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Messages - Cylentpanthur

Welcome to Integral Philosophy! / Evolution
November 21, 2002, 18:53:54
Before I begin, I will say that this post, though written as truth and belief, is only speculation. I am still discovering and deciding just what I believe, and I don't think I will ever finish, but on the way there things will change. So if this post does not agree with previous and future posts, this is the reason why.
I believe human beings are evolving. I believe that there is one great truth that is seen by all but through filters so that they can understand. I believe this truth involves energy. Its manipulation and creation. When people pray, or believe in something, or have faith, things happen not through the grace of God, or some higher being, but through their own doing. These actions focus and project a powerful energy that can be felt and shared by others. I believe religion is a filter for understanding the truth. It provides methods of manipulating energy that is easier to understand. Primitive peoples lived in a world of only the earth and it's awesome forces, so this is what they worshipped. Gods that embodied what they wanted and needed. Rain, crops, fertility, strength. Once man had begun to master the earth they turned to a more abstract "god" embodying what they wanted to achieve. Perfection, rulership over all things, all knowledge. I believe we have come to the end of the second evolution, and that we have begun another. We have lost the need for another filter. More and more people are leaving traditional religions, or modifying them. I believe we are coming to a time when we will believe in ourselves. Where we no longer need abstract concepts to believe in and worship. A time where we create our own existence. They tell you that the common man only uses 10% of his brain. I believe that capacity is increasing, and that none of us can imagine what could be done with more. I believe that mankind can become everything our gods are and more.

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Welcome to Astral Chat! / God Bless America
September 02, 2002, 11:38:14
I'm sure you're all aware of the fact that September 11th is again creeping up on us. And I was wondering where people were when they first heard the news. I was a senior in high school last year, and my first period was my English class. I walked into the usually noisy busy classroom, and it was perfectly quiet. At this point, only the first tower had been hit. We sat and watched all period as the second tower, then the Pentagon were hit, and then as the towers began collapsing. It was a memorable day.

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Hello everyone, I'm new to this whole thing, and new to NEW as well, so I figured a good start would be to introduce myself. I'm a month away from being 18, I live in Utah, and I work as a stage hand at several theaters around the area. I've been slowly introduced to energy and that sort of thing through two friends of mine, one of whom gave me Robert's book to read. I'm just beginning the exercises and exploring the possibilities. I would ask if you have any advice to give, stories to tell, questions to ask. I like to talk to people who are interested in the same things I am. Thanks.

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I grew up Mormon, left it two and a half years ago, returned five months ago, and have since left it again. I will say that the Mormon religion has a lot going for it. The idea that we could be rewarded with Godhood after a faithful life appealed to me. There is a lot of love and peace in those who follow mormonism. But one of the guys I worked with started telling me one day about all of the "proof" he had that Joseph Smith could never have been a prophet. I took some of this back to my friends in the church, who all had agruements proving his "proof" to be false. This got me thinking. You really find what you go looking for. If you want the proof of something's falseness, you can find it, just as you can find proof of its truth. This made me question the very nature of organized religion. It seemed too internal to me to be dictated by all of the rules and standards that I didn't agree with, but followed because my religion dictated it. If religion is internal, the best we can do is follow the internal dictates of our own soul, and this is what I have resolved to do.

Welcome to Astral Chat! / We Look to Christ
November 20, 2002, 21:27:14
First of all, I have to say that this kind of discussion facinates me, and I love the fact that I can come here to find it. Being still young as I am, it's difficult to start these kind of things among my friends, seeing as death, God, and the afterlife are not common topics. I wonder some times why topics such as these cause such heated duscussions. Even here, where they are thankfully civilized and people do not resort to name calling, conversations on these topics are very active. My position on these things is difficult at best. I am not religious, but I do consider myself a spiritual person. I grew up mormon, and tried wiccan for a short while. I suppose my ultimate question is what people think is the "trunk", to refer to blossom's post. What drives us to find God, or Bhudda, or the Goddess, or something higher? Why do we have such a need to connect to something greater than ourselves? I don't know exactly what I'm trying to ask, but this is a start. I don't know if I should start another thread, but the people that have been talking on this one seem the kind of people who could form some sort of answer. Thank you.

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Welcome to Astral Chat! / Survey....
November 20, 2002, 20:53:00
Good luck with that.

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Welcome to Astral Chat! / subject
November 13, 2002, 12:49:19
It is now 12:46 pm. I'm at home, just had breakfast (yes I got up late), and decided to check in here and see what was up. The subject of the thread just caught my attention and I felt I had to post. It called to me.

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Welcome to Astral Chat! / Survey....
November 11, 2002, 10:12:43
1. Are you male of female?

2. What race do you associate yourself with, if any?
White. American. The ultimate mutt.

3. What is your favorite color?
Purple, does it show?

4. Favorite type of music (and group if you have a specific favorite)?
I like a lot of things. I don't really go for country, or rap, or screaming. At the point that you start screaming, I don't think it's music any more, then it's just noise.

