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Messages - Chawp

Quote from: CaCoDeMoN
As to the "silly war on terrorism", just which terrorist attacks did you happen to miss out on the past few years....or the past ten for that matter? Pick a continent, you will be able to read up on all of them. These are the same folks that behead people and kill children in schools. Just because it hasn't happened in Warsaw, doesn't mean it won't.
I know that it could also happen in Warsaw, because there are our troops in Iraq. I've said that war with terrorism is silly, because much more people died in US attacks on terrorist sponsoring countries, than in terrorist attacks. Why lives of Iraq/Afghanistan civilians are worth less than lives of Americans? This war with terrorism is mostly about controlling people with fear to support Bush's crusade.

That seems to be the idea right there.  I haven't been able to understand it, 3,000+ people die here and how many have to die over there?  Are we getting silly again or have we never stopped?   Some americans are so hyped up that they never, never pay attention to the civilian casualties over there.   All we care about is the boys that got sent off to this slaughter.  And slaughter they did,  not exactly hard to go get Saddam out of there.  Now we just have this 'new' problem of the muslims we ticked off.  I'm sure to a lot of people we're still the white devil from the crusades.  Now I get to the point where I want to type more, but I'm actually afraid to in fear that this post would throw up a red flag.  Our federal government has become it's own entity that is big, hungry, and powerful.  If it were a creature,  imagine big, scary, and a lot of heads.  I won't vote for Bush, I don't like Kerry either,  but my choice is taken away.  If I vote for anyone else, it just makes it a better chance for Bush to win.  I think more partys should have a chance.  Then again, I think that the biggest elections should be the state election.  Trying to fit the whole nation's interests and views under one platform isn't going to work.  That's why the southern states wanted to get out, the views of the federal government didn't fit their own.  I just think the federal government should just be there to watch the states to make sure they don't let their people starve and cruel stuff that humans are capable of.  Also to interact with other nations on trade policys, and some non-war diplomatic stuff.  Plus provide presense for defense on the mainland.  Who knows, maybe I'm weird.

P.S.  First post.  introduction where it needs to be when I'm not so tired.

Edit: His name was Ross Perot.  I wonder what happened to him.