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Messages - daem0n

note: i'm not the person i was before, so don't judge me by me earlier posts

the meditations on that site are linked to negative aspects, irrespective of the understanding and balance of the practicioner
the degree of interaction depends on the individual, however the interaction takes place
if infusion of your other bodies with negatively charged presence is what you wish, so be it
if you are skillful enough to disconnect before infusion and just focus on the techniques, so be it
either way, you won't avoid touching it

if what you speak comes from experience and understanding
if it is just knowledge from education, mind the potential risk of your assumption for you and others reading your post
Welcome to News and Media! / Disclosure project
April 27, 2007, 17:52:11
here's a link to a press conference witness testimony about government possessing extra terrestial technology including anti-gravity propulsion etc

and link to the organization's home page
i only practice prayer resulting in energy work performed on me by higher entities and order forces in the name of Jesus, or evoke angels and saints to help me as i am instructed
i wonder how many times i have to repeat it:
- i wasnt christian when i practised this meditation
- i wasnt christian when i started getting psychic attack
- i wasnt christian when i distinguished energy signatures of the attackers belonging to the energies i invoked during the meditations
- i turned christian to beat them out, after trying MANY things, many energies, many "benelovent" entities
- i turned christian because of immense hate they put in me against the Church, deducting its their real enemy
- i s u f f e r e d much from them
- i didnt fear them, ever, if anything, i fear for my relatives who started to suffer just as me
- i meditate average 6 hours everyday for 3 years straight, with little brakes, i undertook the meditations 2.5 half years ago and had time to think it through, believe me

as for subconscious, it belongs to so-called body knowledge, it doesnt speak in words, just in memories
however as u observe urself u can start to associate the memories, thoughts and emotions to your language, by trial and error by all means

the problem is consciousness has much more limited channel of information, so to translate u'd need to sieve the information into trains of thoughts associated with things that interest u, then associate the recieved info to ur learned knowledge (not in-born)

with time u learn to associate little conscious information to a set of subconscious memories and actions, and then use them as a guideline to interpret larger chunks of ur memory/higher senses,

u dont know what u are doing at that point, but u remember u have consciously grasped what u are doing ealier, and can recall that information if needed to update it

like u get an idea from higher being and set it in ur subconscious, seeing if ur subconscious learned something against it, when u recieve the objection u follow the set of learned patterns to core idea, usually associated with attachment to in-born knowledge u learned to interpret unproperly

as for higher self/etc, u hear a voice in ur head/during projection,feel energy, its loving etc but u never know what it is
u can just stick to energies that make u better, so to say, i have no idea with whom i am doing what, i just know they respond to certain prayers and i feel better and learn important things for my life

the title was most powerful meditation i have tried for a year or so
just because i joined Church it doesnt mean i forgot my knowledge, or stopped thinking
i also learned that whether u see something as good or flawed doesn't mean anything aside u are good and see flaw, or u are flawed and see good, or u are flawed and see flaw
i cannot stress that enough, and wont argue any of Church's standpoints, since i partially disagree with some of them still

however, Jesus heals, and promotes love and compassion (my perception)
Satan is a leech, i tried fighting Satan before i joined church out of helplessness

about the "bad thing" u can find the quote that the meditations are filled with satanic energy, which is in no way neutral to you, and may also have it's own agenda, theoretically (or practically in my and Caco's case), these are common meditations, but what matters is, what was the source of knowledge and energy associated
rosary means invoking force of Mary, to which Satan/related energies react violently

at the time i was responding i didn't have accurate knowledge of terms, by possesion i meant opening of oneself, ones mind, emotions,soul and energy body to demonic manipulation (think inserted emotions, thoughts, leeching, etheric devices etc, the things negs work hard to be able to do)

and just because i state truths associated with Church, it doesn't mean i have flawed religious standpoint, i simply state the truth
whether the forces are belonging to Mary, Jesus etc is an open debate, there are no doubts that they work

PS Caco u may wish to buy the book since it's so good
i've used to do the ascendpress meditation etc, but found them a fake (i mean i got energy and cleansing, but no symptoms of ascension)
or i am direct descendant of the annanuki (innana line from what i found out at that time) and thus i am prohibited from any ascension attempt
however the thoughtforms mentioned and language of light carry certain ideas that can be read on many levels, and are widening consciousness
just don't make them a part of yourself, they are hard to remove
just a facet of truth
Quote from: daem0ni am afraid of dying, and then dying again in the astral
catholicism has established good power sources and support community (i mean in the astral)
got it !!!
when i was 6 years old i have fallen of the ramp to the garage on my head, almost died (2 cm away from template), lost my sight for 24 hours
this is the day when i started to fear, especially darkness, i only remember going in a car, feeling wet and warm and seeing nothing, then fainted
not anymore, thank you really really really much
i am going hunting  :twisted:  :twisted:  :twisted:
i am afraid of dying, and then dying again in the astral
catholicism has established good power sources and support community (i mean in the astral)
i needed it to come out of the depression/possesion, and learned a lot about non-attachment from it (giving yourself to God, while we are all one, is a good way to hike up, especially if most of your traumas are about being controlled, i had really rough time with this)
i never considered the teachings of the Church the real deal, but prayers .. definitely, they raised my consciousness immensly
after husband of a friend of mine got cardial arrest during demonic attack, and the rest of the family was vomiting and fainting all over the place, i find it reasonable to assume, that there are things beyond me
your advice is true, and helped me move beyond myself, but it is not do all end all in this world, sadly