5. Favorite kind of films (ie. drama, action, documentary)? Do you have a specific favorite?
This is another one that I really can't say. I like a lot of movies, and I don't really have a favorite. I'm really looking foreward to Harry Potter, and LOTR though.

6. Do you read often, sometimes or never?
Fairly often. Less than when I was little.

7. If you enjoy reading, what kind of books do you like?
Fantasy, fiction, sci fi. Well written non fiction. Text books are the beign of my existence.

8. Do you like television? Do you watch often?
I like it when it has a point, or just makes me laugh, but I don't really watch TV.

9. How do you feel about the media?
I'm pretty apathetic. I think it could greatly improve, but, like politics, it's never going to happen.

10. Do you consider youself open minded?

11. Are you an extrovert or an introvert? Neither?
A little of both.

12. How do you feel about capitalism?
It's not something I've paid much attention to. I'm working on it.

13. Do you feel racism is a big problem still?
In some areas. Generally, no, but there are place and circles where it still festers along with the rest of general intolerance for anything different.

14. What is your favorite type of food (general, ie. Italian and/or specific, ie. lasagna)?
Food. I like food.

15. Do you believe in God (ie. intelligent design of the universe)?
God, no, intellegent design, sort of. I'm still working on that one too.

16. Do you believe in evolution?
Yes. Physical and mental.

17. Do you enjoy watching sports?
Depends on who I'm with.

18. How do you feel about homosexuality?
The same way I feel about heterosexuality. It's there. I'm not, but if you want to be that's fine. I don't understand what the big deal is.

19. Is society better today then 200 years ago?
That's one of those questions that really doesn't have a straight answer.

20. If you had one wish, what would it be?
That humankind would learn respect.

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Welcome to Metaphysics! / is god in star wars?
November 11, 2002, 09:58:15
I read about a woman author who wrote a book just to write it, but people who read it thought it had some ultimate deep meaning. People were constantly asking her what it was and she would just tell them that there wasn't one. I kind of see Star Wars the same way. It's a good set of movies, but that's all it is. I know people who argue over this point or that point, or this after story in such and such a book...  If nothing else, I think Lucas should be proud to have made such an impact on or society. Or the rest of us should feel dumb for taking it so far. Either way. And in my personal opinion, special is just a nice word for expensive.

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I definately think it should be Postmaster General. LOL

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Welcome to Astral Chat! / Kinda Quiet Lately
September 29, 2002, 22:01:31
I've been busy working, and working at a local haunted house. Anyone in the Salt Lake, Utah area should check out the Rocky Point Haunted House. This season has been really good, and it's going really well.

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Originally posted by liefmichael:
the thing is, if we asked anyone who was actually involved in the *alleged* (lol) moon landing if it actually occured and they said yes... of course they are lying because its one big conspiracy and if they said no... it proves everything.  ...  I can't remember which one it was, which proves it doesn't exist :)

Somehow I don't follow the logic in either of these statements. What would be the point in asking if they had gone if you've already decided that they didn't. If you won't accept a "yes" answer, then you're no longer asking a question.
And the second statement! Does this mean everything you forget now no longer exists? My question is, if it works like that, does something not exist until you "remember" it, or does it just disappear after you forget?
If you could explain, that'd be nice. Thanks.

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I believe that is just your firewall being screwy. I know there are some blocking programs out there that search for certain words, things like that, and while we had one on my computer I couldn't get to the Sesame Street website. :oP I clicked on the link I posted to see if it took me somewhere funky, but it took me to the website I wanted. It's actually written by some conspiracy theorists who believe that we did land on the moon, and the cover up is what they found there, not that they never went. This website and the link at the bottom of the page refute just about all of the reasons people have to think that they never went, and presents a few reasons as to why they think NASA is covering up what they found there. Personally, I think conspiracy theorists just have too much time on their hands in general, but this website at least sounds well researched. But then again, you never know.

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#14 This is a website I found that, if nothing else sounds well reasearched and thought out. It actually answers several of the questions/problems looked at here. It doesn't, however mention the "speed up the film thing" but if you've studied reduced gravity at all this one is easily explained. The moon has roughly 1/6th the Earth's gravity, which means, if you wanted to, you could leap six times higher there than here using the same amount of push. But I know I wouldn't want to. This is where the difference in weight and mass comes in to play. Though you WEIGH less on the moon, your MASS stays the same. Go outside and jump as high as you can and have someone measure it for you. Now find something that is six times higher than that and jump off of it. It hurts. You wouldn't hit as hard on the moon, but it's still not pleasant. Now, step out of the pain part and just go to the fact that you can now jump six times what you're used to. I know it would freak me out. You're on a different planet, with rapidly deteriorating bone mass, the distance between you and help is now measured in the hundred THOUSAND miles, and you know that it's now that much easier to break a bone. Let's think about this. Jump high, break a bone, get screwed, or, take little bunny hops and spend the rest of your moon trip functioning. Not a hard decicion I think.

