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Messages - Amadeus82

Welcome to Astral Consciousness! / My methods
June 15, 2005, 04:43:26
i have a method(1st) that i tried last night it worked and for the first time in ages of trying to project or lucid dream i projected through out the night.

1st method.
just concentrate on your breathing and relax,  on the out breath, exhale sharply out through the nose like you are blowing snot out of your nose and every time you do this imagine yourself jumping out of your body and affirm i leave my body or the likes of.

2nd method
is energy bouncing or awareness bouncing, years ago this is how i mainly projected. concentrate on your breath till relax,  imagine a ball bouncing up and down through your energy centres, starting from the solar plexus on the in breath bring the ball up to the head or third eye, on the out breath down to the feet or earth chakra.
once you get it flowing easily through your body, just extend it further and further past your head and feet.  and imagine the ball bouncing faster and faster.

just imagine and feel that you shrink on the out breath on the inhale imagine feel your body expanding.
Welcome to Out of Body Experiences! / Plant?
May 24, 2005, 05:14:25
check this out for all your info that its pretty much needed.

its a very mild drug that taste really bitter,  one has to be willing to achieve or ready to explore the dream state before use and understand how dream state works  before taking it.
i did a healing for my auntie last night who has just overcome cancer plus has many other probs as well,  but today i just feel run down, tired and depressed.  how can i shake the negativity after healing or stop negativity attaching while i am healing?

any tips would be great

#4 or you might be able to find it on a P2P sharing program.
i just started on wave 1 this afternoon listened to orientation and intro to focus 10 for the first time.  was wondering how often to listen to these tracks? it just seemed too easy but was in a pretty deep state at the same time do i move on or listen to it again?
nope, there is only sarcasm if you interpret it to be that way.
if you feel the need to share
anybody know of good hypnosis files or Cd's to achieve astral projection?
because of all the techniques of AP led me to OOBE.  and i have found that when i OOBE and if i can get away i can either go into LD or AP but not the other way around.  this is just a personal opinion. and have never experience of going from ld or ap into oobe
i had an experience this afternoon.  didn't know if it was LD or AP.  but that doesn't worry me.  
i felt me leaving my body.  but when i was out everything still had a physical diamension and i couldn't see, everything was black so i had to feel myself way around.  i was still in my room and going walking around my house.  
kept getting zapped back into my body and my eyes were already open but couldn't move or i think my physical eyes were open.
so i projected again this time everything i saw was blurry as.  then zapped back into my body. it seems to happen about ever 15 to 20 minutes.  but after that i changed the scenery and everything became clear but still had physical diamension,  felt a little slow and sluggish.

anything i can do to prevent being zapped back into my body??
to make my vision more clear?
and to release the mentallity of the physical diamension to everything??
Welcome to Psychic and Paranormal! / hey ya
November 15, 2004, 23:35:19
i have a bit of experience of AP, LD, and OOBE but they all are so similar how do you really tell the difference? and i have mostly experienced these things spontaneously.
when i try to project consciously, i can shift my consciousness outside of my body and in a deeply relaxed state. also have very little physical feeling.  but can't get that little further to project fully.

would love some help..any suggestions???