i am going through something similiar right now
i didn't have any nighmares for a long time, they stopped as i started to become empowered in my dreams, only one maybe a month ago, but i woke up and beat the intruder
it's just when i stand in the dark room, and my astral sight starts kicking in and i start to see shapes (faintly), my subcon brings every scariest thing they can look like
just balls of energy though, 2 days ago i managed to sit and watch swirling violet-black-yellow-green mist on my arm sprouting 2 metres high from it
with physical eyes
i also do not like to stare into mirrors in the darkness, especially if they are made into portals and i can sense things on the other side

overcoming each of those, since i can sense and feel higher presence around me protecting me, and as i am nurtured and energy flows through crown i grow stronger and can take on bigger things (conversion to catholicism, prayer and higher guidance, altough the dogma is :roll::lol:)
i'm interested, thank you

i agree with general thought, but some of the sensations i experienced were off the mark, in peculiar situations to say at least
the "my negs" part was purely grammar, i mentioned in previous post that i understood my subcon was creating most of it as a distraction, and i am finishing with it altogether
still, in some cases negs are real deal
not mine anymore
i find that being everything doesn't solve any problem, i merged with the universe 1.5 half year ago (i mean i experienced in my body everything as though it were my body)
the presence of entities tends to drain you and causes other detrimental effects, that's why i want to them to disappear
i love them if my anger doesn't flare

you have one aspect of truth
i was reacting because some of my "negs" were excuse not to change myself
but, some things i met were causing big disturbances for no apparent reason
and i can clairvoyantly (i mean with my physical eyes, not 3 eye screen whatever) see them
i love you :D
i ask you to forgive my irrespectible behaviour
in the end, it's all good and it's needed
thank you
well, i meant i had a VERY precise and alien urge to not post it which originated outside of my mind, the fact that i am meditating and observing my own reactions for 2 years straight makes it even harder for me to distinguish such (and yes, i had my own doubts about posting this, quite different from the one i mentioned, interesting ..)

the construct is working, but i doubt it will make any difference
if you do not know what astral construct is, check here:

i'd love to know your opinion about voodoo :)
and do you believe in astral plane, Nay ? nah
surely if there is whole physical universe, there is whole astral universe, not that hard to imagine, is it ? and since there is no real space there .. yeah, not that hard to imagine at all .. oh, forgot earth is only planet with intelligent lifeforms in the whole universe .. is it ? OR YOU DON'T KNOW ?
and stop being so toxic, your despise, pity, smirking, everything is just so so .. overwhelming, now as before
do negs exist ? nay

oversimplified and thus false
and just because you love someone it doesn't mean he/she/it disappears, right ? even in the astral


about the poll, there are 4 options
alienated aspects of oneself
brain dysfunction
independent entities

+ don't believe in it ;)
it is interesting, i am christian and yesterday talked with a priest about deceased souls staying on earth and interacting with the living

he said it is common, there are people visited in dreams and after they pray or hold mass in the intention of the deceased the contact stops, the souls take care of the living the same as the living take care of the souls

that's why christians pray for people in purgatory, so i understand that according to Church some planes can be associated with purgatory, as well as heaven and hell (eternal damnation is sheduled during the end of time, not right after death btw)

although from what i read here it wasn't you usual run-of-the-mill priest ;)
oh well, some can't be helped

there are activities that are prohibited for good reason though, i find developing psychic abilities, magic etc one of them, if you refine your consciousness and Love they develop naturaly, people training them just for the sake of it or curiosity are hurting themselves IMHO, if they would be ready they would have them without any training, not mentioning attachement problems and a bunch of other stuff you notice until it is too late, the solution being Love, as usual

i find Church, after i got over my misunderstanding and oppresion i felt, freeing, and developing my ability to Love
this is not about "doing it", but noticing subtle (or not so subtle) sensations during it, if you experience negative symptoms while you feel fine before and after it something is up
i guess it's time for my big time favourite, it will cleanse and remove everything when prayed consistently:
(no need to associate with any religion, although you're asking a favour)