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I unfortunately don't have any advice to give, but I just wanted to say thanks for posting the thread. I'm working on a book as well that I think will be good. I haven't got a lot of it down yet, but I've got a lot in my head. And I would like it to be published some day, so reading this stuff helps.

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I think I'm the odd one out in this conversation. I've kept a fairly regular journal for about two and a half years now. I just use plain old lined paper notebooks, and I write just about everything in them but my dreams. I just can't get in the habit of writing my dreams down. But I write everything else. Events of the day, hopes, poetry, bits and pieces of my book, everything I can imagine, but my dreams. I'm trying to get going on it though, I don't really remember them if I don't write them down, and I start remembering dreams easier if I'm writing them down every morning.

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Welcome to Out of Body Experiences! / ..
July 18, 2002, 22:34:26
I think the problem with our world is that if there was a war that left in unihabitable, it would leave a LOT of the population dead with it. We just have to hope that man remains sane enough not to let that happen. Lord help us all.

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On the whole subject of overwhelming feelings of wrongness. I have several friends who deal a lot with the energy and intuition aspect of things, and they've been helping me through things. The other day, I went to bed, and couldn't sleep. I was sure someone was going to die, or something just awful was about to happen. I talked to a friend about it, and he said he'd gone through several bouts of the same thing. He said as you grow and become more sensitive to the energy around you, this is simply your body getting used to it.

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Welcome to Astral Chat! / THIS MAKES ME SAD
July 12, 2002, 12:09:47
I too, want to add one personal point on this topic (or off-topic as the case may be). I believe it is a parent's responsibility if their child gets ahold of a gun and shoots someone. Keeping them under lock and key and telling the kids "Don't touch" is the wrong approach. Families that own a gun should be required to take their children out and teach them how to use it properly, and then be shown what happens when something is shot. Shoot a soda can or something, and show them the damage that is done. Children don't understand "don't" but they understand what they see. If a child knows how to use a gun and the damage it can do, it no longer becomes a curiosity and a toy. Many lives will be saved.

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Welcome to Astral Chat! / Screen Names
July 09, 2002, 23:11:14
Mine comes from a sword fighting class that I take. 15th century broadsword. No it's not the SCA for any who were wondering. Everyone in the class recieves a fighting name that they are known by in the clan, and I requested something with a cat in it. I am very much a cat person. Some will tell you I'm a human cat. I used go by Tigeress, but Tiger had been taken, so I was given Silent Panther, and I modified the spelling. The oddest thing is that the new spelling matches my name numerology wise. But anyway, that's the story of my name. I use it pretty much everywhere, and I haven't ever seen it used by anyone else, so I think I've got this one covered.

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Welcome to Astral Chat! / "Guess Who's Back"
July 06, 2002, 23:56:24
If you're a jazz fan you picked the wrong time to come to Utah. You should have been here this weekend. Lots of really great music, and great musicians. Freddy Cole, Spanky Wilson, Big Bad Voodoo Daddy, The Great Basin Street Band. Yummy. If anyone wants to check it out go to

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Welcome to Astral Chat! / Our Favorite Quotes
July 02, 2002, 22:48:54
I think this is appropriate to the people who inhabit this little community in cyberspace.

It is a serious thing to live in a society of possible gods and goddesses; to remember that the dullest and most uninteresting person you talk to may one day be a creature which you would be strongly tempted to worship... or else a horror and a corruption such as you now meet, if at all, only in a nightmare. All day long we are, in some degree, helping each other to one or the other of these destinations.

There are no ordinary people. You have never walked with or talked to a mere mortal...

It is immortals with whom we joke with, work with, marry, snub, or exploit.


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Welcome to Astral Chat! / What Dreams May Come
July 02, 2002, 22:32:52

Now that I remember it, I thought the whole soulmates thing was really interesting to me. The idea that being soulmates did not necissarily mean being lovers as a male/female unit. I thought it was interesting that they had shared other roles throughout their lives together. And I just said interesting a lot." border=0>

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Here's the kitty cat on her soap box again. The US has several good reasons for not joining the international court. One of which being that it's not constitutional. The Constitution states that the highest court in the land is the Supreme Court and no other. Joining the IC puts it higher than our own. The reason the US has pulled out of Bosnia is not in retaliation of anything. The US asked for immunity from the IC so that it could continue it's peacekeeping efforts without having to fear procecution at every call of "human rights violation." Because anytime it's called, founded or unfounded, our people would have to stand trial from a power we don't recognize. Because we were not granted that immunity, the US has pulled out to protect it's own people. And it's not all of the UN nations. There are several who have not ratified the court, and several who have, are not a member of the UN. Before you form an opinion, read all sides of the story, and remember that everyone writing those stories has their own bias. Don't believe everything you read.

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Welcome to Astral Chat! / THIS MAKES ME SAD
July 02, 2002, 00:55:11
"Goverment and Religion are in fact exactly the same thing; just two ways of controling people, ..."
That may be what government is now, but that's not what it was created to be. The American public has forgotten who holds the power in our nation. Not the government, not the officials, US! Sadly it is a truth not soon remembered.

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