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Messages - majic

an nice OBE this morning.
Relaxing and letting any body feelings just come and go as I do. A few minutes and I dropped into the quiet spot in my mind and felt my hands start to heat up and vibrate. I relaxed into this and the feeling spread to my complete body. I just waited and accepted all these feelings, very soon I had slipped out and was standing in my room. I dont try to open my eyes in these easy exits as the internal senses are not fully engaged and to force sight will open my real eyes and I will lose the state. Next its a walk across the room and out the glass doors.

All up only a few minutes from attempt to out and away
Welcome to Dreams! / DJ - crunch crunch
January 29, 2015, 00:45:53
Relaxing and looking at the darkness, a small wisp of energy float out and somehow I am just there, only lasts a few moments as I start to think about how and what just happened.

This was interesting as in amongst the darkness and waiting for the usual images and feelings this thread or energy is there. Its no more that what would be a cup of water thrown into the air and I am attracted to it in some way, in an instant I am lucid and puzzled. So fast and so easy I did not comprehend the jump. One more piece of the puzzle to ponder

In a big room, massive glass windows and a lot of big pc screens in front of me. I am In my virtual trading room where I want to practise a few ideas and sort some issues. I am happy getting on with it and know I am lucid but make no effort to RC.
A DC wanders up to me and says he is there for the exam. Great and he is keenly watching me, I tell him we are dreaming and he is interested and I put my fingers through my hand and then into my head and wiggle them around a bit. The DC then does the same with his fingers and next puts his thumb in his mouth. Crunch, crunch he bits his thumb off, pulls his hand out and watches it grow back. Now it's his fingers, again some wicked crunching sounds and he pulls out his hand and watches the fingers grow back.
A decent lucid after this but not important.

Interesting that in the last few months the DC's are accepting they are lucid and have no problems with RC's and are enjoying the experience. I wonder if it runs with my goals of easy natural WILD's and me becoming more accepting of anything I find in the dreamspace and that lucid's are in my mind totally natural and meant to be
Welcome to Astral Consciousness! / Re: CWILD
July 21, 2012, 23:05:28
Been away from this forum for a bit so late reply.  You are both right and I wonder if the coffee helps much or if is a placebo effect that builds expectation and that is the key
Welcome to Astral Consciousness! / CWILD
July 04, 2012, 16:11:56
Coffee induced LD

I got up in the early hours and had a cup of coffee and it worked a treat for a WILD.  I was up for about about 30 minutes after drinking the coffee and then back to bed.  The HI imagery was very strong and very alive in the way the images were acting and reacting and I felt quite calm and relaxed which surprised me. The transition during the WILD was very smooth and I went from LD to awake and back 3 times with ease. I was really impressed with how well it worked and will try it again. I had also had 4 or 5 cups during the day and the last one about 10 hours before CWILD
try sleeping in a different position, they used to happen to me a lot but nearly always when I was on my back or else if I was to cold and I think the cold used to bring me close to waking and cause awareness in the dream that at that time I did not know how to control.  If you do feel this coming on move a body part, it can be as simple as a toe and this will break the effect. It sounds like sleep paralysis so Google this as well

nice link - thanks
I am new to this board, experienced and what I am trying to do for now is find my way around the site. Its a good site with a lot of depth  but what I cant do just now is find a place to put a stake in the ground and start adding to the mix. I am a moderator on another site and the biggest contributor so no issues about asking or answering, I am looking for a starting point. I wonder if there are few others like this, I dont want to rush in and just make noise I want to add to the color and depth of the site so am slowly looking around and getting a feel of what is here.

So far all of my lucid s seem to happen in real time, I will be doing something and it will one for one with clock time or if its abstract I maintain a good sense of time so that I know in the lucid that I have been in that state for x amount of time and I am normally correct to within a few minutes
And no speed so we are going nowhere either, this must make it the perfect place
Breaking the fear is the way forward, I had some blocks that took years to get past but its always worth it and the scary stuff in whatever form in my mind wont appear until you ready to challenge and move forward. There are barriers from physical fear to beliefs at every stage so enjoy them and use them to grow.
If you term astral also as lucid dream with full awareness then longest is clock time of around 2 hours and plenty around 30 to 90 minutes. I am confident of this as entry was by WILD and it appeared unbroken until I chose to exit and could look at the time.
Welcome to Members Introductions! / Re: Hi
May 30, 2012, 00:00:12
Thanks everyone, its a big board and not sure where I can contribute yet but working my way through the mass of info that lives here.

yes and thanks, I have done all of these many times over a lot of years but so often see the states micro managed to meet some belief system and so its nice to get some idea of how they are defined. I treat it in a simple way and If I am fully lucid, that is stable and with full recall of external events and the level of control I expect then the states all come together and I dont even have a label for them as I am now at a starting place and  I just get on with whatever I want to do or have a look around and see what comes my way.
I am always a bit lost with interpreting dreams as first up I think we dont recall all of them and so might not get the relevant ones and secondly I recall 4 to 6 a night  in detail and on a mega night I have had up to 13 dreams written down. This is after 2 or 3 times of having woken. Most these will be very vivid and bordering on lucid or at times lucid so I would have no idea on where to start with trying to understand them.
I have read the FAQ so hope I am not asking something that I should have read but can you define the what is an OBE in your stats please If I am incorrect in what I am thinking. It gets confusing with a lot of different information and sometimes the boundaries get managed to distortion and its hard to know what anyone really means.

Dream to OBE ? Is this from what you call level 2 to void and from here it is an OBE
False Awakening ? anything after a FA is considered an OBE for example I have a FA and then get up walk through a wall and it is now an OBE
Conscious? as in a WILD to Lucid or the use of an energy body from fully awake and aware to up and walk away
Welcome to Members Introductions! / Hi
May 27, 2012, 20:41:28
Hi to everyone here, I have about 30 years  experience as a  Lucid dreamer/OOB and whatever other terms can be used to describe these adventures into consciousnesses and having read the FAQ anm exited at the thought of being a part of this community and extending my understanding in the subject areas.
