's when the pranksters Alchimiste and goingslow started trying to start things.

I would also like to ask, based upon that lovely message that Nay posted on that thread that you closed. Could you also insure that the deranged woman cannot send me any e-mails.

From Subject:  Message from a messenger of God
neg removal5
Active Member

In response to the gentlman known as Neg removal 5 and to Nay I would like to publish on this very public forum the private message I too recieved obviously condemming me to the same fate.

Don't worry Nay you are going down on......sorry with me (sexist joke just to ease our decsent into the firey pits!!!!)

87 Posts
 Sent - 01 July 2003 :  21:32:39        

I'm tired of messing around with you. I've now only got one thing left to say to you. You better hope that you are one of the biggest repenters in the world. Because if I have any clout with God, which I do. I pray that you do not live very much longer, and that you go to Hell. You messed with the wrong person Alchimiste, now just see what happens in your life from here on out. You are about to find out if there is really a God or not. And you thought you couldn't find the answer to that question. The answer to that question is going to find you sooner than you think. And I for one votes that he takes you down. You can try pulling all your stunts on him if you like, because soon enough you are going to encounter him, and he is going to deal with you. Count on it!

Have a good day


neg removal5 Posted - 01 June 2003 : 03:00:16
message elsewhere

PickaBoo[:I][:I] are you playing hide and seek[?]
Welcome to Astral Chat! / Topic changed
July 01, 2003, 03:01:11
To whom it may concern,

I'm impressed NR5, you edit your initial post, including the title, then delete all your responses to those replies thus removing all evidence of your rampant crusade so that you appear to all casual forum readers as a victim.
You have obviously read your Su Sung.

Question......were your friends possessed during a military campaign?

Remember you can edit all your texts but I'll still be here.[^]
To whom it may concern,

You have a very interesting technique, although somewhat counterproductive, of re-editing your initial texts many days if not a week or so after your initial posting. Although this bumps your topic up the readers board it cuts others off from the THREAD of the topic and any support or advice from forum users will be hard for them to post, unless that is they are all mindreaders like you[B)]

To change the subject and get back to the point of all your posts I have a question...this godforesaken city as you so call it, is it on the mainland USA or in a foreign country?.......also were these entities just picked up or were they sent by a third party?  ie. could this be a curse?

I look forward to your informative reply, that is if you can bare to put down your copy of "Guns and Ammo" or are to busy thinking up other rich uses of the English language with which to insult the female members of this forum.

Oh btw I suggest you get a Roget's Thesaurus as it will add much more colour to your barrack room Khaki or your Desert Cammo beige vocabulary.

You can run but you can't hide[;)]
To whom it may concern,

As far as I'm aware this is a public forum and I'll reply to whomever I wish.[:D]

ps. How are your two friends doing?[?]

You sure shoot 'em down in style big man!..... and you said I was insulting and agressive?....go for it cowboy!