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Welcome to Astral Chat! / Re: UNDER 18 AP goers
April 21, 2013, 18:26:41
I'm 16. I've been interested in philosophical matters since I was 14, and more specifically spiritual ones (including NDEs and OBEs) since I was 15.
I'm 16, and for several years probably my greatest fear has been demonic entities. Whenever I see movies or TV shows about them, or even just about ghosts, it bothers me to an extreme level. It feels like it bothers me more than it would normally bother people.

I saw a movie called "the devil inside" when I was 15 that was probably the most disturbing and horrific thing I've ever watched, and I've seen a lot of extremely violent movies, such as saving private ryan. The movie was about devil possession and looked like it was filmed in the vatican. It also claimed to be a true story. I know it's most likely entirely fake, but that doesn't bring me any comfort. I was in shock for awhile by the time the movie was over, and even now, awhile later, it can still bother me a lot when I think about it. It's just implanted this fear in my mind. Like, I can't look at pictures of the vatican, or priests in black robes, or even read the word vatican without some amount of this fear resurfacing in my mind. I remember once I was watching something about the vatican either on the news or on the internet and suddenly I just felt filled with terror and I had to go do something else because even that reminded me of the traumatic effect that movie had on my mind.

And yeah, I know it's "just a movie." It's "not real." That doesn't bring me any comfort, because I believe spirits exist. I've had several experiences during my life involving out of body phenomena and other general spiritual/paranormal phenomena. I know spirits are real. So what if that means all those horrible things I saw in those countless movies and tv shows are real, too? Or at the very least, possible? What if it happens to me?

I used to be a Christian. After doing a lot of reading on the internet about near-death experiences and out of body experiences I decided that I wasn't a Christian anymore, and instead believed in a non-religious spirituality centered around research conclusions about NDEs, as well as some other phenomena such as OBEs. But seeing stuff like that movie terrifies me, makes me think what if I was wrong not to be a Christian anymore, and all that devil stuff is real, and I'll end up with them in hell when I die because of it. That's one of my greatest fears, if not my very greatest fear.

I also saw a tv show more recently that were about real paranormal testimonies. Some of the stuff was just horrific. Crucifixes disappearing from above doorways, a woman being raped by an invisible hand, and all sorts of garbage that I really don't want to think about at all. What does any of that even mean? Why does stuff like that happen? Is it "demons"? Do demons even exist? Are these just angry spirits? I don't understand, and I'm afraid, and both of those facts combine to make me even more afraid.

So, this is my question to all of you, as I know most of you have probably had far more experience with OBEs than I have. What is actually out there? Is there anything I need to be so upset and afraid about? These matters about demons just really get to me, sometimes I even cry about it. I don't know why it upsets me so much. What should I do to conquer these fears?

I really want to learn how to have OBEs, but my fear stops me. Even if demons don't exist, and all of those things in the tv shows were just angry/misguided spirits, I've read in an online OBE book that my own fear could manifest what I'm afraid of. In other words, if I have an OBE and I think I'm going to be attacked by an army of demons, that's exactly what'll happen. And I'm worried it'll happen even if I'm not thinking that on a conscious level, but somewhere in my brain. I want to have OBEs, but I just can't because of this fear, so I need to get rid of this fear, but how? How do I get rid of this fear? Is there anything at all I actually need to be afraid of?

Quote from: KyleVonGore on May 29, 2012, 16:54:28
well it seems as if you projected but not fully, one thing about astral projection that i've learned is that you're always going to need to have a relaxed state of mind. You can be so close to going there and then you get worked up and then..well epic fail! Its good you used the self hypnosis technique (correct me if thats not what its called) by affirmating those statements to yourself, but try to make it more short and straight to the point next time. Also, do it while your breathing excercises so it gives you something to concentrate on, but don't strain it in. You don't want to work your mind up.

Getting to exiting your physical body part.. Thats where i take you got a bit worked up, try to be more relaxed next time and strenghthen the vibrations more and give it time (like 5min or so) to lett your body get the hang of it. A good way to make the vibrations stronger for me is to think some sound similare to it, like pushing down on the accelerator in a car or just simply focus on making it stronger. And after a while you'll eventualy exit, if not. I'm sure you know the exit methods.

Hope i helped, well in some way.. :-)
Remember, intent is the key to sucessful projections.

Thank you very much! This post has helped me a lot.  :-D
Hi, I'm 15 years old and trying to learn how to astral project. I have had some experiences in the past related to AP, but if what happened to me yesterday was a legitimate AP experience, then it is the coolest one that I am able to actually remember. Could you more experienced astral projectors please tell me if this was an AP or pre-AP experience, and if it was, what exactly happened? Thank you very much.

I had just finished watching a movie on the Sci-Fi channel, and I decided to take a nap on my couch. While I was there, I decided to try to astral project. I didn't remember all of the recommended steps in detail to accomplish that, but I remembered some stuff. First I did this relaxation technique where you clench and unclench your muscles starting at your head and ending at your feet; the act of the muscles unclenching is supposed to make them more relaxed then they originally were. In addition was a really important part. I said to myself five times "I will remember", and then I said to myself five times "I will remember everything about my astral projection experience that is beneficial for my spiritual growth and development". I also stated my purpose to myself of that particular astral projection journey, which was to learn how to be more kind to people. Next, I did the deep breathing exercises. I breathed in slowly for five seconds, and then breathed out for five seconds. Eventually, I would breath in slowly for five seconds, breath out slowly for five seconds, hold my breath for five seconds, then repeat the process. A tiny bit later, I started increasing the period of time I held my breath. I don't remember how much I ended up extending the time, I think to maybe seven seconds or so of holding my breath. Now, here's the really cool part. I had fallen asleep, but I didn't know that I had fallen asleep. In fact, I didn't know that I had fallen asleep until I had woken up. Now, to describe the setting, I was on the couch in the living room, and my dad was sitting in a chair a bit ahead of me and watching TV. When I had fallen asleep, everything looked really similar (though there were HUGE differences that I didn't realize until I had woken up). The first thing I saw after I had fallen asleep was the door with the window in it in my living room. One of the covers on the window was missing while I was in this state. Somehow, my perception just shifted right over to the window without me actually moving at all, and I saw these strange shapes floating outside the window. Except, I couldn't really see them, because the white cover was still there on the window, so I only saw the outlines. I remember I had the feeling that these shapes somehow constituted a face, that someone was standing there outside the door. I wasn't really scared, though. Then, my perception shifted back to my body. Then, I almost astral projected. I heard the vibrations in my ears and felt it in my body, which is a harmless symptom, according to what I read, of being about to astral project. However, I haven't really done this before (and remembered most of it), so I was doing it wrong, lol. You're supposed to let your astral body lift out of your physical body evenly, but my astral feet went up into the air, kind of turning me upside down. It was scary so I forced myself to wake up, but once I woke up I wasn't scared because I was able to realize what had happened, and it was wonderful. I'm going to be trying again today. Also, what happened reminded me of some dreams that I have had, but it was really nothing like a dream. Astral projection also explains some strange stuff that has happened to me in the past, too.