I take on the power of the Resurrected Christ against every attack of Satan aimed at me,
and in the Name of Jesus I break every generational or personal dominion of spirits,
Who torment me or my generation.
I put on the helm of salvation and the armor of justice,
I belt myself with truth and shod myself with good news about peace.
I accept the shield of faith and sword of Spirit, which is the Word of God.
In the name of Jesus Christ, using the power owned by me,
I bind you Satan and you, unclean spirits
In earth, air, water, fire, atmosphere and hell,
And in all satanic forces of nature.
I forbid you any communication or ties with me, I reject you totally.
In the Name Father, and Son, and Holy Spirit,
I bind and repel every spirit not coming from Jesus Christ,
And I command you to leave me, my beloved, and my possesions.
I bind and break all satanic offerings, curses,
Markings, enchantments, sorcery, and everything of like nature,
And all diseases brought on me and my family
By whichever messenger or brought by our own faults and sins.
In the Name of Jesus Christ I bind all spirits of North, South, East and West,
And all other evil spirits
Attempting to influence members, functioning and property of our community.
Dear Lord, send your angels to these territories,
To lead your people back to You.
Immaculate Mary, clothe me in light, power and strengh of Your Faith.
Father, send your angels and saints to aid me.
I ask my Guardian Angel to protect me from sin.
I thank you Jesus for being my wisdom,
My justice, my holiness, and my redemption.
I dedicate myself to serving the Holy Spirit.
Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.
As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen

St. Michael, the Archangel, defend us in battle
Be our protection against the wickedness
And snares of the devil;
May God rebuke him, we humbly pray,
And thou, O Prince of heavenly host,
By the power of God,
Thrust into hell Satan and all evil spirits
Who wander through the world for the ruin of souls.
:) suit yourself, i take you don't understand what rosary is ?

it creates a bond that acts as a back door if the force behind meditation wishes to use it
what i suffered because of that connection:
energy drain
corruption of psychic abilities (they are partially working, but in a peculiar and distorted way that additionally sends energy through that connection)
presence of not so benelovent entities within my mind and energy body brainwashing and partially controlling me for quite a long time
and they still have some influence on me, slowly regaining from it
With all due respect, i have not written my post just for fun or out of delusion,
neither Caco changed the first post.  
If you did this meditation and chanted (or if you haven't noticed invoked), you need help, NOW. Find someone not over the net, but in your vicinity, who is a  p r o f e s s i o n a l. Just as the rest of you who feel "fine".

Do a rosary and check if you feel sick, nervous or want to throw up, if so, you're possesed, sorry.
it depends what you define by success :) i had my results too
oh, Father Satans Follower, he won't let you go if you decide to love and be conscious, let alone powerful
first i would ask you to change the topic to don't do this meditation
i've been dealing with loads of different entities and systematically penetrated, up until i converted to christianity and started to recieve help of higher beings, which in time got rid of "lower level" beings infiltrating me

i did a rendez-vous of all my occult activity and been instructed to "close the doors" so to say from each stupid move, and redo each and every one of them, and been sieving increasingly more powerful entities (their influence on me, they have loads of humans they harvest from, not really sitting in one of them), that's how i got to the time when i started doing this meditations

funnily enough the first night after chanting them (1.5 year ago) i dreamed about goat headed being levitating with large upside-down pentagram in the background, but dismissed it as just being scared of the site or something ..
the chakra the meditation is done on is opened to influence involuntarily, you wonder why the 3 eye is the first one ..
some of them i recall safe (won't tell which one for obvious reasons), but i am not looking back on that site, ever
the only way to get rid of it is to brake the bond with the power of a higher being more powerful then them (higher spiritual authority), in my case it was Jesus Christ, but it took some months, and will take some years to fully clean this up, because the beings in question are partially merged with parts of my unconsciousness, and i need to make them conscious to cast them out - or archangel Michael will weaken them enough for banishing, whichever comes first
no, i was calling myself silly
as i said, they are duped, learning them from this site creates bond, it did in my case, not because of their text, but energy attached to it
in addition to that one of the "priests" who left the group claimed that using them from this site sends energy to energy vortex Maxime uses, there is a link around here, Caco posted there so ask him
when you use channeled knowledge found in new age or twinked meditations on JOS (improved with help of thoth etc), bear in mind that using it has it's price, one i am not willing to pay for
yes, i tried, no, i weren't
i looked at them as another way of moving energy, not asking Satan nor any demon for help, certainly not making any bond
silly ..
using satanic meditations opens yourself to satan, demonic influence and possesion
even though they use other sources, they are contaminated
i used them, and i regret it, the influence may not be immediately felt, but slowly builds up, to manifest months later
don't do it

(i turned christian because anything else i tried couldn't get rid of this s h i t, finally found God, Love and true self, for a bit of preaching ;) )
Welcome to Magic! / Great Books!
January 04, 2006, 17:02:28