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Messages - voyager13

Energy work has a lot to do with "normal" breathing. I think chakra breathing should involve normal breathing as well.

I look at people like Christopher Hyatt who smoked and drank lots of alcohol and ask myself: "how high his vibrations really were?" And if his vibrations weren't that high, could he call himself a magickian?   

By the way, the title says: "the importance of 'air power' like fuel".
What do you utilize to manifest? Visualization?
How can you talk about the power of breathing when you're a smoker?
I really like your website. Thanks for all of your efforts.

What is your source for different frequencies associated with different states?
Quote from: Xanth on July 18, 2012, 16:48:30
My understanding is that Meditation is the practice of focusing your consciousness towards a single Intent... then holding that focus for extended periods of time.

"Focusing your consciousness towards a single Intent" is called concentration not meditation. Meditation is about observing everything that is going on (without judging), I think.
I thought maybe I need to increase the lucidity level.
Last night I had a lucid dream by Wake Back To Bed (WBTB) Method. I didn't plan for it, it was because of a freaking mosquito which forced me get out of the bed and chase it for maybe 40 minutes. I didn't intend to have a lucid dream either, just a thought passed through my mind that it is possible to have one under those conditions.

Any way, my lucid dreams always start with feeling that I'm separating from my body; I never find myself all of a sudden in the middle of a scene or something; and after separation I'm dragged while flying. In other words, I'm not totally in control, but I can think of different places and more often than not I pop there (the scene changes). It's very annoying; I don't want to fly all the time.

What can I do to stop / control this forced flying?   
Pauli, after reading this topic and commenting on it last night (my time), I had a lucid dream this morning and remembered your post in the dream. So I looked at my hands and I could see them. I rubbed them together while being forced to fly and it increased my lucidity and I got more control of my flight. I think I did it more than once, and the second time it prevented ending my lucid dream. It was the first time I was using this method. It was cool!
When you are programming yourself before going to bed, look at your hands and say to yourself: "I see my hands. Am I dreaming? This can be a dream, yeah. This is a dream ...." And add emotions to it (feeling happy and having a sensation of achievement, but not too much excitement). Emotion is what makes your programing work.
Quote from: Doobie on July 27, 2012, 21:33:03

Well, I purchased his product, found it full of platitudes easily gleaned from cursory reading of other people's experiences. I seriously tried his technique, but found his blatant self-promotion to be getting in my way. Easy fix: I returned the product, and my money was returned without argument, as advertised. That was fair... buyer beware! As adults we're responsible.
My own custom program program using Bruce, Raduga, and Monroe with a smattering of Xanth's phasing tips has succeeded beyond my hopes and wishes. The key is persistence, intent, and belief, IMHO. If Steve Jones' aggressive schtick doesn't impact your progress, more power to it. My very first OBE occurred 40 years ago after reading Casteneda, and was powered by intent... and his was a work of fiction! My focus drifted, I joined the rat race, and that was that for a few decades. But, as Fast Eddy said in "The Color of Money", I'm back! So, everyone please get over yourselves, lighten up, and enjoy the ride... there's even room for a few quacks!

That's why I started this thread, to warn people about a dubious "teacher", and to emphasize that although some are going to get desired results from his products (since binaural beats, etc. will work regardless), that doesn't necessarily mean that the source is credible.

Some people had amazing experience based on Carlos Castaneda's teachings as well. And exactly because they got some results, they assumed that everything he was saying was right, even the women who were closed to him (known to the followers as The Witches) killed themselves after his death to join him on the other side. But later on it became evident to all that the con artist, Carlos Castaneda, pulled the information from different books and sold it to the world, claiming that they were teachings of Don Juan, a character who never existed. So, the reasoning which goes like: the teachings were more or less effective, so who cares about the creadibility of the source, can be dangerous. Just look at how Castaneda misused his power and what he did to The Witches (sleeping with them at the same time, etc). He was a greedy man, capable of telling good stories and attracting the gullible, so is Steve G. Jones.

