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Messages - t49

why are ignorant people allowed on this forum?
bet they all think that I mean the other posters.
can anyone provide links to quality info on psychic vampires?

tried search engines,but they are overloaded with junk.

Welcome to Energy Body and The Chakras / batteries
September 03, 2004, 22:23:16
Originally posted by saraufo

 This happened shortly after a UFO-thing.

come on tell us more  ...  please!

My english is kind of stumbling. Frustrates me, hope it is understandable despite this...  

... ain't nuttin' wrong wit yer english. better 'n mine,and it's the only language I know.

Tap into the cold water supply line beneath a sink,and run the drain end back to the trap under the sink.Drill into the trap either above,or below the "U" shaped trap,as there is always water in there.The water is there to trap the sewer gases,and keep them from coming into the house.

For the supply line: Special "taps" are available that clamp around a pipe,and pierce it,so that no cutting or soldering is required.They have built in shut off. If you have a furnace with a humidifier,look at the water supply connection.

You wont even need a drill. The tap will tap it's own hole,and for the return,you can drive a screw through the pipe,and then remove it. Seal around the return line with putty,or chewing gum.

Welcome to Quantum Physics! / Dr. Hameroff
August 12, 2004, 13:49:12
Originally posted by Rastus
... it's just a control interface?)

me thinks Rastus is smarter than all those people who have an entire alphabet after their names.
Hi Peter!
check out

Originally posted by Moonburn33

yay tool
i hope that those sites are informative enough... i haven't seen much better than that.

Yes,they are. I bookmarked them. Saved me a lot of searching.
Meant it when I said thanks. Was poking a little fun with "(I think)"

Think my housemate is psychic vampire. She astral projects,but doesn't know it. Doesn't believe in this stuff. Represses emotion,and will not express opinions or make decisions. At least not on a conscious level.Has been this way all her life.There's more,a lot more,but am way behind in my work,and can't type worth a damn.Will post on my site soon,and provide link.

Thanks all,
The spirit that,is controlling your pendulum,is jerking you around.You got off easy.Always weave test questions into your list to help you to gauge the potential accuracy of the answers.

Also,much of the information posted in this,and probably all threads and forums,including others on the net,is incomplete,or inaccurate,and is based on the beliefs and/or experiences of the poster.


thanks ( I think )
a little more info might help. maybe we can see things that you can't.
PM me if you like.
how old are you,and your husband?
how long married?
like your jobs,and co-workers?
had a vacation lately? take 3. 1 together,and 1 each separately.
home life? like your apt/house/city?


Also: did you contact Rachel?
got anything in a 42 Tall?
blue would be nice.
oh,and extra thick socks,and earmuffs,if you please.
Covered my bed with garlic,and the little *&^%$#@! went for my ears.

As long as I can keep my sense of humour,I should be able to keep the little *&^%$#@! from puting me in the nut house.

Hi Eric!
ammonia is pretty wicked stuff.
how do you use it?
do you just put some in a saucer,and then close the door for a while?
Hi Debora!

a couple of links for you  Tell Rachel Tom says "Hi!"

started this over an hour ago. don't know if anyone else has responded.

re:people getting sick and dying
this is what people do,especially if they are over 40

re: marriage failing
7 years seems to be the average life expectancy of a marriage.
many don't even get that far.

...  on that happy note,I think I'll stop typing.

I'd suggest that you load your printer with paper,and start printing,and reading. Also spend a few days reading the posts on this forum.
People will help you,if you try to help yourself first.
Many here have been into this stuff for years,and are still searching and learning.So don't expect to learn everything in a few days.
It's quite a journey.
Enjoy the ride.

neg = astral lowlife,or sometimes just an energy leech
demon = lowest of the low. a real badass mother .....

see articles:

Astral Beings & Wildlife

Basic Psychic Countermeasures

I was planning on writing an article or two,for one of my sites,but there is so much going on that I've decided to build a separate site,and keep a log there.

I should have something online by Wed. Aug 4.
Don't go there just yet,as I just took a page from another site,chopped the content off,leaving just an ad,and posted it.

I am not having fun. Everything that I try,seems to work for only a day or two.


P.S.:  Mathias,
How are things going for you?
Originally posted by runlola
take a picture through the microscope?
wonder what kind of microscope would I need?
is this going to be really expensive?

even a kids' microscope will do.
to take pics,you will need a SLR ( single lense reflex ) camera.
if you need to buy a microscope,wait until Sears brings out their xmas catalogue. they've had some neat microscopes in there in the past.
i.e.: a scope with a magnifying screen. get one of those,and you can use any kind of camera to take a pic of the screen,instead of having to make an adaptor to connect to scope. they had another model that plugged into your computer.  ...  and this stuff was for KIDS!!!

Originally posted by GANAMOHA

whats a neg cause i think i know what they are las night my pillows started pushing upwards then i thought really hard what was happening and it stop

guess we all thought that someone else would answer.
you've probably figured it out by now,that they are bad ( negative ) spirits. mine aren't mean,not counting the discomfort that they cause,just hungry for energy.  ...  after reading some of the other posts,guess I should consider myself lucky.


P.S.: how are you and your pillow getting along?
I would like to photograph the morning after neg water. Does anyone know how to photograph ice crystals...what kind of stuff would I need? thanks!

- microscope
- glass slides
- walk in freezer ...  make friends with local butcher [:D]
a chest type freezer will do. that's the one with a door that opens upwards. you'll have to stick your head in it  ...  nothing personal [:D]

prepare slides: clean with alcohol.put drop of water on one piece of glass,and cover with 2nd piece of glass. leave in freezer.
microscope should also be in freezer,or heat from room temperature microscope will melt ice sample. wear gloves to protect sample from body heat.walk into,or stick head into,freezer to view.

be sure to take pics,and post here.

link was posted,by Paulusz,on first page of this thread.
Guess you missed it!
if someone had told me all of this stuff a few years ago,I would have laughed in their face.
I worry about all of the people who have no one to turn to for help.

properly charged  ?????????????

cast a 6 point ward ??
as in just stand there,and draw imaginary 6 point shape around bed,by pointing and thinking about same?

salt circle:
must be a particular thickness, and/or unbroken?
large bed in small room [room would be larger,if bed where smaller. at least haven't lost sense of humour.]
o.k. to sprinkle salt over edges of bed,so that it lands on floor?
line would be uneven and broken,but a humanoid would still consider it a line/circle/rectangle.

tried saucer of salt,with a side of rosemary.
had a quieter night.
invisible munchkins arrived as soon as I hit the sack,but where fewer and less annoying.
Thanks all!
Think I'll pass.
I have enough problems now.
Thanks for info.