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Messages - katieknowledge

During a conversation with one in a dream (2010) I asked it if it would leave me alone. It said "No". I asked it to leave my daughter alone ..same answer. We talked about some other things as I tried to figure out if he was real. I felt I faced my fear during that experience and came to the conclusion that alien beings are real and reside in the astral. I had not until now considered aliens might be something more. They could be my interpretation of the dead, demons, and anything else I am not able to confront. Possibly insecurities or my character flaws. Before I posted I reread my dream journal. In most dreams I only ever (actually pretty irrationally) fear they want to hunt me with out any real evidence they are coming for me. Last night I was convinced they were in my garage but I never saw the
facesor bodies of who was in the garage. I didn't realize this until
I wrote it down and when I slammed the garage door closed and turned around for another conventional exit being new to this I can't help but wonder if that person standing there was to help me realize I didn't need to use the door but I was so worried it was an alien I woke up. I never saw this beings body or face because I wouldn't allow myself to look .
I have an intense fear preventing my progress and I don't know where to turn. Every time I believe I'm out of body I spend the whole experience running from aliens that are not there. It would be extremely helpful if some one would share about this subject. Aliens. Are these beings part of the out of body experience only because I'm terrified they are? Sometimes the beings are there. The more I wake up the faster they appear, or rather the panic and fear of them appears each time. I've only experienced them a few times. Is my fear manifesting into this form or are there other kinds of beings in the OBE? I guess the real question I'm asking is unanswerable. (?) Ill ask anyway. When we have the out of body experience is it in our mind or do we actually go some where?
 :? As silly as it sounds to dream of super stars, when my cat came in the room this morning I got up out of bed to shut the door completely jazzed because I KNEW I had just had lunch with (insert super star). Some clothes hanging on the door gave me some trouble getting the door closed but I pushed them aside and managed. I noticed the cat meowing loudly as it did circles around a column/pillar next to the bed. I don't have any clothes hanging on the door and I don't have a column/pillar in my bedroom. I'm still asleep! very exciting. I felt cold and afraid and wanted to immediately write down the information given to me over my lunch date before I could forget it. Was this the wrong choice? Who's to say? How reliable are messages given from the experience? This message seems like it will be beneficial later in future experiences. It came with a diagram.

 :lol: I was leaning towards instability, its been a rough year. I just spent the last hour and a half reading about the medication I take and its effect on my dreams.  :-D I thought I was having a spiritual awakening ha! I only have had my dose increased and this med is known for vivid and Lucid dreams. :cry: at least I'm experiencing a fun side effect. perhaps ill have something interesting to share if I obe/ap/ld while hooked up for my video my quest for sanity..regards
I have been keeping a dream journal since the start of this year. I've noticed a few common themes. most of my dreams are dark and twisted resembling something akin to Tim Burtons movies. The places I see should of been drawn by the hands of Salvador Dali or M.C. Esher. I'm practicing telling myself if I see something that scares me to send out an S.O.S. then tell it you are scary, you are scaring me right now but you can't scare me for ever now you have to leave. Any opinions about why my dreams are so sick? I'd love for them to be beautiful. right now they are hauntingly beautiful with every other one containing a psycho. I know I'm on the cusp but it seems dangerous in my mind/out there :) one night I knew I was dreaming and I saw some eerie rotating interlocking shapes moving through a dark pink sky. I wanted to memorize the shapes as evidence of what I do not know but who ever was with me warned against this strongly as if I was a stupid child. about to burn my hand on the fire. I was told to only look but do not memorize. I may remember but do not call attention to us. Then I suddenly felt through intuition that these were locks and by memorizing or concentrating on them that was the key. I did not want to open this door  it went to some kind of Hell.
its super hard to edit this box from my phone  :oops: :-P
I read around here somewhere that you have all your senses during an OBE. Is this true? I am recently noticing more and more smells in my dreams. Could this mean I'm becoming more aware and am on my way? lately I'm more aware I'm dreaming. I know I'm dreaming. last week when a man tried to sexually assault me in a dream I said to myself "I  need a weapon" although I only thought up a serrated grapefruit spoon the fact remains I thought it consciously while dreaming. Since I conjured such a
meager weapon I then proceeded to
problem solve how to most effectively use my weapon and told this man I
would extract his eyes ..he
simply walked away. Does any of this
sound like I'm closing the deal? :)  Also I have been woken by this vibration but I'm scared of it so I always turn over or
sit up but ah, for what ever reason very
recently I decided to just relax and when
it was over the sun was up. The sun
shouldn't of been up. I had just opened
my eyes and it was dark. I rolled over
and saw a newspaper on the floor. I
decided to think it into my hands. It's my
dream I can do what I want right? I was
absolutely shocked when it rose from
the ground. While I was busy trying to
figure out my new wizard powers I heard
a voice inside my head. The voice was
my daughters saying some men we're
approaching wearing backwards jackets.
It was at this time I noticed she was in
bed with me. I knew she was physically
but had forgot in the dream. I don't
remember much else but in the morning
I asked my daughterif she dreamed of mommy and she said yes and a floating newspaper and some men. What category does this fall under?
Welcome to Metaphysics! / Re: Tiny White Lights
April 03, 2012, 23:26:55
honey comb pointillism
yes. I'm the only one who feels the vibrating. no one can see me shaking. I've read other posts here and went through a period were I did what another person did, ran to check if there had just been an earthquake.
I'd like to add more. I believe these symptoms of vibrations are not seizure related because they always occur during sleep or concentration. The last one I had two nights ago while sleeping I rolled over and saw a newspaper on my floor. I decided to lift it with thought. To my surprise it moved off the ground and began floating. Is this astral travel/OBE? Still unsure if I'm insane. kind regards.
I'm not expecting many to have much more than general knowledge on seizures. I have Epilepsy. I am hoping you are going to tell me all about astral projection and OBEs. 3 Neurologists have been baffled by my vibrating laughed. One sent me to mental health. I'm beginning to believe this is not seizure related and directly related to the out of body experience. My question is then: Has or does anyone reading know about vibrating foreheads /chests ? in my quest for sanity, kind regards.