Be aware of this school of thought in the New Age movement which says: if the information resonates with you take it, no matter what the source. I would add this to it: take the information but before fully investigating the source, don't attach to it for more.
Quote from: Xanth on July 22, 2012, 11:14:14
I doubt I could remember to do it.
I've got more than enough goals to keep me busy for a long while with the very short time available to me in the non-physical.  LOL

I guess I'll just add it to the end of the list.  :)

Seriously, what is more important than understanding transformation and conquering matter in this physical reality? I believe we came here to do these things, not just explore other dimensions. If the latter was the case, we wouldn't need to come here and then "get out of the body" with so much difficulty. Maybe I just can't think of some other worthy goals to achieve by phasing. Any ideas?
Hi Szaxx,

Could you tell me the name of the Sylvan Muldoon's method? Or what page of Sylvan Muldoon's book is this method on?

I read your Influence link; it was interesting. What you actually did, was not moving the wardrobe, but moving yourself to a parallel reality where wardrobe was in a different location. That's actually how all movements occur, according to the channeled entity, Bashar:
Link 1:
Link 2:   
Ryan, you should try it next time you're phasing!
Have you ever changed a core belief during a lucid dream or a  phasing or OBE experience, when you have direct access to the subconscious mind?

To the best of my understanding, magick comes down to planting the seed of your intention in the subconscious mind during an altered state of consciousness. Have you ever done it while phasing, for example?

Have you ever manifested something in your physical reality by thinking about and visualizing the outcome while out of body?

Please share with us your experiences and/or ideas about these.
Pauli2, good links! Thank you!
Thanks, Barnowl!  :-)
Szaxx, nice post! lol

Thank you, guys. Your answers were helpful.
This is from Wikipedia (

"In 2002, a University of Virginia presentation at the Society for Psychophysiologial Research demonstrated that EEG changes did not occur when the standard electromagnetic headphones of Monroe's setup were replaced by air conduction headphones connected to a remote transducer by rubber tubes, suggesting that the basis for the entrainment effects is electromagnetic rather than acoustical in nature."

Unfortunately, it is not referenced.

What type of headphones do you use? Do you get good results with small noise-isolating earphones?   
They're not "some Brits", they are Australian!  :-)

I have his program too. I didn't pay for it, I downloaded it for free. Since he seems just a salesman to me, I didn't feel bad doing it. There are some misleading information in that program as well; for example, he talks about Kundalini and says releasing it is very easy and there is no danger involved apart from keeping you up at night,... . I've heard different stories about Kundalini from many people who practice Yoga. I think he got all the ideas about energy work in his AP program from Robert Bruce.

Just because one can get some results out of his program doesn't mean he is not a snake oil salesman. The information in the program is not his anyway. At the end of the day, what actually brings about the results is your commitment, as you said.     
He claims to be able to astral project easily, but I'm watching his videos on Youtube and it seems he doesn't have a clue what the actual experience is like. I think he is just good at collecting information and packaging them nicely. That's how he's become a millionaire.

It's funny: he has a video in which he talks about finding one's soulmate using astral projection ( and then he was on Millionaire Matchmaker (

In another video, he claims that a girl who never had AP before, experiences it through hypnosis, live on camera. ( I think the girl was not even hypnotized, she was licking her lips just before opening her eyes. And when you have your first AP, is that the reaction you're going to have? This is ridiculous. I should say, when I was a teenager, I was very much into hypnosis and one time I hypnotized my sister and induced an OBE. When the session was over, she was very excited and described feeling vibrations and going out of her body. So I'm not saying it is not possible to do it this way, but I feel something is fishy about this guy.

Thank you Grey!

This website is so huge I'm almost lost! I'm navigating different posts any chance I get. Talk to you soon.
Haters gonna' hate.  :roll:

I can't believe Frank made up all those awesome posts over the years and had no original experience. I think everybody would agree that he was smart. If he wanted to scam people, he could have found more efficient ways.  :wink:
Can he be contacted in any ways?
BlueHalcyon and NoY!  :-D
Thank you Lionheart and Szaxx!  :-)